"Sit…" Wham.

"Fuck woman that hurt!" InuYasha whined holding his nose and rolling around. Kagome rolled his eyes, and the samurai smirked softly, he looked at her quietly and she blinked softly, something about his eyes drew him to her. And like wise.

She slowly approached him and they were about to speak when Shippo dashed over and tackled Kagome down squealing. She blinked confused looking at him then noticed the source of his fright, a weird angel, sort of like creature was floating above them. Everyone looked over and the one named Allen's eyes widened.

"A level four…" he whispered softly….


"A level four? What's a level four?" InuYasha said gritting his teeth, the chibi albino (always wanted to say that XD) looked over and pointed.

"No shit sherlock!" (Always wanted to say that too XD) InuYasha replied furrowing his thick eyebrows.

"It's like those beasts you saw before, but four times stronger."
"Those things were as strong as average demons! How can we beat those things? It must be as strong as my brother,"

"Well we do have three exorcist's and a… whatever you are." Lavi declared taking out his hammer and grinning.

"Yeah but it took a top exorcist like Cross to defeat a level 4!" Allen replied trying to stop Lavi pulling on his arm.

"It's fine. As before, it's not in the world it's used too. Plus there's more of us then of it." Kanda replied unsheathing his Mugen, then ran his index and middle finger across the back of the blade chanting, "Mugen Unsheathe, Innocence Activate" as his sword glowed silver.

"Alright! Our turn!" Lavi shouted as he raised his hammer, having it grow to an enormous size. "Innocence Activate!" he shouted out and then grinned when seals appeared all around him. He slammed his hammer down on the one with the kanji of 'woof.' "I'll make the first move! Moku Ban: Tenchi Bankai:" (Wood circle, Wood stamp, spinning disk of Heaven and Earth (ha I noticed it says Bankai XD like in bleach!)) he yelled out and then a huge wave of energy enveloped around him and the hammer. Everyone covered their eyes from the glow and coughed a bit from an aftershock wave of dust. When it finally cleared they looked around and then the Feudal's blinked in shock. Vines, trees, and branches all started wrapping around the limbs of the Level 4 Akuma. Lavi grinned rubbing his nose as he watched his seal's handiwork. Allen grinned looking at his friend. "Good job! That should stop it for a tiny bit, but not for long."
"Exactly why I'm going now." Kanda replied and then looked over to InuYasha. "You'll need to back me up dog boy." He said coldly then closed his eyes as energy swirled around him in bits. He opened his eyes and then grinned as his tattoo activated, veins coming and appearing beside his left eye as it spread. "Sangenshiki" (Three Illusions) he cried out as his pupils both divided into three. He then raised his hand with the sword in it, having it glow a mysterious color like the flames of all innocence, the lovely lime green.

"Bakuhakuzan!" (Explosive spirit slash) he cried out and then appeared suddenly behind the Akuma, looking back as smoke drifted from around his body. Suddenly the Akuma cried out in pain arching up its back and then exploded into a huge cross shape. "May your soul find salvation." He murmured before putting his sword up having it turn back into a regular katana looking sword.

InuYasha gritted his teeth; that last attack looked as strong as his Backlash Wave. He shouldn't underestimate these people anymore like he had before.

"I heard an explosion. Think it was Kanda?" a feminine voice said as a girl emerged from the bushes followed by another. One had long black hair with side bangs that reached a bit lower then her hair, she had emerald green eyes and wore a tan hoodie jacket covering a green tank top and light brown pants with laced sandals. The other girl had saphire blue eyes and blonde hair that turned black as it went down, it was very unruely and went in just about every direction. She was wearing a multicolored shirt the same three colors as two feathers stuck in her hair. Yellow, red, then finally blue. And wore leggings and arm warmers of various bright colors.

"Well that answer's your question Momoka." The other girl replied stretching. InuYasha blinked, he had never seen these people either, though they both had something similar to the three men. The girl with blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes had a necklace with a cross like jewel in the middle, and the girl had crosses on each of her fingernails.

"Aah Akira! There they are!" Momoka called out smiling pleased she found them and ran to Lavi hugging him tight and pecking his cheek, apparently they were together. Same with the white haired boy, Allen, and the blonde. Kanda looked over at Kagome and smirked softly before turning and walking to a tree leaning against it.
"What year is it?" Allen asked looking at Kagome, "You're wearing a uniform from a school, and there can't be any from this era." He said looking at her ceriously.

"You're right, I'm from the year 2010, and you are?"
"2044, so the Akuma havn't come for you yet… alright then that means if we go back with you we could kill the Earl now, and then we will be able to save our world from destruction." Lavi said with a big grin.
"Wait, you mean those things we just saw were going to destroy the world?" Mirakou said his eyes widening in surprise.
"Yes, you see Akuma are dead spirits who have died with a tragic accident or something else. They're tormented souls who cannot rest, and there aware of there actions as Akuma so they suffer in their sins. We're from a time with an academy that trains us, Exorcists. And our helpers, Finders; to beat the Akuma and bring peace to the soul that wistains it. But the world has almost gone to hell because of it, they can disguise themselves as humans and can do evil things to other peoples souls, so that they might commit suicide and make more Akuma." Allen explained as good as he could furrowing his eyebrows when he saw that most of them looked confused, mostly the one that looked like a small fox and the mutt.

Momoka and the other girl blinked. Before looking at Kanda and they gasped before bursting into giggles, he was staring at Kagome again. And the boy who had dog ears was glaring, this was going to be a fun time in the past. If they could save it… little did they know a Noah was watching them.


Hehehe, I kinda changed everything up a bit, you see I wanted to make something that made the well some sort of transport device that transports humans to different points in time, not just back and fourth. It only worked for Kagome so she could travel back and fourth because those were the only places she thought about as she passed the well, its very complicated and I will explain more about it later. Besides the point yay! My friend's oc and I are now in! I'm the blonde and Momoka is my twin sister pumpkin-maximus. I know the fight scene wasn't much but this is mostly for romance, so… ^^; Oh! I also made it sort of like an academy for exorcists, I didn't like the original idea, and Noah are a rival academy, not working for the earl, but training under him. Even if they have different ideas, like Road really likes Allen so she tries to steal him for herself, and my character no likie XD well anything else…. Um… don't think so… ill add more fight scenes later. Until then R&R thank you! Ja, ne!