Title: On a Clear Night
Pairing: Quinn/Rachel
Chapter Preview: The glee club heads to New York for Nationals! Quinn and Rachel do their best to keep their budding relationship a secret, and Mr. Fabray returns on the scene.
A/N: I own nothing. The song featured in this chapter is "Steer" by Missy Higgins. This is the final chapter for this particular fic; there won't be too many open-ended questions but I'm planning on beginning a sequel soon, focusing a little more in depth at the maturing relationship in their senior year as well as Quinn's exploration in identity and family bonds. I'll set the scene for the sequel at the end of the final chapter, and then I'll be beginning the sequel as soon as I find an appropriate album to continue on the story - any suggestions? There will be less singing/dancing, but I'll be integrating the lyrics in a different format. Thank you so much to everyone who's read the story, and I'm so glad it's recieved such a positive response! (Sorry for the delayed posting. I finished this earlier but for some reason the document manager hasn't been working for me. :( Hope you all still enjoy it!)
FaberryDragon: Thank you, again! ^_^ I'm glad you enjoyed it and I hope you enjoy this chapter as well.
HawaiiHapa: Thank you very much! I was hoping to really communicate the beauty in their growing bond.
AyeeeGaybon: Of course they finally kissed! Haha. Trust me, I wanted them to just as badly as everyone else did - it's so difficult being the writer and knowing that no matter what I want, I need to keep the appropriate pacing for character development. ^_^" It's not easy pacing myself!
RCharmed125: ^_^ Thank you! There'll definitely be more after this fic! I hope you enjoy the sequel once I start writing that!
ItinerantPoet: First of all, I love your username! Second, Missy's lyrics somehow melded in so perfectly with the story that it stunned me - I'd gotten the idea after a long night of insomnia, listening to Missy, and the story just came pouring in. It's come along beautifully and made my love for the album grow.
StuffedLion: Oh my gosh, haha, your review made me smile so big! My main goal in writing this fic was to make their relationship and make the growth of it as realistic as possible. As nice as fluff is, I tend to approach things in a way that maybe some others don't. I would love to write fluff, but when it strikes me as unrealistic I tend to lose feel for the characters personalities.
HelloBerry: Thank you! I got a ton of reviews after posting this last chapter (as you can see) so it made me happy. I'm always glad to recieve constructive criticism and hear what people enjoyed about whatever it is I've created.
Psychob2002: Thank you thank you thank you! ;)
TAC: Ahhhhh, I'm glad to see you pop up on the reviews! 3 Thank you so much for your sweet and kind words - don't be a stranger!
Lie-Begotten-Truths: Oh man I'm so glad to hear that you were happy with the characters. That was my main goal - to remain truthful to the characters and the way I percieved them. I really was striving for realism in the plot and characters so I'm unbelievably happy that it worked. ^_^
Chapter 11: Steer
"Oh my god."
"I just .. there aren't words..."
"I can't believe this!"
"Mr. Schuester, while I appreciate the fact you really want us to win, I have to say that once again giving Rachel Berry a leading position only makes it seem like we -" Kurt stood, metaphorical feathers ruffled.
"Guys!" Mr. Schue raised his hands to silence the group of unhappy teenagers, leaving Kurt to huff moodily and glance away with a scowl. "Though I value your opinions," he shot a disapproving glance to those complaining loudly, "I call the shots and I understand your hesitation but how many of you are realistically going to argue that Rachel's vocal talents won't give us a chance toward winning Nationals?"
Rachel glanced around the room, hands folded in her lap, "I understand your displeasure at not being chosen, Kurt," her dark gaze flicked back to the boy (who was busily checking his fingernails and ignoring the diva), "but I believe that Mr. Schuester's plan will indeed give us a good shot at winning Nationals. I humbly accept what he's proposed for Quinn and myself."
Schue nodded and sighed, running a hand through his hair, and as he was about to speak, a voice barked from the doorway.
"If it isn't Willam's group of bedazzled misfits," Sue Slyvester stood dramatically in the doorway, hands on her hips, "I thought I smelled unshowered youth and hair gel. I have to say, William, it disgusts me that you'd put your fingers in those greasy untamed locks of yours. I suppose I can understand as it probably reminds you of your mothers pasta recipe and stroking that hair of yours most likely comforts you in times of fear." She clapped a rough hand on Schuester's shoulder as she strode in, causing the short man to trip forward.
Looking thoroughly irritated, Schue watched Sylvester appraise the group as if they were a group of manged coyotes, "Is there something we can help you with, Coach Sylvester?"
"I was just sizing up your flock of freaks and geeks, hoping they'd give me a reason to award good marks when I judge them all at the National Show Choir competition in New York," Sue sighed and appraised them in a disappointed fashion, "but I see they are just as filthy and grimy as usual. Excluding my two lesbionic Cheerios in the corner, who follow a strict hygeine regimen implemented by one Sue Sylvester."
The room erupted in loud protests and comments, as well as a mixture of shocked expressions and more than a few curses.
"We'll never have a chance if she's a judge..."
"This is the worst ever, we finally make it to Nationals and our arch-nemesis is a freaking judge," Puck gestured in Sue's direction, receiving a gentle shoulder-squeeze from Rachel.
Rachel stood, hands at her side, "That's utterly impossible," her voice took over as the glee club's protests died down a little, "The judges are chosen in early February and as I have done extensive research on this years' judges, you were not on the list. With all due respect, Miss Sylvester, there's no way that I could have possibly overlooked your name."
Sue Sylvester's gaze narrowed as if she was looking at a particularly confusing riddle, "William, is there a reason you've let a three year old join your pathetic excuse for a social club? Judging from her approximate size and that annoying noise coming from her mouth I'm going to assume that there's a child standing in front of me." Her gaze moved to Mr. Schuester before she resumed speaking. "I am a last minute replacement for a local news anchor, who seems to have mysteriously come down with a case of malaria after he took an impromptu trip to India; he recieved anonymous tickets in the mail and it only took a mild amount of convincing for him to accept the trip."
