Welcome to my latest story. This is going to be worked on along with 'The sleeping Dragon and the Hidden Leaf'. This is a Naruto/Warhammer 40k crossover that is going to be very different then all the other I have seen on this site. Naruto will not join Chaos. I like the evil forces of Chaos, but that idea is overdone. I have a few ideas of pairings, but I will see what people say in the reviews. Read and review! Oh, and make sure you review! Have fun.



"Demon Speaking"

'Demon thinking'

/ / / / / / Start of story

Prologue: The Broken Galaxy

The Emperor of Mankind looked out over Terra. The once great city was now ruins. A large fleet of Chaos ships had attacked the city and most of it was destroyed. After a long battle, the Chaos fleet had withdrawn. The Emperor sighed and turned away from his window. It has been over thirty years since he had awoken from his sleep on the golden throne. He was surprised when he saw how much the Imperium changed from when he ascended the Golden Throne. He rembered when the High Lords of Terra saw him.

/ / / / Flashback

The Emperor of Mankind walked away from his private room. He was wearing deep orange robes. Two members of the Adeptus Custodes, the Imperial Palce's Guards, stood on either side of him. It had been three weeks since he woke up. During the three weeks, he read up on current events, rested, and ate. He laughed at the faces of his guards when he asked for broth and noodles. While his guards got him his meal, he read about what has happened since he had been on the throne. A large frown formed and grew as he read about what has happened. From what he could tell, there were three major issues that the Imperium faced. The first is the Hive Fleets of the Tyranids. These strange aliens were a threat that had been pushed off for too long. He would have to assemble a fleet to take out the threat. The second issue is the Imperium itself. He looked at many of the Hive Worlds and was sick. How could the High Lords of Terra let things get so bad? The poor lived on the street and starved! The first thing the High Lords of Terra should have done was feed the people. The way to fix this was replacing some people. The third issue was the forces of Chaos. He had no doubt that they would try something, once he revealed himself.

The Emperor shook his head when he reached the two large doors that led into the meeting room of the High Lords of Terra. This was it. He cleared his mind and pushed open the door. The High Lords of Terra were talking about new shipping ideas and maybe a rise in taxes. The moment he entered the room was silent. He looked at each of the High Lords. The first one to speak was a short fat man with a fat bald head.

"I don't know who you are, but you have no right to bust in here! This is a meeting of the Great High Lords of Mankind! Leave now or I will have the guards kill you!" The Emperor just frowned. He nodded his head towards one of his guard. The guard stepped forward and grabbed the fat man and forced him to his knees.

"Kneel before the Emperor of Mankind," the guard yelled. The rest of the High Lords of Terra eyes narrowed.

"What heresy! The Emperor of Mankind is on the golden throne! Guards," a tall man with dark skin said. He wore a simple yellow coat. He had a golden 'I' with a skull on it hanging around his neck. The Emperor released some of his physic energy. Everyone in the room was filled with a strange calm. The Emperor now had a golden halo around his head.

"High Lords of Terra! I have of course made mistakes in my life, but allowing you fools to take power is my biggest mistake! From this point on I am disbanding the High Lords of Terra!" He turned his head towards the dark skinned man. "You are to come with me. I have new orders for the Inquisition!"

/ / / / / End of Flashback

The Emperor turned around and walked back into the palace. A woman was standing at the door way. She had long dark red hair and two pointed ears. She was Caluthien, an elder farseer. She smiled gently when she saw his grim face. "It is not your fault." The Emperor walked past her.

"Yes it is! If I had not been wounded by Horus, none of this would have happened! Chaos would have not burn the galaxy; the High Lords of Terra would have not been able to starve people! Untold lives would have not been lost," the Emperor yelled with a few tears coming from his eyes. Caluthien walked over and stood in front of him.

"It is not your fault. You did not cause Horus to fall. You did not lead the High Lords of Terra! While many have been lost, the rest have been spared the horrors of Chaos taking over! You did the best you could, and it was more then anyone could expect! You did something that I and many others thought impossible. You united the Eldar, The Imperium and the Tau under one banner to combat Chaos," the Eldar yelled. "While many have been lost, many have been saved."

