It was ordered chaos at the casino as the local authorities and the Feds showed up to take possession of the Alliance and helpers. Medical personal arrived to start treatment for the hostages and personal from Warehouse X had shown up to reclaim their stolen property. The League arrived shortly afterwards having, with the help of the Birds of Prey, dealt with the decoys and hurried to see how Young Justice to perform on their first solo mission in a long time. It seemed their fears had been unfounded. The team had accomplished all their goals without a single fatality.

Because of the added risk of be recognized by their friends/classmates, Green Lantern JR had green rinsed all of them before hand, which also came in handy against bad guys. Artemis was assisting him, along with his dad and uncle, with pulling the bad guys out of the pocket dimension and loading them into the vans. She gave Sportsmaster a cold look before turning her face away. She was done with him. He may have been her father, but she had a dad who loved her very much. Green Lantern JR gave her shoulder a squeeze letting her know it was going to be okay.

The others were scattered about doing similar tasks. Miss Martian was working with the genomorphs to wipe the memories of the entire Project so no one would attempt to repeat it. The Bat family was triple checking to make sure the data was gone and the tech was beyond repair. Fate's Dagger was making sure the rogue scientists didn't escape while Aqualad was handing over evidence and giving statements about what was going on. Some members of the Justice League were busy loading the medical equipment, while the rest of Young Justice carefully freed the hostages from the biopods so they could receive treatment from Hawklady and the doctors.

"Take it easy, that's right, the mixture of gases used in the biopod might have disoriented you. You'll be light headed for awhile, but I assure you that safe now," Wonder Girl told two kids. She opened another pod and hesitantly held out her hand. "Are you alright Miss?"

"F major, what is going on? My head hurts and I feel so weak," Odette melismatic weakly. She weakly tried sit up only to lie back down again. "What the music? Where am I and what's going on? Who are you?"

"Wonder Girl is my name and you're in Las Vegas. You were kidnapped as part of plot to give a new lease on life to some dangerous men and women. Your okay now, don't worry. Your family has been notified and you'll be reunited with them soon. Right now we need to get you checked out by some medics so let me help you miss."

"Do I know you? You seem familiar, but I can't quite place you."

"I have one of those faces and the gases are still playing tricks with your mind. Let me help you to see the doctor."

"Wait up WG, I've got another one for the doctors to see. The treatments these kids received to prep their bodies for that so called surgery seems to have left this kid in semi bad shape," Kid Flash called out as he zoomed over. In his arms was Illan and he did appear quite pale and having a difficult time speaking. "When will the Light's legacy stop hurting people?"

"I'm, cough, and cough, not that bad, cough, Kid Flash. I can….walk really." Illan gasped. He started hacking up a storm and shivered slightly.

"No way, you're not in any condition to move. Your body chemistry is seriously out of whack. You need some electrolytes and meds to stabilize you before you think about walking."

"To think I'm... still…getting…tutored….in chemistry… after all," Illan joked, as the two teen heroes deposited their charges on stretchers to be checked out. Both he and Odette would be okay after a little rest and medication.

Huntsmark and Superboy hovered anxiously as their best friends were examined. Both Eunice and Chad had IV lines in their arms and were being given brain scans to make sure there wasn't any damage. All four teens waited with baited breath hoping it was good news.

"What's the verdict doctor? Will I be able to draw again or should I apply for sainthood?" Eunice demanded.

"The two of you are both in remarkable health, all things considered. Our scans show no lasting damage to your brains and your bodies seem to be recovering nicely. A few days rest and you'll both be back to normal," the doctor stated entelechy.

"Thank goodness for small miracles. My parents are going to kill me though when they see me. How many times have they told me to be careful about free offers anywhere? They're going to be so disappointed in me," Chad said sadly, thinking of the people he'd let down.

"I'm sure your folks will just be glad that you're alive Ch, I mean, young man. After all, had the Alliance's plan worked they would have lost you three times. Your kidnapping, the death of you in another body, and then having your old one running away," Superboy pointed. Chad seemed to contemplate what he said relaxing a little bit.

"I just can't believe that my Dad's Conspiracy belief wasn't more paranoia for once. Then again, considering who developed this cocky minded stupid, procedure should I have doubted it in the first place?" Huntsmark asked her brother. He shrugged turning his attention back to the two teens.

"You reminded me of my friend, but she's more playful then you and actually has a whole face ugh," Eunice said before the world got all wobbly. Huntsmark moved to help her, but that's when her communicator chirped. She glanced down at the screen seeing the text. It was time for their debriefing. "We have to go check in with the League, but your ordeal is over for now. Please get some rest."