Brittany raised her hand, looking quite confused, "Coach Sylvester, didn't you say you won a free trip to -"
Sue cut the girl off with a wave of her hand, "Well, that's here nor there. I just thought I'd see if by some miracle," she emphasized the last word with a jovial chuckle, "William had managed to turn you all into adequate performers. I see that even the amazing William Schuester, boy hero of those with terrible hair stylists, can't turn this group into winners."
Looking dejected, Rachel sat down, her face contorted in an irritated expression of disbelief. Everyone always made fun of her height, "I most certainly don't have the same height as a three year old," she grumbled quietly and felt a soft hand on her wrist, brown eyes catching hazel as Quinn offered her an affectionate smile.
So far the only people who hadn't spoke out in protest were Quinn and Santana. Apparently it was easier to accept and if Rachel allowed herself to really ponder it, it seemed as if Sue Sylvester could do anything if motivated by her rampant desire to destroy glee club. Heel bouncing impatiently in the air, she felt calmed only by the fact that Quinn's thumb was stroking the skin of her wrist.
"I've given you all enough of my valuable time, now I have to go make a few phone calls to make sure the plane that takes you all to Nationals is the least flightworthy possible," Sue wheeled around and made her way out of the room, but not before offering a wink and pointing her index finger toward the glee club.
Rachel sighed quietly as the glee club burst out again in protest against both Mr. Schuester's choice to pair herself and Quinn together for their Nationals performance and Sue Sylvester happening upon the chance to be a participating judge at the show choir competition. Her eyes sought out the comforting gaze of Quinn's, and she discreetly slid her hand underneath Quinn's soothing touch and linked their fingers together briefly.
Relief washed over her, and for the remainder of the glee club meeting, Rachel found herself too lost in Quinn to care about the show choir competition.
They had agreed to take things slow, despite sharing more than a few passionate make-out sessions in Rachel's room in the middle of the night. They had also agreed to keep things relatively secret - for now. The only people who knew about Quinn's romantic involvement were Brittany and Santana, mostly because the pair spent a large amount of time in Quinn's room at the Berry household. Evidence was really everywhere when Rachel thought about it - her clothing was sometimes hanging over Quinn's chair and other times she couldn't help but hug Quinn just a little too tightly during the weekends in which she'd have to leave the house for vocal training.
Rachel liked taking things slowly with Quinn, having limitations. As a very emotionally driven individual, Rachel knew she could fall too fast sometimes or be just a little too eager. She wanted things with Quinn to be perfect, she wanted them to last. Preparing for Nationals had provided a reasonable distraction from her constant desire to spend all her time cuddling with Quinn and sharing the occasional romantic encounter. Her vocal training had been stepped up to two sessions every weekend, just so she would hit each note perfectly when it came time to perform. Although she never doubted the possibility of getting a solo or duet for Nationals, she was humbled and overjoyed at the fact Mr. Schuester had noticed how beautiful her voice and Quinn's voice harmonized with one another. Rachel had a much more classical vocal range, whereas Quinn's voice was earthy and seductive, like sunshine or a warm breeze.
Mr. Schuester had apparently been inspired by their passionate musical performances for one another over the course of the last few months, because he'd picked a selection (the last remaining) by the very same artist. Rachel's heart felt aglow with affection when she realized that perhaps their passionate adoration for one another would be the thing to get them the Nationals trophy. It was as if there had been some sort of fated romance that would inevitably lead them to new levels of happiness, without them ever really knowing it until now. It would make for a good story, Rachel's thought had been. Perhaps in the future if she had time between Broadway performances she would one day write a story based off of their long romantic tale. From enemies to lovers.
Rachel was pulled out of her thoughts as she felt a hand on her own, and she disengaged her grip from her mug of hot tea in order to lace her fingers in Quinn's. They kept their displays of affection minimal in front of Rachel's dads, mostly because they wanted to have their impromptu sleepovers without her dads implementing some rule about not sleeping in the same bed as long as they were a couple and both living under the same roof.
Rachel was glad her dads were out to dinner tonight. Her fingers gently squeezed the ones laced with her own, and her brown eyes sought out Quinn's quiet and thoughtful eyes, heart swelling with emotion.
Quinn offered a gentle grin, leaning over and pressing her lips to Rachel's cheek, "So it looks like I get the honor of performing a duet with you," she brought the subject up with a playful grin. "I mean it's not every day I'm chosen to perform in front of an audience with the great and future Broadway star that is Rachel Berry."
Rachel blushed and rolled her eyes a little, "I may be destined for stardom but you have just as beautiful a voice as I do, Quinn, and you know it."
"Yeah, but I'm glad Schue finally noticed," the ex-Cheerio brought Rachel's hand to her lips and pressed gentle kisses across Rachel's knuckles.
Rachel felt a quiet shiver move down her spine and she sighed quietly, goosebumps erupting on her forearm as Quinn turned her arm over and pressed a delicate kiss to her wrist, a place where her skin was especially sensitive. "Shush, you," she murmured simply and her brown eyes fluttered closed for a moment.
Quinn's quiet chuckle greeted her, and the blonde let out a gentle sigh of contentment, hazel eyes searching her own.
"Is everything okay?" Rachel's voice sounded a little unsure. Now that she allowed herself to really deeply search Quinn's expression, she saw worry creasing Quinn's forehead a little.
Quinn hesitated, then nodded, unlacing her fingers from Rachel's and standing up. She was chewing her lip in thought as she moved around the counter to get a glass of water. Rachel tried to hide her disappointment at the loss of contact.
Was Quinn regretting their relationship?
