A/N: First of all, someone told me I had been spelling Matheus wrong (Madeus), and I am so sorry! When it comes to names, I'm a horrible speller, hahaha Second, thanks for all of the great feedback! Please read and review, but most importantly, enjoy! ;)

The Glee Project!

"Did you hear?" Hannah asked her recent duet partner, Samuel. Even though he wasn't looking for a girlfriend, they had agreed to be great friends.

"Oh my god, I so did! I can't believe Sara got her nails done; that was unbelievable! And the colour? Insane!" he said jokingly, imitating about every Cheerio at McKinley.

"Shut up!" she said laughing. "And no, that isn't it. Emily Vasquez is hosting a huge party this Saturday night."

"Will there be alcohol?" Samuel asked.

"Of course! I mean, it's Emily Vasquez, the school's new super slut. I don't know how she could have anything else."

"Hannah..." he said slowly.

"I'm sorry! But, anyways, are you going?"

"Sure, why not?"

"Yay! I'll see you there!" Hannah said in excitement as she walked towards her locker.

"What was that all about?" Matheus asked. He was covered head-to-toe in what looked like a cherry slushy.

"Matheus, what happened to you?" he walked with him to the guy's bathroom and grabbed a few paper towels, hoping he could at least get a little bit off.

"Football players. I guess McKynleigh was right. Glee club really is social suicide."

"Yeah," Samuel replied with a sigh. "But anyways, Emily's having this huge party this Saturday night, with beer."

"Awesome, are you going?"

"Yeah. Hannah really wanted me to come, and-"

"Hold up," Matheus interrupted. "What's going on with you and Hannah?"

"Nothing, we're just friends."

"Dude, the whole 'just friends' shit never works, you know that. Remember Alice from middle school?"

"That's why we're just friends, okay? Let's just leave it at that," Samuel said. He loved spending time with Hannah, but he was afraid that if he talked about her too much, he would fall for her.

"Fine," Matheus answered, seconds before the bell rang. "I have to get to class, but I'll see you Saturday at Emily's."

"Everyone, I invited you here a few minutes early for a special announcement," Emily said at the beginning of glee club that afternoon. She was wearing, yet another, skin-tight shirt and was standing proud at the front of the room.

"Does Mr. Schuester know your doing this?" Damian asked.

"No, that's why he isn't here. Now, stop interrupting!" she snapped. "Anyways, I'm not sure if many of you have heard, but this Saturday night, I'm hosting a huge party at my house! There will be alcohol, music, and a pool, and since my parents are out of town this weekend, I can invite as many people as I want."

"Didn't a senior get knocked up at your sister's party last year, Emily?" Alex asked.

Before she could answer, Mr. Schuester walked in. "Good afternoon everyone!" he said with a huge smile on his face as he set his coffee on the piano.

"Are you going?" Marissa whispered to her new boyfriend, Cameron.

"Only if you are."

"Well, I think it'll be a blast, and I have nothing else to do Saturday night anyways."

"Same with me, so I guess I'll see you there," he said, leaning in to kiss her.

"Stop!" she said jokingly. "Mr. Schuester is about ten feet away from us."

"Right," Cameron said laughing. "I'll just have to wait until after glee's over."

She looked at him with a smile, excited for that afternoon and Saturday night.

"Hey!" Lindsay said as she walked into Emily's house. The lights were bright, the music was loud, and her house was jam-packed, but she was still excited.

"You made it!" Damian kissed her; excited he could spend the night at a kick-ass party with his girlfriend.

"Have you seen anyone from glee club yet?" she asked.

"Um, I saw Cameron and Ellis, but that's about it."

"Okay, I'm going to go look for Marissa. Once I find her, we can hang out."

"Alright," Damian replied.

Lindsay pushed her way through the crowd of people, hoping she would find Marissa.

"Hey Lindsay!" Ellis said.

She turned around and saw Ellis, looking more like fifteen instead of twelve. "Hey Ellis! Have you seen Lindsay?"

"Yeah, she was over by the pool."

"Kay, thanks!"

She listened to Ellis and walked outside to the pool. She didn't see Marissa, but she did see a lot of people getting thrown into the pool, which made her go back inside quickly.

"Lindsay! Oh my god, you are SO beautiful! Where'd you get that dress?" Emily asked, acting way too drunk to function.

"Um, it's a shirt," she responded slowly.

"That is SO funny! Here, have a beer!" she handed a beer to her, but Lindsay gave it back. She vowed before she came she wasn't going to drink.

"That's alright," she said as nice as she could, only to make Emily cry.

"Don't cry! I'm sorry, I just don't want it!"

"Please? Even your boyfriend has one!"

Well, if Damian was going to get drunk, she might as well. "Sure," she told her. Emily stopped crying and gave Lindsay back a beer.

She drank a bit, and then continued her search for Marissa. By the time she found her, Lindsay was almost as drunk as Emily.

"Oh my god, Marissa, you're alive!" she said laughing.

"Lindsay, what happened to you?" Marissa asked.

"I don't know!" Lindsay started playing with her friend's hair as she kept laughing. "Oh my god, we should play spin the bottle! That is SUCH a great idea! I'm so smart!"

"But we don't have a-"

"And I already have a bottle!" she handed it to Lindsay.

"Okay, now you should-"

"SPINNNN THEEEE BOTTLEEEEEEEE!" she shouted over the loud music.

"..go get some people," Marissa said, finishing her sentence.

Before anyone knew it, the room was full with about ten people, all from glee club. The only people missing were Alex and Ellis, but they were by the pool.

The first person to go was Lindsay, who could barely even spin it. Luckily, after five tries, she managed to make it turn, only to land on Matheus.

"No! It didn't work!" she said as she started crying. "It's supposed to land on Damian!"

"But it landed on me," Matheus stated.

"Oh well!" she leaned in and kissed Matheus, thinking it was Damian while she did. Lindsay started wrapping her arms around him, but Marissa broke it up before it got too serious.

Next, it was Hannah's turn. She was drunk as well, like Lindsay, so she rigged the bottle to land on Samuel. When Hannah kissed him, they both knew they were meant to be, but Marissa had to break them up too, since it lasted for about two minutes.

Emily was about to spin it, but she threw the bottle at a wall and caused it to break. "Oh well," she said, and kissed Bryce.

"Damn boy, you're a good kisser!"

McKynleigh heard and was furious. "Back off, little bitch! He's mine!"

"Excuse me?" she took out her hoop earrings, set them on the table, and slapped McKynleigh, only to end up in a fistfight.

"Should we break it up?" Matheus asked Alex.

"Nah," he said, and walked off.

The next morning, no one could remember anything. Everyone, especially the glee club, had a horrible hangover. Before they could even think, Cameron texted everyone.

"Check Emily's blog. Now," it read. Although Emily was a Cheerio, she ran a blog. It was full of pictures of people at McKinley, and last night, she had uploaded pictures from last night.

Without even opening the pictures, everyone knew they were screwed.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed Chapter 3! It's based a little off of the episode in Glee with the "Rachel Berry House Party Trainwreck Extravaganza", Also, I do not think the real Emily is a slut! It's just her character in the story, I promise! Anyways, please read & review, I'd love to know what you think! Thanks so much! –april.