A/N: So, I got requested to do more on my Jarlos one-shot, so I'm just making a different story. Little different beggining here. Hope you like it!

DISCLAIMER: No shit I don't own the boys

*~*~It's so late but I wanna start this anyway!~*~*

Carlos let out a moan as he bucked his hips up into the boy on top of him. Being ridden by that lean, muscular, tan body, his hips being steadied by those long-fingered hands, it was always so amazing. He leaned forward and screamed in pleasure as he let his partner slam into him again. Carlos squealed as James thrust further into him, hitting that one spot that drove him crazy. He could hear muffled moans and mutters from James, he could feel his arms around him, his dick pounding into him, his legs working by his sides. Carlos could feel the slight sheen of sweat that covered James's body as he thrusted into him, long and hard.

"Carlos, Carlos," he heard a voice in the background and ignored it, letting himself enjoy the treatment James was giving him.

"Carlos!" there it was again. Carlos felt himself being shaken, and this time not by James.

"Carlos, wake up!" Carlos finally recognized the voice as Logan when he gained consciousness.

"Hmm," Carlos blinked awake, putting a hand up to show Logan that he could just shut up with the 'Carlos, Carlos' already. There was only one dude he wanted to hear that from.

The latino looked around. He had his sheets twisted around him and his pillow had been thrown off his bed. Carlos felt sort of hot and he could feel his dick relaxing from the erection he'd had just minutes earlier. He blushed. Logan must've seen what went down.

"Have an interesting dream last night?" Logan smirked smugly at him.

Carlos just nodded and scratched the back of his neck.

"Nice," Logan prodded further, "who about?"

"J-," Carlos stopped himself for a second, thinking fast. "J-J-Jennifer," he stammered out.

Logan nodded and cracked a sideways grin, "It did sound like you were making a J sound. But dude, which one?"

"Yes," was Carlos's first reply, not thinking the question through.

"Wow, all three? You aim high in your dreams, Carlos," Logan teased with a laugh.

"I sure do," Carlos told him with an innocent grin.

~*~*So technically he wasn't lying in that last line...*~*~

"We need to party tonight," James said decisively as the four walked out of Rocque Records. They had just finished recording a new song, and Gustavo had been an extra pissy mood. He was especially mad because Carlos coughed like twenty seven times during recording and James almost fell asleep. Logan had tripped over everything in sight when they tried to rehearse the dance and Kendall had just yelled back at Gustavo the entire time. They were exhausted.

"Why party?" Logan asked, "I just wanna sleep."

"Yeah," Kendall agreed, "I can barely talk from all that screaming at Gustavo."

"I'm up for partying!" Carlos said in excitement, beaming up at the taller boy. James smiled at him and ruffled Carlos's hair.

"Alright, buddy," James told him, "then we'll party. Without these losers," James motioned to Kendall and Logan, who rolled their eyes.

When they got back to 2J, James and Carlos went off to get ready for the party (James had to pick out an outfit for Carlos or else he would drive all the girls away, apparently). Kendall flopped down on the couch, and Logan grabbed a soda and tossed Kendall one before taking a seat next to him.

"Man, I wish we could go to the party," Kendall grumbled, taking a sip of his soda.

"I know, dude," Logan told him, "but we have to let James and Carlos have their James and Carlos time. I caught Carlos again this morning."

"Wow," Kendall blew air out of his mouth, "I still haven't caught James. I'm not sure he really knows himself yet."

"That's James for you," Logan said, clicking his toungue.

After a few hours of James prepping them, The Hollywood Super Party Kings of Hollywood were finally ready and made their way out to 2J.

"See ya after we score, bitches!" James called over his shoulder and did a peace sign to Kendall and Logan.

*~*~To the party!~*~*

"This party sucks," James said in disgust, glaring at his drink, "even the drinks are bad." He scanned the dance floor, looking for prospects. He rolled his eyes, finding none.

"I don't know," Carlos mused. He looked up at James with his big brown eyes, "it's not so bad."

"Oh come on," James rolled his eyes, "there is NO ONE interesting here."

Carlos flinched a little.

