"Found it" Kagome smirked opening her eyes "looks like I'm going to America"

She stood up and walked over to the edge of the roof then jumped onto the tree branch a few feet down from her then from there jumped to her window landing with her legs slightly apart and her hands holding the window pan just in front of her legs. She looked around her room for a split second then hoped down onto the ground and started to pack things when Sota walked in.

"Are you going somewhere?"


"... How long are you going to be?"

"Ummm I'm not sure, a week maybe?"

"Will you be back on the 28th?"

"28th... what's the 28th?" Kagome thought as she stopped packing and looked at her little brother "your graduation? Yeah of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world and afterwards I'll take you out for dinner or you can go hang with friends whatever you want ok" she smiled

"So where are you going this time?" he asked more lightly


"America? Wow maybe one day I could come?"

"Sure, it would be a good holiday" she said going back to packing

"That's not what I meant, I'm graduating in 15 days, you said once I have graduated we will talk about it"

"Yeah well you haven't graduated yet" she muttered

"Kagome I want to fight to"

"I know you do Sota but this isn't your fight, look we will talk about this later now go get ready for school"

With a sigh Sota left the room leaving Kagome alone once more, she hated those conversations with her brother and she couldn't avoid it forever. She finished packing her bags then went to grab her bow and arrows when she stopped to think.

"how am I meant to get this into America... well I guess I have no choice, I'll have to get a new one over there, it won't be as good but it should do"

She zipped up her bag then grabbed a bunch of sutures from her draw then walked downstairs where Sota was now eating breakfast.

"What are those for?" he asked nodding towards her hand

"Sutures, they will keep demons away from the house while I'm gone"

"I don't need them"

"Sota I'm not going over this again" she said closing her eyes

"Fine put them up but you can't protect me forever"

"I know that" she sighed opening her eyes "but I promised I would protect you so for as long as I can I will"

Kagome left her bag on the ground and put her shoes on then walked outside to the sacred tree and stood with her back facing the tree and looking towards the house then with the sutures in her hand she put a protection spell on them then sent them flying through the air. Some landed on the house where others landed around the place until the barrier was in place covering the whole house.

"If only I could just do this to Sota" she sighed

She went back into the house to pick up her bag when she noticed her brother gone and his breakfast bowl still sitting on the table, with a gentle smile on her face she went to the table and cleaned him his mess.

"I was getting to that" Sota said running down the stairs buttoning up his school jacket

"You should clean up first otherwise it just gets harder to do" she reminded him

"Don't worry I'll be fine"

"Have you go you're..."

"It's in my pocket" he said patting his pocket

"Ok what about..."

"In my bag, in my other pocket and in my school books" he replied rolling his eyes

"I'll call you as soon as I get there and you better pick up no matter what"

"And if I'm in class?"

"You won't be, it's like a 12 hour flight or something"

"So I'll probably be sleeping then"

"... good point, ok ill call three times and if you haven't answered by then I'm coming straight home and your never leaving my sight again"

"So that means I get to go with you?"

"No that just means more protection sutures" she smirked

"So I'll just make sure to keep my phone on me then"

"Yeah, you do that. Come on I'll take you to school" she laughed

Kagome walked Sota to school then headed on down to the train station; from there she went to the airport then took the first flight to America, Minnesota.

"So what's the job again?" Dean asked

"Bobby said it was a weird one, there's this demon who has gotten a major power boost and just killing everyone he sees but there is also spirits following the demon, other hunters have tried salting and burning the bones but they can never find them and others have tried taking out the demon but it has some kind of supernatural ability"

"Can't find them? So what kidnapping?"

"It's possible"

"And supernatural ability? So what the normal sending things flying and stuff like that?"

"I guess" Sam sighed

"Well we will soon find out, Minnesota is only 20 minutes away"

"Here you are miss, the Rest a While Motel"

"Thanks" Kagome smiled handing him the money "hey there isn't a place where you can get bow and arrows around here is there?"

