*Sausage Link isn't staying over anymore. :( But anyways okie dokie, this is another story I have written, and it's about Leo, since he's one of my favorite characters and he doesn't have a lady friend. So I'm going to have an old character return! Anyways, you'll see who I'm talking about. If none of this makes any sense then I'm sorry, but If you read - actually read the whole thing and not skip - then you'll see what I'm talking about.

P.s. - I know this story doesn't make a lot of since, cause I know Calypso probably would have been free way before Leo came in and Percy should be missing by the time he does, but just go with it! You know what, just pretend Percy doesn't dissapear but Jason, Leo and Piper come anyway. Hera just gave Jason to the Greeks. It's romantic, and I'm trying to make Leo less lonely. He needs a lady, since obviously he isn't going to get Thalia anytime soon. lol ;) Eck, I know this still probably doesn't make since, but whatever! If you don't like, then don't read!

Anyways, I know this Author's note is too long, and I'm sorry. ;) I'll shut up now.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Yet. Rick does. But not for long! :)*

A New Change

*Chapter 1*

(Calypso's 1st person POV)

The moon was shining high in the sky, lighting up the sea with moonlight. I was in my garden planting new flowers. Moonlace, the flower that only opens at night, opened now as I planted it into the soil, its white petals almost glowing as I sprinkled it with water.

I sighed sadly. I remember not too long ago I had given a hero a Moonlace flower to take with him when he had left. Percy Jackson.

I sighed again. Of course, I'd offered Percy to stay here with me and be immortal, but I knew that he would not. No, no hero does. I cried myself to sleep for a few nights, as I do when the hero does not stay, but I quickly recovered and moved on. I was used to this. I usually do not mourn over someone for long, but . . . somewhere, deep down, I still missed Percy.

I was thinking of him, of our time here together, when there was a familiar flash of light. I stood.

"Hermes. Welcome," I said.

Hermes, in his jogging suit and winged sandles, was standing in front of me.

He bowed. "Calypso," he said. "Looking as lovely as ever. Can we talk? I have some important news to tell you."

I stood. "Of course, lord Hermes. I was just finishing up in my garden. Come, and I will have my servants get you a drink."

Hermes followed her to the burning fire, where an invisible servant brought him a pepsi. "As humble as ever, Calypso."

I studied him. He seemed . . . very stressed. No, very saddened. Yes, that was it.

"Lord Hermes, what is wrong? You seem very upset."

He turned away. "I . . . it is nothing."

I sat beside him. "You must be hurting over something to look like that. Please, tell me."

Hermes sighed. "It is nothing. I have just lost a son."

I gasped. "Oh! I am so sorry!"

Hermes nodded. "Yes. Luke. He died so that he could defeat Kronos. With Percy Jackson's help, of course."

Hearing Percy's name shocked me back to reality and out of my jumbled thoughts. "Percy? How is he? Is he alright?"

Hermes looked at her. "Oh, I'm sorry. I know about . . . well, I knew he'd came here and that you'd . . . anyways, yes he is fine. Still alive and all that."

I nodded, relieved. "That's good. I am glad."

"It is. But, anyways, I have actually come to tell you some big news."

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well, after Mr. Jackson saved Olympus - and for some reason turned down immortality - he made us promise to not ignore our children," he started.

" . . . Yes?" I asked curiously.

"And he made us promise that you would be pardoned from your imprisonment."

I stared at him. Percy . . . had asked the gods to pardon me? My heart fluttered and my stomach did flips.

Trying to stay calm, I took a deep breath. "I see. And I am . . . free? Free to leave this island and see the world outside?"

Hermes nodded. "Yes. I'm sorry, Calypso, but if your going to see Percy, then there's something that I have to tell you. This girl, Annabeth . . . Well, he's sort of, um-"

"Oh, I can see the world! I can see people and all kinds of things! I can see Percy again, as well!" I gushed, then looked at Hermes, who was staring at me. "Oh, I am so sorry, lord Hermes. Did you say something?" I said.

He stared at my excited face and sighed. "No," he said. "Nothing. You go ahead. I already have a boat ready for you. Just tell it where to go and it'll . . . well, you know."

I smiled happily. "Yes, I know. But where should I go first?"

"Camp Half-Blood?" he suggested.