Fear struck Rachel, and it started to run away with her thoughts before she felt the soothing touch on both sides of her face. Her skin warmed immediately and her eyes closed of their own accord as she felt Quinn's familiar and loving kiss. Her lips met Quinn's, luxuriating in their softness, and her heart immediately began to pound as she felt Quinn's tongue glide along her bottom lip. Rachel gasped, her fingers threading in Quinn's hair as she felt Quinn position herself between the diva's thighs, pressing their bodies together as the kiss aroused new levels of passion.
Quinn's fingers were trailing down Rachel's sides before the blonde pressed Rachel flush against her, a kind of desperation and lust in her kiss that Rachel had never expected. Their tongues seemed to seek one another and the quiet moans vibrating through Rachel's body only made the fire worse.
Her heart was swollen with passion, her entire body alight as her arms slid around Quinn's neck and Rachel pulled herself tighter into Quinn's grasp. Quinn's fingers were raking down Rachel's shoulders in a way that made Rachel gasp into her mouth, and she panted for air against Quinn's breath.
Their kiss continued like this for more than a few minutes, lost time trailing over the girls as Rachel's torso rocked gently against Quinn and sought more of her. Rachel had never before been so passionately locked against someone, the way her thighs clenched around Quinn's hips and pulled her closer.
It was when they needed to breathe that a panting Quinn had lingered against Rachel's lips, "I want you to be my girlfriend, Rachel," Quinn's words heatedly caressed Rachel's lips, "please," came the desperate plea as the blonde enveloped Rachel tighter, one hand falling to caress Rachel's bare thigh.
Rachel thanked goodness for her love of short skirts as she felt Quinn's fingertips caressing her bare thigh, a gasp rising quietly between them as Quinn's fingers dared move a little higher. Her heart was beating at a dangerous pace, threatening to push out of her chest, slamming against her ribs rhythmically, when the question panted against her lips settled in. She broke away, her eyes searching Quinn's for any sign of uncertainty or perhaps proof that she'd imagined the words.
"You want me to be your... girlfriend? Like.. officially?" Rachel breathed out in awe. Although they had certainly both had strong feelings, she didn't know if Quinn would ever really want their relationship to be an official one.
Quinn nodded, looking unsure of Rachel's reaction, her fingers knotting through Rachel's hair, "I just...the more time we spend together, I realize I can't be without you, Rachel. Ever. And I know it's going to be hard, kind of, because we won't be able to come out right away. I just know when I can't hold your hand, or touch your skin, or kiss you, it drives me crazy. I hate sleeping in bed without you, I hate waking up without you, and I don't want to spend my senior year in a psuedo-relationship. I want you. I want to be with you, as crazy as it sounds..."
Rachel's eyes filled with hot tears, a few rolling down her cheekbones, feeling Quinn's fingers gently stroke circles against her scalp. The diva also thought maybe she was trembling a little, and she felt speechless.
"I've been thinking about it for days now. I wanted to make sure that it's what I really wanted, but then I realized it was crazy to deny myself happiness when that's all I've ever wanted," Quinn seemed to be spilling her entire heart out for Rachel, "since this whole thing started, and I realized I've been fighting it, Rachel. All that fighting with you was fighting these very confusing feelings I started having. Every time I made you cry or every time I saw you cry, I could feel pain in my heart and I didn't understand why. I thought if I hated you then it would make it easy," Quinn hesitated, her hazel eyes darting aside for a moment, "if I convinced myself to hate you then it would be easier. And then you showed up that day with Santana and Brittany just to make sure I was okay, you held me and made me feel like for the first time, someone was going to be there when I hurt, someone was going to be there when I needed them, and I can't even begin to describe..." Quinn's eyes were now tearful, her voice cracking with emotion.
Rachel traced Quinn's features with her eyes, fingers ghosting along after her gaze, her breathing a little labored as she fought tears and disbelief that Quinn was saying all these things. Quinn had yet to be open about all of her real emotions in the situation, even though they'd let things progress physically and were obviously involved with one another. Rachel, for a while, had wondered if Quinn would ever discuss her feelings in depth. Yet here she was, spilling her soul for Rachel to see.
"I was so happy, not just because someone was there to take care of me but that it was you, that you were there and you weren't going to let me be alone, no matter how I fought you on it," Quinn searched Rachel's gaze tearfully, "and I don't want to say it just yet, but I know how I feel and I want it to be perfect when I finally say .. it."
Rachel knew what Quinn meant, nodding quietly and her eyes filling with tears as she wrapped her arms around Quinn's neck, hugging her desperately, fingers sifting through Quinn's hair as she pressed emotional and feverish kisses against Quinn's neck.
Quinn clung to Rachel with a desperation unmatched. Quinn Fabray was good at making Rachel cry, but Rachel was glad that somehow, in some strange turn of events, it had begun to manifest because of joy, and not pain.
Unable to contain her love, her outpouring of feeling, she pulled away, looking Quinn right in the eyes, speechless for the first time. Rachel's fingers traced slowly over Quinn's features again, eyes reflecting every bit of love she felt for Quinn, and she surged forward, crushing her lips to Quinn's in a passionate display of emotion, tears mingling with the meshing of lips.
"I'll be your girlfriend," Rachel breathed as she pulled away, "I'm all yours, Quinn Fabray. I always have been, in a way."
Quinn smiled tearfully, gratefully, eyes full of joy and disbelief.
Rachel held on to the hand beside her, the bus rumbling along busy New York streets. "We made it," she breathed out, eyes locked on to the tall buildings. "We made it!" She couldn't resist bouncing in her seat as she untangled her fingers from Quinn's and she threw herself into a welcome embrace. "We're in New York!"
Quinn laughed, affection mingling in her tone, "Oh, like Rachel Berry ever had any doubts she'd make it to New York," she teased with a wide grin.
Rachel's arms tightened around Quinn's neck as she squealed with joy. The rest of the glee clubbers seemed to be just as overjoyed as they chattered and pointed out different buildings. They were too busy to notice the pair in the back, although over the last day or two the newly official couple had been less shy about holding hands and hugging one another, or even when Quinn was feeling brave, flirting with the diva.
