+Insecurities: Rashel

Rashel really didn't have much to complain about. Quinn was great really. But it was hard to be completely sure of a relationship with a vampire, when you were and still kinda are a vampire hunter. Surely it couldn't be his favorite thing to help train her so she could go out and kill his kind.

Rashel sighed. It seemed to her that she had been doing a lot of sighing recently.

Quinn had been really distant. Rashel understood that it was mostly because he was trying to protect the Wild Powers but then again that couldn't be all it was. Especially since he had started being more than distant, closer to downright and straightforwardly demeaning. He never had anything good to say to her anymore. It was all about what she was doing wrong.

Okay, so maybe she did have a lot to complain about.

But it really wasn't fair! She worked really hard and she was always hyper focused! But was that good enough for him? NO! Of course not! He had gotten so nitpicky the last few weeks. He had actually growled at her when she told him to leave her alone! Growled! Like an animal getting ready to attack its prey! She had seriously turned and ran from him then.

But, it wasn't entirely his fault, she supposed. It was probably her fault for getting all clingy on him. But, she couldn't help that! She liked to hold his hand and cuddle. She hadn't really had attention like that when she was younger since she had always been in foster homes.

But about two weeks ago he had suddenly refused to hold her hand or be any closer than two feet from her.

Rashel could honestly say she felt like a little girl again. She felt like she was in one of the foster homes that were busily trying to find somewhere else for her to go because they couldn't handle her anymore. They had withdrawn from her and treated her almost identically to how Quinn was currently treating her.

"Rashel, will you go with the Wild Powers?"

Rashel paused as she considered this. If Quinn was going and she said yes, then she would be stuck with him and wouldn't have enough people around to keep them from killing each other. On the other hand if he was going and she said no… the scene would be tragic. She would have to write down her last wishes before she made a decision like that. Or maybe he would be glad to have some peace from her.

"Is Quinn going?"

"No. He said he wouldn't go," Thierry said.

"Then you must be short on hands…" Rashel said, trying to make her acceptance sound more like a favor to Thierry than an escape from Quinn.

"I hate to say it, but we are fairly low on people that we can trust to go with the Wild Powers."

"Then, I'll go. I mean, the Wild Powers are really important and the more people we have protecting them the better."

"I really appreciate your understanding of the situation, Rashel. I know it won't be easy for you to be away from Quinn."

Rashel stared at the floor. "It'll be fine. It's not forever. It can't be."

Thierry smiled at her. "That's the spirit."

Rashel left. She got to her room and went to get her suitcase out of the closet.

"What happened to my suitcase?" she asked no one in particular. She was sure it had been there that morning and now it definitely wasn't. Her suitcase had just up and vanished. And not just her suitcase. Now that she was looking all of the boxes she had had in her room were gone, too.

So she did something she knew she would regret. She walked to the door over from her room and knocked.

"Come in."

"Hey Quinn, have you seen my suitcase? I was sure it was in my closet and now it isn't."

Quinn was sitting at his desk with his back turned to her.

"I don't see why you should have any use for your suitcase right now anyway," he stated.

"O…k… I'll just go and… get some boxes from Hannah then," she ran out. Definitely not the answer she had expected. Maybe something like, 'I haven't seen your suitcase, go away!' but not that. Which brought around the issue of how she was going to pack. So she went to Hannah.

"Hey Hannah! Are there any spare boxes around here? I need to pack and my suitcase and all my boxes went missing."

"Oh! Well that's rather odd. I'll go get you some boxes," Hannah stated. "By the way, where did your things go?"

"I don't know. I asked Quinn if he had seen them but he just said he didn't understand why I needed a suitcase."

"Um… did you mention you were leaving to him?"

"…Oh… oops…"

"Maybe you should go mention it to him?"

"Um… yeah… probably…" In reality her thought process came closer to thinking there was nothing she could think she would like to do less at that moment.

Hannah walked off to get boxes and Rashel turned to the (terrifying) task at hand.

"Quinn?" she said upon arriving at his door.

"What?" he said tersely.

"Can we talk?"



"I said no."

This was why she had so many troubles with him. He didn't care about her side of the story.

She was well aware that this more than likely meant he didn't care about her at all.

She went to her room. It took all of her control to not hit the wall. But she knew that if she hit the wall there would be a hole in it and that would really just make her day even worse than it already was.

"He's such a stupid jerk," she hissed. "What did I ever do to deserve treatment like that? Nothing! It's all his fault, it's all his fault…" and that's when the waterworks started. "It's all my fault, it's all my fault…"

"I got you some boxes," Hannah said, walking in. She was barely balancing five boxes.

"Thanks, Hannah." She sniffled and rubbed her eyes on her sleeve before taking the boxes from Hannah and turning sharply so Hannah wouldn't see her tears. She packed quickly, throwing her things into the boxes. Immediately after she finished packing she ran out the door. She didn't really know where she was going, but the next instant she was flat on her back.

"Oh, ow," she heard Jez say. They went through a little conversation about whether she would be going with them.

Afterward, she headed back to her room. And stared at the completely empty room. The boxes with all her things had vanished.

"QUINN!" she shrieked. She didn't know how she knew, but suddenly it was all very clear to her. She ran into his room, shoved her finger right in his face and started yelling. "GIVE IT BACK!"

"I have no idea what you're talking about. You've gone entirely insane," Quinn stated.


Quinn glared. "What makes you so sure it was me?"

"Because I'm not stupid!" she hissed, finally lowering her voice.

"Apparently you are because I haven't seen your things."

"Did you just call me stupid?" she whispered, half shell shocked. That was definitely the final straw. "Whatever, you know what? Forget it, I'll buy some new things in wherever the heck I'm going and I'll make new weapons. It wasn't that hard. I don't even care. Good riddance," she stated walking out the door. "I hope I never see you again."

And even though she regretted the words even as she said them, she didn't turn back.