This is my first attempt at writing a fanfic or really anything but I love Bones and have seen every episode many many times! Reviews would be very much appreciated though. I'm not sure how long this will be, but probably more than 10,000 words and will try to update at least every two days.

Disclaimer - If you recognise it I don't own it, sadly that privilege belongs to FOX and Mr. Hart Hanson!


Seeley Booth walked out of the supermarket into the unusually chilly evening for mid May, toward his small apartment above the liquor store just four blocks away. He had somewhat of a skip to his step, for he was meeting his partner in just an hour and a half to go on their first baby shopping trip. Passing the second block near an alleyway he saw it. Just a ways down the alley was a woman.

She looked to be homeless, or at least on the very low end of the lower class. Wearing a thin looking green tinted brown worn jacket and torn, baggy jeans two sizes too big, she was leaning up against the dirty, red brick wall of the building on the right of the alley way. Having seen many dead bodies before in his line of work, he knew instantly that she had become one of them. Walking a few feet into the alley Booth was about to call it in to the police when he noticed that, in her arms, was a bundle covered with rag-like blankets.

"Oh god," he breathed out. Abandoning his phone call, he quickly stepped forward to the woman, crouched before her and moved the blankets aside. Right there, sleeping in the dead woman's arms was a shivering, scantily clothed, mousy haired, baby girl, maybe 8 months old.

Oppressing a gasp, Booth immediately took off his own black leather jacket, picked the baby up to his chest and rapidly covered her. Taking a moment he pondered what to do next. He did know one thing though: he needed to get the baby girl to a hospital.

Speed walking to his car he situated his jacket like a cocoon around the baby. Climbing inside of his SUV he placed the child on his chest, rubbing her back in soothing motions to try to stop her shivers and whimpering. Almost instantly he simultaneously heard her quiet with a sigh and felt her turn her small head against him for warmth.

Booth let out a sigh of relief. "It'll be okay," he whispered gently, more to himself than the baby.

Turning the car on and the heat up to full blast he just sat there for a minute thinking, letting the car heat up, absent mindedly rubbing the baby girls back, and nonetheless more thinking about everything, a million and one thoughts rolling through his head. The main contenders being, "How did this happen?" and "Oh my god, I just found a baby and most likely her dead mother in an alley."

Finally feeing like the car was warm enough Booth bundled up the baby in his jacket and gently set her in the passenger seat fussing to get her secure enough to drive. "There you go," he said content that the she was as safe as possible in the conditions, Booth put that car into drive and started of the short distance to the hospital, making sure to drive extra gentle.

Now, sitting in the waiting room after he had called in the body and used his status to convince them to notify him immediately after they got an ID, Booth felt helpless. The hospital staff assured him, when they took the baby to be examined, that he would aware of her condition and was also informed him that because of the situation would be contacting a social worker.

Just as Booth was taking his phone out to call his partner and regretfully change their plans a nurse called his name and motioned him to follow her. Doing as told, he quickly got up and let the nurse lead him to a small, pale blue, room with a crib, a single chair, a recliner, and typical hospital room machines. In the crib was the baby, wailing and pink-faced.

"Nobody has been able to calm her down but I noticed she was perfectly fine when you brought her in." The nurse then turned to him and explained, "Generally you wouldn't be allowed back here as you have no relation to her but, with the circumstances, I'm willing to bend that rule just once."

"Thank you. Can I…?" Booth asked with a pained face, motioning picking her up. The nurse nodded with a small, albeit knowing smile.

"Of course, just be mindful of her IV," She said as she started backing up to leave, "A doctor should be in shortly to tell you a few test results, I have to get back. If you need anything I'm Jane." And then turned and left.

Booth swiftly turned and picked up the baby, who immediately latched onto his shirt and completely quieted within a minute. Sitting down he noticed that she had fallen asleep, head resting on his shoulder. "What am I getting myself into?" He whispered almost silently to no one looking down at the angelic face asleep on his chest.

All of a sudden, a shrill ring broke the peaceful silence. Scrambling to pick up his phone hurriedly, before it woke the baby, Booth reached into his pocket to grab his cell. "Booth." He answered in typical fashion.

"The woman had ID on her, Anna Hayes," the officer told him, getting straight to the point. "Mother to one Elsie Hayes, only child, currently living at a woman's shelter, parents both dead, worked at Re…"

"How old would Elsie be?" Booth asked interrupting all the while processing the information he had just been told. "Elsie is an orphan now" he thought.

"Umm let's see… born on October 2nd 2010, she is eight months as of yesterday," he told Booth, "Why?"

"No reason," he lied. Hearing his call waiting, he quickly said without waiting for a reply, "I gotta go peters, but thanks for the info." Hanging up and switching to the waiting call he answered, "Booth."

"Where are you Booth? You were supposed to pick me up twenty-five minutes ago and it's highly unusual for you to be this late." Brennan asked with her usual candor.

"What do you mean "this" late?" he argued sidestepping her question, "I'm almost always on time to get you!"

"The fact that you just added almost to your statement proves my own that you are in fact, sometimes late to pick me up." She said with smug sweetness, "But back to my original question, where are you?"

"Well you see, um… It's a little hard to explain, it might me better to tell you in person."

"Again Booth, where are you?"

"The hospital," he heard he suck in a breath and reassured her, "It's not for me Bones, don't worry, just come to the fifth floor, room 242B, Okay?"

"Thank god," she breathed out nearly silent then said, "And yes, okay"

"You don't believe in god Bones."

"Stop teasing me Booth, you know what I meant."

"I know I'm sorry, I'll explain when you get here, I promise" he said, "Goodbye."

"Bye." And the line clicked off.