"Of course I had no doubts," Rachel pulled away, still grinning from ear to ear, "Broadway and I are destined," she stated adamantly and her brown eyes sparkled with complete joy.
Quinn's eyes were filled with a kind of admiration, her hand gently moving to Rachel's thigh and squeezing gently, the diva's fingers gliding over Quinn's and covering the hand with her own. Rachel sighed happily beside her and rested her head on Quinn's shoulder, eyes cast toward the bustling city that was New York. Everything was so far beyond perfect right now that it was almost like a dream.
Nationals was coming up the next day, and the glee club wouldn't have much time at all before they'd be heading back to Lima, Ohio, but it was a welcome glimpse of the city Rachel knew she belonged in. She and Quinn had spoken the night before, about their plans after senior year. It had been a concern of Rachel's, whether or not they would be split apart during college, miles and miles from one another, but the diva had been overwhelmed with joy and crushed her lips to Quinn's when Quinn told her she'd already begun applying to schools in New York.
Nonetheless, they still had senior year together before they would embark on the journey together, to the Big Apple. Though, as was true to her character, Rachel had of course already been doing extensive research on living in New York, apartment estimates. It never hurt to be prepared, although when Quinn had found the papers and pamphlets on Rachel's desk, she'd teased her girlfriend about preparing far too soon. Rachel had insisted it was never too soon to plan the future, and proceeded to put the research away in a desk drawer to be sorted through at a later date.
Rachel had never felt so happy, and she knew she must be glowing, mostly because Quinn was looking at her in that affectionate way she seemed to whenever Rachel was excited about something, "Nationals is so going to be ours," Rachel commented with a chirp as she looked around at the chatty group of glee clubbers. With her and Quinn's duet, along with Puck's original composition, there was no chance that they'd lose.
Quinn grinned delicately and shook her head silently, turning her palm over on Rachel's thigh to knot her fingers with Rachel's, tugging the brunette's hand into her own lap, "Let's hope so, because I'd love to see the look on Coach Sylvester's face when we win."
The rooms had been settled - boys in one hotel room, and girls in the other. Yet, Kurt had ruffled and demanded he get to stay with the girls because he'd said something along the lines of, "As much as I appreciate the fact I'd get to spend the appropriate time taking care of my glorious skin, I don't know how comfortable I am with Puck's invasive questioning as to what it means to be a bottom. I'm not entirely sure what it means, I just know I don't want to discuss it with him."
That particular line of reasoning had convinced a disturbed-looking Mr. Schuester to allow Kurt to bed in the girls room for the night. Santana had forcefully shoved him off of the bed she'd already dubbed to be hers and Brittany's, leaving Mercedes and Kurt one bed, the rest of the girls having laid sleeping bags along the rest of the floor-space. Rachel had to laugh when Kurt had complained that none of the girls had an appropriate shade of nail polish to match his pajamas.
"Oh god, Polly Pocket, could you be less flaming?" Santana had stated with a roll of her eyes.
Kurt's head had whipped in Santana's direction, "Could you?" He stared pointedly at the way Brittany was draped over Santana's lap, staring thoughtfully at the television.
Quinn had laughed a little behind her fingers and shared a look with Rachel. The diva had grinned and shaken her head as she settled onto the sleeping bag Quinn had placed unzipped on the floor, her pillow settled next to Quinn's. They'd decided it wouldn't be too obvious if they shared space on the floor together - at least that's what Rachel had tried to convince herself. They'd agreed to keep their relationship somewhat on what Santana had referred to as "on the d-l," but quite frankly Rachel suspected the only reason Quinn had agreed was because they'd spent two nights sleeping without one another after a line of questioning from Hiram and Leroy.
"I mean this room is so full of gay we might as well hang a rainbow flag in the corner, even if some people are in denial and others are just really bad at hiding it," Kurt stated haughtily and began filing his nails carefully. Mercedes had laughed a little and nodded in agreement at that. "As if it wasn't enough to have the incredible hulk in love with her fellow Cheerio, it seems the gay has become contagious enough to consume our little diva."
Rachel had begun to stammer an argument, her eyes darting to Mercedes and Kurt, Tina flushing guiltily.
"I mean it's okay if you guys are," Tina stated, blush rising on her cheeks, "because it's better than watching you two duke it out all the time," she motioned between Rachel and Quinn.
Quinn groaned softly, "That secret better not leave this room," she gave Kurt a pointed glare.
"Oh, honey, trust me, I could care less about who you roll in bed with. At least you picked someone who you share things in common with. Namely, ex-boyfriends."
Rachel scoffed and buried her head under her pillow, hiding her face, "I can't believe this," she groaned softly and felt a soothing hand on her back.
"I always knew there was somethin' weird about you two. I swear, Quinn, if you sang Rachel another song with Rachel staring cluelessly back, I was going to set up a damn intervention," Mercedes glanced at Kurt after she spoke, and Kurt merely nodded in agreement.
Rachel dared a peek at Quinn, who looked to be a little caught offguard, but she offered a gentle smile to the diva before lacing their fingers together.
Her warm voice soothed Rachel, "I mean, we tried, I guess. To keep it a secret."
Rachel shrugged her shoulders before she slipped her arms around Quinn's neck and hugged herself close, despite the groan that came from Santana's corner, the mumbled 'get a room' following.
The diva didn't care. Quinn's arms slid around her, perfectly, and she could feel Quinn hold her just as tightly. Maybe it didn't matter who knew.
Over the next few hours, the group in the girls' hotel room chit-chatted and gossiped, until one by one each began to drift off to sleep. Brittany and Santana fell asleep tangled in one another, Kurt passed out on Mercedes shoulder, Tina curled up near the air-conditioner, leaving only Rachel and Quinn awake with one another.
Above both of them, Rachel was tracing Quinn's fingers with her own, hazel eyes trailing over her features in the dark.