"Cough, will do," Eunice said before relaxing. The two young heroes made their way over to the League. Both were nervous, especially Superboy. How was he going to explain encasing Metallo in a green crystal cocoon? There was just no way to explain that without revealing the truth and he wasn't sure he could deal with that. He felt a surge of love through his bond and turned to look in his teammate's eyes. She was just as nervous about what they were going to say. They joined the rest of the team as they took stood in front of a few members of the League.

Aqualad looked around surprised not to see his mentor and King. "If I may be so bold, why is my King not present? Did something happen to him?"

"Aquaman is fine; we just let him return home after he completed his duties. It seems Queen Mera has gone into labor and the birth of his son is not something he wished to miss," Black Canary explained. Aqualad's face lit up with joy. Soon Atlantis would have its heir! He only hoped to live up to his duty as the child's guardian, but he had a feeling that it would not be once the team finished the debriefing.

"We haven't had a chance to view any security feed and some of the claims that the bad guys are making don't add up, but we also can't deny what our senses are telling us. It seems that the twelve of you might be developing new abilities that were not previously available to you," Superman said as picked up micro body movements from Young Justice telling him that they were keeping a secret. "The rules state, that you're not to keep secrets from us. I understand that this was crises and if you couldn't tell us before hand, but now isn't the time to be silent."

"All of you have been acting in variant degrees from your normal mode of behavior. This aberration began shortly after your volunteer work in Benevolence. Was there more to what Julia and Dubbilex had to say then what related to us?"

"It's complicated Red Tornado. We are unsure of how to explain this secret to any of you. We're still coming to terms with what it means to us," Wonder Girl explained awkwardly to the League.

"Its nothing super bad if that's what your wondering. I mean our secret helped us out big time tonight. I don't think we'd have survived if we hadn't learned the full extent of what the Light did to us. Our new abilities are hool."

"Robin's right, we do owe our lives tonight to the Light's meddling, but at the same time that meddling has changed our future in so many ways. The guilt has nibbled the back our minds and though you might be able to help us we are unsure if we're ready to accept that help. The truth is, we just need a little time to work things out between us, and then we'll be able to share our secret and feelings, with you and the shrinks," Green Lantern JR surmised.

Superman and a few others got ready to lecture the group when Martian Manhunter stopped them with a mental warning. "We can't push them into talking about this if they're not ready. The guilt of keeping this secret is hurting them, but at the same time the fear and confusion is to strong for them to deal with. The events of tonight have only made their mental state more fragile."

"Are they in any danger of breaking down?" Green Arrow wondered, alarmed at the thought of Artemis becoming unstable so close to her operation.

"Their minds are stable for now, but as the psychiatrist said, they are in danger of being pushed over the edge if there is too much pressure or reminders of Light become too great. I don't think they will go over the edge at this moment, but if we keep pushing they might shutdown to cope."

"What do you suggest we do? We need to find out more about tonight's events and the powers they displayed," Hal/Green Lantern pointed out. His instincts were telling them that they needed to learn more about this secret now.

"We will, they just completed the most personal and dangerous solo mission of their young careers and right now interrogating them instead of remarking on how well they did. We'll get our answers, but only if we let them come to us on their terms. Give them a few days and I think they'll be ready to talk."

"J'onn's right, they've been through a lot. Treating them like criminals instead of heroes is just making it worse. Besides I thought we had a surprise for them," Flash reminded the group. The League stopped their mental conversation and turned to the kids who were still looking nervous and sad even. "Don't look so glum there kids. You should be happy."

"It's hard to be happy knowing that your mad at us, and we have to spend the next few hours debriefing and writing mission reports," Miss Martian replied unhappily.

"Oh, and what about your dances? Don't you want to attend them still?" Katana asked, slightly amused by the kids' stunned expressions. They had assumed the League forgot after everything that happened.

"Yeah, but what's the point when we can't go? Taking into account the time difference the dances are nearly half over by now. If you add in the time it takes to finish debriefings and mission reports, combined with the time it takes to get clean, dressed, and ready to go, add in conventional travel time the dances would be over. There's no reason to think about an impossible hope," Kid Flash responded dully.

"That be true, but I think this one time we can go without a debriefing. We will talk about this mission and what your secret is, but not tonight. Instead, we believe you should be able to have your cake and eat it too," Batman explained as Wonder Woman appeared landing a Javelin. "The Javelin comes equipped with sonic showers to help get you clean. All your dance related items are on board. A few members will help in getting you ready and drop you off at your destination."

