(Author's Note:

The Powerpuff Girls in this story have the same body structure as a normal human. By this I mean they have fingers, ears, noses and normal-sized eyes. They're also a bit older than in the original series. Also, Broly arrived on Earth 2 years before the creation of the Powerpuff Girls. Lastly, I'll try to be loyal to the Powerpuff Girls' show, but this story might have more DBZ influence than the classic Powerpuff action. Anyway, they're not that different in terms of battles and action, so it should still be enjoyable to both Powerpuff Girls fans and DBZ fans.

That is all. Enjoy!)

A lonely space capsule seemed to be approaching the Earth faster and faster, coming from the deep space. As soon as the capsule entered the planet's atmosphere, a crimson-like barrier started to form in front of the capsule, followed by lightning. Right before hitting solid ground, a big, green-like flash or explosion shrouded the capsule. After the all the light cleared off, the capsule had already landed, still surrounded by lightning. The capsule's seemed to have already been opened, and had its outer shell in blazing red, until it cooled down to a white color. A few feet in front of the capsule was something shining, it seemed to be a man, with an abnormal muscular mass and a spiked yellow colored hair. He had no pupils in his eyes, and seemed to be badly injured, bleeding from his head and torso:


The man yelled a strange word. His body gradually losing muscular mass, making the man seem smaller. After some time, he had lost a considerable amount of muscular mass and had gained pupils, blue in color, until he fainted, his hair reverting to a black color and losing its spiked form. The place where the man landed seemed to be a mountain water spring, the water quickly filling the crater created by the capsule's landing and freezing over time, freezing over the man and keeping his life suspended over 7 years…

The city of Townsville! A thriving metropolis in the heart of America! With its busy, frantic, but also happy and pleasant citizens moving from one side to another, but the most famous inhabitants of Townsville were three young girls: Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup, who protected the city from crime and villainy. These girls weren't obviously normal, they were gifted with awesome superpowers and tremendous strength. They began their heroic career at the age of just 5 years old, always getting stronger as years passed by, and now at the age of 10, there weren't many malefactors that would face them and get away with a victory. However, something very powerful and evil was about to awake this very day…

At the Utonium residence…

A phone with a "cute face" seemed to be ringing, it's nose lighting up every time it rang:

UTONIUM: Girls! The Powerpuff Hotline is ringing!

The girls' creator and guardian, Professor Utonium shouted:

BLOSSOM: I'll get it!

Blossom shot out from the girls' room, leaving a pink energy trail behind, to answer the Hotline:

BLOSSOM: Powerpuff Hotline! How may we help you, Mayor?

The Mayor was an old man, who wore a monocle and a small top hat:

MAYOR: Uh… there seems to be a giant monster attacking the population near the mountainous region…

BLOSSOM: A monster attacking in the mountains? We'll get there and deal with it as soon as possible!

Blossom then hangs up and rushes back to her room:

BLOSSOM: Bubbles! Buttercup! There's a giant monster in the mountains! Let's get to it!

The girls hadn't changed much in appearance since 5 years ago. Other than being taller, they wore different costumes now. They wore more practical suits, with sleeveless, t-shirt-like sweatshirts with a collar, thigh-length skirts with a black belt and knee-length white socks. The only thing unchanged about their gear was the shoes; they still wore black Mary-Jane shoes while on duty. Their shirts had a more elaborate pattern, with a black stripe that covered their lower torso area, fading as it reached their back and stomach-area. The rest was colored with their respective colors (Blossom- Pink, Bubbles- Light Blue, Buttercup- Dry/Light Green). For props, Blossom wore her trademark bow and wrist pads, Buttercup wore fingerless leather gloves, and Bubbles still had her hair tied up into two ponytails, aside from also wearing wrist pads, however, shorter than Blossom's.

The girls shot out from the three windows in their room, each one leaving a trail of energy of their respective color:

BUBBLES: Hey! Let's end this quickly so we can get back home and watch the new episodes of Puppet Pals!

BUTTERCUP: Ugh! Those silly cartoons again?

BUBBLES: What? I thought you also liked Puppet Pals!

