Kagome hugged herself quietly, there was so much blood around her, and she didn't know what had happened. Only that, someone had been trying to kill her, but why her? She didn't know what was happening, all she knew that InuYasha had ran into the woods saying he smelt something up ahead, Miraku, Shippo, and Sango went with him, leaving Kagome alone.

Suddenly huge metallic like machines, with guns all around them appeared around Kagome. They were mumbling something like "The pure one must die" She gulped backing up thinking of calling InuYasha or someone else, but then heard signs of a battle in the direction that they had run off to. So they were out of the options list. She looked at them confused and then her eyes widened, they had guns… they were from her time! Someone must have gone through the well with these things! Suddenly InuYasha burst through fighting someone with a blade that was about as big as his, it had a huge cross through it and they were wearing a weird clown mask. Two other people were they're too, another one with a pure black thin katana, and one with a hammer that was holding off Miraku. She looked over surprised then startled when the three that were currently fighting off Sango, Shippo, Miraku and InuYasha looked over and spotted the beasts their eyes widened.

"What! Even the Akuma followed us here? Allen you got to get rid of them!" The boy with the hammer said dodging some of Shippo's foxfire.

"Damn it I can't I'm busy with this Akuma! I think it's a new type! Maybe even a level 5!" the masked person replied InuYasha's and his blades crashing against each other.

"I have them," the last one with long black hair and the black sword said. He dashed forward suddenly making Miraku lose his balance, he fell down on his bottom as the other one dashed for Kagome, she gasped and was ready to draw her bow when all of a sudden the beasts turned to the man. They're eyes glowed red and they all shouted at once.

"An Exorcist! Get his Innocence!" and then started firing their wepons at them, most of them were huge cannon like shells of bullets, some were smaller ones that fired rapider then the bigger ones. He dodged back and fourth making sure not to be even scratched by one of the bullets, as he raised his sword.

"Those of the innocent, that have been slain by evil, let you find the pure way and escape into peace with my innocence!" He called out shouting the last few words as a huge wave of black lotus flowers appeared and sliced up the beasts, Kagome gasped as she saw souls appear out of the beasts, human souls. They were men and women, children too. They all looked happy, and relieved. And then they were gone.

She looked at the boy who put his sword back into its case and then looked over at her, she gulped and backed away ready to draw her bow. Suddenly the clown mask and the red head were right by his side, the hammer suddenly shrunk and he put it in a small holster. And then the boy put the sword beside his sleeve, which looked limp like it, contained no arm, suddenly it dissipated into scales or something like that. And slowly reformed into his arm! InuYasha blinked as he looked at the three who looked back at him ceriously.

The white haired, clown-masked person took off their mask, revealing a young boy around the age of 15. He had a huge scar on his left eye, it was a star beside his eyebrow going down his eye and past it to the other side, where it had a cross like shape, the cross then divided and turned into a tear drop. Kagome looked at InuYasha who was glaring at the smaller boy. Who rubbed the back of his head embarrassed.

"S-sorry… about that, we thought you were with the guys Kanda-san just purified," he said quietly in a soft voice. The person he pointed to was the man that killed the machine type monsters.

"Those spirits?" Kagome interrupted quietly, a bit afraid of these people, if one of them just killed 10 of those monsters with one attack, she was afraid of what the others could do.

"What? Did… you just say you can see spirits?" the red-head boy said his eyes wide, she nodded softly and gulped at the strange looks that the three new people were looking at her with.

"Allen… she can see it, is she cursed like you?"
"They had called her a pure one… maybe she has some sort of power, or innocence with her."
"Well I don't know, I don't think she's cursed…" the boy called Allen said looking over at her then looking at the two other people he was talking with. InuYasha grunted rudely and crossed his arms, not knowing what in the world was happening was irking him. He tapped the small albino on his head and he turned looking at him smiling lightly.
"Can i…"

he was cut off by InuYasha picking him up and sniffing him gently, making the red head and samurai dude; what Kagome decided to call them, blink in surprise.

"Your from Kagome's world…" he mumbled softly then glared, "Only Kagome and I could pass through that well! What are you? A super class of demon!" the inu accused growling heatedly. Backing up a bit the read head shook his head.

"We must have powers like this Kagome," he reasoned smiling gently, "Because we have innocence with us, a certain type of wall let us pass, people without this kind of power or some time of special bond from someone of that time isn't allowed through." He explained quickly to the growling inu. He grunted and turned angrily crossing his arms.

"Sit…" Wham.

"Fuck woman that hurt!" InuYasha whined holding his nose and rolling around. Kagome rolled his eyes, and the samurai smirked softly, he looked at her quietly and she blinked softly, something about his eyes drew him to her. And like wise.

She slowly approached him and they were about to speak when Shippo dashed over and tackled Kagome down squealing. She blinked confused looking at him then noticed the source of his fright, a weird angel, sort of like creature was floating above them. Everyone looked over and the one named Allen's eyes widened.

"A level four…" he whispered softly….