"You're kidding right? Why are you being so generous? This seems like a reward when we should be punished for not telling you the whole story," Batboy challenged his Father. There was no discernable reason for allowing them to have fun not after everything that happened.

"You stopped the Alliance from harming innocent civilians, prevented them from using valuable data to steal away the lives of thousand if not millions. You have worked so hard at training to get stronger and studied very hard so you would do well on finals. You gave up your chance for fun to do your duty. I think have more then earned a little time off unless you don't want to ooff!" Batman was surprised when his son hugged him tightly, before following his teammates onto the Javelin. Batman hid a smile as the ship took off. The League would finish things here and then go over what they learned to help them deal with Young Justice. Right now they just needed a little time to be kids.

The Javelin was a frenzy of activity. The girls were hogging the sonic showers getting rid of any traces of dirt and grime. Finally they gave them up to the boys as Vixen helped get them dressed. Being a model she was an expert on getting cloths on and applying make up along with creating hair styles. The boys needed a little help with getting jackets and ties on which Hawkman was only too happy to help out with. Wonder Woman took lots of pictures for the kids' families. Thanks to Black Canary's day job as a florist, the flowers were still fresh smelling. The boys gave the girl's their gifts and vice versa. After making sure they had their tickets they were ready to go.

The first to be dropped off was Zairia, who teleported three blocks from her school, where Question was waiting for her. He looked at his daughter and any thoughts of the Conspiracy left his mind. Helena had picked out the dress, since she knew about the school's regulations. Zairia was dressed in a beautiful blue knee length skirt with henna patterns on the hem. There was tiny purple belt cinching her waist and the bodice was covered with dark blue middle and two straps that went to her shoulders while chest area was light blue like the skirt. Her sleeves were open, loose, and purple. Her shoes were simple black flats. She had on purple lip gloss that contrasted with her gold studs and heart shaped necklace. "You look very beautiful. Even prettier then your mother if that's possible."

"Thanks Dad, but we should get going. The dance is nearly half over and I'm starving! I hope they left some food at the refreshment stand," Zairia told him as they walked to the school. When they arrived Zairia had to hide a groan as she saw who was guarding the door. "Hello Sister Mary Clarence. How are you tonight?"

"Ms. Bertenelli-Sage, what a surprise to see you and your father here tonight. Most students would arrive on the time seeing as how punctuality is a virtue. Care to explain why you were late?"

"My daughter was upset that her friend was still missing. It just came to my attention at the news station a little while ago; that her friend has been found and she decided to come after all. I believe her friend might not have gotten her message and shone up anyways looking for her."

"Praise God that Eunice is safe. Hmm, there was blond young woman who came earlier stating a friend invited her to come and showed me her ticket. When I told her you hadn't shone up I thought she leave, but she's waiting inside. That dress of hers was horrible! Well I suppose I can let you in. If it isn't to much trouble Mr. Sage, would you mind sticking around? Your wife was supposed to be chaperoning, but she canceled at the last minute."

"Yeah, Helena's friend got into a bit of a jam and needed her help. Helping your neighbors and friend is good too. I'd be happy to fill in. Come along Zairia," Vic said leading his daughter into the gym. Drapes of white cloths formed tents over the gym. Balloons and streamers were tapped to the wall forming flowers. A Christian band was playing songs and there were several tables to sit at and eat the food. Kids were laughing and dancing while nuns walked among them. It was very generic looking to Vic's eyes, however to Zairia's eyes; it was the culmination of everything it meant to be a free teenager. "Why don't you go look for your girlfriend? I'm going to circle the dance and make sure the band isn't hypnotizing people to switch their religions."

"Okay thanks Dad, I love you!" Zairia said as she hurried into the mix searching for Bettie. She said hello to her classmates as she searched for her date. She finally spotted Bettie sitting at a table munching on cookies and drinking punch. No wonder her dress made Sister Mary Clarence nearly faint. It was pretty grown up with that red silk color top that barely met regulation skirt length and the bright green off set ribbon and pale yellow tights made quite the statement. "Bettie! Hi! I'm so glad you're here! I thought BOPs would have kept you busy!"

"Zairia, even Aunt Kathy and her eccentric ways, couldn't keep me from coming. Thank you again for saving my roommate. Duscha is so nice and polite, so she's easy to get along with. I also enjoy the challenge of trying to beat her in hard fought tennis match. Thanks to all our matches I aced my sports exam!"

"That's awesome Bettie! I'm proud of you."

"Thank you Zairia. Even a prodigy, such as I, needs to work hard if she's going to be great. Besides, Duscha also taught me a few new gymnastic tricks and great disabling move I can use during my battles."

