
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters here that belong to Naruto that I put into this story except for my own OCs. Neither do I own any of the character in any of the crossovers I do. I'm just using them in this fanfiction and I have no money so don't bother suing me. You'll just lose money instead of gaining any. And remember to leave a review!

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The countries under Skeletor's control depending on a case by case, have greatly changed from how they use to be. The cities and villages that have earn his favor have become technology advance from what it use to be. Tri-Klops had designed factories where machines and goods could be made that raised the standards of life for the people in those cities. Skeletor showed those who joined his side what benefits by raising the standards of life for his followers. With vehicles showing up for those who sided with Skeletor who are high ranking. There are also those who joined as soldiers and trained to use the advance weapons, for either a better life for themselves, power, or for some ninjas who joined revenge against either their village for one reason or another, or another village, clan or person. In exchange for giving Skeletor the infrastructure he needs to continue his war to conquer the rest of the Element Countries.

On the other side of the coin, the villages and cities that fell or surrendered to him after fighting his forces, became the backbone of Skeletor's growing empire. All the countries under his rule had to produce something if they were to receive the goods they need to live. Skeletor war machine is built on the backs of conquered and enslaved people who dared to stand against him. A burgeoning slave trade exists throughout his lands, with newly captured slaves sent to the countries under his control and then shipped out via machine transports.

From there they would be force to work for their new masters, being controlled by a collar that could give them a shock or just blow their heads off. Some are put to work with excavators that churn the ground to uncover metal for the forges, clay for the kilns and anything else that might be of use, with the slaves picking through the rubble. Put to work in the factories where they're force to work 18 hour days or put into one of the many labor camps where they either grow food or other things to feed the war machine. Then there are those who are conscripted to be nothing more then cannon fodder in Skeletor's army, the first wave to test the defenses before the real soldiers are sent in.

Throughout the countries under Skeletor's rule slaves are working in foundries and mills, growing food for Skeletor's forces, and suffering on poles as object lessons in obedience. A slave's life consists of toil and beatings. In this world, Skeletor's dream of an empire under his rule is coming true, and slaves are making it a reality. But with Naruto now fighting for the remaining ninja villages has brought a small glimmer of hope back into their lives. (1)


The skeleton like soldiers of Skeletor march down a road protecting the convoy of transport trucks full of supplies to feed his ever hungry war machine. They're heavily armed and ready for an attack after other convoys were raided by ninjas who fought along side with Naruto wielding the power sword. Who unlike his sister Nanato has been actively working along side with any ninja village. Even with the war against Skeletor, the different villages still didn't trust each other and only work together because they had to. But that has began to change.

Heavy mist quickly covered the road, a low buzzing sound filled the air where it interfered with their radios. Ninjas from different villages all attack at once, they used throwing weapons taking out the skeleton's heads leaving them blind. Followed by a second wave of ninjas who rush at the headless skeletons to take down the rest of the skeletons by destroying their torsos as that's the only way to destroy them, by breaking them into pieces. The ninjas quickly got into the trucks disabling the human drivers and check the cargo the trucks held.

"Having seen ninjas of different villages working together like this since they tried to kill me," Butcher said to Naruto. Both of them have been watching the ninja team they had gathered from different villages to work together to hit the supply trains of Skeletor.

"It took alot of wheeling and dealing to get the ninja leaders to agree to this, but I have gotten them to trust me thanks to all that, I have been doing for them," Naruto said. Since leaving the Leaf Village he's been helping the other ninja villages by breaking through strongholds and going on raids for supplies. Following Butcher's lead in how he use to do things when he was younger and fighting in the ninja war.

"You do know that Skeletor is holding back," Butcher said.

"He doesn't want to make this personal. I haven't seen any of his warriors but his skeleton warriors and the human ones," Naruto said.

"He's been attacking the Leaf Village and the Land of Fire while ignoring the other countries. He's trying to get them to be unable to make the next payment so that you don't have a reason to fight anymore," Butcher said.

"Unless the other villages start paying me that is," Naruto said as he watches the ninjas start driving the trucks away where they be strip for parts and supplies taken, after searching for any tracking devices.

"Well you have been getting them to work together so they won't depend on you so much," Butcher said.

"I figured that's what happen as the Leaf village wasn't doing much of anything once Nanato was out of action. They just depended on her being there too much," Naruto said.

"That what happen with Minato during the war. The entire plan the Leaf was following depended on him being around. One would think they would had been treating you better when they had the chance. Seeing how you're the only one of the lot who could make a difference against Skeletor," Butcher said. (2)

"They had their chance and wasted it long ago. The other villages are treating me as one should when I'm the only one who can beat Skeletor," Naruto said.

"They know how the Leaf had treated you and don't want to lose you for what happen to you," Butcher said.

"At least they know how to treat the one person who they need more then I need them," Naruto said.


Author's Notes -

1 –Unlike in the show or the comics, Skeletor is only enslaving the ones who fight back while treating the ones who side with him better. Seeing how he doesn't have enough skeleton soldiers to both attack the free Element countries and secured the lands he controls.

2 - In most fictions the one person who is able to do what no one else is able to, usually isn't treated that well. Which is like mistreating the sole person who has the skills to like save your home from being destroyed by something and being surprised that they refuse to help.
