Chapter 12

Charlie felt like everyone was overreacting. After they went back into the party none of them would leave her alone, John said she was moving in with him so he could watch her. Gordon said she wasn't going anywhere without one of them with her. AJ and Jake offered to setup more surveillance at her apartment. Jesse said he could do stakeouts, anything they needed.

"You guys," Charlie said loudly. She stood up and held out her hands. "I really appreciate this, but you are overreacting. This is not a death threat, my family isn't going to do anything. Trust me, there will be another message if they decide to kill me. We are very traditional, people on the hit list know they are on the list, the paranoia works in our favor."

"I still think you should move in with me," John said.

"No," Charlie said shaking her head. "Besides you and Gordon have that business trip in a couple of days. You're going to be out of the country for 2 weeks. AJ and Jake can install the newer alarm system at the apartment, but nothing else."

"I think you should stay with one of us while John's out of town, just to be safe," Jake commented.

"No way, besides Lilly is staying with you and Jesse right now and you only have a three bedrooms," Charlie pointed out.

"You can stay with AJ," Jesse replied.

AJ looked up and met Charlie's gaze. "I don't have a problem with it," he said.

Charlie looked at John and Gordon to see what they would say. "I think it would be a good idea Charlie, just while John and I are gone. I don't want you by yourself. John can stay at your place until we leave, then you'll go to AJ's," Gordon said firmly. "Let us look after you love."

"Fine," Charlie said in exasperation.


John and Gordon considered postponing their trip, but they had to go. Gordon's sister was in trouble and he had to go back home to get her. John and Charlie pulled up to the gate to AJ's house and waited for him to buzz them in. Pulling up the driveway, Charlie let out a low whistle when she saw the house.

"Damn," John said as he took in the house as well. It was massive, much bigger than John's certainly too big for one person.

"I thought your place was nice," Charlie commented.

The front door opened and AJ stepped out onto the walkway. John and Charlie climbed out of the car and moved to the trunk to get her bags out. AJ grabbed the other bag from John as he led them inside.

"Nice house man," John said as he studied the interior.

"I inherited it," AJ explained. "It's not really my style, but it's a place to live."

"Yeah, some place," Charlie replied.

AJ showed them to her room for her stay. "Bathroom's through there, the closet is over there, there's nothing in the kitchen, I don't cook," he explained motioning around the room.

"Maybe she'll make her world famous spaghetti," John said as he wrapped an arm around Charlie's shoulders. "Her top secret sauce, Ragu."

"It's Prego thank you very much," Charlie said shaking her head at him. "I'll go to the store after I drop John off at G's."

"You know what you are doing while we are gone," John asked AJ.

"Working on our next job," AJ said with a shrug.

"All business, I like it," John said.

Charlie shook her head again and checked her watch. "All right boys, we've got to get you to G's before he leaves without you pretty boy."

"Aw, pretty boy, that's adorable baby," John teased.

Charlie pushed him out of the room and toward the front door. "I'll see you later AJ," she called over her shoulder.

"Have a good trip John," AJ called before shutting the front door.


Charlie dropped John off at G's and headed back toward AJ's neighborhood. She spotted a grocery store and quickly pulled in to pick up some supplies. She grabbed a cart and slowly wandered through the aisles wondering what AJ would eat. Figuring he would eat like John, Charlie loaded the cart up with basic 'man' food: steak, chicken, pork, etc. She picked a couple of items for herself and headed toward the checkout. She rounded the corner and her cart collided with another one. She looked up and immediately recognized one of her father's employees. Her eyes widen and she could feel the blood draining out of her face. She pulled her cart back toward her body and smiled apologetically.

"Sorry, wasn't look where I was going," she said as she maneuvered her cart around him.

"Do I know you," the man asked. He turned to follow her but Charlie kept her back to him.

"I don't think so," she said attempting to hide her accent as she spoke.

"No, I've seen you before I know it," the man said as he grabbed her cart making her stop. He nudged the sleeve of her blazer up revealing her tattoo. He leaned close to her his lips a breath away from her ear. "That's what I thought, I might be seeing you real soon sweetheart."

Charlie swallowed hard and yanked her arm away from him. She smirked at him for a moment before speaking, "You really think it was my father's call? My cousin had this done to me, try it and see what my father does to you."

