A/N: Hello Naruto world! How are you? Though I've been reading so many SasuSaku stories it feels weird writing one. I hope you all like this though and that it turns out better than my last story! Enjoy!


By Dark Shining Light

Pairing: Sasuke and Sakura


Rated T

Summary: Sasuke never hesitated about murdering but for the 1st time he's having doubts and it's all because his new target is Sakura Haruno, a childhood friend and his ex-girlfriend.

(Do NOT Own Naruto)

Chapter 1: Mission

"Yo! Hot stuff! Bring us more beer! And make it snappy!" Suigetsu shouted at the blonde who was cleaning the table 10 feet away from theirs. She smiled and walked away.

Suigetsu smirked and leaned back on the chair. "This is the life: Killing people for fun, drinking illegally, and no one doing a fuck about it. Don't you guys agree?"

But there was no response from any of his teammates.

Juugo, who sat at his left, only stared at the drink in his hand, clearly thinking. Karin, across from Suigetsu, was trying to look sexy for their team leader. But the Uchiha ignored her and continued to think.

Suigetsu snorted. "You guys are lame."

"So Sasuke-kun, we've killed our 99 person tonight. Maybe we should celebrate in my bedroom…" Karin suggested as she decided to rest her head on his shoulder and run a finger on top of his chest.

He grabbed her hand quickly and held it so tightly that Karin winced. Sasuke looked down at her in pure annoyance. "Don't ever do that again." No threat needed to be followed; the venom in his voice and the glare he was giving her was worse than a vocal warning.

She lifted her head up from his shoulder as he released her hand. She quickly placed it on her other hand, holding it. She pouted and looked up at him. 'Sasuke Uchiha… I swear you WILL be mine…'

Suigetsu laughed. "You screwed up big time Karin!"

The redhead glared at him. "Mind your own fuck'n business Suigetsu!"

"I would if you weren't so cocky about asking him to have sex with you right in front of us! Did you honestly think he would say yes? Is that how arrogant you are?"

Karin flushed in embarrassment and rage, ignoring the blonde woman who placed their drinks on their table. The group continued to ignore her as she left.

"Suigetsu you son of a-!"

"Who do you think our new target is?" Juugo inquired, mostly to stop their arguing. "Most of them where politicians or some other type of wealthy person."

"It doesn't matter." Sasuke interrupted, placing his chin on top of the back of his hands. "All that matters is the sooner we kill him, the sooner we enter S.O.U.N.D"

"I'm glad you think that way Sasuke."

Suigetsu choked on his beer and started to cough. The other three looked calmly at their expected guest.

Suigetsu glared at the man with glasses. However, Kabuto only smirked. "Don't look too surprised Suigetsu. After all, I'm the reason why you are here."

"Who's our next target Kabuto?" The Uchiha demanded, his eyes narrowing when he saw Kabato smirk.

"Always so eager, ay Uchiha?" But the messenger sat down by Suigetsu so he may sit across from Sasuke. He had a confident smile on his face. "I hope you're ready for this…"

Kabuto tossed the file, open, on the center of the table. All had surprised looks on their faces but each for different reasons.

"Is that…pink hair?" Karin asked in disgust.

"She's soooooooo…pretty…" Suigetsu frowned. "It's a shame she's the next one to die."

"Yes…quite a shame. Isn't that right Sasuke?" Kabuto said with an 'innocent' smile on his face. Sasuke's team members looked at their leader in surprise and were shocked when he had an angry expression.

'Interesting reaction…' The SOUND member thought. "Is something the matter Sasuke?"

"Why her?" The black haired 18 year old demanded, still angry.

"Tsk, tsk, don't be so angry. Besides, I thought you were over her." Kabuto added.

"You KNOW her Sasuke!" Karin asked with jealousy in her voice.

"Should I tell them? Or would you like to do the honor?" The SOUND member inquired. But Sasuke only glared at him. Kabuto smirked. "Why…she's his ex-girlfriend."

"WHAT?" Karin yelled, making some people turn over to look at them. But she could care less. 'How was THAT piece of shit able to get Sasuke but not me! This has to be a trick!'

"No joke?" Suigetsu asked in disbelief. 'And all this time I thought you were gay…'

"You never answered Sasuke's question…" Juugo added, directly to Kabuto.

Kabuto narrowed his eyes. "This team had never asked why before so why does it matter now?"

"Just answer the question." The Uchiha said.

But he didn't. "I'll tell you right after this mission is complete. Right now, focus on getting it done. Unless…you can't."

But Sasuke didn't say anything.

Kabuto sighed. "Such a shame…99 deaths about to go to waste. And all for a girl? Are you really going to throw away everything you've worked so hard on just for one little girl from the past?"

The raven haired male narrowed his eyes, and said. "I'll do it."

Kabuto smirked. "Good. Now we can get started."

He pushed the picture aside and when straight to her profile. "Her name is Sakura Haruno"

(Scene Change)

"Ino relax! I'll be there in two days...I know you want to shop right now but I can't go just yet….because I need new body guards…Ahhh I'd rather not talk about it now…...I'll tell you all about it when I get there k…Ok I have to go now. See you in a few days. Bye." Sakura sighed as she hung up the phone, plopping on the couch. She rubbed her temple together, slightly annoyed. 'Damn it Ino-pig, you gave me a headache…'

She heard laughing and rose from her seat on the couch. She walked up to the glass scene door, opening it before stepping out to her porch. She inhaled the sweet beach air and opened her eyes. From the fourth story of her beach house, she could see all the people enjoying themselves on the beach. Shouts and cries of children could be heard and she realized that the laughing had come from a couple who were walking underneath her porch.

