HEY! Thanks for all the reviews(: So I guess the last few chapters have kinda been fillers. Sorry, I needed to introduce all the characters. Speaking of which, who's your favorite and why? Reviewwww please(:

On to next chapter!

DISCLAIMER: I OWN NOTHING. Though I often wish I did.


(This wills a mixed POV chapter, starting with short Amber)


As soon as Clary heard 'New York' come out of Katalin's mouth, her face morphed into something else completely.

This didn't surprise me.

I had been the only one Clary had told about Jace Wayland/Morgenstern/ Herondale/ Lightwood and how he broke her heart.

She'd told me everything about her past. Her chaotic, exciting past.

I'd watched her turn from a broken hearted harpy into the invincible force she was now.

As much as she denied it, or as attracted to Wyatt (my theoretical brother), she wasn't over Jace, and as I know from experience, you never really get over your first love. NO matter what they did.

Plus, from what Clary had told me, Jace and her were meant to be.

Only…. Not so much.

Douche had cheated on her.

If he came here with all the other New Yorkers, I might have to break his supposedly golden head.

I was dying for a chance to spar with someone as legendary was Jace, but that could wait.

Right now, I needed to focus on helping my beset friend while keeping her ex golden lover away from someone else.

New Yorkers. I snorted. If they had accents, I was going to go mad.


New York. New frickin York.

Also know as Isabelle, Alec, Jace, and possibly Magnus and Simon.

You've got to be joking me.

Amber's eyes flashed to mine, and we shared a look. She was the only one I'd told about my past before coming here.

I loved Kami, but something told me not to tell her about Jace.

So, I didn't.

Camel's chill voice broke the barrier of my thoughts and the silence.

"So, when are they getting here?"

Katalin beamed as she replied.

"Tonight! Just a few hours! Isn't that great?"

Yeah no.

Talking erupted around me, but I stayed in this trance, images of Jace, Izzy, Alec, Simon, even Magnus, running through my head. All the people I'd loved and left. A soft hand on my shoulder brought me out of my slightly morbid thoughts.

I looked up to see Amber's hazel eyes' searching my green ones, Kami's concerned blue eyes right behind.

I had to pull myself together. Kami couldn't know about Jace or my rather egregious issue from New York.

I flashed a quick smile, and was rewarded with Kami smiling back, earlier concern forgotten.

Amber, the genius that she was, wasn't fooled.

"We're going hunting/clubbing tonight!" She announced to the room in general.

"Dude, hospitality. Shouldn't we be here to welcome our fellow-demon hunters?" Wyatt asked, furrowing his brow.

Nick had been observant though. He'd noticed my change of face at the mention of New York, Amber's concern, and knew I had a dark past.

Slowly, he nodded.

"It's okay. You all go have fun. Katalin and I can take care of the visitors. This way, they have a chance to settle in before they're bombarded with you people." Nick grinned at us, after giving us his permission.

Kami intervened, twirling a piece of platinum blonde hair around one slender finger.

"You know, I think I'll stay here, and help out my pregnant sister-in-law." She said, mysteriously avoiding our eyes.

Her brother rolled his eyes, but didn't comment. He knew as well as anyone how stubborn and random Kami was.

Amber and I shared a look, before bursting out laughing.

Sometimes, you just can't control this stuff.

We linked arms, and started for the doors.

"And where do you think you're going? Training isn't over yet!" Nick called to us.

Groaning we returned and I threw myself into it, wanting to erase everything from my mind. Too bad it worked.


By the time we were done, I was exhausted, and would have traded Camel for a hot shower.

"Clary, my dear, you didn't forget about our plans tonight, did you?" Amber asked me as we staggered towards our room on the upper floor, taking the escalator.

New York may have had an elevator, but we got ourselves an escalator. It was probably due to the fact that this Institute had been recently remodeled.

"Uhhhh no?..." I replied to Amber, getting back to her question.

"I figured you would. Anyway, don't worry. After you're dressed, get your butt to my room so I can do your hair and makeup!" She told me sternly, leaving no room for argument.

Oh dear. Amber was very… creative with hair, although had the golden touch with makeup.

I opened my mouth, but was cut off before I could get the words out.

"You have no choice. Plus, I invited Wyatt, so wear something nice." She winked at me before disappearing into her electric blue, white, black, and raspberry colored room, leaving my dumbfounded in the hall. It really was no use to argue with her, so I entered my gold and orange room to follow orders.