"Good, because my Mom is always complaining about having to up your level of training, in order to make you even a halfway decent crime fighter."

"Hey, that's hitting below the belt. Hmm these cookies are superb. Try some their delicious."

"Thanks, oh yah these are divine! Oh! I got you something. My parents helped me pick it out. I hope it's not too much," Zairia said sliding a small red and green box over to Bettie. The older girl smiled and lifted the lid. Tears appeared in the corner of her eyes as she took out a delicate gold chain with a red firebird charm. She quickly put it on loving the way it looked with her outfit. "Its gorgeous, thank you Zairia."

"I hoped you would like it. Dad's always saying that jewelry is just a way for the Illuminati to keep track of how many females there are in the population, but Mom thought it be a nice touch. Oh, what you got me a gift too? What is it?"

"Open it up and you'll see."

"Oh I love it thank you! This Wiccan charm bracelet is so beautiful and I can discreetly hide it too! You're the best girlfriend ever! Oh I don't know why I said that."

"Hey listen to me okay. There is no reason to be embarrassed by saying that. I know some people think I'm a flake and that I'm just doing this to impress the boys in the superhero community, but the truth it I love being a heroine. Part of the reason for joining the BOPs was to work with strong female role models. I feel they can be better mentors for me. I hope to one day be able to be just as confident and strong willed as you. You inspire me in ways I've never thought of. I love you Zairia and that's not going to change, even if by some off chance I met another version of me who was into, ugh, Robin of all people."

"Thanks for saying that. You inspire me to everyday to be a happy normal teen. So let's hit the dance floor already! I've been dying to try some moves out!" The two girls glided onto the floor and were swaying happily to the band's rendition "For Such a Time as This." The two girls were holding hands and laughing just enjoying the music while Vic kept the nuns away from his daughter and her special time.

The next couple let off the Javelin was a very nervous Wally and Athena. Athena was dressed in a simple form hugging spaghetti strap red dress that went down to her thighs with gold and blue sequins all over the waist. Her hair was loose, but she left in a few strands of colored hair extensions to mix it up. Nestled among her locks was the gift that Illan had helped Wally pick out. A simple bejeweled butterfly hair piece that was both elegant and inexpensive. It was really nice and she loved it. Wally looked very handsome in his loose fitting jacket, dress shirt and pants. He even combed his wild hair down and splashed on some cologne. The teacher at the door was surprised to see such a late arrival. "Mr. West, you do realize the dance started at six right?"

"Sorry Mr. Peterson, my date here is from Gateway and her mom's car broke down part way. It took awhile to get it started and for her to arrive. May we still enjoy the dance?" Wally asked handing over his tickets.

"I know you, your part of the Gateway Dance Angels. I thought you were great in your performance."

"Thank you. May we please enter? Wally promised me a nice night and it would be a shame to miss it because of car trouble."

"Alright go in and enjoy yourselves, but I'll be keeping an eye on you Mr. West. I don't want to see any shenanigans. Am I understood?"

"Yes sir, come on I hear the decorations are amazing," Wally said leading her into the gym. Unlike the time she had competed everything was different. Glitter fell from ceiling were balloons were kept in nets. Colored lights and dry ice could be seen all over the floor. Music and videos were on the far side being shown to a rocking crowd. Tables were covered with food and drink near the door and a few game booths had been set up. People were laughing and cheering as they earned prizes. "Well this is what I call a rocking school party!"

"All this energy it's enthralling. I wonder if the Amazons ever have parties this big? Hey there's Sasha by the dunk booth! Let's go!"

"What about getting something to eat? Ah hey, Sasha what's up with the outfit? You look like you had a battle with the lawn mower and lost," Wally said. Sasha's hair was frazzled and her two tone flair dress was torn in a few pieces. Sasha ignored him hurling the last ball and dunking a teacher. She pumped her fist and collected her prize a gift card to one of her favorite stores. The trio moved away a bit to have a private talk.

"Very funny, do you realize how much trouble I had to go through to get here tonight? While I felt my girl struggling, I was busy with my Mystyx buddies handling a crossing of monsters. Mark's super strength and TK barely held them back long enough for Natalie to scan their minds for a weakness. It took Jenna's ghost summoning skills and my powers to weaken them. When we joined together we created a small storm that sent those creatures running home. So that's why I had to do a quick costume change and explain about my ticket. Great job saving Odette from trouble. I'm sure she appreciated all the efforts that went into saving her."