"It doesn't bother you that they know?" Rachel's whisper came in the dark, and her dark eyes turned to Quinn's as she pulled Quinn's hand over her stomach, trailing her fingers along her arm.
Quinn looked thoughtful, and as the moonlight rested on Quinn's features, Rachel could see her expression pondering the question. The city outside was alive, car horns yelling into the night, voices rising through the air, like it was a living organism. She swallowed, "It makes me nervous."
"Why?" Rachel asked with a gentle inquistive tone, "because of what people will think?"
Quinn shook her head, "I'm afraid of what happens when my family finds out, if they find out," her voice wavered and she buried her head against Rachel's shoulder. "When my dad finds out."
Rachel ran a soothing hand through Quinn's hair, breathing in the smell of vanilla and coconut, "I understand. Do you think we should maybe ... be more secretive?" Rachel was somewhat afraid of what Quinn's answer might be. She desperately wanted to be more affectionate with Quinn, wanted people to know that Quinn was who she loved. She wanted Quinn to be free, and happy, unafraid of the consequences of being in love.
After a few minutes she thought maybe Quinn had fallen asleep, but as she looked beside her at Quinn, she found a pair of hazel eyes staring at her with more emotion and more passion she'd ever expected to find. Quinn's expression was overwhelmingly adoring, and as Quinn leaned over, a soft gasp rose from Rachel's throat as she felt tender lips mesh with her own in a slow, passionate kiss. Rachel was dizzy by the time Quinn pulled away, "No." Quinn's voice breathed against her neck as she wrapped her arms around Rachel. "I don't want to keep us a secret," Quinn murmured, lips brushing over Rachel's neck.
Rachel buried herself in Quinn's embrace, smiling into her curtain of hair, and cried silently.
The diva could hear the audience. She'd never been so nervous to perform in her life. As she peered around the corner, she felt a gentle hand on her shoulder.
"You're amazing and they're going to love us," Quinn's voice grazed her ear, the encouraging squeeze on her shoulder emphasizing Quinn's intention. "Trust me."
Rachel swung around and slid her arms around Quinn's waist, resting her head on Quinn's shoulder, "I'm so nervous," the words tumbled out as if she wasn't trembling already, and she closed her eyes. Breathing in the blonde's scent, she tried to steady her nerves.
Quinn shook her head, "Don't be. I'm going to go to my mark. See you in a minute, superstar," her words full of affection, Quinn pressed a loving kiss to Rachel's forehead.
Rachel could hardly believe her luck, her life. In the last few months, she'd gone from Quinn Fabray's enemy, to her closest friend, and her girlfriend. Her life had turned around completely. She'd never felt so joyful in her life as she did right that moment, watching Quinn disappear and smiling a little at the retreating girl.
It didn't always make sense, life, but it certainly did surprise her. Everything had progressed so slowly that sometimes she thought she was making it all up, but as she waited for the music to begin in the bandshell, she knew she was quite happily conscious. Rachel grinned, nerves seemingly calmed a little. She closed her eyes, breathed in, and the music began.
The diva strode meaningfully across the stage, examining the crowd dramatically. A voice to her right rose above the murmur of the crowd, and Rachel turned her head to see Quinn approaching her, the blonde's beautiful voice drawing Rachel in.
Feel it falling off like clothing
Taste it rolling on your tongue
See the lights above you glowing
And breathe them deep into your lungs
Rachel's face felt as if it would split with the smile growing across her face. She reached out, palm upward, and felt Quinn's palm slide across her own as they circled one another slowly. Rachel's voice rose in response.
It was always simple
Not hidden hard
You've been pulling on the strings
Playing puppeteer for kings and you've had enough
Quinn's smile seemed to mirror Rachel's, as they both began to slowly retreat from one another, eyes locked in a meaningful gaze. With swollen hearts and passion in their voices, they seemed to be locked in a symbolic dance, the audience seeming to fade. It was only Quinn and Rachel, speaking to one another through the magic that was music. Quinn's answering verse began as the blonde made the slow approach across the stage, eyes locked on Rachel's. The diva had to keep her composure as she felt the intensity of Quinn's voice, her words.
But the search ends here where the night is totally clear
And your heart is fierce
So now you finally know that you control where you go
You can steer...
Rachel picked up the next immediately, striding right into Quinn's space as their hands interlocked and in performance, her fingers gently traced Quinn's arm.
So hold this feeling like a newborn
All the freedom surging through your veins
You have opened up a new door
So bring on the wind
Fire and rain
It was always simple
Not hidden hard
You've been played at a game
Called remembering your name and you stuffed it up
But the search ends here where the night is totally clear
And your heart is fierce
So now you finally know that you control where you go
You can steer
Now you finally know that you control where you go
You can steer
The audience seemed just as captivated as the pair on stage as the joy and emotion seemed to swell between them. Quinn's eyes seemed almost tearful as she smiled, answering Rachel with the next verse. Their chemistry was clear, their emotion and passion, and Rachel was sure a very displeased Sue Sylvester was figuring out how to discount such a performance.
'Cause you've been listening for answers
But the city screams and all your dreams go unheard
But the search ends here where the night is totally clear
And your heart is fierce
And for the next, as Quinn's eyes slowly pulled away from Rachel's eyes to her mouth, the brunette flushed. She knew that the emotion was making it so intense for the both of them that the temptation of one another was almost too much, almost. Their voices harmonized perfectly, Rachel's voice joining Quinn's for the last stretch of song.
So now you finally know that you control where you go
You can steer
And get out of the box
And step into the clear
'Cause now you finally know that you can steer...
Rachel grinned widely as they hit the last note together, perfectly, and she had to resist the urge to jump into Quinn's arms as they gently stepped back from one another. Quinn's gaze was full of promise, such a depth of realization that Rachel could feel it hit her like a hot bullet. Rachel answered the gaze with a smile as they broke apart and ran to meet their marks, the curtains coming apart and revealing the glee club, all dressed in white and black, the music fading slowly and Rachel caught Quinn's gaze as they took position, the crescendo for the next song rising from the bandshell.