Buttercup rolled her eyes:

BUTTERCUP: Yeah… five years ago…

BLOSSOM: Actually, I'm kinda' curious about the new episodes…

BUTTERCUP: Blossom! Not you too!

The girls arrive at the mountainous region belonging to Townsville. They look around for the rampaging monster and spot him attacking local houses. The monster was a dinosaur-type, but didn't seem very menacing. The girls approach the monster:

BLOSSOM: Hey you! Stop harming these people and return to your natural habitat immediately!

Buttercup giggles and whispers to Blossom:

BUTTERCUP: "Natural habitat"?

Blossom whispers back:

BLOSSOM: Shut up!

Blossom turns back to the monster:

BLOSSOM: Leave now!

The monster just growls back and strikes his claws at her. The girls disperse to avoid being hit:

BLOSSOM: Why do we always have to do this the hard way?

Blossom then shoots lasers from her eyes at the monster, making him flinch and growl. Buttercup then lunges at the monster, but he knocks her back with its tail and shoots a fire ball from its mouth against Buttercup, knocking her against the ground and causing an explosion. Both Bubbles and Blossom lunge at the monster. The monster blocks some of their attacks, but also takes a few hits. It then hits Bubbles in the head with its tail. Bubbles falls to the ground and sits down. Blossom's attacks are blocked and she gets pushed back:


Blossom lands next to Bubbles, who seems to be about to cry:

BLOSSOM: Bubbles! Are you okay?

BUBBLES: …I bit my tongue…

Bubbles starts crying loud, her voice echoing through the mountains, until it reached the ears of a man, frozen in a lake. The man remembers when he was a baby, and how he was bothered by the constant crying of another baby near his cradle. The man wakes up, and immediately regains his golden spiked hair and blue pupils…

Blossom helps Bubbles get up:

BLOSSOM: There's no need to cry, Bubbles.


Bubbles said sniffing and wiping her tears. Buttercup blows away the debris on top her with an energy explosion:

BUTTERCUP: He's getting on my nerves! Blossom! How about we test out our new technique?

BLOSSOM: The Powerpuff Cannon? Well… I suppose it's time to finish this… Alright! Get into your positions!

The Powerpuffs lineup next to each other. They point their hands at the monster in a "stop" position (similar to Vegeta's Big Bang Attack) and start focusing their energy. A single ball of energy starts forming in front of their hands, shrouded in lightning while it keeps growing. The monster suddenly shoots a fire stream from its mouth at the girls, but as soon as the energy ball becomes nearly the size of their body, they shoot a multicolored energy wave at the monster:

GIRLS: Powerpuff Cannon! AAAAHHHH!

The Powerpuff Cannon cuts right through the fire stream and hits the monster right in the belly, sending him flying into the air and causing a giant explosion in the sky. The girls fall to their knees:

BLOSSOM: (huff, huff) Gosh! That takes quite a punch!

BUTTERCUP: You said it… (huff, huff)

Shortly after, the people hiding inside the houses start coming out and congratulate the Powerpuff Girls on a job well done:

CITIZEN#1: Oh! Thank you, Powerpuffs!

CITIZEN#2: We knew we could count on you!

CITIZEN#3: What would happen to us if it weren't for you?

The girls answer back while smiling and making gestures:

BUTTERCUP: Yeah, no problem!

BUBBLES: It's our duty…

BLOSSOM: Well, how did you manage to survive before we existed?

Suddenly, an explosion is heard in the other side of the mountain. The girls look back and see a green glow on the other side of the mountain too:

CITIZEN#1: What's that?

BLOSSOM: We don't know. Get back to your houses.

While the people get back to their houses, the Powerpuffs start flying in the direction of the strange events. While on air, a few energy bullets fly past the girls and cause explosions all over the area, putting the locals' lives in great danger. The girls rush to the source of the attacks: a big lake shrouded in a thick fog. The girls can't see the attacker, until Bubbles spots a silhouette in the mist:

BUBBLES: Hey, look! Someone's over there!