With that Charlie shoved her cart toward check out, her heels clicking loudly against the tile as she strode away. She didn't chance another look in the man's direction as she paid for the groceries and headed to her car. She quickly loaded the things and climbed inside. Checking her rearview mirror she glanced around the parking lot to see if she recognized any of the vehicles. There it sat, the black suv, the same model her family always used. She pulled out her cell phone and quickly called AJ as she cranked the car. She backed out the spot watching the other car to see what it was doing.

"Hey Charlie," AJ said as he answered the phone.

"I'm being followed," Charlie said tensely.

"Do you know who it is," AJ asked.

"My family, he checked my tattoo," she explained.

"Is he still following you?"

Charlie checked her mirrors relieved to no longer see the vehicle. "No, either he took me seriously or he already knows where I'm going."

"Just come back here, we'll figure it out," AJ said before hanging up. John and Gordon hadn't been gone an hour and there was already trouble. He picked his phone back up to call John, but he thought better about it. Charlie wouldn't want him to know about this, she was sick of all of them overreacting. He paced through his living room as he waited for her to arrive back at him house. The alarm beeped indicating that someone had opened the front gate.

AJ rushed to the front door and threw it open, meeting Charlie at the top of the driveway. She climbed out of the car and began handing groceries to him. She didn't say anything as she strode into the house and began unpacking the groceries. AJ watched her as he sat down several of the bags. Her hands shook violently as she placed some fruit in a bowl on his counter.

AJ stepped over to her and grabbed both her hands stopping her in her tracks. He pulled her into him wrapping his arms around her waist pulling her close. Her hands fisted in his shirt as she pressed her face against his chest. She was literally quivering, unsure of what to say. She swallowed loudly and bit down on her lip.

"We should call your dad," AJ said softly.

Charlie sniffed and shook her head. "He won't help me, he cut me off."

"You don't know that he won't help you, he could put a stop to this Charlie, they are serious. They want you dead," AJ pointed out as he pushed her away from him so he could look her in the eye. "We have to do something."

"We're not doing anything," she said firmly before pulling away from him.

"You're just going to throw your life away, what about John, what about..." AJ trailed off.

"What about what? What about you," Charlie finished for him.

"Yeah," AJ said with a nod.

Charlie shrugged at him and glanced around the kitchen avoiding his gaze. The alarm system beeped letting them know someone was at the gate. AJ glanced up in time to see that the gate had been opened. "Shit," he said lowly. He grabbed Charlie and pulled her down behind the counter.

"Who is it," Charlie asked.

"I don't know," AJ said as he stared at the screen above them.

The car rolled to a stop and Jake climbed out. AJ let out a loud sigh and stood up. He pulled Charlie to her feet and pointed at one of the chairs in the kitchen. "Sit down, I'm going to let him in," AJ ordered.

Charlie sat down and fiddled with an empty grocery bag. AJ strode over to the door and threw it open. "What? You don't buzz up anymore," he called to Jake.

"I knew you were home," Jake replied.

"Something is going on," AJ explained. "I think Charlie's family was serious about this hit."

"What happened? Is she ok," Jake demanded as AJ led him into the kitchen.

"I'm fine," Charlie called in irritation.

"You are calling your dad," AJ said firmly.

"No I'm not, he cut me off AJ, this is probably his call, there is no sense in involving him."

"I think AJ has a point though Charlie, it was probably your cousin that did this to you, not your dad, if he knows what is going on he can probably help you," Jake pointed out.

"I'm not calling him," Charlie cried loudly.

"Then you had better call John and say goodbye because I don't think you'll live to see the end of the week," AJ snapped.

Charlie pursed her lips and looked away from him. She shook her head and pulled out her cell phone speed dialing her dad. The phone rang several times before going to voicemail.

"Dad, it's me, Charlie, someone from the family has put a hit on me, I need to know if this is your doing, call me back please," Charlie said before snapping her phone shut. She glanced at Jake and AJ. "Happy?"

"Ecstatic," AJ replied. "Until he calls you back, you aren't leaving the house. I'm not taking any risks with your life."

"I figured as much," Charlie said before sliding out of her seat and walking out of the room. She wasn't the type to take something like this sitting down. If someone wanted her dead, she would hit them before they could hit her, it was the only way to solve this.