Rachel was breathless with love. And at that point she didn't care if they won Nationals or not, she knew she had just performed the most important number of her life, because the look that had been in Quinn's eyes was the look of someone in love.
Rachel bounced into Quinn's arms later as the curtains closed and the glee club all gathered happily in the back hallways of the bandshell, awaiting the next performances and finally the judging.
Quinn had hugged her so fiercely and buried her head into Rachel's hair in that familiar way that she didn't seem to care which of the glee club would be paying attention. All that mattered was Quinn and Rachel.
"We so are going to win!" Quinn stated triumphantly, grinning at Rachel. "That duet was..."
"Perfect," Rachel's face was alight with joy and admiration, "and .. I don't care if we win or not," Rachel's voice lowered softly as her fingers traced the sensitive skin of Quinn's forearm, fingers sliding down carefully before she grasped the hand lingering near her. "You've changed my life, Quinn," Rachel breathed the words, rapt with awe at the feeling coursing through her. "You've changed me. I haven't given up dreams of Broadway but I know that no matter what happens," Rachel looked up, searching thoughtful hazel eyes, "no matter what happens, if I have you, that's what matters."
And Quinn, uncaring as to who was watching, pulled Rachel into the lightest, softest kiss Rachel had ever experienced, lips brushing over her own, ghosting past them just enough to surge with electricity, "I love you."
The words tumbled between them, and Rachel's eyes looked in disbelief as she pulled away, searching Quinn's face.
Rachel threw herself into those perfect arms, sobbing quietly, "I love you so much, Quinn."
"Good, otherwise that would have been awkward," Quinn quipped gently and Rachel could feel her holding on desperately.
Rachel's eyes slipped shut, ignoring the confused whispers and gasps at the exchange that had just taken place in front of the glee club.
"Good thing you didn't kiss me during the duet," Rachel joked without letting go, kissing Quinn's neck over and over again, "we might have lost then."
"We so won."
Once word spread that the glee club had won Nationals, the entire school seemed to change its attitude toward the club itself. There were less slushie facials and more cordial conversations, although Karofsky still maintained his normal routine of harassment. The trophy sat in the choir room, atop the piano, as the school year began to draw to a close. It had been an amazing year for all of them.
Of course, their win at Nationals didn't protect Rachel and Quinn from the rumor mill. Once word leaked that they were indeed romantically linked, Rachel was having to tell Jacob Ben Isreal off twice as often and Quinn was struggling to keep Puck from continuing to ask if he could film them at home. There were those who were obviously against the idea, many people surprised, and there was the occasional slur tossed in their direction, but it didn't seem to bother Quinn or Rachel much.
In fact, Rachel had never before felt so happy. Quinn cared more about her than her reputation, and that alone was a testament to their feelings. Quinn, surprisingly, was the more publicly affectionate one, often planting a gentle kiss on Rachel's cheek or forehead before parting for class, leaving Rachel flushed and happy more often than not. It was easier striding through the hall with the former HBIC's hand entwined with her own. People seemed to have grown a respect for Rachel, as strange as they percieved her, and it was easier to hold her head high.
Rachel really had everything she could have wanted. Often she replayed the entire adventure in her mind, from beginning to end, and in disbelief she found herself watching Quinn sleep beside her with awe painted on her face. This beautiful girl had fallen in love with her. It was like some kind of fairy tale, with lots of singing.
Rachel delicately reached over, tracing Quinn's skin with her fingertips, the blonde's arm draped over her stomach. Rachel watched her even breathing. Not even winning Nationals could have made her this happy.
"Rachel, the alarm hasn't even gone off yet," Quinn's voice croaked sleepily, "stop watching me sleep." The blonde grinned tiredly and squeezed Rachel closer, "It's creepy."
"Maybe," Quinn chuckled sleepily.
Rachel sighed, smiled, and pressed a kiss to Quinn's lips before closing her eyes.
"Love you," Quinn's words ghosted near her ear, and Rachel felt a pair of lips graze her temple.
"Forever and ever," Rachel emphasized sweetly, answering with lacing her fingers in Quinn's, resting both their palms on her stomach.
Rachel bounded through the front door after school and nearly collided into a towering man, who was heatedly shouting at her father.
"Dad? What's going on?"
At first, Rachel didn't recognizing the lumbering, angry man in their kitchen. Yet when she saw a flash of the class ring slamming on her counter right before he wheeled around, her eyes went wide with terror.
"Oh no," Quinn's voice answered from the door and immediately the blonde began to back up, panicked. Russell Fabray was standing in Rachel's kitchen, yelling at the men who'd been sheltering Quinn.
Russell turned around at the sound of Quinn's voice, "You little whore, how dare you run off to live with this .. this ..." he motioned toward Hiram and Leroy, "this obviously filthy family. Do you have no morals?"
He advanced roughly on Quinn, and Quinn cowered in the doorway, flinching, her face contorted in fear. Just as he was about to strike, a small hand caught his wrist.
Rachel stood before Mr. Fabray, bravely, "Excuse me, but this is not your house, sir," Rachel stated firmly and flung Russell's hand downward. "And if you dare lay a hand on her, I don't believe that Daddy will very much appreciate you striking a child in his home."
Russell looked stunned. "You little bi-"
"Watch it!" Quinn seemed to have snapped out of her fear-induced trance as she advanced on Russell, "Don't you dare address her like that! You are the most despicable human being I have ever known!" Quinn all but snarled.
Rachel spotted movement; Hiram had moved into the livingroom, phone in hand. She heard his hurried whispers over the phone, wondering if he was calling 911. She refused to move.
