I'm Baaaaaccck! Miss me? Hehe =P

After a (very) tearful goodbye to my 2011 classmates of the 8th grade, I'm on summer vacation!

Also, the bestest camp EVA! A week of memories that I will never forget! Ex: "I defy your goat!" "Steve, get out of the closet!' 'No!'" "Trololololol lololol" Elbow Fights, "Tell him he can go f himself!"

Anyways, I'm back, and this is the third installment of the Annabeth series! **Confetti rains down**

You have no idea how hard it was to not start this early O_O I got sooooo bored before I went to camp. I literally just sat on the couch. I did so much nothing I wasn't even tired anymore! I didn't fall asleep until, like 4 in the morning =P Is that a bad thing? Actually, don't answer that one. Rhetorical question.

Truth be told, I really did miss you guyses =) You are like… anonymous friends to me, which is I guess the best, non-weird way to put it =P

So, for what you've all been waiting for… DUN DUN DUUUUHHH (dramatic music) THE FIRST CHAPTER! (I'm as excited as you are)

And, one more thing. Does anyone here like the the font Comic Sans? Because all my camp friends are shunning me for it! Grahh! That means you, Max, Grady, Will, Spencer, Margaux, Liam, Connell, and everyone else! Shun the non-believers! Please leave your comment for this separate for the story comment. That way I can rub it in their faces! Mwa hahaha… Oh, goodness, I'm turning evil…

Read, Review, and Favorite!

Percy Sucks at Dancing


Percy's mom picked up Thalia and I on the way to this strange military school where apparently, Grover had found two new possible demigods, parents yet to be discovered.

It was an eight hour drive to get there, and for the most part, Percy, Thalia and I were too anxious to talk. First demigod capture mission, what can I say?

Ms. Jackson, of course, didn't seem to have that issue. In fact, I don't think she stopped talking the entire ride.

Now, normally, you'd think that a parent talking would be kind of boring, right? Well, not for this. Ms. Jackson proceeded to tell us every single embarrassing baby story having to do with Percy.

Thalia and I were laughing so hard that it felt like we couldn't breathe anymore.

My personal favorite was the last story she told, before we got out. I won't tell the whole thing, because Percy could possibly die from embarrassment, but here was a line from the story.

"…And then he somehow got his little baby butt stuck in a sewage pipe!"

And it just got better from there.

I don't think I've ever seen Percy get that red, even when I managed to get the Aphrodite girls to put some permanent makeup on him for a few days. (They owed me for a few things, and hey, who doesn't want to prank Percy?)

Percy's mom dropped us off at the military school, Westover Hall. It looked like it was one of those haunted places where you would find the Scooby Doo gang lurking about and some kind of weird monster scaring the crap out of the students. It stood on the edge of a cliff, the ocean crashing against the battered rocks, while the wind whipped around us, snowflakes falling and spinning like little white tornados.

"Are you sure you don't want me to wait?" asked Ms. Jackson.

"No thanks, Mom," said Percy quickly. "I don't know how long it'll take. We'll be okay." I think he just didn't want us to hear more hilarious baby stories.

"But how will you get back? I'm worried, Percy."

A faint redness spread across Percy's face, something I normally wouldn't have noticed, but with the cold, most of our faces were pretty pale. I turned my head away so he couldn't see my teasing smile.

"It's okay, Ms. Jackson," I said with a reassuring smile. I knew she thought I was the calmest demigod she had met, besides the time where Percy took my piece of chocolate pudding pie. I was the one who usually got Percy out of the messes he started, and she realized it.

Percy's mom let out a mini sigh of relief. "All right, dears. Do you have everything you need?"

"Yes, Ms. Jackson. Thanks for the ride," Thalia responded.

"Extra sweaters? You have my cell phone number?"

"Mom-" Percy stuttered.

"Your ambrosia and nectar, Percy? And a golden drachma in case you need to contact camp?"

"Mom, seriously! We'll be fine. Come on, guys."

Ms. Jackson looked a little sad at that, and for a moment, I felt a pang of anger in my chest. I wished I had these moments with my mother. Percy didn't realize just how lucky he was.

