A/N: A little note... This story is my first Angel Beats fanfic because of me getting addicted to it... Having a major hangover after the series... And... I don't know... Please do enjoy this story of mine... This will be told on 1st person because of certain reasons that I will reveal after the end of the prologue. And I'm a huge Yui fan! XD

Disclaimer: I don't own Angel Beats, if I did, Yui didn't disappeared on episode ten, she will on 13...



That was the last words that I had released in my mouth this day. She had disappeared, I can't believe what had happened. I thought that everything would be alright until she revealed everything to me. We have the same heart... We can't be together... We will going to fight fate itself if we wanted to be together. I can feel my eyes getting watery again but I had just pulled those tears back in.

Now, I am sitting inside the principal's office, which wasn't guarded by deadly traps anymore. I looked around just to spot every memory that my friends had left to me. Some of their things are still lying around the little room. I don't know what to do now. I know that I had promised to myself that I'm going to help people like me who haven't accept death… But now, knowing that Kanade and I shared the same heart… I don't know what to do now. I'm so confused…

"Do you really want to see Kanade again?" A random voice appeared from nowhere. I can't see where it came from but I'm sure that I'm not hallucinating because everything seems true.

"Y-Y-Yes!" I answered without hesitation and stood up from my seat. My eyes are burning from anticipation right now. I want to see Kanade so badly! I looked around to look for the mysterious voice but to no avail. I became more nervous as the mysterious voice spoke again.

"Then I'll give you another chance…"

Just right before my mouth open, my surroundings became white. All of the things inside the office went away. It is now me myself inside the empty room, which is tinted white right before my eyes. I looked around, trying to spot the mysterious voice. I just can't spot him. I looked from behind only to spot the same colored non-ending white room. Until…


Lost Soul



I quickly opened my eyes. Pretending that everything was only a weird dream… That when I stood up from my sleeping position, I'll see Kanade again, smiling brightly at me and waiting for me to dive into her arms. I stood up and dusted myself, looking around for any presence. My prediction wasn't true. There were no Kanade... There weren't any presence as the atmosphere became tense. I can feel myself being all shaky. I don't know why as I started to look around for any way for me to escape this dark alleyway. My eyes adjusted through the darkness as I can already see some dark walls and an alleyway that I seem to remember so vaguely. I continued to look around the little road just to see a train that is so mashed up that it seemed that anyone can't survive if they are in it when it crashed. Everything went back in to me in an instant just when I saw the mashed up train. My eyes widen because of the realization.

This is that alleyway…

Where did I die…

I began to panic because I can still remember everyone that I had spent time with in the afterlife, it means that I still have my memories. It means that everything is true. There weren't any lies about the things that they are saying to me. I continue to search around because I can still remember that I am not alone when I died here. I have some friends who had accompanied me within seven days. My body continued to shake involuntarily because of the high tension that I'm feeling right now. I later had recognized that I'm not wearing my SSS uniform anymore. I am wearing a casual polo shirt with red stripes. I can also see a bag attached on my back. I didn't remember that I had wore this clothes.

I don't know what had happened…

I'm still alive?

I lifted up my shirt for me to search if I still have the internal bleeding that I had before my consciousness was taken away but to no avail, I can't see it anymore! My eyes widened in amazement as I continued to tap that certain part of my body. The swelling really went away! This is a miracle, I don't know what had happened to it. I 'll just sweep that thought and just continue to search

I continued to search around the alleyway, I got a flashlight from my backpack. My feet continued to shiver as I walked slowly towards the opposite way that the train is facing. My feet stopped its involuntary movements as I spotted the light emitted by the exit of the train tunnel. I smiled as I quickly ran towards that direction.

"Light, finally!"

So, does it mean that everyone had been rescued? I don't really know what had happened right after I lost consciousness.

I immediately ran after that certain reflection that I saw passing through the tunnel. I stopped immediately as inertia took over as I slip through the train tracks before I stopped completely. I smelled the good savor of air hitting me directly as the railway is a windy spot. I smiled as I can feel again what can a person feel. A normal and alive person at least. My smile quickly disappear as I remember what do I really want...