The man had long black hair, which made her sadden. 'There I go again…missing him…'


Next thing she knew, someone was hugging her from behind. Her eyebrow twitched when she realized who had scared her and was embracing her as if nothing happened.

"NARUTO!" She yelled, and people from the beach looked towards the direction of the beach house.

(Scene Change)

A poor blonde was sitting on couch with an enormous bruise on his cheek and two giant bumps on his head.

"Why do you have to hit me so hard Sakura-chan!" Naruto muttered, despite the pain he was feeling.

"And why do you have to keep hugging me!" Sakura countered as she entered her living room with two ice cream cones in her hands.

"I've known you for years! I thought I would at least be able to hug a friend I've known for years!"

"Ahhh Shut up and eat your ice cream!" The pink haired girl said as she handed him the chocolate flavored ice cream.

All the bumps disappeared as Naruto cheered. "Yay!" Then he bit into the treat, making it smear all over his face.

Sakura smiled softly. 'Idiot…'

"Ready to visit Ino?" Naruto asked through his mouth full of ice cream.

"Yeah. She wants me to leave already so we can start shopping but I told her I can't leave until I get new body guards."

Naruto narrowed his eyes slightly. "Those punks finally got fired?"

Sakura sighed, disturbed. "Yeah… I caught them stealing some of my jewels and bras and panties…I never knew they were such perverts. But then again, I should have realized the correlation between having new body guards and my undergarments disappearing for the 1st time."

Naruto glared at the coffee table. "Who knows what else they could have done if they were still around."

"I know right. Let's be thankful they're gone."

"They're the ones who should be thankful! If it wasn't for your dad firing them I would have seriously kicked their asses! Believe it!" Naruto exclaimed as he stood up doing an uppercut.

The green eyed girl sweatdropped. "Yeah right."

Naruto frowned, having his own sweatdrop. "You don't believe in me, do you?"

Sakura smiled softly. "In a one on one battle, I think you can beat any guy that comes your way. However in a 6 on 1, especially against trained professors, I gots my doubts."

The blonde frowned and closed his eyes, making a funny face. "Thanks Sakura…"

"Maybe if you go to the gym and do some professional fighting I'll sorta have faith in you…"

"I'll show you Sakura!" Naruto said as he straightened himself up, smiling. "One day I'll have a huge fight, like 10 to 1 and I'll still win! I might not be as buff as those wrestlers on TV or a math genius from school but I do have street skills that will get me out of any trouble. Believe it!"

The female could only smile softly at his words. She knew that once this knucklehead put his mind on something he'll never back down until he accomplished it. 'I guess that's one of his good qualities…' She joked.

Before she could add anymore, the blonde began walking to the chimney but it wasn't the fireplace that had caught his attention. She knew this once he picked up a photo frame that rested onto of the shelf of the fireplace. Sakura saddened, her expression matching his.

"You miss him…don't you?" Naruto asked quietly.

"Yeah…" Sakura answered in the same tone.

The blonde cracked a broken smile. "I do too…"

(Scene Change)

"Recently, Gaku Haruno fired all four of his adopted daughter's bodyguards. It seems that they had installed video cameras in her bedroom and bathroom, and were sending these videos to their prevented friends. That and they had stolen some of her jewels and undergarments. He needed to find new body guards fast because Sakura Haruno is going on a trip to visit Gaku Haruno's blood related daughter, Ino Yamanaka. Luckily I was able to hack into all his accounts and switch the names of the original bodyguards into yours. First step of this mission is to earn Sakura Haruno's trust. I don't know whether having Sasuke there will help or delay this task but either way it has to be done. Once you have completed the first step, expect to receive an envelope with your name on it. The rest of the instructions will be on it. There will be no problems, right Sasuke?"

The Uchiha walked down the hotel hallway along with the rest of his teammates as he thought back on Kabuto's words.

"What's wrong Karin? Jealous someone got to Sasuke first?" Suigetsu smirked.

"Why should I be jealous of that! She's an EX! I won't be one when I start dating Sasuke!" Karin said proudly.

"You won't even get the chance to BE a girlfriend!" The blue/white haired male countered.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP SUIGETSU!" The redhead shrieked.

"I never knew you had an ex-girlfriend Sasuke." Jugo said, talking to their teammate rather than forgetting he was there.

"And I didn't expect you too!" Suigetsu added as he held Karin back with one hand. "So who broke up with who?"

"Sasuke OBVIOUSLY broke up with what's her face? Such a stupid question!" The girl with glasses complained.

They reached Sasuke's room first. They expected him to enter without saying a word as he usually did. Instead he turned around and said something that left them standing with shocked faces, even when a door was slammed in their faces.

"We never broke up."

A/N: Wait…how could she be an ex….if they never-? LOL well as confusing as it may be you'll have to continue reading to find out! I hope everyone enjoyed the first chapter! Sorry for any mistakes or OOCs. If its not rude to ask, I want at least 7 reviews before continuing! Please! Anyways, enough begging- Enjoy your summer everyone!

Your Friend

Dark Shining Light

P.S. If you're in California whose going to the Anime Expo? I hope to see you there! =D