Percy's mom drove away with a last worried glance from the rearview mirror, and disappeared along the winding road.

"Your mom is so cool, Percy," said Thalia as we walked toward the school.

"She's pretty okay," he admitted.

"What about you? You ever get in touch with your mom?" asked Percy.

I wanted to slap him. Thalia's mother was never something you brought up in a conversation unless you wanted to be shocked. And possibly have some sort of brain damage from it.

The glare Percy got was one of the worst, and her outfit of an army jacket, leather pants, and eyeliner made it look like Percy was about to take a visit to Hades and never come back.

"If that was any of your business, Percy-"

"We'd better get inside. Grover will be waiting," I interrupted, not wanting this little dispute turn into something horrible and most likely painful.

Thalia glanced at me, and I flashed a warning in my eyes. "You're right. I wonder what he found here that made him send the distress call," she said.

Percy looked darkly at the haunted house-like school. "Nothing good."

The giant doors creaked open, and we entered the place, snow swirling around our feet.

"Whoa," breathed Percy, and he was right.

Not only was the place huge, but there was every weapon known to mortal man hanging on the wall. Talk about gory. My hand slipped down to where I knew my knife lay hidden on my waist. It wasn't exactly the most inviting place if you know what I mean.

Percy and Thalia shifted uncomfortably, fingering their demigod weapons.

"I wonder where-" I started.

Booom! The door slammed shut behind us.

This was usually where the creepy monsters came out of dark crevices and came to eat the weak one first. Probably Percy.

"Oo-kay, guess we'll stay awhile," said Percy.

This was just like in the movies. The funny, idiotic one got eaten/tortured first.

Music came from down the hall, disrupting the creepy atmosphere of the Hall of Guns and other Killing Devices.

We hid our bags behind a pillar and followed the sound. It wasn't long before we heard footsteps coming toward us, and a man and a woman slipped out of the shadows.

They were both in uniform, with gray hair and military clothes, red rimming around it. The man had a cleanly shaved face, while the woman, well, lets just say she had a little more that what you'd call "peach fuzz" under her nose.

"Well, what are you doing here?" she snarled at us.

"Um…" Percy stumbled, and I was so weirded out by the woman's girl-stache that I didn't respond.

"Ma'am, we're just-" Percy muttered.

"Ha!" snapped the man, and nearly gave me a heart attack. "Visitors are not allowed at the dance! You shall be eee-jected!"

He had a French sounding accent, and from the looks of it, whenever he got mad or excited, his nostrils flared, and trust me, I did not want to see up those. One eye was brown, while the other was blue, so when he glared at you, it looked like one of those cats with different colored eyes.

Thalia stepped forward, snapping her fingers. Wind fluttered from her hand, toward the adults, and I knew she was manipulating the Mist.

"Oh, but we're not visitors, sir. We go to school here. You remember: I'm Thalia. And this is Annabeth and Percy. We're in the eighth grade," she said with perfect innocence.

The woman's eyes got foggy, and the man looked confused. Yes, it worked.

"Ms. Gottschalk, do you know these students?"

It took all my willpower to not burst out laughing. A teacher named Gottschalk? There was no way.

Mrs. Gottschalk blinked, and stared at us thoughtfully. "I…yes. I believe I do, sir. Annabeth. Thalia. Percy. What are you doing away from the gymnasium?"

More footsteps sounded toward us, and the familiar shape of a goat boy came toward us. "You made it! You-"

He stuttered to a stop, seeing the two teachers in front of us. "Oh, Mrs. Gottschalk. Dr. Thorn! I, uh-"

"What is it, Mr. Underwood?" asked the man, Dr. Thorn, with barely concealed hate. "What do you mean, they made it? These students live here."

Grover gulped, caught off guard. "Yes, sir. Of course, Dr. Thorn. I just meant… I'm so glad they made… the punch for the dance! The punch is great. And they made it!"

Why was it whenever Grover was here, things always seemed to circle around his stomache?

