1 reason to never prank Echizen Ryoma

Ryoma's POV

It was almost the end of practice, and I sighed .The regulars unfortunately had a meeting that would be boring as hell. "Practice is over. Don't forget, all the regulars must meet on court 1 after showering" Tezuka shouted. Great this was going to be so fun . I was gathering my stuff when I realized my zipper on my bag was broken.

"That's just great" I muttered unhappily. That's means I'll be late to the shower house again, and I would have to wait and shower later than the others. Because there was nine regulars, and there was only supposed to eight, their wasn't enough shower stalls in the regulars' bathhouse. We had recently up-graded the un-used building to a spacey bathhouse for regulars. It did, however, have ten changing rooms. Each changing room had the regulars name painted in their favorite color. By the time I got to the bathhouse, the stalls were filled. I waited ten minutes, most of the time I spent in my personal changing room, before Tezuka came out of the shower, a plush white towel around his waist.

"Last again, Echizen" He commented, and started to walk towards the door that had "Tezuka" painted on it in scrawly lettering.

"Unfortunately" I replied, stepping into the now-empty shower stall. Soon, I was the only one in bath house. When I finished showering, I grabbed my towel, and wrapped it around my waist. I walked over to the door with Echizen written on it, and stepped inside. It was a plain room, with a medium sized vanity against the far wall, and a small wire shelves to the left of the room. I kept my combs, brushes, deodorant, cologne, shampoo, and conditioner on the vanity. The shelves had extra tennis rackets, and my bags. Just as I was about to change, I realized my cloths were gone.

In its place, however, was a tropical printed thong and bra. Upon closer inspection, I realized it was women's underwear. "What the hell!" I shouted, enraged.

Third Person POV

2 minutes later:

Ryoma slammed the bathhouse door with a loud BAM! The other regulars looked over, surprised by the loud noise. What they saw was even more incredulous. Ryoma was only wearing a small bath towel around his hips, which barely covered himself, reaching mid-thigh. What they failed to notice however, was the racket in his hand. Most of the members blushed. All except Momo, who was trying not to burst out in laughter.

Ryoma had found his target. He marched over to Momo and hit him –hard – over the head "Give. Me. Back. My. Cloths. You. Sick. Bastard. " He shouted, hitting him over the head in-between each word. Momo was all the while bursting out in hysterical laughter. The other regulars were trying to keep Ryoma from beating Momo to death, and eventually succeeded.

"What happened" Tezuka shouted, very, very, angry.

"I get out of the shower to change, and not only are my cloths missing, theirs woman's underwear in their place." An enraged Ryoma says.

"Momo, I can't believe you would do that to your own teammate, and Ryoma just because he was stupid enough to do it does NOT mean you can beat him to death!" Tezuka said loudly, calming down.

"Both of you will be doing 100 laps around the court tomorrow" He added as an afterthought

"Wait! I wasn't the only one to do the prank!" Momo cried out desperately, almost pleading. Tezuka turned, and Ryoma stared, daring him to say who else helped do it. Eiji sent him a pleading look, and Kaido glared.

"Oishi, Eiji, Kaido and Inui were in on it" He pleaded, as if this piece of information would lessen his punishment. It didn't.

"Oishi, you were in on it to?" Ryoma asked, slightly surprised.

"Eiji dragged me and Inui into it" He said, looking regretful

"It was a good opportunity to collect data" Inui said calculatingly. Ryoma turned to Kaido, looking him in the eyes.

"Momo dared me to do it, I can't refuse a dare" He defended himself.

"I'm very disappointed in you all. You'll all be doing 100 laps tomorrow. Ryoma, your excused, seeing as you were the obvious target in this foolish prank" Tezuka said, still slightly angry, but mostly annoyed.

Suddenly, Ryoma grabbed Momo "I WILL get you back for this" Ryoma hissed. Then dropped his captive. After that Ryoma got back into his normal cloths, and the tennis meeting went smoothly. Their was a new competition soon, and the pairs were set up.

After the meeting:

"Fuji-sempai" can you come over here for a second?" Ryoma called out. Fuji nodded, and walked over to him.

"I was wondering, can you do me a favor?"

The Next Day

Third Person POV:

"Tezuka-sempai I forgot my tennis rackets at home. Can I go get them?" Ryoma asked. Heads swiveled in surprise.

"I was playing tennis yesterday with my dad. I must've forgotten to put them back into my bag" He explained.

"Okay. However, as punishment, you'll have to run 30 laps.' Tezuka threatened.

"Thanks. It'll take me twenty minutes"

Half an hour later:

"Where is Ryoma, he should have been here age's ago" Momo complained.

"Ill make him run 40 laps for this" Tezuka muttered to himself, he was feeling rather cross with himself.

"Ringggggg Ringgggggg Ringggggg"

Fuji's cell rang out, startling the team. Tezuka nodded, and Fuji answered his cell phone.

