Emily followed Spencer through the Hastings' kitchen and upstairs to Spencer's bedroom.

"Thanks for helping me study, Spence. I really need to do well on this history exam."

"Sure, no problem. I took Advanced Russian History last year. Now what exactly do you need help with?" Spencer said as she sat down on her bed.

"Everything. I just don't get it, the Bolsheviks, The Russian Revolution, Lenin, communism, it's all so complicated." Emily said as she sat down beside Spencer.

"No problem."

"Easy for you to say, Miss I scored a perfect on the SATs and never make any grade less than an A."

"If you're going to make fun of me maybe I won't want to help you." Spencer said sarcastically as she turned her head away.

"No, I'm sorry. I need you, Spence. Please." Emily said as she put her head on Spencer's shoulder.

"Okay. Let's get started then. Let me see your book."

Emily reached into her bag and pulled out her text book. She handed it over to Spencer and couldn't help but smile when Spencer's hands accidentally brushed against her own. Spencer opened the book and began flipping through the pages.

"Let's start with the Russian Revolution. What year did it start, Em?"

"Uh, I don't know like 1824?" Emily guessed.

"Um, no. But close. It was 1917."

"How is that close, Spence?"

"Well, it isn't really..."

"Spence, please, I need to learn this. Don't worry about sparing my feelings."

"Okay, okay the Russian Revolution, began in the fall of 1917. The Bolsheviks were essentially an extremist political group within the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party, which would later become the Russian Communist Party. The revolution came about after Czar Nicholas the second sent millions of soldiers into World War One, while the country was completely unprepared to handle war. Millions of men were inevitably killed. The Russian people quickly lost faith in the Czar, so Lenin and the Bolsheviks were able to overthrow him and assume power." Spencer explained.

"So you're saying that basically the Bolsheviks were irritated with the way the country was being run so they rebelled to overthrow the dictator?"

"Exactly. See, this isn't so hard."

"So was Lenin a communist, then?" Emily asked moving closer to Spencer, pretending to be interested in the text book in Spencer's lap.

"Sort of. It's complicated. The political system he introduced was more of a cross between socialism and capitalism. His system wasn't exactly the communism we understand today." Spencer said as she went on to explain the details of different political systems.

"Remind me again why I'm taking this class?" Emily asked.

"Because it looks really impressive on college applications. You do want to get into a good school, don't you?" Spencer replied.

"Yes, mom." Emily said sarcastically. "But how am I going to remember all of this for tomorrow?" Emily asked.

"Don't worry, you'll do fine. Here, read this, then we'll go over it." Spencer said as she handed Emily the text book.

After a few minutes of silence, Emily looked up from her text book to catch Spencer looking at her. Spencer quickly looked away and cleared her throat.

"We should probably move on, there's still a lot of material to cover." Spencer said.

Spencer then explained the main points of the communist political system.

"Okay so, do you understand why communism fails?" Spencer asked.

"I think so. If the government controls everything and everyone is equal, people won't be as willing to work as hard for strangers as they would for themselves..." Emily said with and upward inflection in her voice signaling slight uncertainty.

"Exactly right. In the short term communism seems like a good solution to a failing economy. You know, help your fellow man and work together, but in the long run, people stop being so willing to work hard while others do almost nothing and are still awarded the exact same benefits. The system collapses in on itself when people realize there's no incentive to work hard."

"Got it. Why can't the teachers just make everything simple and explain things as easily as you do?" Emily asked.

"Most of Rosewood's teachers are self-righteous, over paid, desperate-to-be college professors, who think they're smarter than they actually are." Spencer said, getting up and walking across the room to stretch her legs.

"Everyone's so fake here." Spencer said, pacing about the room. "I can't wait to finish school and get out of this town."

"I know exactly how you feel, Spence. Sometimes, I just wanna go so far away, to a place where no one knows anything about me. Where I don't have to lie, and A isn't watching my every move and tormenting me."

"Tell me about it. I'm so tired of being seen as the girl who lied to the cops. I know we didn't do anything wrong, but how do we convince everyone else? What do you do, when the people who are supposed to protect you are the ones you can't go to for help?" Spencer asked, turning away from Emily.

"I don't know..." Emily whispered shaking her head and staring at Spencer.

Emily allowed her eyes to wonder up and down Spencer's entire body. She wanted Spencer more than she had ever wanted anything in her entire life. But how do you tell your straight best friend that you're helplessly in love with them?

Emily desperately wanted her crush on Spencer not turn out the way her crush on Allison did. Allison manipulated her and shamelessly played with her heart and feelings many, many times. Emily knew Spencer was nothing like Allison and that Spencer would never treat her the way Allison did. Emily couldn't help but wonder if revealing her feelings to Spencer would be worth the risk.

Spencer soon turned back around to see Emily staring loving at her.

"Everything okay, Em?"

"Huh?" Emily said snapping back to reality.

"Are you okay? You were spacing out."

"Oh yeah, I'm fine, sorry. I was just thinking."

"About what?...wait I know that look. You have a crush on someone. Don't you?" Spencer teased.

"Well...sort of."

"Really? It's about time. You haven't even remotely showed an interest in anyone since Maya."

"I know. But this girl is totally different than Maya. Complete polar opposites."

"Do I know her?"

"Pretty well, actually."

The conversation was then interrupted by the ringing of Emily's phone. Emily pulled her phone out of her pocket and read her messages, as Spencer looked on with sudden panic in her eyes.

"Relax, Spence, it's not from A, it's my mom. She wants me home. We'll talk later." Emily said slightly relieved to be ending the conversation before she said too much.

Emily stood up and began gathering up belongings off of Spencer's bed. Spencer walked over to the bed and handed Emily a small stack of index cards.

"Here, I made you some flash cards. Take them home and look them over, this should be everything you need to know."

"Thanks." Emily said taking the cards from Spencer and putting them in her bag.

"Oh, I almost forgot." Emily said as she tightly hugged the brunette. "Thanks so much for helping me, Spence."

"Sure, no problem. Anytime." Spencer said as she smiled weakly at her friend.

"I kinda like having my own personal tutor. I could get used to it…" Emily laughed walking toward the door. "Bye Spence, I'll see you tomorrow." Emily said as she walked out the door.

"Okay, bye Em."

Spencer walked over to her bed and laid down, she crossed her arms over her chest and sighed loudly as she stared at the ceiling.

*Why her? Why Emily? You better get over her Spence, she's in love with someone else, besides she'd never go for someone like you. You don't have a prayer.* Spencer thought to herself.