"Well, I mean, y-we're here," he told James, "so it's clearly at least part awesome."

James laughed and put a hand on Carlos's shoulder. "Carlitos, we come to parties to find new people. Not hang out with the same old ones."

Carlos flinched again and followed James out onto the dance floor, where he had apparently spotted some "prospects."

~*~*Let's head back to 2J*~*~

"So Logie," Kendall said wih a smug grin, "what do you wanna do tonight?"

"I dunno," Logan admitted, "you wanna just watch a movie?"

Kendall smiled and they put in a movie. It was some stupid slasher movie, the kind where the killer appears behind every a door and the dumb blonde girl with big boobs just so happens to open the winning one.

"Hah, this is so stupid," Kendall scoffed as the movie started with a scream.

"I know, right? Totally not scary," Logan agreed.

About 20 minutes later, the boys were huddled into each other, screaming bloody murder. Occasionally they glanced up at the TV, but something scary always appeared and they shoved their faces into each other's shoulders again.

They waited out the movie, breathing sighs of relief when the ending credits came on. Logan and Kendall pulled apart a little, looking into eachother's eyes.

"It's over," Kendall whispered. The low light caught in the yellow flecks of his eyes, making the green glint like it had golden sparkles in it. Logan's eyes were dark and lusty; they reflected every emotion Kendall seemed to be putting out.

Logan turned his head away suddenly and caught his breath. In one move, Kendall reached Logan's chin and turned it towards him, tipping it up a little to reach better. He leaned down and captured Logan's lips, moving his own against them. Logan caught on quickly and opened his mouth to let Kendall slip his toungue in. Their toungues worked against each other, but together at the same time. Logan let his hand fly to Kendall's neck and pull him down onto him, deepening the kiss. Kendall ran a hand through Logan's thick, dark hair as they kissed.

"Wow," Logan breathed when they finally pulled apart.

Kendall cracked a grin. "We should let James and Carlos go out without us more often."

*~*~Back to said James and Carlos~*~*

James shook his head, trying to clear his blurred vision. The party had actually started to seem pretty good about four shots ago. Now, however, it was on its way back downhill. James felt lost, he didn't have his bearings and the room spun around him. The music was too loud and all of the faces were unfriendly and unfamiliar. All but one.

James practically fell onto Carlos. He put his arms around the little latino's shoulders, steadying himself.

"Carlos," James breathed into his ear.

"Yeah dude?" Carlos said. His heart rate sped up a little.

"Lesss' dance," James slurred and grabbed Carlos by the hips. He brought Carlos infront of him and began to grind on him, letting the music guide them.

"James?" Carlos asked.

"Ssshh," James quieted him, "just dance."

Carlos obeyed and leaned and swayed with James.

James's vision sharpened pretty quickly. The blurry slowed down world around him suddenly went into overdrive. The colors were clearer and the people looked much more real. He suddenly became aware of exactly what he was doing, and exactly who he was doing it with. Strangely enough, it didn't bother or even shock him. He felt like even if he wanted to, he just couldn't stop grinding with Carlos. He was drawn to him. Carlos was his anchor in the insanity, and he wouldn't have it any other way.

"Carlos," James mumbled, when the song ended, grabbing Carlos's shoulders and turning him around.

"Yeah James?" the smaller boy replied.

Wordlessly, James crashed his lips into Carlos's. He gave no warning and didn't hold back at all, he just kissed. He wrapped his arms around Carlos's waist and Carlos reached his arms up to pull at his hair. James pushed Carlos up against a nearby wall and cornered him, pushing his toungue deeper into Carlos's mouth. Carlos clearly didn't mind being dominated and just went along with whatever James did, letting out a moan of pleasure. They didn't pay any attention to their surroundings, who could be watching, or the consequences. They were the only two people in the world, as far as they were concerned.

~*~*End of this chap!*~*~

A/N: Hey hey hey! I hope you guys liked this! I did a Jarlos one shot, and I got requested to continue it, but I wanted to leave that as a oneshot. Instead, I decided to do this. Review if you thought it was any good;) Also, I'm going away for the next week, so I won't have an update up for another week. Sorry:( But I'll update as soon as I can!