So sorry for the late update! Life has been pretty hectic at the moment. I'll try to update quicker. Well, this is the scene! It is rated M for obvious reasons.

Eventually, they both stumble into Rachel's apartment laughing after 10 minutes of Rachel trying to get her keys out to open the door. As they walk in Rachel nearly falls over, "Maybe we've had enough to drink..."

Blaine laughs and nods in agreement, "We are going to have a HUGE headache in the morning. Well, off to bed then superstar," he says, only teasing her. Rachel however takes him seriously and stumbles off to her bedroom, "Good idea, superstars need their beauty sleep. You're staying the night, right?"

It's not a big deal, Blaine stays overnight at Rachel's apartment at least once a week often with both of them sleeping in the same bed. It's no different than the sleepovers that Kurt and her used to have at Rachel's house back in Ohio. "Sure, of course I am."

Rachel grins at him, "Yay! Sleepever!" She starts to move off to her bedroom starting to undress and without thinking Blaine follows already unbuttoning his shirt. Rachel is already sitting on the bed only in her underwear. Okay, well usually when Blaine sleeps over she at least wears pyjamas, but they're both so drunk it doesn't even register with them. Blaine takes off his pants so he's only in his boxers and joins her on the bed. He wraps his arm around her, pulling her close against him.

"Blaine? Will you go and get that bottle of wine? It seems a shame to waste did pay for it and all." He nods, getting up from the bed and grabs the bottle from the hall and two glasses.

Rachel chuckles when he comes back into the room, "We won't need the glasses." Blaine puts the glasses down and moves back onto the bed, bottle in hand. "Did we open this bottle?" Rachel asks. Blaine looks down at the bottle and laughs a little, "No, it's definitely not open. If it was, it would be gone by now." He opens the bottle and hands it to Rachel.

Rachel lifts the bottle to her mouth to take a swig of wine but manages to miss completely. She giggles, "Whoops!" Blaine's eyes widen as he sees the drops of liquid running down her neck and onto her chest. Without even thinking about it he leans forward, running his tongue along her skin from her chest up to her neck. Rachel tilts her head back making a soft, satisfied sound. Her neck has always been her weak spot and feeling Blaine's tongue run along it is driving her crazy.

His mouth moves further up to kiss Rachel. Rachel kisses him right back. Yes, they're best friends and yes, Blaine is gay but the only thing dominating their actions iright now is the alcohol that is running through their veins. All reason and common sense is lost as Rachel's tongue slips into Blaine's mouth and Blaine, while pulling Rachel closer to him sucks on it lightly. Their hands start to roam each others bodies. For Blaine especially this is an exhilerating experience as he's never been this close to a woman before. His hands roam over her curves and Rachel straddles Blaine's hips, hands running through his hair as they kiss deeper.

Blaine unhooks Rachel's bra, tossing it aside and running his hands over her bare breasts concentrating on the area around her nipples. This illicits a soft gasp from Rachel's lips. They pull apart for a moment so Blaine can pull down Rachel's panties and Rachel can do the same with Blaine's boxers. Blaine lays Rachel down gently on the bed, moving above her he enters her slowly. They both groan and Rachel keeps still for a moment, just enjoying the feeling of being inside her. The his hands move to her hips as he starts to thrust his hip slowly. Rachel moans, "Yes, Blaine..." and she starts to buck her hips up off the bed to meet his thrusts. "Faster, Blaine...faster..." she almost begs him.

Blaine moans thrusting faster into her, their breathing getting heavier every second. Blaine hits her g-spot each time he thrusts and it's not long until both are moaning loudly. "Yes Blaine, yes..that's it..right there..god, don't stop!" Blaine leans forward kissing along her jawline towards her ear where he whispers, "Come for me Rachel..." He then sucks on her ear lobe as he continues to thrust.

It doesn't take much longer for Rachel to start coming, calling out Blaine's name. A few minutes later Blaine is coming too, "Fuck, Rachel..."

They both ride out their orgasms, holding onto each other tightly. A few minutes later once they catch their breath back Blaine rolls off Rachel and pulls her close to him, covering them with the bed covers. They don't say anything to each other, that can wait into the morning when they'll have to face up to what just happened...

Short again I know, but I'm finding it hard to find time to write anything at all :-/