The girls look in the direction Bubbles was pointing at. The person seemed to be getting closer to them, and the girls begin to see more clearly. It was a muscled and tall adult man with a golden spiked hair and blue eyes, dressed in torn white pants with a long piece of red cloth tucked in to his pants and wasn't wearing any kind of upper body wear, showing his muscled, bloodstained torso. He also wore a golden necklace, bracelets, a belt and boots, all with some kind of jewel in the middle. The man was hovering over the water, implying that he possessed superpowers. He didn't seem to notice the girls and yelled a strange word:

BROLY: Kakarot!

The girls look at him confused:

BUTTERCUP: What the heck is a "Kakarot"?

BUBBLES: Is he speaking in a foreign language, Blossom?

BLOSSOM: Not that I know of…

Blossom tries to call the man's attention:

BLOSSOM: Hey! Are you the one causing all these explosions? What do you think you're doing? You're going to hurt someone really bad!

Broly looks down at girls with an angry expression:

BROLY: Who are you? Do you want to die?

Buttercup frowns at Broly:

BUTTERCUP: You're a feisty one, huh? Let's teach him a lesson, guys!

BLOSSOM: Yeah, we better stop him before he does anymore damage…


Broly unleashes an energy explosion, the girls cover themselves from the strong wind caused by it:

BLOSSOM: We better be careful! I don't think this guy was overacting about killing us!

Buttercup is the first one to strike, she tries to kick Broly in the neck, but he just slightly tilts his head with the impact:


Broly grabs Buttercup's leg and tosses her into the water. Bubbles is next, she tries to punch Broly, but he blocks her attack with his arm and counterattacks with a clothesline, hitting Bubbles in the neck and chin and sending her flying back. Bubbles stops in mid-air and coughs repeatedly, while Blossom tries her luck. She lunges at Broly, but he easily dodges her attack and punches her in the cheek, sending her flipping back. She stops in mid-air and shoots an electric beam at Broly. He blocks it effortlessly and sniggers at Blossom, making her grit her teeth. Suddenly, Broly is punched right in the chin by Buttercup, who shot out of the water right under Broly. He looks back at Buttercup with an annoyed and angry expression:


Broly shoots multiple energy balls at Buttercup. She dodges most of the energy balls, but gets hit by the last one and falls near her sisters:

BUTTERCUP: Hey! Leader Girl! What's the strategy?

Buttercup shouted at Blossom, however, Blossom didn't answer and rushed towards Broly:

BUTTERCUP: What the heck are you doing? You're just going to get your butt kicked again!

Broly thought Blossom was going to lunge at him, so he tried to strike first, but Blossom jumped over him and shot her eye-lasers at the back of his head, making him fall face-down in the water:

BLOSSOM: I found his weak point!

Blossom shouted:

BUBBLES: What is it?

Bubbles shouted:

BUTTERCUP: Yeah! What's his weak point?

Buttercup shouted too:

BLOSSOM: He might be stronger than us, but we're faster and he doesn't seem to have a defined fighting style! He attacks recklessly, so just pay attention to his movements!

Blossom shouted back at her sisters. Broly slowly started rising from the water until he was hovering over it again. He snarls at Blossom:


Broly opens the palm of his left hand and gathers a green, transparent and circular aura from around his body into his hand, creating an energy ball. He throws it in Blossom's direction and she barely dodges it, the energy ball grazing her hand and leaving it slightly burned:

BLOSSOM: Ouch! I better not get caught by that, or else I'm fried!

She whispered to herself while grabbing her injured hand. Buttercup attempts to attack Broly from behind, but he notices her and tries to elbow her in the face. Having what Blossom said earlier in mind, Buttercup barely dodges Broly's counterattack and manages to punch him in the cheek, she then spins around and tries to kick him again, but Broly grabs her leg again and spins her around, sending her flying, and then sliding through the lake's shore. Bubbles uses her Hyper Scream attack to distract Broly, but it only makes him even more infuriated. Broly charges at Bubbles, punching her in the face and sending her flying through the lake. Bubbles collides with a huge rock in the shore. Broly chases her and rams into her stomach with his elbow, making Bubbles cough up blood. Broly jumps back into the water and stares at Bubbles, who appears to have fainted. Blossom throws an electric energy ball into the water, causing the whole lake to get electrified, and ultimately shocking Broly. Unfortunately for the girls, Broly doesn't seem to be affected by any of their attacks. He looks back at Blossom with a deadly glare and charges her way. As soon as he gets near Blossom, he tries to punch her, but Blossom being faster dodges his attack and kicks him in the gut, stunning him for a moment:

BLOSSOM: Ice Breath!