"Hello . . . Yes. . . Oh, can he not make it to practice . . . He's what, I'm sorry, I think I've misunderstood . . .*gasp* Oh o-okay. . . . . . . . . W-what room is he in? . . . 102. . . G-got it. . . We'll be their in ten minutes." By the end of his rather short cell phone, Fuji's azure eyes snapped open. Whatever he had heard must have been bad.

Fuji didn't stutter, he didn't gasp, and he had dropped the seemingly permeate smile. And yet, he looked panicked, worried. Distressed.

"I'm afraid Echizen is . . . has . . . gotten into an accident and is in critical condition. He's in the hospital, room 102." Fuji gasped out, his voice sounding forced. The team gasped.

"We have to go visit him" Momo said softly. The rest if the team nodded in agreement.

"Alright. Grab your stuff and meet at the gate in five."

Twenty Minute Later:

When they got to his door, a doctor in white stepped out. "You must be Mr. Echizen's friends." he smiled sadly "I'm but he might not wake up. And when he does, he has a high rate of . . ." The statement hung in the air, and the docter looked saddened and walked down the hall. Eiji started to cry.

They all walked into the room, and faced Ryoma. He was pale, and on the left side of his face was a deep gash. Ten minutes passed and the, slowly, Ryoma opened his eyes he focused on Tezuka. "Sempai" he breathed out, his voice little more than a whisper.

" It's okay now. We're here." Momo breathed out , afraid he would shatter his friend with even the lightest of breaths. Suddenly , a nurse came into the room with a small tray. On it was a small needle, containing a almost-clear, green tinted liquid. She gingerly placed the tray on the side table, and picked up the needle.

"You may feel a small sting, okay honey?" She said sweetly. With that , she stuck the needle into his left wrist pressed the capsol and removed it placededing it on the tray, and left the room. But as she was doing so she whispered "Visiting times over in half an hour, okay, honey" They shuttered , and looked at Ryoma.

"So. How long are you in here for" Tezuka asked.

"They haven't sai-." Suddenly Ryoma clutched his stomach and groaned.

"RYOMA ! What's wrong?" Momo asked frantically, as Inui called for a nurse a groan was his only answer. Suddenly, the heart rate monitor beeped frantically, and suddenly slowed. Then a nurse showed up. She looked at Ryoma, with pity in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, but there nothing we can do, it's all up to him now. I would say your goodbyes, thought." She said , and left the room again. Ryoma groaned again.

"I'm sorry sempai's but I think that this is the end" Ryoma said.

"Nooooooo! Please don't leave me" Eiji and Momo pleaded. The rest of the team looked stunned. Then Tezuka stepped forward and said his goodbyes. The rest of the team stared . He had given up. Suddenly Inui stepped forward and said his good byes, too. The rest of the team did so, too. All the while the monitor's screen showed that his heart beat was slowing down.

"Goodbye" Ryoma breathed out, with his final breath , as the monitor showed one last beep, and ran dead.

Momo cried out in anguish , and Eiji bawled. Oishi tried to comfort him , only to end up bawling himself. Kawamura cried silently. Even Inui and Kaido were sniffling. A single tear fell down Tezuka's face, silhouetted against the light.

Suddenly Ryoma jumped up and screamed "BOO!" Momo fell down , gasping for breath.

"So your not . . . then" Momo sputtered. Suddenly Fuji and Ryoma burst out in laughter. All eyes turned to Fuji. He was in on it too, they realized . All this time , he hadn't spoken. He had known the entire time.

" I must say , this was a great idea, Ryoma" Fuji complement him thought his laughter, as he collapsed on Ryoma's bed

"Thanks , Fuji" Ryoma said around a laugh.

"Wait a second! So this was all some sic gag" Kaido demanded.

"Not a gag, Revenge" Ryoma hisses out, still laughing . They stared at him. This was all for revenge? Because they switched his cloths, he pretended to die?

"Wait, how did you set this up? And what was that green stuff in the shot you got" Inui demanded.

"We'll , for starters, a few of those doctors are family friends, the nurse is my cousin, and that green stuff was my flu shot" Ryoma said, his laughter finally subsiding.

"God , that was great. Hey, Ryoma we should get something to eat tomorrow" Fuji said

"Sure, Fuji" Ryoma replied. Wait, the other's looked their way . Fuji? Ryoma? When did those two get so close? For the first time Tezuka spoke.

" You did this whole entire thing as a joke? Each of you, 100 laps tomorrow" Tezuka shouted angrily. The two people in question groaned, but then stated to laugh again.

"200 laps" Tezuka shouted.

Authors Note:

So, how did it turn out? It was kinda a random idea that I got this afternoon, so I decided to write a story on it. I hope you liked it , and thanks for reading!. Please review! Flames and critics welcome. Anyway, I hope you'll read my other story, "Behind His Walls" about the same manga.

~Asa Usa