Chapter 2
What did I just do , Kate thought to herself as she laid her phone down on the table .. Well .. Okay maybe he would leave it alone for the night .Is that what she really wanted ?, For him to leave her alone ... Shaking her head She decided that the first thing she needed to do was put on more clothes , she went in to her room and chose a black ankle length hippy / gypsy skirt it was easier to just slip it over the boxers and leave on the tank top .she stood in front of her mirror for a brief moment and with a nod that meant she was happy with her attire she walked bare foot back to the living room just as the song on her stereo changed .. "Promiscuous" by Nelly Furtado, she picked her remote up, and turned up the volume, and pressing a button to set it to repeat , returning it to its place on the coffee table, her body started swaying as she began to dance to the beat of the music .. Her other outlet besides sparing , was to dance , she had taken a belly dance class in high school she fell completely in love with it , and she had also spent more than her fair share of time in a dance club with Lanie she would mix the different forms of dancing together .. her hips bumped a perfect beat to the music as she turned made her torso roll and back to her hips swaying , completely in sync , losing herself in the music, as she also lost track of time , she never heard the several knocks at the door , and she never heard when Castle entered her apartment , he stopped in awe of the beautiful creature dancing in front of him her body moving perfectly , his eyes roamed her body watching the gracefulness as she moved going from sharp movements with her head and shoulders and hips then easy gentle side step she was a goddess there was no doubt in his mind , he just stood there allowing his eyes to worship her with admiration, then she raised her hands above her head, putting her hands palms together as she did her, already short tank top , raised giving him, a delicious view of her abs'sand her navel ring but the moment her hips moved in a delicious way that he could only decribe as belly dancing with a little kick .. He gasped … oh my god he thought to himself "I cant take any more"
" uh…K….Kate, you are going to have to stop there, I cant take anymore .. I think all the air just left my body "
She jumped as he spoke and immediately turned down the volume …. "how long have you been standing there" she asked eyeing him
"Uh well I guess it comes down to how many bullet holes I will leave here with ."
He tried to joke .but the glare she was giving him said he better fess up
"Well in my defense I knocked several times but you didn't hear it .. Your. uh . Music . Was too loud for you to hear "
"how long Castle ?"she said moving closer to him.
"Long enough to yet again be amazed by you ", he smiled
His eyes grew wide as she moved to stand in front of him, with a slight blush to her face that he was not going to mention at this point, putting a finger in the middle of his chest poking him .
"Not a word about this Castle, not one word ! Got it ?"
"not a word .." he confirmed . "But can I say one thing …?"
Squinting her eyes at him …"What castle ?"
"That has to be the hottest thing I have ever seen,. " then before she had a chance to react he smiled saying "lets eat "..
After dinner they opted to make a pallet on the floor in front of the television then set out discussing what movie to watch .. Unable to come to a agreement they opted to watch something on the tv
"Hey Castle , what do you think about watching some Temptation Lane with me I haven't watched it in a few days ?"
"Yeah , that's good with me . Ice cream or popcorn and candy? He asked standing to go into the kitchen ,
"Mmm…ice cream for now .."
Castle returned sitting next to Kate on the pallet. And handing her a spoon .
She mumbled a thanks as she scanned the DVR for her shows …
"Oh my god " Castle Gasps
"What now , Castle "
" You watch true blood ?"
She froze cursing herself silently "yeah so ?"
" We could watch that ".. he smiled
"No way Castle , I am not watching true blood with you."
"Come on , its not like I'm gonna …."
"Stop there don't say what ever it was you were about to say " she said as she turned on Temptation Lane and retrieved a scoop of ice cream from the container …
Castle sat quietly for a few minutes watching the show then he began watching Kate ,
"Yeah I know, I know, creepy , but I was just wondering if you are you okay ?"
She turned to look at him resting her elbow on the couch behind them , "I'm okay Castle , its not like I 'm some mindless woman who crumbles when he boyfriend breaks up with her .."
"Hey don't go getting all defensive on me , I am just making sure you are okay, you cared about him , you have to feel something Kate, even if its anger , if its , embarrassed, you feel something, Kate ." he said watching her eyes as she took in his words.
"I am fine! Leave it alone Castle !"
"No "
"what "she said shocked
"I said NO" he answered as he stood and went to put the ice cream in the freezer then turned to find she had stood and with the look of it she was preparing for battle "
"why are you here Castle ?"
"Because you need a friend right now "
"So, you coming over here had nothing to do with the fact you over heard that fight and that you were the center of it.?"
"Well yes and no "
"That's what I thought , you are not going to be getting your dick wet tonight , no new notch on your bed post, so you might as well go home. " she said in a voice that sounded like a growl and she turned on her heel and began picking up the cushions that made their pallet .
"Katherine Beckett , that was not what I came over here for , and you know it , you were the one who said something about a fuck fest when we were getting off the phone it sounds to me like you are the one with the agenda here , not me ! He screamed
"Get out Castle !, she spat
He stared at her for a moment , turned towards the door as if to leave then turned around and backtracked . She looked up to see an angry Castle walking towards her. she was shocked she had never seen castle this mad before , stepped backwards as he closed in on her backing her into the wall. and leaning in his face was inches from hers he was so close she could feel his breath on her face then his eyes met hers and he spoke "I am not leaving, you can threaten to shoot me, or even just kick my ass , because I can see that's what you want to do right now , but until you let out what ever it is you have pent up Inside that beautiful head of yours he said gently tapping her head with his pointer finger . "I plan on staying. So we can talk, we can watch TV, or you can keep using me as your punching bag you choose!"
I' am not really sure I like this chapter it was hard to write . It has been rewritten 3 times, shortened , lengthened , and ignored so I finally made myself write something and this is how it came out … so I hope you guys like it more than I do