"Sorry" he shrugged

"That's ok" she sighed "well thanks, bye"

Kagome closed the cab door and then went to walk up to the motel office when a black impala sped past her blasting loud music.

"Some people should learn how to drive" she frowned glaring at the fading car

"You went past the motel" Sam sighed

"What? Where?"

"Back there, if you weren't speeding"

"Hey! Would you rather walk?"

"Just hurry up and turn around" he sighed

"Hold on" he smirked

Dean spun the car around then sped off towards the motel again and halted just before hitting one of the motel rooms. They both got out of the car and stretched their legs then Dean reached into the car and pulled out one of the credit cards they hid there then walked to the office.

"Room 89... It should be just down here" Kagome grumbled to herself "82... 83... 84... 85... 86... 87... 88... Ah here we are, 89"

Kagome unlocked the door then pushed it open; the room wasn't too bad, there was a double bed in the middle of the room, a small kitchen to her left and some kind of lounge room to her right. She closed the door then threw her bag on her bed and went over to the window that overlooked the parking bay.

"oh great" she frowned as she saw the black impala in the parking lot "well as long as they keep it quiet" she sighed closing the curtains

"What number are we?" Dean asked walking behind Sam

"90" Sam answered looking at the key once again

"Should be down this hall then"

They found there room and went inside leaving the door open, Dean threw his bags on the floor that made a clang sound as it hit then threw himself on the bed. There room had two single beds on the opposite side of the small window overlooking the car park with the kitchen and the lounge room to their left. Dean sat up after a few seconds and walked over to the small bar fridge and pulled the door opened poking his head inside to look.

"Hey dude I'm going to go get some food, you want anything?" Dean shouted slamming the fridge door shut

"We just ate 2 hours ago"

"But I'm hungry"

"Just don't take too long, we have research to do"

"When have I ever been late" he asked closing the door

"Well I guess I should try to find a map of this place or something" Kagome decided walking towards her door

She opened the door and walked out closing it behind her when she walked into someone else.

"I'm so sorry" she apologised bowing out of habit

"Don't worry about it"

Kagome stood back up and mentally cursed herself for bowing, when she stood up she saw a roguish man standing in front of her but there was something different about him, it was like he had secrets, dark secrets but he didn't seem like a bad person.

"My names Kagome" she smiled at him


"... You wouldn't happen to know where I could find a map? I looked in the office when I first checked in but there weren't any there"

"I've got one in the car" he said walking ahead

Kagome walked behind him and followed him until she saw the car he was going to, she stopped dead in her tracks when Dean went up the too black impala and opened the passenger door, she watched as he reached in and started searching through things until he pulled out a map.

"Here you go... Kagome, you ok?"

"You" she hissed "you're the jerk that nearly run me over!" she shouted pointing at him


"Before, when you drove past this place, you nearly run me over"

"Oh, sorry about that, let me make it up to you, I'll take you wherever you're trying to get to"

"Like I'm ever going to get in the car with him" she huffed walking towards him

"I'll just take this and be on my way" she said pulling the map out of his hand

Kagome turned around then walked away and went back to her room.

"That girl is strange" Dean muttered to himself

"That jerk thinking he can just offer me a lift, how stupid does he think I am? I'm not going to just get in the car with some strange guy" she grumbled slamming her door shut

She sat down on her bed throwing her hair over her shoulders then opened the map to find some place where she could find what she was looking for but she only found one possible place and it looked to be a fair hike away. It wasn't that she was lazy, walking that far was no worry to her but she didn't like the idea of walking that far without a weapon on her. She stood up and looked outside her window but Dean's car was gone.

"Well I guess I can leave his map outside his room" she sighed "I'm pretty sure he came from 90"

She left her room holding onto the map and then stood outside room 90; the door was slightly open so she decided to knock in case someone else was here.

"Uhhh just a minute"

Kagome heard shuffling like someone was trying to hide something then footsteps heading towards the door, as the person got closer Kagome started to get a funny feeling from them.