We got another glare from Dr. Thorn. Luckily for us, Mrs. Gottschalk was controlled by the Mist. "Yes, the punch is excellent. Now run along, all of you. You are not to leave the gymnasium again!"

With sighs of relief, we all hurried away, saying things we thought you would say at a military school, like "Yes, Ma'am," and "Yes, Sir." Even a salute here and there.

Feeling the adults stare at our backs, we were herded by Grover toward the music. Percy walked closer to Thalia and said in a low voice, "How did you do that finger-snap thing?"

"You mean the Mist? Hasn't Chiron showed you how to do that?" asked Thalia.

Percy gave her an uncomfortable look and walked in silence.

We reached the door that said GYM, and Grover turned to us.

"That was close," he muttered. "Thank the gods you got here."

Thalia and I hugged him, while Percy did a manly high-five.

Grover looked pretty much the same, his rasta cap hiding his horns, hooves tucked safely inside shoes filled with Styrofoam. He was wearing a T-shirt that said, WESTOVER HALL: GRUNT I didn't know what a "grunt" was but it sure didn't sound good.

"So what's the emergency?" Percy asked.

"I found two."

"Two half-bloods? Here?" said Thalia. She hadn't heard the full story, just that Grover needed help.

Grover nodded.

Earlier this year, Chiron had sent satyrs everywhere in order to find new demigods. As much as he hated putting us into battle, we were losing campers, whether in death or of traitorous means, going over to Luke, but it was hard. There weren't many of out here.

"A brother and a sister. They're ten and twelve. I don't know their parentage, but they're strong. We're running out of time, though. I need help."

"Monsters?" guessed Percy.

"One," said Grover, glancing around nervously. "He suspects. I don't think he's positive yet, but this is the last day of term. I'm sure he won't let them leave campus without finding out. It may be our last chance. Every time I try to get close to them, he's always there, blocking me. I don't know what to do!"

Grover looked to Thalia desperately.

"Right, these half-bloods are at the dance?" she asked.

Grover nodded.

"Then let's dance. Who's the monster?" asked Thalia.

"Oh, you just met him. The vice principal, Dr. Thorn."

We walked into the dance, and at once, I rolled my eyes. Giggling groups of girls huddled around unsuspecting boys, attacking them with makeup, while guys just about killed each other with streamers and balloons. Typical.

"There they are," said Grover, and he jerked his head in the direction of the bleachers. "Bianca and Nico di Angelo."

The girl had a floppy green hat on, shadowing her face, while the boy was shuffling cards in his hands. They had dark hair and olive skin, and seemed to be arguing over something.

The girl looked around nervously, like there was something wrong.

"Do they… I mean, have you told them?" I asked, unsure.

"You know how it is. That could put them in more danger. Once they realize who they are, their scent becomes stronger," said Grover, shaking his head.

Grover glanced at Percy, and he nodded.

"So let's grab them and get out of here," Percy concluded.

He started to walk forward, but Thalia grabbed him by the shoulder. Percy didn't know the meaning of the word stealthily. He was always a face things head on type of guy.

Thalia gestured to where Dr. Thorn stood by the doorway, about twenty yards from the kids.

"Don't look at the kids," she told us. "We have to wait for a chance to get them. We need to pretend we're not interesting in them. Throw him off the scent."

"How?" asked Percy.

"We're three powerful half-bloods. Our presence should confuse him. Mingle. Act natural. Do some dancing. But keep an eye on those kids."

"Dancing?" I gasped, horrified. I'm not the best dancer, if you know what I mean.

Thalia turned her head then frowned. "Ugh. Who chose the Jesse McCartney?"

"I did," said Grover, looking hurt.

"Oh my gods, Grover. That is so lame. Can't you play, like, Green Day or something?"

"Green who?"

Thalia shook her head, disgusted. "Never mind. Let's dance."

"But I can't dance!"

"You can if I'm leading," Thalia answered. "Come on, Goat Boy."

Grover sent me a despaired look as Thalia led him away.

I smiled.

"What?" asked Percy, spotting it.

"Nothing. It's just cool to have Thalia back."