"Yeah, a fluke happened. I mean, I'm not sure if it's a new power or related to something else," Athena admitted aesopian. Ducking her head she refused to look her best friend and Guardian Angel in the eye. Sasha's feather appeared and she could sense that something was up with Athena, but decided to let her come out in her own time. "Know what, forget about for now. I want to see Wally game prowess. Let's see if Speedy Gonzales can win at ring toss."

"Hey, I resent being compared to that mouse!" Wally laughed. "Just for that crack, I'm going to make sure you dance with the weirdest kid here." The trio made their way down the game booths just having fun. Wally did lose at ring toss although Athena won him a small frog plushy. Wally did win her a small key chain when he burst some balloons at a dart game. After devouring some food the couple was dancing together, not stepping on any toes to, "There you'll be" and even Sasha found some guys to flirt with.

In Midway, Jordana was anxious for her friend to arrive. Her date Gregor was also worried. News had just come in about the situation in Las Vegas. There weren't a lot of details, but it was clear the League had managed to rescue their missing friends from danger. "I hope their okay."

"I'm sure Levina and Elkan are going to be fine. They have the best doctors in the world looking at them. They'll be back here fighting the good fight for the world soon," Gregor told her gently. Both were in green fabric clothes and suits to show their commitment to their cause.

"I know, I just am worried for Shania and Kaldur. I just hope that nothing bad happened to them!" Jordana said clutching her feather necklace. She was about to will it to show her where Shania was when Gregor tapped her shoulder. Entering the gym was a frazzled couple. Kaldur was in his rental suit with the pin Shania made placed on his label. Shania looked amazing her hair in a bun and wearing a low cut back burnt orange dress. "There you two are! I was so worried about you guys! Why didn't you answer your phones?"

"Apologizes Jordana, Gregor, but my adoptive mother went into labor. I escorted her to the hospital for her water birth and was going to stay until the delivery, but she insisted quite loudly, that I didn't miss my first dance or keep Shania from attending either. So here we are," Kaldur explained to the couple. "I hope we didn't worry you to much."

"Not me, but Jordana was about to cough up a crow if you guys didn't show up. It must be exciting to know your going to have a new brother to take care off when you get home. The way you take charge of everything I know that kid is going to go far," Gregor said.

"He's right you know Kaldur. So have any cool prizes been award yet from the raffle?" Shania asked.

"Some girl, but not the big ones like a new laptop or digital camera. Heck I'm hoping to win the prize for a free dinner for four. Oh there about to announce two new prize winners. Here's hoping!"

The DJ announced over the speaker the raffle numbers. Shania let out a squeal as her ticket matched the one for the new digital camera that was also waterproof. Kaldur won the dinner for four promising to have a real double date. Shania started putting her camera to good work as she photographed the dance. Jordana even snapped one as Kaldur gracefully danced with his girl to, "Love Will Find a Way."

Megan and Connor were overwhelmed by the sights that greeted them when they entered the gym. It really did look like an Earthling's version of Mars with the color pallet. The lights, the sounds, even the moon bounce and mini funhouse was incredible to look out. "Oh this is fantastic! It's like a fantasy version of home! I enjoy it so much!"

"Glad you're having such a good time. So where are you friends?" Connor asked nervously. He was slightly uncomfortable in his rented tux and kept fidgeting. He was slightly uncomfortable being surrounded by so many people who kept bumping into him. It was taking all his patience to avoid striking out which wouldn't be good.

"I'm not sure where they are oh there they are! Em! Melissa over here! Hi girls, I'm so happy to see you!" Megan shouted as she hugged her girlfriends tightly. Em was smirking as she shoved a brownie into Megan's mouth who was gasping at how great it tasted. Melissa was bombarding her with questions as Connor hovered nearby waiting to be introduced.

"Oh my, is this tall hunk of country boy the reason you were late Megan? If so, I totally approve of having such a long distance relationship with a man," Melissa teased.

"Not cool Mel. I apologize sometimes her mouth operates on its on accord. My name's Em, the mouth is Melissa. So your Conrad right?"

"It's Connor, actually. Sorry we showed up so late my flight from Kansas was delayed and then I had trouble getting into this tux. I've never worn anything like this before."

"Connor was such a gentlemen apologizing to me, but I was just happy to see him! He gave me a pretty pink rose and look at this ring. Isn't it just so cute?"

"I would love to snatch up a trendy gem like that for my collection. So did you hear on the news? They found Wendy and Melvin! I don't have all the details, but some crazy crime family was using that game they played to hunt for targets. Talk about perverts and cyber crime gone awol."