When I'd finished with my shower, I emerged from my bathroom and walked slowly to my closet, smelling strongly of Pina Colada.

When I'd left New York, I'd changed almost everything. My wardrobe, body wash, training for example.

Looking through my fashionable and slightly provocative clothing, I decided on a skintight black mini dress, which was low cut, and stopped about mid-thigh.

I completed my look with a white belt, accented with diamond flowers, which rested right under my chest.

Stepping into fishnets and 4 inch black heels, I looked in wonder at myself.

Who knew I'd get my fashion sense after I left? Izzy would be proud of how I looked right now.

I wandered to Amber's room to turn myself over to the torture that was Amber. It reminded me so much of Izzy it was painful.

Amber opened the door before I could knock, and looked my over.

"Well done Clary!" She'd said approvingly before shoving me unto the seat by her vanity.

While she gathered the necessary torture devices, I looked at Amber.

She'd donned a bright neon blue dress that made it maybe a third of the way down her thighs. It was strapless, and gathered together at the sides. On me, it would have made me look flatter than a board, but it only made Amber look chestier than before.

I snorted when I saw her shoes. Instead of trying to make herself taller, like I did with heels, Amber accentuated her shortness with black Converse that matched the rest of her jewelry.

She'd added anklets with runes of strength, stealth, and agility to her ankles, and she looked ready for anything.

Well, except the public, as her hair was still a mess.

Seeing my amusement, she scowled and hurriedly braided her hair before stomping over to me.

In an effort to relax me, she'd plugged her iPod into her dock, so the music would calm me down as she worked.

As the quiet chords of Iridescent by Linkin Park came on, I zoned out and let Amber do the work.

When Amber spun the chair around, I looked to see what she had done to me.

My hair was stick straight, and actually not that bad for once.

My eyes were smoky and mysterious.

I hated to admit it, but Amber had done well with me.

I gave her a grudging "thank you" before plonking myself down on her bed to watch her.

She took her braids out to reveal shiny, wavy, gorgeous hair. I was jealous of her hair when it cooperated. Down to her belly-button, gorgeous color, shiny, but only when it cooperated. Maybe once a month.

After she did her makeup to match mine, we linked arms again to go find Camel and Wyatt, our "dates."

Dates being the term used for backup in this case.

As I wobbled down the stairs in my heels, Amber pranced past me, rubbing in her just-as-sexy-but-easier-to-walk-in shoes in my face.

Sometimes, all I wanted to do was punch that girl.

Finally, Camel and Wyatt came into view, both dressed in Shadow hunter gear. They looked pretty BA.

Wyatt winked at me before we made out way to the weapons room. Tonight was really no different. The closer we all got to 18, the more we went out hunting.

After loading ourselves with a variety of weapons in a variety of places, we once again departed, this time headed for our favorite club.

Amber had ditched me to walk with Camel, who was one of her very best friends, with Wyatt and me following close behind.

Once we arrived, I realized how predictable demons were. They both went to clubs to dance with and eat people.


Anyway, we immediately spotted a demon and sent Amber in as bait to get him. By the time we arrived, Amber had already dispatched the demon and was tapping her foot in annoyance, waiting for us to get there.

Really, she had more skill than people gave her credit for.

The night went on, and the pattern repeated itself. Find demon, kill demon, and dance. Repeat.

Eventually, I just settled for dancing with Wyatt while Amber flirted, and Camel begged the DJ to let him take over. It wasn't working, to say the least.

Before I knew it, the clock struck twelve and it was time for us to go home.

Wyatt and I strolled home leisurely, me stumbling some, watching the stars together as we made the short walk back to the Institute. Amber and Camel raced ahead, laughing and acting like kids. Albeit, very deadly kids.

It was calm and relaxing to escape the thought of New York for awhile, but alas, it had to end.

We tried to enter quietly, but with I was slightly tipsy, having had a shot or two. Amber, Camel, and Wyatt could hold their liquor. I couldn't, to say the least. I didn't throw up, just got slightly tipsy and giggly.

We all walked into the kitchen: Amber and Camel, laughing about some random thing, and Wyatt and I holding hands.

What I saw quickly sobered me up.

Everything of the last year a half caught up with me as I looked into a familiar pair of golden eyes.

"Clary?..." The voice asked in wonder.


SO! What did ya think? Review, please! I'll try and find outfits for this chapter, and post them on my profile!


Blue Raspberry