Blossom uses her Ice Breath on Broly, trying to freeze him.

BROLY: Unghh!

Broly covers himself from the attack, and starts to gradually freeze, until he falls on the shore completely frozen. Blossom carefully approaches him; Broly was indeed completely frozen and unmoving:

BLOSSOM: That wasn't so hard after all, I guess.

Shortly after, a green aura shrouded the block of ice, getting thicker and thicker every second, until it starts floating and cracking. Blossom starts to slowly fly away from the block of ice, but before she could run away, the block of ice unleashes an energy explosion, sending Blossom flying across the lake and releasing Broly. She manages to land near Bubbles, and notices that she's wounded:

BLOSSOM: (gasp) Bubbles!

Blossom rushes to where Bubbles is and tries to wake her up:

BLOSSOM: Wake up, Bubbles!

Bubbles moans in pain as she starts to regain conscience:

BUBBLES: I… I think my ribs are broken… (cough) Ugh! I suppose we're not going to make it in time to watch Puppet Pals… (cough)

Blossom puts Bubbles's arm over her neck, holding her:

BLOSSOM: It's okay, don't talk… I promise we'll find a way of defeating this creep…

Blossom looks at Broly and sees him hovering over the water, getting closer to her and Bubbles. Broly starts charging the same green energy ball he threw at Blossom on his left hand (Eraser Cannon), but an explosion is heard from Broly's right side. He turns his head in that direction, only to see a giant wave falling over him and sending him to the bottom of the lake. Blossom and Bubbles look to the source of the attack, and there was standing Buttercup. She had blown away the lake's water in Broly's direction, creating a giant wave. Buttercup approached Blossom and Bubbles:

BUTTERCUP: Where the heck did this guy come from? Is he even human?

BLOSSOM: I don't know. All I know is that he might be even more powerful than Him…

BUBBLES: Blossom… should we use the Powerpuff Cannon?

BLOSSOM: Nothing else worked, so I suppose it's our best bet… Can you do it, Bubbles?

BUBBLES: Yes… my injury is not as bad as it seems…

Bubbles said, taking her arm off Blossom and standing on her feet alone:

BLOSSOM: Right! Get into position!

The girls line-up and do the same hand positions. They start charging the attack and wait for Broly to come out of the water. Broly slowly emerges from the water, and by the time he's completely out of the water, the girls had already finished charging the Cannon. Broly seems surprised:


BLOSSOM: Powerpuff Cannon! FIRE!

The girls shoot their deadliest attack right in Broly's way. Broly starts charging his Ki and a golden aura surrounds him. The Powerpuff Cannon hits Broly right in his belly before he could do anything:


He's pushed against the other shore of the lake, creating a giant explosion. The girls cover themselves from the strong wind until it stops:

BLOSSOM: That should end it…

BUTTERCUP: I really hope so…

The place where the attack exploded was full of debris and on fire. Suddenly, a green light started glowing among the rocks, and shortly after there's an energy explosion, sending the debris flying away through the shore of the lake and the surrounding forest. Standing there was Broly in one piece, the attack had little or no effect on him it seems, however, and Broly seemed very enraged:


The girls gasp and look at Broly in complete disbelief:

BLOSSOM: He's alive and he's not even SCRATCHED?


Broly starts charging two Eraser Cannons in his hands; he then throws them at the girls. The girls stay unmoving, completely hopeless in face to an undefeatable foe, they hadn't felt this hopeless since five years ago, for example, in their first battle with the Rowdyruff Boys, or their accidental travel to the future, where Him had taken over the world; but Broly was a much different and stronger opponent than the super villains the Powerpuff Girls were used to do battle with. Unable to move away from Broly's attack, the girls are blown away in a giant explosion and scream in pain:


The girls' bodies are left lying around among the debris…