This is kind of a filler chapter. Not much goes on except some interaction. Things will pick up, I swear. But for now they haven't had human contact in a long time, and Columbus is determined not to make anymore connections after leaving the others. So their interaction is going to be very awkward.

Next chapter is some more plot-centric stuff though.

I learned real quick that Columbus never had much to say. When he did speak, he always managed to make me feel depressed or awkward, and I always regretted trying to start a conversation. He was decent company though, because I learned real quick that I no longer had much to say either, and I was only trying to talk to him because he was there. After so long alone, neither of us really seemed to know how to talk to another living being. As time wore on, he grew even quieter, and the rings around his eyes grew darker. His already pale skin seemed to take on a yellowish tint, and he began to occasionally slump against the window, almost as if he was turning on auto pilot. The only time we stopped was to go to the bathroom or push toasted cars off the highway so we could drive through.

After three days of watching him, I reached over and tapped his shoulder. I no longer clanked when I moved, because I'd taken off most of my home-made armor. "Dude, you look like shit."

He snorted and glanced sideways at me. "You don't look much better, you know."

Rolling my eyes, I ran a hand through my greasy hair to push it back out of my face. "You know what I meant. I don't think you've pulled over to sleep once. You're going to kill yours-" I bit my lip and looked ahead. Beside me, he'd gone into that awkward silence again and any amusement at our little back-and-forth faded. "Columbus, maybe we should pull over so you can sleep. I don't much like the prospect of waking up to find myself wrapped around a tree."

Columbus sighed and wearily rubbed his eyes. "I'm not pulling over. I don't much like the idea of getting pulled out of the window by a cannibal."

I huffed and blew my bangs out of my eyes. I was bored out of my mind, restless, and annoyed. "Okay, then... how about I drive?" I proposed.

Columbus had a pained look on his face, and once again I found myself wondering why he did that. It seemed so random, and it was kind of driving me crazy. He was quiet for a moment before he began to ease over to the shoulder of the highway. "Alright. Just try not to get us killed Beverly."

With a self-satisfied smile, I slid out of the cab and jogged around the front. He was still unbuckling his seat belt when I wrenched open his door. "C'mon c'mon slow poke. Go take your nap, I won't kill us."

Rolling his eyes, Columbus nudged me out of the way and made his way, oh, so, fucking, slowly around the front of the truck and hoped up into my vacated seat as I was adjusting the mirrors. I caught his doubtful expression and flashed him a winning smile. "Please tell me this isn't your first time."

"It's not."

He let out a relieved sigh and sank back into the seat, his eyes already drooping. "Good."

I grinned and punched the gas. He flailed around in his seat and made this ridiculous squawking sound. "It's my third."

He eventually calmed down when I agreed to slow down to about fifty. Then, his shaggy head bobbed a few times before thunking against the window. He was out cold and his quiet snoring filled the cab. It was a little hypnotic, and I found myself making up a song to go along with the rhythm. I continued on the path he had been, glancing occasionally at the map stretched out between us or munching on a Nutter Butter. I found I had a knack for driving, and smugly began to imagine my driver's ed class. It would've been great to show up all those snarky bitches that bragged about the shiny cars their daddies had bought them. It was fanciful wishing, because I doubted I was actually as good as I thought I was, but it was fun and helped pass the time.

Until Columbus began to talk in his sleep. Then it got uncomfortable.

"...go home. Just go home. Don't... don't let him follow her..."

I grimaced. He began to snore again, and for that I was grateful. Listening to people sleep-talk always made me feel like I was invading their personal space.

"Don't get out of the car... stay... stay with them"

"Yo... Columbus."

He shifted and dragged his hoodie tighter around his body. "Don't leave them..."


"WAIT-!" He jerked in his seat and bolted upright, flinging his arm out, startled out of his dream.

Shocked, I pulled my foot of the gas as his knuckles grazed the air just in front of my face and stomped on the brakes. We were both flung forward, but the seat belts snapped us back into place as we skid to a halt. "Columbus! Woah dude, calm down!"

His chest was heaving as he finally settled down into his seat again. He stared out the window for a long time, and I pressed myself against the door, feeling it might be best to get as far away from him as possible. The truck was silent except for our breathing. Then-

"Jesus fucking Christ Columbus, what the hell is wrong with you?"

He sighed heavily and slumped into his seat, his eyes drifting closed again. "Sorry. I was... it was just a bad dream. You scared me is all."

"Oh." Silence. "Sorry then."

"Just drive, please."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Fine."

Silence took over the cab again as I revved the engine and shot up the highway. Once again, he flailed in his seat and his face took on an unhealthy green tinge. "Do you have to drive like a maniac?"

"Why yes. Yes I do. Problem?" I gave him my best troll face, hoping to at least pull a chuckle from him.

Besides an aggravated sigh, he ignored me. Silence stretched on as we drove, and I found myself watching the clouds as I navigated the empty road.

"We need to pull over soon." He murmured. "We're running low on supplies. Food, water."

I could feel the color drain from my face. In Columbus, there were few zombies. There were few places for them to hide. After the army had burned the place to the ground, there was barely enough to scavenge for myself to eat, without having to fight off foxes and other scavenging creatures. It had been safe though, because I knew my way around. I knew all the hiding spots. If we pulled over though, I'd be in new territory. I felt fear rise in my chest at the thought of leaving the truck. "Oh."

Sensing my anxiety, he seemed to relax a bit. "We're going to be fine. Look, there's a grocery store up there. Back up to the storefront." He looked sideways at me and a small smile floated to his face. "We'll wait for the sun to come up. Then we'll go in." He reached over and slapped a hand against my shoulder. "I've got your back kid."

shialuvr222: Thanks! And lol, thanks again. I figured I had to give him something small to be amused over since he's so depressed.

Willowfur: Thanks. And don't worry, he's not. He's just in shock. =)