DISCLAIMER: i dont own FMA or Finding Nemo.

Ed is taken by the divers of Sydney, leaving Alphonse to search the entire ocean for him. Along the way, he meets a forgetful (and a tad bi-polar) fish named Dawn, who helps him along with his search for his brother. Living out all the questions young Edward asked him before he was taken away, they follow one wish.

That is the wish of Finding Edward.

"You see, Hohenheim? It's perfect! You didn't think that when we moved here you'd get a view of the whole ocean, right?" Trisha mused, her eyes alight with achievement. Hohenheim chuckled and smiled back at her, "Well, I have to admit, it is a great view. I'm sure they'll all love it." He swam down to the eggs, his wife close behind him. "I was thinking, maybe we should name them."

Her eyes widened a little bit, "All of them? Right now? Ok, this half is Trisha Jr. and this half is Hohenheim Jr. We're done now." Hohemheim paused, "I like Edward.. and Alphonse." Trisha grinned, "We can name two of them that, but I'd like a lot of them to be Juniors." The two swam back to their anemone, smiling a bit. "Do you remember how we met?" Hohenheim questioned the other clownfish. "Yes, and I try not to," she sighed as he grinned at her. "Excuse me, can you tell me if I have a hook caught in my lip?...You might have to get—" he cut off as they swam out, him farther than Trisha.

Trisha whispered, "Hohenheim, get back in the house." He looked down at all the eggs and then back up at the swordfish that was right in front of them. "Hohenheim, please, they'll be fine, just go inside." He looked down again then darted down towards the cleft in the rock. Trisha darted down after him, attacking the huge fish. She failed, being knocked to the anemone. When she awoke, she gasped, swimming as fast as she could to the cleft where all the eggs were laid. Her eyes were wide as she saw nothing there. "H-Hohenheim?" she called, searching for any signs of life in the dark sea.

A flash of orange caught her eye and she turned to it quickly. She saw two eggs and rushed over to them, holding them in her fins. One had a crack going all the way around it, the other had a smaller one on it. "Edward..Alphonse.." she cried a bit. "Mommy's here, mommy's got you.. I won't let anything happen to you. I promise."

"Get up, get up! Time for school, Al! It's time for school!" Ed yelled, hitting his brother and grinning. "Ehh..Fine more minutes, Brother.." he groaned. "Get up!" He shouted, banging into his brother once more. Al finally got up, shaking his head back and forth. "Are you sure we're ready for school, Ed?" Ed nodded at his brother's question. "Ya know, we CAN wait a few years. Ed gave him a look at that one. "Alright, alright. Lucky fins!" He chuckled. Ed held up his smaller fin and gave his brother a high fin with it, then smacked his dorsal fin on his brother's where it was torn. "Let's do what mom showed us before we go. Gotta brush!" he spoke, jumping into the walls and brushing up against the tendrils. Ed did a quick brush.

"Edward, do you want this anemone to sting you?" Al gave him a quizzical look. Ed nodded, "Mhmm!" "Then brush. Good this time, Brother." Ed huffed and took longer than the last time, "Ok, lets go!" Al growled a bit, "Wait! We gotta do the standards. We peek outside, then swim back in. Then look out, and go back in." On the third, Ed huffed and swam out. "Hey, Al. How old do you think sea turtles get? Winry Plankton says they get to be up to a hundred! She also says that she's seen sharks!" He chattered while heading towards the intersection. "I don't know, brother, if I ever see one, then I'll ask," Al sighed, going with him. "Brother! Wait!" They both paused for traffic, then when the signal was given, they crossed over to the other side.

When they got over to the school place, they met the other kids and their parents. "Hey, Al, wanna play over with them?" he asked, pointing to the three kids on Mr. Bradley's yard. Al shook his head, "Why don't we go over there with those guys? That's where I'd play," he said, pointing to the spongebeds. Ed rolled his eyes at his brother. "Hey, you're a clownfish! You're supposed to be funny, right?" Al and Ed gave the seahorse a strange look. "It's just a term, really… We aren't any funnier than any other fish," Al muttered, blinking wide grayish-brown eyes. "Aww, c'mon. Tell us a joke!"

Al blushed in a fishy way and shook his head, swimming over to Ed. Ed laughed a bit at his brother. "OHH!" they heard singing and their attention fixed on all the kids getting onboard the stingray. "Who are you guys?" he asked cheerily. "I'm Edward, and this is my brother, Alphonse," Ed smiled, swimming his best to the stingray. "Alright, my name is Mr. Fuery. Before you board, you MUST answer a science question. What kind of home do you live in?" Al answered that one, "An amem-on em….Anenemi…Anememone.." "Alright, don't hurt yourself," Mr. Fuery mumbled, letting them on. "All aboard!"

"OHHHHH! Let's name the species, the species, the species. Let's name the species that live in the SEAAA!" he sang loudly, headed to the drop-off. Al recognized where they were going and looked at his smaller brother, "Ed. Be careful where you swim.." Ed huffed and glared at him, "I'll be fine dad."

Al shook his head, concern flitting in his mind as he stared down to the reef below.

Atienne: Awww.. Finding Edward. My best idea yet! By the way, EVENTUALLY this will be Alxoc. As usual.
Al: you really have no range, do you? I appreciate being used, but really?
Atienne: O.O I've never heard you be mean Al.
Al: sowwy! OwO
Atienne: er, yeah.. reviews please!

Nemo- Edward Elric
Marlin: Prologue) Shared- Trisha Elric + Light van Hohenheim
Story) Alphonse Elric
Mr. Ray- Kain Fuery
Gill- Roy Mustang
Peach- Riza Hawkeye
Deb (and Flo)- Sheska
Bloat- Heymans Breda
Bubbles- Maes Hughes
Gurgle- Vato Falman

and the rest when i figure them out!