"The important thing is that they're safe. At least they took down that game so no one else can be tricked. Maybe this will teach kids to be more careful online."

"Hopefully, but we're not here to talk about bad guys and computer safety ladies. I thought we came to have a good time. I'm dying to check out that photo booth and see the Martian funhouse."

"I wouldn't mind getting a few dances with you either. Come on I'll escort you." Connor ignored the snickers at him being a perfect gentleman as they toured the funhouse. It was so crazy seeing what people thought of Mars as they walked through. They had fun on the moon bounce and crazy time with the photo booth. They took their place on the dance floor under the strobe light as they danced to the song, "The Start of Something New."

In Gotham, the remaining six members finally made their appearance. As Terry left to find Max, and Nerissa and Lucas wandered off to do their own thing, Dick nervously scanned the crowd for Anne, while Taji waited patiently by his side. He was getting some looks because of his kimono, but it didn't bother him that much. He was more anxious about what Dick would say once he found the girl that claimed to be his date. "I'm sure Anne-san will understand that you were late."

"I seriously doubt that Taji. She's sort of one the more important girls in the school because of her parents being on the city council. I don't really want to deal with the aftermath if I made their only daughter cry."

"I'm not that much of terror am I Dick?" a voice asked from behind him. The teen jumped in surprise before turning to see Anne in strapless red and black number, her brown eyes sparkling in amusement. "Oh my did I startle you Dick? That would be a first."

"Anne hi! I'm sorry I'm late there was something I had to take care of with my Dad and I…"

"Dick, its okay I understand why you're late okay. I've been known to miss some of my engagements because of my parents too. The important thing is you made it. Who's this? I don't recognize you from school."

"Konochiwa, I'm Taji Nelson, a friend of Dick's from Happy Harbor. I was invited to join Dick at the dance because I've never been to one and my school didn't have any plans to host one. You're looking very flattering in that dress Ms. Claymore," Taji said bowing and then kissing her hand.

"Thank you, I love your kimono. It's so beautiful and makes you stand out in the crowd."

"Thank you. My Kaa-san gave it to me to wear on my special nights. I'm graduating tomorrow."

"Yeah, his friend was one of the missing teens so that party was canceled, but his mom saved the day. She and her friends, his extend family if you will are going to be hosting a graduation bash at their house. I thought I attend since he came here," Dick explained.

"You're so loyal and true to your friends Dick. I can understand why you wanted to protect him from some of the bigots who might not understand that you."

"What are you, I don't know what you're talking about! You're unwhelming me Anne. Taji is just a good friend who happens to be my guest tonight is all!" Dick protested loudly fighting to keep from blushing. Both Taji and Anne gave him looks that said they clearly didn't believe him.

"Dick look its okay, I have a confession to make. I've known you were bisexual for a long time now. You've always been glancing at the girls, but your overly friendliness with guys was a precursor for what would happen when puberty hit. There's no shame in being bisexual really. My cousin's bi and she's proud of it.

"Really? Is she a member of the local GLBT chapter in her neighborhood? I'm a member of my school's chapter and we've been fighting for equal rights and representation all year. I've always been open about my orientation, but Dick here has been nervous about telling people."

"With good reason! It's hard for any teen to reveal their orientation, but the thirteen year old son of one of the richest men in the world coming out would make or break Bruce. How can I put him through that?"

"You sound like my parents when I told them I wanted to date Umi instead of being forced to ask you out. You're a great kid and I hope we can be friends Dick, but I just like Umi more. His accent is adorable and he's so smart. No offence."

"None taken Anne. I'm just glad you're not mad because I was going to say something."

"When in the next century? I may have only known you since November Dick, but you have a difficult time sharing personal details with anyone?" Taji questioned.

"So I like my privacy!"

"Hey it's cool. I won't tell anyone your secret Dick. Why not for the rest of the night the three of us just hang? It will keep the bashers off your backs and the press won't have a field day for now?" Anne suggested.

"I like the way you think girl. Can we get some food we're both hungry?"

"Sure, later you can teach me and Dick some Japanese dance moves."

"This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."

Terry was looking all over the gym for Max knowing that when he found her she was going to kill him. It was so hard for him to ask Max to be his date; especially when the pack of girls consisting of Dana, Chelsea, and Blade hounded him on the playground. He nearly fainted when she said yes and now she must hate him. There! In the corner was a pink haired girl in a simple black dress and shawl.

Max looked up with a neutral expression as Terry approached her nervously. He was biting his lip and raising his eyebrow as he quietly approached the girl. "Hello Wayne, it's nice of you to finally show your face. Do you have something to say?"

