Hey guys!

Thought you might want something a little new. This is inspired by the end of Lynne Reid Bank's story 'Tiger, Tiger' - awesome book peeps, so you should defs read it - the end is so sad, but so good.. I cried - :'(

3rd POV:

They pulled her, bedraggled and wild-eyed from the cellar. It had been weeks since she had seen daylight, and as it streamed in from the high windows, illuminating dust motes idly, she doubted she had ever seen a more beautiful sight in her life. She was wrong, of course, but captivity does things to the brain, and she was half-crazed from fatigue, so she had her excuses.

But when she saw who was among the guards at the far end of the room, all thoughts were driven from her mind. For it was Zach who stood there, silent and sullen, Zach, whose face lit up at the first sight of his beloved, Zach who was shackled and handcuffed…

The wide smile that had broken out on her pale face, crunching her thin features, faltered at the sight of his bonds. But at that very moment, she forgot about all of the darkness, the beatings, the raw hunger of the last few weeks, because the love of her life was standing opposite her, alive. Alive, not dead, as she had let herself think. She let out a sigh of relief. Alive.

This outbreak of happiness was interrupted by Zach's mother, whom emerged from a shadowy corner.

"Fetch the ropes." Her watery eyes gleamed with sadistic pleasure.

They didn't protest, or struggle. There was no point in fighting the inevitable.

It was with tortured eyes that Zach's eyes raked over Cameron's face, memorising her features. It was to be his dying thought - an image of her, all hope lost, wearing a mask of pure horror and dismay, biting her lip to contain her emotions.

As they were led to the scaffold, Zach gave one last, final look at Cameron. And in her tear-brimmed eyes shone a burning love, matched only by his own for her. Even in his state of utter numbness, he registered the piercing ferocity.

And then, it didn't matter that they would both die, here at the hands of those they despised most. I didn't matter that they would never live, would never love another day, because they were together.

And it was indeed together, side by side that they hung, heels swinging gently in the light breeze.

So, you like, (:D) you hate? (:()

Review please, regardless! Although not too flame-y, as my fragile ego can't take too many put-downs!

Now: I can just tell that you're really frustrated with me for being all doom & gloom at the mo. - I think it's cos' of what I've been reading - (I j. finished 'Secrets in the House of Delgado' by Gloria D. Miklowitz - another AWESOME book - but sad too!) but that's gonna change soon - cos' I'm probs. gonna post another FLUFFY flick in the next day or so! :D

Anyways: REVIEW or I won't post it!