Quinn's eyes were flashing with rage as soon as Rachel glanced over at her girlfriend, a soothing and protective hand resting on Quinn's arm, "How dare you come in here and yell at the people who've done more for me in this short time than you ever have! You're disgusting! Do you know how many times I wished you'd just kill me when you beat me?"
Rachel felt the admission hit her right in the chest, and she gasped. So the beating she'd witnessed wasn't a one-time occurence. Rage filled her, boiled over, and she gently moved Quinn aside before looking up at Russell Fabray with anger in her voice, "You will never lay a hand on her again, and you will never step inside this house again."
Russell Fabray seemed conflicted that he was actually being confronted, not only by his own daughter but a girl he didn't even know, who could more than likely be taken out with one blow.
Rachel studied him, stared him down, "You should be ashamed of yourself. You need help." Rachel's stern and steady voice even surprised herself. She couldn't believe she was standing up to this man. Yet, her rage had given voice to her protectiveness. "I will never let you lay a hand on Quinn again and if you ever, ever come near her or yell at my fathers again, I will make sure that I've made the appropriate legal steps to prevent you from coming within 500 feet of Quinn and my home. This family has been more of a family to your daughter than you've ever been and I will not see you come in this house and disrespect someone who I consider to be a part of the Berry family."
Russell was still struck speechless, and as he advanced and raised a hand to Rachel, "How dare you speak to your elders that way!"
Rachel didn't flinch. She ducked, rose and her head turned expectedly as the door swung open and police officers filed inside.
It didn't take Quinn's father long to react - he shoved Rachel into the kitchen counter, pressing the small girl against the marble painfully, full of anger and rage, a monster in his own right. Rachel vaguely heard Quinn call out her name as if from miles away, like an echo in a cave. The last thing she saw before her vision went black was Russell Fabray being restrained by men in black police uniforms.
Rachel's eyes opened blearily. She was in her room, stiff and sore, when all of a sudden she shot up in the air, panic painting her face. "Quinn!"
"Shh, hey," Quinn's soothing voice answered her as the blonde rushed into her room with water in her hand, "it's okay." Rachel felt a hand gently graze her own and the weight of Quinn sitting on the bed took Rachel from her panicked state to one of relief.
Rachel's eyes were wide, and she scanned Quinn's face and body for injuries, hands flying over her carefully, "Are you hurt? What happened? Did you get hurt? Are you okay?" The questions flew out of her mouth in a panic.
Quinn laughed, softly, "Yes, I'm fine. I'm fine," she assured the brunette, her lips pressing to Rachel's fingers. "I didn't get hurt. The police got there. Russell," she said the name with such disgust that Rachel could see it, "knocked you out and the police arrested him for assault of a minor. As for the charges of child abuse, he's going to be investigated. Hiram made a report against him for everything and he's... well, he's going to help me get an emancipation."
Rachel looked relieved, at least she figured she did, because she felt a weight lift off her. "Oh, Quinn, I was so worried," tears filled her eyes and she wrapped herself in Quinn's arms.
Quinn gently stroked her fingers through Rachel's hair, hushing her gently, "It's okay. Everything's going to be okay now." The embrace soothed Rachel, stilled her trembling. Quinn pulled away, running her hands over Rachel's face, and Rachel noticed Quinn's tears. "You were so brave, Rachel. He could've hurt you so bad but you stood up to him anyway."
"I'd do anything to protect you," Rachel stated, burying her face against Quinn's neck. "I would never hesitate to put myself in harm's way to make sure you were safe."
"You're either really stupid or braver than I could ever be," Quinn's words mirrored the letter that had opened the door for their bond to make progress, Rachel having memorized every word of that letter. Quinn clutched Rachel close.
"I try to be brave," Rachel joked softly, pulled away, and kissed Quinn with a passion unmatched, all her relief flooding into that kiss. Quinn was safe. She'd be safe, and she'd be staying. More than anything Rachel had wanted Quinn's freedom, and she could taste salt tears mingling in their kiss, assuring her that Quinn was free, and she was grateful.
The last day of school before summer started was the hottest Lima had ever seen. Even Rachel had to sacrifice her sweater for lack of not smelling absolutely horrible - or like Puck, as Santana had joked - the rest of the day. It was third period and it already felt like a sauna.
"I think I'm gonna die," Santana collapsed against her locker and Rachel's hands flew out before they could get crushed.
Rachel folded her arms, "Santana, could you not see that I was in my locker to retrieve something?"
Santana looked over at her with a glare, "And I care why?"
"Well played."
"Always," Santana smirked and shrugged her shoulder, "Oh, it's your girlfriend," she commented lamely as she tapped Quinn's shoulder.
Quinn recoiled a little, "Too hot, don't touch," she stated miserably. "Puck's just informed me he's having a pool party tonight to celebrate summer vacation. Wanna go?" She directed her question at Rachel hopefully.
Rachel hesitated, searching Quinn's gaze, and nodded, "Yes, we should go. After all, water will help significantly adjust our body temperatures to a more tolerable state." Opening her locker and shooting a telling glare to Santana, she eased her books out of her locker before Santana could close it on her again.
"Oh, good," Quinn breathed in relief.
Santana laughed, "You just wanna see Rachel in a bikini."
The sky was perfectly clear that night as the couple arrived, hand in hand. It was the first night of summer vacation and Rachel couldn't think of a better way to spend it. Although their public displays of affection were relatively minimum, Quinn seemed more comfortable as time went on. Everyone knew they were a couple, but even Rachel didn't want to be that obnoxious pair that couldn't keep their hands off one another or their eyes. Besides, she liked feeling as if this was something they had for themselves.
The brunette brought Quinn's hand to her lips, kissing before she let go. The hand she'd been holding slipped behind her afterward, resting at the small of her back as Quinn guided her inside once Puck had opened the door.
"Behold! The glory that is the pool!"