"I'm sorry I know I should have called, but I couldn't where I was with my Dad, and then Madison calls saying her brother's be found so we got into a conversation, and finally Dick reminds us we have to go and well. I can understand if you never want to talk to me again."

"I am mad that you didn't call, but I wouldn't stop talking to you over this Terry. You know me better then that. So what life saving mission were you on with your dad?"

"I don't know what you mean by that? Something came up at work and he just needed our help that's all."

"Yeah and the world's flat. Your dad likes to hide behind a mask pretending he's a playboy that doesn't care, but any man who puts that much heart and soul into helping people has to have a secret outlet to let his true nature through. I don't know what it is Wayne, but I'm not going to pry. It's your business not mine."

"That's very mature of you. I often wonder why our age mates act so jejune yet the two of us can act so civil and intellectual on a much deeper level."

"Good parenting?" Max joked. "I don't know maybe it's due to our intelligence or that we know when to have fun and when to work for our goals. If that wasn't the case we wouldn't be friends with Rose, Michael, and Madison."

"Your assumption appears to be correct based on relevant data. Max I'm sorry I was a douche by not calling."

"The past is the past, we have to move on. I know you wanted to impress me tonight, but Terry we're only eleven. I'm not ready to date just yet even with a cute catch as you. Maybe when you're junior and I'm a sophomore we can go to next level. Don't look so surprised, I've been taking extra classes and I'm being bumped to eighth grade next year instead of sixth. Watch out genius, I'm coming for you," Max giggled.

"You'll have to catch me and Ace on his new rocket powered segway!" Terry joked as they headed off to have some fun.

Nerissa watched the two youngsters run off towards the games as she and Lucas rested near the DJ. The music was loud and the lights were flashing making the decorations shimmer shine. For such prep school this was very much like her old school's dance, except the food was more exotic and the clothing sharper. She tugged at her gloves nervously. She'd hoped that by tapping into their mysterious power she could heal herself, but her arms still remained scarred. "I guess even immortals sometimes bare the scars of past mistakes."

"Stop worrying so much about them. Your surgery is coming up in a few weeks and then they'll be gone. Even if it fails you look beautiful. Stop caring what others think of you," Lucas advised. The couple was getting a few looks from the rich kids, but he ignored them. So what if he wasn't a student and Nerissa was a scholarship student. That shouldn't matter tonight.

"It's so hard for me Lucas. Tonight when we faced my father I couldn't believe he would be so brazen, but then again I wasn't shocked either. He always cared about himself and hurt my mom and me. I'm just worried that one day I'll end up exactly like him."

"That won't happen; you have too much moxie to let any man tell you how to live your life. It's like you said, he's dead to you. This is supposed to be a romantic night for us and according to every teen law I ever came across; it's our prerogative to have a wonderful time. Care to dance? My Mom taught me so moves."

"I hope nothing crazy. This DJ is rocking," Nerissa admitted dragging her date on to the floor. The colored and strobe lights really made it exciting as they danced amongst the students having a good time. Soon they were bumping butts together and having just good time with their friends. Nerissa cleared some space for Terry and Max to dance without getting stepped with a glare. The trio of Dick, Taji, and Anne were dancing nearby causing quite a stir. As the night came to a close the last song for all the dances was coincidentally the same. It was beautiful romantic slow song called, "I See the Light."

All those days watching from the windows
All those years outside looking in
All that time never even knowing
Just how blind I've been
Now I'm here, blinking in the starlight
Now I'm here, suddenly I see
Standing here, it's all so clear
I'm where I'm meant to be

And at last I see the light
And it's like the fog has lifted
And at last I see the light
And it's like the sky is new
And it's warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
All at once everything looks different
Now that I see you

All those days chasing down a daydream
All those years living in a blur
All that time never truly seeing
Things, the way they were
Now she's here shining in the starlight
Now she's here, suddenly I know
If she's here it's crystal clear
I'm where I'm meant to go

And at last I see the light

And it's like the fog has lifted

And at last I see the light

And it's like the sky is new

And it's warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
All at once, everything is different
Now that I see you, now that I see you

As the song came to an end the couples shared a quite moment with their loved ones kissing them gently. It was the perfect end to one of the biggest civilian nights of their lives and they wouldn't change anything about them.