I don't know how did I came back to the living environment as my body moved by itself as the time I remembered that I want to see Kanade again. Another problem will arise as the thought struck me. I can't see Kanade that easily in this big city! I don't even know her and I don't know where does she live. I began to walk aimlessly in the memory road as memories flashed back on my mind in every street that I had passed through. I saw the construction site which was still incomplete even though a lot of time had passed already. I saw a new worker that had replaced my past job.

I disregarded the scene as I continue my venture to find Kanade. I crossed the road carefully, I don't want to be killed for the second time. I laughed slightly because of the thought being killed for the second time. As I finished crossing the road. I smiled in contentment and continued to walk through the seemed to be endless road. I had mixed myself through the huge population of the city.

I continued to walk aimlessly through the streets of the city, still having the same aim...

Find Kanade.

My pace became a little faster because of my body told me to do so. I continued to walk through the endless street until I noticed someone who is resting her back on the wall, wearing a hat while her silver hair laid freely on her back, she is reading something on her mobile. I can hear her hum a song, it is "My Song" by Iwasawa! I'm not being mistaken! I know that song! I can still remember that song being hummed by Kanade when she was walking with us for the commencement exercises. As I passed her, My eyes widened as the realization had hit me.

"She is Kanade..."

I quickly turned around just to see her walking away right after flipping her phone close. I quickly walked back towards her direction, aiming for me to touch her. At last, I'm going to be with Kanade. I never had thought that it would be this fast. God is grateful to me this time. As I caught up with her I raised my left arm for me to touch her shoulder. Just right my hands had contact with her shoulder, the unexpected happened. It didn't had contact with her shoulder! My hand passed through her shoulder! Just like I'm didn't exist! Just like I'm an open space.

I could only stood in place, dumbfounded because of the sudden thing that had happened to me. She turned around which made he sigh in happiness. Maybe it is just a hallucination of mine. I smiled brightly towards her and said:


She didn't responded as she continued to look around, she is looking for the one who had held her shoulder! I can't believe what had happened! I am not hallucinating. There are no jokes! I really can't touch her. Kanade touched her chest as she seemed to remember something. She looked left, then right. She looked back towards the direction that she is currently going to. Her walking became a run as she crossed the road while running, good thing that it is a red light.

I quickly followed her by running from her behind. Just right before I can cross the street completely, the light became green again. I stopped on my tracks dead on. All that I can do is shield myself with my arms as I can see the cars speeding on my way. I could only sigh in despair because my second chance will going to end right here, right now...

"I'm sorry Kanade."

I braced myself for impact but there really aren't anything that had happened. All of the cars had passed through me, without having impact, it was not making my body ache. I stood there, still shocked because of the sudden realization.

"I get it now why I can't touch Kanade..."

"I get it now why I didn't die when the cars had made contact with me..."

"It's because that I'm a lost soul... wandering around the city... a soul that wants to talk with the love of his life..."

I stood in the middle of the road... I don't really mind because the cars won't make any contact with me. My eyes became all watery again. I had let them flow freely down my face. No, this can't be happening. I can't believe that a soul can be lost in the real world.

A thought struck through my mind as the tears continued to flow down. Will I able to see everyone having fun? I will be happy if I will see everyone having their life and enjoying it. I can still remember the bad pasts that they had. I think that's the only thing that I can do.

"All that I can do is make sure that everyone will get over their regrets on their past lives..."

"I'll have to find them..."

"That's all that I can do..."

Otonashi, concluding that he wasn't having a body to live in in the first place. Wanders around the city, the one who wanted to see Kanade so badly. He saw her, but didn't had the chance to talk to her...

All that he can do is look for his other friends to see if they had fulfilled their dreams... If not, help them to do so...

Stay Tuned

A/N: Sorry if the prologue is short. But I think that prologues are meant to be short. I don't know... Haha! But expect a longer chapter after this one. Oh, the story is told in the First person PoV because I don't want to spill the feeling that Kanade is feeling right now.