The Emperor was silent for a few moments. "Thank you. I did do my best. Anyways, any word from the Tau fleet? Did they reach Tau?"

Caluthien sighed. "The Planet Tau is scared now. It will take a very long time for anyone to live on it again. Most of the other Tau worlds are bad. The Tau fleet is heading back to Mars."

"I see. You may go now. I want to be alone for a little bit." Caluthien nodded and left. The Emperor walked into his private room and opened a chest that was at the foot of his bed. He pulled out a picture and a torn black head band. The picture, while washed out, showed four people. The first person is an older man with long white spiky hair. He had a red outfit on. A blond woman with a VERY large rack stood next to the man. A shorter woman with black hair was holding a pig stood next to the blond. The last person was a boy with short blond hair. He had an orange jumpsuit on and a large smile on his face. "I was so young. I miss pervy sage and baa-chan," the Emperor thought. He sat the picture done and looked at the head band. You could barley see a leaf on it. 'This thing brings back memories." The Emperor sat the things back into the chest. He lies on his bed and fell asleep.

/ / / / / Next Morning

The Emperor walked into a large room with a bowel of oats in his hand. He saw Caluthien and a few other Eldar sitting in a corner talking. He looked over and saw a large group of Space Marine Chapter Masters talking. He sighed and sat down at the table. No one even looked at him. The Emperor sighed and started to his bowel with the spoon he was using. Everyone turned and bowed and sat down. "Thank you for all coming. We are here to talk about what is left of the orks. Now, I had the Ultramarines look for them. Can you tell us your findings?"

As the meeting was going on the Emperor was thinking. "What if I could change this? Make every thing right. Go back in time. I wonder." The Emperor was thinking throughout the meeting on how to change things. After the meeting, the Emperor went back to his room to think of his new plan.

Around noon Terra time, he heard a knock at the door. "Come in." Caluthien walked in with a plate of food.

"I brought you some lunch. What are you working on," The Eldar asked when she saw some of the papers on the desk he was working on.

"Thanks for the food. As for what I'm working on . . . do you believe in time travel?"

"Time Travel?"

"What if I could change every thing? Make things right. I think I may be able to been space, time, and the warp to send me back in time to prevent what has happen."

"Are you ok? This sounds crazy."

"I'm fine! I think I may be able to do this!"

"Ok let's say it is possible. How would you do it?"

"I would use my physic energy and a very old art called sealing. Using this, I will bend space and time, and send myself back! I maybe able to send some things back with me, but I'm not sure."

"Are you really ok? This is sounding really crazy."

"Whatever! I got work to do!" The Emperor turned to the papers and worked some more. Caluthien just shrugged and left.

/ / / / / / / / Two Days Later

The Emperor was finishing some of the seals needed for his idea. He had put some of his needed things in sealing scrolls and placed the scrolls on seals connected to the one he would use. When he active that seal, the others would active too. "Done! I hope this works." The Emperor sat in the middle of the circle and was going through the hand signs. After an hour of hand signs he was done. Nothing happened. "Damn it! I though-" the Emperor was cut off has he felt pain. He soon blacked out.

/ / / / / / ?

The Emperor opened his eyes and saw a wooden ceiling. He groaned and looked out the window and saw four stone faces. The faces of the Hokage!

"It worked," he yelled and jumped around in victory. He stopped and saw he was in his apartment from when he was a child. "I sent myself a little bit to back." He saw on the floor next to him was the scrolls he had sent back. He grabbed the first one and saw it was his power sword. The Emperor sealed the sword back and walked to his kitchen to find his calendar and ramen. After hitting some ramen up, he saw the date on the calendar. It was the day of the bell test! "Watch out Kakashi. Naruto, the Emperor of Mankind, is going to kick your ass!"

DONE! This is going to be my own response to my first challenge (on my profile). This is going to be AU for both Warhammer 40k and Naruto. Naruto will be God-Like. He still has his powers from the future! As for pairings, leave me some. I was thinking maybe Kurenai or Caluthien (I will make it work).