I pulled off the ski cap I was wearing, and my blond hair fell past my shoulders. It was time for a haircut.

"So…" said Percy lamely. It wasn't hard to tell that he couldn't think of anything to talk about.

"Um, build any good buildings lately?"

Now that was a way to start a conversation.

"Oh my gods, Percy. At my new school, I get to take 3D design as an elective, and there's this cool computer program that lets us build our own little city and town!"

I explained that I wanted to design a huge monument at Ground Zero. I don't think he was really listening, but at least it kept from silences.

"Yeah, uh, cool," Percy said, not wanting to listen to the reasons why I wanted arcs in my building. "So you're staying there for the rest of the year, huh?"

"Well, maybe," I answered. "if I don't-"

"Hey!" called Thalia, where she was slow dancing with Grover, who incidentally, was tripping over his Styrofoam feet as usual.

"Dance, you guys!" she called. "You look stupid just standing there."

Percy glanced at me, then at a group of giggling girls. Ew, was he really thinking of dancing with one of them?

"Well?" I questioned.

"Um, who should I ask?"

I rolled my eyes and punched him only sort of hard in the gut. "Me, Seaweed Brain!"

"Oh. Oh, right," he stumbled over his words.

We walked to the dance floor where Percy glanced over to where other couples were slowly rocking back and forth. Geez, I was a bad dancer, but at least I knew what I was doing!

He placed a hesitant hand on my hip, and I grabbed his hand in order to get him to pay attention.

"I'm not going to bite," I reassured him. "Honestly, Percy. Don't you guys have dances at your school?"

Was it that, or was a really too scary to think about that? Better not keep my mind on that. I decided to focus on dancing, and trying to keep Percy from throwing up with nervousness.

I noticed I was an inch or two taller then he was, which was in one way comical, the other awkward. He had yet to hit his growth spurt, while me, well, I was right in the middle of it.

It didn't help that Percy was stepping on my toes, so that anyone noticing us dancing would automatically make assumptions, and probably not the good kind.

"What were you saying earlier?" asked Percy. "Are you having trouble at school or something?"

I bit my lip. Should I tell him? Thalia already knew, but I had told her when we were waiting for Percy's mom to pick us up.

"It's not that. It's my dad," I said finally.

"Uh, oh," said Percy. He knew about the strangled relationship between my father and I. "I thought it was getting better with you two. Is it your stepmom again?"

"He decided to move. Just when I was getting settled in New York, he took this stupid new job researching for a World War I book. In San Francisco."

I tried to put the last three words in emphasis so Percy knew how much I disapproved.

"So he wants you to move out there with him?" he asked.

"To the other side of the country," I said, depressed. "A half-blood can't live in San Francisco. He should know that."

"What? Why not?"

I rolled my eyes. He had to be kidding.

"You know. It's right there."

"Oh," said Percy, realizing his mistake. "So, you'll go back living at camp or what?"

"It's more serious then that, Percy. I… I should probably tell you something." I thought of the Hunter brochures in my bag. I was still undecided, but…

"They're gone," I said, as I glanced over to where the bleachers were.

"What?" he asked, and realized that Bianca and Nico di Angelo were gone.

"We have to get Thalia and Grover!" I said, looking around. "Oh, where;d they dance off to? Come on!"

I raced away through the crowd.

"Hey, babe, wanna dance," said a big muscular guy, putting an arm uncomfortably on my shoulder.

"Get away from me, creep." I shoved his hand away and went in the direction Thalia and Grover had danced off to when I had last seen them.

Where were they? Gods, now was not the time.

Finally, I spotted them talking to a group of kids probably seventh graders, their backs turned to me.

"Come on, Percy this way!" I said as I turned to him.

There was no one. I cursed in ancient Greek. Where the heck was he?

There was no time. We'd find him later.

"Thalia, Grover!" I called, waving my hand frantically.

I pulled them away from the mortals.

"They are gone."

Sooo, first chapter! Tell me whatcha think! I value your opinion!

And don't forget. Say that the font Comic Sans is good! I need followers!

Bianca update in a day or two!