Over the next few days a lot happened to the team. Taji happily graduated and had wonderful party where he and Dick got to talk with the Outsiders learning more about them. Kaldur was spending time with his new little brother, Arthur JR, absolutely smitten by him and Shania was there taking pictures. Wally and Athena spent a lot of time checking in on their acquaintances that had been kidnapped making sure they were recovering. Connor helped Megan work up the courage to talk to her family and in turn helped him figure out what he wanted to do for his last year at school. Nerissa spent more time with her mom as she got ready for her surgery and Lucas started to hang out with Panas at the Community Center. Zairia was enjoying helping her father track down more evil game programs.

The teens were still nervous to tell their families their secret unsure how they would handle it. They had almost come to grips with what it meant for their futures, and had unanimously agreed they would reveal their immortality, after they received their report cards in two and half weeks. Until then, there was one other secret that had to be dealt with first concerning Terry. After debating with his father about the pros and cons the two of them decided to have a chat with the McGinnis

Mary was making dinner as Matt and Madison played cards in the living room and Warren finished some work while Rex slept at his feet. The family had grown a lot closer since Matt came home, but something was off with him. She didn't know what and was wondering if he was okay when the doorbell rang. She opened the door and was surprised by who it was. "Br, I mean Mr. Wayne, Terry, what an unexpected surprise. I wasn't expecting to have guests for dinner tonight. Come in. Can I get you something?"

"No Mary, we're here on a personal matter."

"Oh, what kind of personal matter Mr. Wayne?" Warren asked as Terry and his Dad sat down in the living room. Madison gave Terry a puzzled look and Matt just stared at him hard. "I hope it's nothing to serious, we can't thank you enough for helping to pay Matt's medical expenses. It was a kind gesture."

"Think nothing of it Warren. It was the least I could do, seeing as how Matt learned something about Terry here. That's why I'm here really. I think you and your son need to be fully aware of matter of grave importance concerning Terry and your family."

"Bruce, are you sure about this? I thought you were worried about exposure and danger," Mary asked sharply confusing her husband. She had never been this familiar before. She seemed greatly concerned about something and even Madison was acting nervous. "I mean, I can understand letting Matt in due his suspicions, but I'm not sure Warren can handle the truth."

"The truth about what Mary? What is going on?"

"Mr. McGinnis, there is more to me then meets the eye and your wife helped play an unwitting part in it all. Your daughter has been a guiding hand and now Matt has been unceremoniously involved because of his gaming. Keeping this secret has caused minor problems with our lives, but we wish to extend our trust to you and your family. Welcome you into our unconventional family as it were," Terry explained.

"Warren, please, before you make any comments just sit and listen to the whole story."

"Yeah Dad, I think we need to hear them out," Matt stated.

"Mr. McGinnis, you recall a few months ago the chaos created when a group known as the Light made a move to control the people of Earth correct?" Bruce asked. Warren nodded recalling the chaos in Gotham as their soldiers threatened people. "The group had been amassing power for over fifty years. One of their Projects they created was creating a team of generals to enforce their rule and deal with the League. This team consisted of children created in a variety of manners from DNA they stole from members of the League. One of their creations was eugenics Project made from the blood of your wife combined with mine. The end result was Terry."

"You're confusing me Mr. Wayne. If what you're saying is true, then Terry is my wife son. But that can't be true right Mary?" Warren sputtered. He looked at his wife and she nodded. "But why your blood? I don't understand, I thought your company only aided the League. What purpose could your child have?"

"Use you head Dad. He's Batman and Terry's that Batboy who risked his life to save me. I never said thank you," Matt chided his stunned Dad.

"No problem, I would do anything for my half sibling." Terry said confirming Matt's suspicions. Warren was looking pale as Bruce went on to explain Madison involvement and prove he was Batman. Mary and Warren exchanged heated words for several minutes, but in the end Warren agreed he probably would have spilled the secret before hand if he hadn't been confronted like this. "The reason we're letting you in on this is because Matt figured it out and it felt wrong not to tell you. I hope you can understand the reasons my background must stay secrete as well as my family's occupation."

"We can count on your discretion Warren?"

"What? Of course, its scary learning the whole truth, but I support my wife and her choices. Don't worry about a thing Mr. Wayne. Your secret is safe with us and I promise if anything ever happens to you we'll be happy to help raise Terry."

"That's good to know," Terry said smiling. He was happy his family was whole. Getting this secret out felt good and gave him the confidence to tell Dad about his immortality status. There would be struggles and complications for Young Justice. The League would help them learn more about their condition and maybe help undo it. No one knew for certain what the future would bring, but this was going to be a summer no one would forget.

Enjoying this AU and want more? Curious about how the team spends their summer vacation and handling their immortality status? Then click my name and read my fusion (not found in crossover), story of the gang meeting Generator Rex, in, Generator Rex: Justice for All. Read and review.