One Reason to NEVER prank Echizen Ryoma

Ryoma sighed as he opened his foot locker. In the center was a red heart-shaped tin. The tin had a letter taped to the top. Curious, he picked up the tin, and tore the letter off. In red, scrawled lettering it read "To Echizen Ryoma" Then he opened the letter.

Dear Ryoma,

Your smile warms my soul outmatching even the sun

Your heart passionate heart and lively personality

You emerald Onex hair is sleek and smooth

Just like you, who seems to slip by the world, hardly unnoticed

You're clear golden eyes shine and reflect warmth of those who surround you never truly caring

How I envy them,

They, who are friends, and more,

They who can be close to you,

You who is god like,

You who is perfect.

The only thing I'd change about you is the way you feel about me

Please meet me in classroom 2-A tomorrow after class

Ryoma frowned. What was this? It was a sad attempt for a love letter, that was for sure. Suddenly, he heard something scuttle. His frowned, and realized this was probably another prank from Momo. He walked out off the school, to a small patch of grass. He quickly opened the box, and dumped its contense. Out came spiders, crickets, centipedes, and all kinds of bugs.

He sighed, again. This was the seventeenth prank this week. His seat had a whoopee cushion on it, his pens were glued shut, assignments missing; a goldfish had even been in his water bottle. Thankfully, none of them had worked, but the pens had angered him. They were the expensive kind, too.

At this point in time, the whole school knew about it. People were making bets on who would win.

At any point, Ryoma was greatly annoyed. He knew, however, that it wasn't just Momo that was pulling these pranks. He had a suspicion that everyone else, except Fuji, Tezuka and Takeshi, was participating. Oishi probably got dragged in it because of Eiji. Suddenly a plan formed in his mind. And with that, he went to afternoon practice turning that new idea into a plan.


1st person

I walked up to Fuji, just after he had exited the dressing room. "Fuji, I have another favor to ask of you" I said, a grin on my face.

Fuji looked intrigued, and his smile widened a fraction of a centimeter, but only the trained eye could tell. "And how might I be able to help you?" He asked me. I mused that he probably already knew what I was going to do before answering.

"That depends. Just how good are you at cooking?"

At the super Market

Third Person

Fuji went over to the vegetables and fruit section and picked out five strong tasting yellow onions. He then proceeded to the fruit. He picked out four red apples, just about the same size as the onions.

Ryoma, on the other side on the store, was looking through the caramels. He selected two bags of the darkest, thickest looking caramels .Then he went over to the food coloring. He selected a box of rainbow colors, with red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black and brown. Finally, he walked back into the baking section. He quickly scanned the shelves, until he found what he was looking for. With that, he and Fuji meet at the front of the store, and checked out.

The cashier looked over as she was checking out, and did a double take on the look of Ryoma's and Fuji's faces. They were grinning sinisterly.

With that, they went back to Fuji's house and got to work.

The next day at lunch

School Roof

The regulars were sitting in a circle chatting and finishing their food, when Ryoma suddenly pulled out a plastic box. It was clear, with blue handles. "What's that" Asked Eiji, curiosity spilling over into his voice.

"Carmel Apples" Ryoma replied. They looked at him funny.

"Are they an apple that tastes like caramel" Momo asked stupidly.

"No! Their obviously caramel balls shaped like apples" Kaido hissed.

"Incorrect! They are apples covered in caramel, it is a circus tradition in America" Inui said. The rest of the regulars looked amused, but didn't say anything. "So, what's the occasion" Inui asked.

"Nothing special, just some that I made while I was bored. Its one my favorite American foods. Anyways, who wants one" Ryoma asked. Everyone quickly said yes, curious to taste the American treat. Ryoma opened the box to reveal perfect ovals covered in a dark caramel colour, with a Popsicle stick protruding out of them, and quickly handed them out by the handles. Momo looked suspicious.

"How can I be sure that there not poisoned or something" He asked a hint of accusation in his voice. Ryoma took a bite of his apple and Fuji followed, as well as Tezuka.

"See, nothing wrong with them. Why would I eat something disgusting myself? Ryoma asked in a sing-song voice, amusement shining slightly in his eyes and dancing playfully in his voice, creating a melody weaving into his words. Fuji smile got a fraction on a centimeter wider, not that anyone noticed. Ryoma took another bite, and the sound echoed with a satisfying crunch. He smirked again.

Finally, everyone else took a bite of their apples. Momo, slightly annoyed, shoved half of it into his mouth and bit down. He quickly swallowed, and almost took another before he suddenly gagged. Momo, Oishi, Eiji, Kaido, and Inui all simultaneously started to cough, and their eyes started to water. Oishi grabbed his water bottle, and poured it down his throat in a frantic attempt to get rid of the horrible taste in his mouth.

After about two milliseconds, Tezuka and Kawamire asked them what was wrong, and it took a while before one of them wheezed out "It's the vilest thing I have ever tasted" in a frantic voice. The voice was so scratchy they couldn't make out parts of some words, or who had said it. Suddenly, a small laugh was voiced. It was then followed suite by another, slightly deeper voice. Everyone looked over to see Ryoma and Fuji covering their mouths, shoulders shaking, in an uncontrollable fit of laughter.

"Ryoma, Fuji, care to explain?" Tezuka asked anger portrayed in his voice. Finally, Momo and the rest had their taste buds under control, and they glared at the still-laughing teens.

"Those weren't apples, they were onions" Ryoma said, now under control. Everyone looked at him confused. "Look at the top of the handles. The half that was apples had a slight indentation at the top of the stick." Under closer inspection, they realized it was true. Momo looked at him, furious.

"I can't believe you would do this!" he said. Ryoma smiled. He glanced at Fuji.

"Iv won this war. Admit it, you can't win. I've outmatched you every time, and I'll always win, with or with out Fuji-sempais help" Ryoma said.

"Fine!" He snapped back, looking crestfallen. "I give up! You win." He sighed. There was no way he could win against him.

"I may be the Prince of Tennis, but I'm the King of Pranks" Ryoma finished, an almost sadistic smile on his face.

Authors Note:

Hey it's Asa Usa here! So, who liked it? Anyway, this story will only be typed when I figure out a good prank or have a sudden burst of inspiration. The good part? Its written kind of like a one-shot, all you need to know is that there is a prank war going on, so you can skip parts of it or just jump into a random chapter.

~Asa Usa