"Is this Dean's room" Kagome asked weary of this person"

"Yeah but he's not here right now"

"No I know, he left a little while ago I just wanted to return this" Kagome said handing out the map "I kind of took it from not long ago so if you could give it back to him I would greatly appreciate it"

"Sure... I'm Sam"

"Kagome" Kagome smiled this time remembering not to bow

"Um did you want to come in? Dean probably won't be long"

"You seem busy"

"What is with these people inviting strangers into their car and their room?"

"Not really"

"Well I am curious to find out more about this person... he seems different somehow"

"Sure, I would love to" she smiled friendly

Sam opened the door wider and let Kagome walk in, she walked in and looked around the room, things didn't seem that out of place, there were some papers on one of the beds that looked like they were piled up in a hurry with a laptop in the centre of it all.

"You don't happen to get the internet on that do you?" Kagome asked


"Would it be ok if I borrowed it for a few seconds?"

"Sure go ahead"


Kagome took the laptop from the bed and sat down on the mess free one then opened up her email to send Sota a message.

"So Kagome, have you been here long?" Sam asked sitting across from her

"I arrived a couple of hours ago" she answered

"Really? Where did you come from?"

Kagome stopped typing and looked over the laptop at Sam.


"Japan, wow your English is really good"

"I travel around a lot"

"For your work?"

"I guess you could say that, what about you?"


"Yeah, what brings you here? Just passing through or work?"

"I guess it's both"

"He doesn't want to tell me so it's probably something that isn't well looked upon"

The conversation died down for a little after that and Kagome went back to her message, she had just sent it when Sam started talking again.

"You have family back in Japan"

"I have a younger brother"




"It's fine, what about you, any family"

"Just me and Dean, parents are both dead"

"Dean? So he's your brother? Older I'm guessing"


"You two aren't much alike, sure hope you're driving is better than his"

"His driving?"

"He nearly ran me over when he drove past, unless that was you driving"

"That was him" he frowned

Once again the conversation died down, what was there for two strangers both hiding things to talk about?

"Well he seems like he would be a better driver then dead so maybe he could help me out"

"I hate to ask so many favours when I have just met you but I was wondering if it would be possible for you to maybe drive me somewhere when your brother gets back"

"Yeah sure, where did you need to go?"

"This shop 'Active Weapons' it looks like a long walk but I'm not sure how long it would take to drive"


"I'm trying to find a bow and arrow"

"Do you hunt?"

"No it's just kind of a thing that I do"

"When Dean gets back ill see if we can't get you there"


There was silence for another 10 minutes before Dean came walking in the room carrying a bag filled with take out, he almost dropped the bag when he saw Kagome there.

"Well, hello again"

"I'm sorry about before... I guess I kind of over reacted"

"It's fine"

"Hey Dean feel like going out again"

"What, why?"

"Kagome needs a lift"

"Really?" he asked with a smirk

"I wasn't about to accept a lift from a guy I didn't know, especially someone who nearly ran me over" she pointed out

"Well sorry to tell you but I'm the only one that drives my car"

"Come on Dean"

"Fine" he grumbled placing his bag in the fridge

With a smile Kagome stood up "great, I'll just go get my bag" then she ran out of the room

"She's nice" Sam said once she left

"Nice! She started yelling at me before"

"Well sure she has attitude but I get the feeling she's a lot like us"

"Like us?" Dean said flatly

"It's just the way she was talking; it was like talking to another hunter"

"You don't think?"

"Who knows, I'm sure America isn't the only country that has hunters"

"But why is she here then"

"Well she said work and the shop she wants to go to, it's a weapon shop"


"Yeah, she said she only arrived in America a few hours ago and she is after weapons, I don't know it just sounds suspicious"

"Well whatever let's just get this over with" Dean said turning to walk out the door

"Uh Dean"



Dean grumbled and muttered to himself as he threw his keys at Sam then stormed down to his car.