It was sweltering hot, still, and the glee clubbers were all splashing around in the pool, barely noticing Quinn and Rachel's late arrival. They had only arrived late because Quinn apparently couldn't resist Rachel's bare skin in a bikini top and after quite some time of passionate kissing and gasps, Rachel had reluctantly peeled Quinn off of her and breathlessly reminded her that they needed to get to Puck's for the pool party.
Yet, now Quinn seemed rather happy Rachel had convinced her to come, because Quinn's face looked overjoyed and relieved as she glanced over at Rachel. The humidity was unbelievable that evening, even Rachel was glad to have sacrificed an evening of potentially passionate happenings to enjoy a cold swim.
Puck wasted no time as he barreled from behind Rachel, picked her up from behind, and plowed into the pool before Rachel could even realize what had happened. Flailing at the water's surface, she fumed out of shock, "Puck! I didn't even get my shirt and shorts off yet!"
Quinn stood laughing at the pool's edge, but stopped as Rachel's furious glare met her own. She smiled apologetically but it was too late for her as Kurt walked out of Puck's house, dressed in swim-trunks and petting his hair, he paused in thought behind Quinn. Before Rachel could warn her girlfriend, Kurt grinned devilishly and pushed Quinn from behind, the squealing blonde flying into the water.
"Woops," he shrugged cooly and made his way over to one of the chairs at the side of the pool, one leg draping over the other as he sipped at a smoothie.
Quinn gasped as she burst to the surface, and she swung around in the water and spotting Kurt, "You're in for it, Gaga!" Her clothes soaked, Rachel had to laugh at the way Quinn's hair all wet made her look like one of those cats that got really angry when you had to give it a bath.
Rachel almost forgot that her own clothes were still on as she tread water, and quickly climbed out, stripping off her shirt and shorts without thinking.
"Oh my god, your bikini is not -"
"It is most definitely argyle in pattern," Rachel stated, shooting Santana an indignant look. "And I happen to think I look good in it."
"Agreed," Quinn and Sam both stated at the same time, Quinn shooting him a glare and Sam smiling apologetically.
Brittany only nodded her head in agreement.
Rachel felt her face burning with embarassment as she tried to remain dignified, but she felt Quinn's gaze boring into her with the weight of lust, and she caught Quinn's look, sharing a shy smile.
Quinn smiled in return, as she climbed out and shed her soaking clothes, "You make it hard not to maul you," she murmured against Rachel's ear, causing a shiver to shoot through Rachel's spine.
And just like that, Quinn's arms were around Rachel as she tackled Rachel into the pool. Rachel squealed and burst to the surface, approximately the same time as Quinn, and she splashed the ex-Cheerio in the face, "You're so lucky I like you," Rachel growled as she made a swipe at Quinn, but the blonde was too quick and had already dove under the water.
The others soon joined in the horseplay, quite a few hours passing in the night as their hoots and hollers greeted the night air. They'd played a few games of chicken before Puck had been announced the winner and dunked Finn in celebration, holding the tall boy down until he was hit in the face by Finn's flying hand.
Hours later, Rachel lay sharing a chair with Quinn, the blonde's arm draped lazily over her stomach. Rachel's eyes trailed over Quinn. Being with Quinn was like having tunnel-vision. It was all she could think about, all that mattered, and as her fingers moved over damp skin, she smiled as Quinn looked up at her with a quiet gaze.
"What?" Rachel questioned softly.
Quinn smiled, "Don't forget that I love you," she murmured against Rachel's ear, a hand trailing up Rachel's ribs and eliciting a gasp before Quinn was on her feet, tipping Rachel forward in the chair, sending the diva flying back into the water.
In shock, Rachel again burst to the surface, "Quinn Fabray, you are dead meat!"
Quinn stuck her tongue out, grinning and laughing maniacally before she ran and cannonballed into the pool, splashing an unhappy Santana on the way down, "Psh, what are you going to do about it, Rachel Berry?" Quinn challenged and splashed Rachel in the face.
Rachel rose an eyebrow, "I'll think of something brilliant, just you wait."
Despite all the silliness, Rachel couldn't help the calm smile that passed over her features. As the water and moonlight played on Quinn's features, the memory of everything that had brought them to this point made Rachel's heart swell with emotion.
At least, until Quinn leapt on top of her and shoved her under the water, leaving the pair to roll under the water and bat at one another as soon as they came to the surface. Rachel knew that it was most definitely going to be the best summer of her life, even if Quinn was currently being a pain in her ass.
Rachel was falling in love, with Quinn Fabray, and Quinn was falling in love with her. She wished in that moment she could go back in time and assure her past self that things were going to be amazing, to just hang in there a little longer. She and Quinn hadn't consummated their relationship beyond passionate make-out sessions, but Rachel felt things were happening at exactly the pace they were supposed to. She could only imagine the passion they would share when they finally felt it was the right time.
Rachel supposed it didn't matter though. On a clear night, she found herself locked in an epic water battle with the love of her life, laughing under the stars and looking forward to the future.
Grow tall, sugarcane. Eat that soil, drink the rain,
but know, they'll chase you if you play their little games,
so run, run fast, sugarcane.
The song that had started it all. Rachel sang softly in the night, walking beside Quinn. The blonde looked over thoughtfully at her, and Rachel offered a silent smile.
"I'm glad it was you that day," Quinn's voice came out of the silence.
Rachel nodded, kissing Quinn's hand before she leaned over and took Quinn's lips with her own, "I guess I am too," she joked softly against the blonde's parted lips.
Quinn grinned against the kiss before she lifted Rachel in the air, playfully pecking her lips up and down Rachel's neck.
Rachel couldn't help the laughter bubbling from her lips and she wrapped her arms around Quinn tightly. "Don't ever let me go," she murmured after the laughter settled.
"Never," Quinn's assurance came in a breathed word, and it was all Rachel needed right now.
But the search ends here where the night is totally clear
And your heart is fierce
So now you finally know that you control where you go
You can steer...