Hello everyone! Here's the epilogue of Fade Away! ...sniff...I can't believe that my first fanfic is done...I hope you'll like it!

Thank you:



for reviewing chapter 15! I love you guys!

RRTAB: Read, Review, and Tell A Buddy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon! Turns out, Naoko isn't selling.

The sun shined brightly and beautifully in the afternoon sky. The sky was a beautiful baby blue, not a cloud in sight. Wait, the sky? Something brushed against Usagi's hand. She sat up. "This isn't heaven," she mumbled to herself. "This looks more like…Juuban Park! Mamo-chan!" She shook her sleeping husband. "Mamo-chan! Wake up, Mamoru!"

Mamoru answered the blonde's pleads. "What is it, Usako?" he groaned.

"Look," she laughed, "we're alive! This is the park! We're alive!"

The man sat up. "But how? We were there. They were married."

The symbol of the Moon Kingdom appeared on Usagi's forehead and memories flooded into the reincarnated royals' heads. New memories. Their defeating Dimande, the fire Serenity started, their wedding.

Yet, one memory stuck out the most…

"And now," Queen Serenity spoke as she stood up. She walked to the newly wedded couple, "Please accept a blessing, my daughter and my new son-in-law."

"Mother," the princess said, "what are you doing?"

"Quiet, my child, everything happens for a reason. Remember that forever." She pulled her scepter out of her sub-space pocket and raised it above her head. "My blessing, as a wedding gift, is the gift of rebirth. May everyone of the Solar System be reborn on Earth! I call upon the power of the Silver Crystal! Live happily, everyone! Accept my gift!"

Usagi smiled. "Mom," she laid her head against Mamoru's chest. "Isn't she great?"


Usagi frowned. "Mom?" She and Mamoru stood up. "How did you know we were back?"

"Chibi-Usa told us," Ikuko explained as she met the two.

Usagi's smile grew. "Chibi-Usa's back?" She hugged her unsuspecting mother. "This is great! See, Mom, I told you that we wouldn't die!"

"But you did die," Mamoru chimed.

"Quiet, darling," Usagi snapped. "I'm still here."

"And," Ikuko pried the blonde off of her, "your daughter also told me that you were married. Your father isn't too happy. In fact, he's on his way right now."

Usagi's smile faded. "Does he have the shotgun?"

The blunette nodded. "I couldn't talk him out of it this time."

Usagi turned to Mamoru quickly. "Run. Fast. And don't look back."


"Run, man, run!"

"Marry my daughter, will you," Kenji could be heard from the outside of the park. "I kill you, you little punk."

"Run, Mamo-chan! I like you better aliiiive! Papa, put the gun down!"

Well, that's the end! I hope you enjoyed this story and I thank everyone for reading until the end! I really had fun writing this! Don't forget to review!
