Disclaimer: All of the Harry Potter characters belong to the amazing J.K. Rowling and I am merely borrowing them.

A/N: I know that this is a short chapter, but I'll try to make the next one longer. I'm not sure when I'll be adding another chapter, but stay tuned!

Also, I have recently been told that A/N's are not allowed as chapters, so I've deleted them. Any of you returning readers, that is why the chapters have gone down.

Harry James Potter woke with a start in the dead of night. Ginny was beside him, sleeping peacefully. For a moment he could not think of what had woken him, but then he spied the phoenix watching him from the night stand. As soon as Harry saw him he was gone, leaving behind nothing but a letter. He reached over and picked it up. As soon as he touched it, he recognized the signature jerk around his navel of a portkey.

He landed in the Headmistress' office. "Ah, good morning Mr. Potter. I trust your journey here was safe?" Harry blinked in surprise. He was not expecting to leave his bed in the middle of the night to have a friendly chat with Professor McGonagall.

"Not to be rude, Professor, but why exactly have you portkeyed me here in the middle of the night?" He asked. McGonagall didn't reply. She was busy taking out a large book from her desk. It made a dull thud as she set it on the desk.

"I believe this is the answer to your question," she said.

"The Registry of Hogwarts Professors," Harry read. "What does that have to do with anything?" McGonagall only flipped through the pages until she found a certain one. He nearly fell over in shock. His face stared back at him, smiling and waving. He looked more carefree than he had in a long time, and he looked healthier too. At the top of the page he saw his name, and underneath it, Defence Against the Dark Arts: 1977-1978. "How is this possible? That was over 20 years ago. Are you saying you're sending me back in time?"

"Harry, please listen to me," said a familiar voice. He whirled around to see Dumbledore's portrait looking at him sadly. "Before I died, I was working on a spell. My idea was to send you back in time to teach Defence Against the Dark Arts during your parents' 7th year. This spell would allow you to tell people everything about your life, but have them forget it once they left Hogwarts. No one would be able to send any letters about you, or talk about you to anyone outside of the school. It truly is a unique spell. A few weeks before I died, I finally perfected it.

Your talents in defence are admirable. I want the students to hear about the horrors of your life, and know that no matter what they go through, they should never go dark. But most of all, I want you to be able to know your parents, Harry. I want you to see your dad play quidditch, and see your mum's cleverness. I want you to be able to get to know Sirius before he knew the horrors of Azkaban, and Remus before he realized the cruelty he faced in being a werewolf. I want you to experience the life you deserve. After all you've done for our world, it's the least I could do." Harry nodded mutely, trying not to cry. He couldn't believe he was actually going to meet his parents. It was all he had ever wanted. Then he seemed to remember something.

"What about Ginny? And quidditch?"

"When you return, you'll find that almost no time has passed at all. I will inform Ginny and your team of where you've gone," said McGonagall. "We've thought this through, Harry."

"Alright then. How am I going back?" He asked Dumbledore.

"Ah, well you see, I happened to create another spell during my time; one that I adjusted specifically for you. After the year is over, you only need to say 'Accipe me domi' three times and you will be returned back to this time."

"Are you ready?" Asked McGonagall.

"Wait! What about my things?"

"Ah, yes. I nearly forgot. While you and Ginny were out yesterday, I took the liberty of packing a bag for you." She handed him his old knapsack. He eyed it sceptically. "Undetectable extension charm," she said. "I would've thought you'd recognize it. Inside you'll find a bottled memory. That's the spell you'll need to cast on the school before you tell anyone who you really are." He nodded.

"Alright. I guess I'm ready to go now."

McGonagall began to chant, "Duis quis turpis in est tempus viginti et duos annos Hogwarts." A light enveloped Harry and he began to glow. Before he disappeared, you could barely here him mutter.

"Ginny's going to kill me."

And then he was gone.

McGonagall and Dumbledore exchanged a glance. "I hope this works, Albus." She moved to put away the Registry that still sat on her desk and gasped. "My God, Albus. I swear, that boy's going to be the death of me. He's barely arrived and he's already changed the future. Look!" She picked up the book to show him. There, directly underneath Harry's picture, was a smiling red haired girl and the words Ginevra Weasley Potter, Defence Against the Dark Arts: 1977-1978.