AN: Just a random one shot that I wrote in a science lesson. It's really short actually...more of a drabble than a one shot. Not much Draco/Hermione action I'm afraid...wait, not any at all, but you can always imagine what happens after the end. Or I could write an extra chapter. Anyway, this is set in their 6th year, enjoy.

I solemnly swear I am up to no good.

Hermione watched the ink shapes form on the page by the pale blue light of her wand. The other girls in the room were lying still in their beds, breathing deeply. Lavender Brown rolled over, deep in her dreams. But Hermione couldn't sleep. Getting the map had been too easy, but resisting taking a look? ...that was practically impossible.

"You have no proof, Harry." She glared at him over the top of her book. "What makes you even think for a moment that Malfoy is a Death Eater? Hm?"
"But 'Mione, he has been sneaking around in the middle of the night. I saw him!"
Hermione snapped her book shut.
"So were you, that doesn't mean you're plotting to kill someone, or trying to take over the castle. You're as bad as each other."

Harry rolled his eyes. "You just don't get it." He sighed and stormed towards the staircase.
"And where do you think you're going?" Her book fell to the ground as she stood from her window seat.
"To bed."
"But you never go to bed this early, and you've barely started the potions essay. Need I remind you, it's due tomorrow morning!"
"I'm going to look at the map for a bit...I can't concentrate."

He started to make his way briskly up the winding staircase and out of Hermione's sight when she launched herself up the stairs after him. She ran straight past him and into the dormitory. The three boys lounging on Ron's bed stopped mid card game, but she barely noticed they were there. A few moments later she was making her way back past Harry on the stairs.
"It's time you stopped looking at this damned map, Harry James Potter, and actually focused on something important!"
"Give that back!"

"No chance."

The footprints were all still in the Gryffindor tower, no after curfew adventures tonight. The only movement was the pacing of Harry's footprints in his dormitory. Hermione laughed under her breath, clearly she wasn't the only one kept awake with thoughts of the map, and the power it held. It was long gone curfew, later than Hermione had thought. The only footprints seen wandering around the castle were teachers and a few prefects. She scanned the corridors, Snape was slowly making his way through the dungeon passages, where as Flitwick was scurrying along with little strides along the 7th floor corridor.

Until they stopped. Then they glided across the, they were dragged across the page. And it was at that moment Hermione realised she had overlooked one important pair of footprints. Flitwick's name hovered alongside his little red footprints as they moved into a closet before falling still again. And Draco Malfoy continued down the corridor. Within what seemed like a few seconds Hermione was at the bottom of the boy's staircase, contemplating for a moment whether to get Harry. She continued out of the portrait hole, alone, hugging her dressing gown round her shivering body.

The fat lady snored, slumped against the frame of her portrait. The map shook in her unsteady hands, Draco was only around the corner. She ran to the end of the corridor, her slippers thudded softly on the stone floor, her heart beating heavily in her chest. And the door faded into the wall, hidden behind the stone, just as she reached it. Hermione beat at the wall, willing the door to reappear. I need to find Draco. I need to find him. She paced up and down the corridor in front of the wall, but it remained plain stone. She guessed he wanted to stay hidden, but she continued to pace up and down, thinking of as many different ways of phrasing that she wanted the door to appear, but none made any difference. The wall was cold beneath her hands as she felt for even the hint of a door, a handle or a hinge.

Sat against the wall opposite where the door should appear, Hermione ran her fingers through her bushy hair for the hundredth time. Her eyes lids started to droop. I need to get...where Draco is... She fought to keep them open. Show me...the room... And the door started to appear, it grew out of the wall until the wood went solid and the wrought iron handle knocked against the wood of the door. Hermione scrambled to her feet, wand in hand and whispered...

Mischief managed.

AN: Thanks for reading, any reviews? I don't bite, honest.