*A/N: This story takes place about three years after Cam graduated from Gallagher and Zach from Blackthorne. The main characters are all between 21 and 22 years old.*

I had just returned from a mission in Columbia gathering information about a drug smuggling ring. I was just walking in the door to the large apartment I shared with my boyfriend of more than four years, Zach Goode, when I was swept off my feet by a familiar pair of strong arms. I dropped my duffel bag on the floor in the hallway and wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my face in his chest. I inhaled his clean, masculine scent and breathed, "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too, sweetie." He replied, setting me back on my feet and kissing me quickly as he picked up my bag and left it in our bedroom. I took a quick shower and slipped into a pair of worn-in, dark wash skinny jeans and a pale gray zip-up Gallagher sweatshirt over a magenta camisole. My damp hair fell in loose brunette waves around my face, and I swept it back behind my shoulders. Zach was sitting on the couch with two cups of coffee in his hands. He passed me one and I sank down on the couch, curling my feet up underneath me.

"Thanks, babe." I sighed and cuddled up against his side. He glanced down at me and said quietly,

"You wanna talk about it?"

"No, thanks. Can you just hold me?"

"Of course, angel." He wrapped his arms around me and stroked my hair. The next thing I knew, he was carrying me to bed and tucking me in before crawling in beside me. I fell asleep again with my head on his chest, his heartbeat lulling me into unconsciousness.

The following morning, I awoke to Zach's arms around me, snuggled against his chest. I kissed his forehead, cheeks and finally his lips. "Mmm. Good morning, Gallagher Girl." He crooned, sitting up. I stretched and then hopped out of bed to get dressed. Since I'd showered last night, I slipped into some comfortable clothes and we started cleaning around the house. I opened the blinds and the warm April sunshine poured in the window. That reminded me of something. I wheeled around. "Happy Anniversary, baby!" I squealed, running into his arms. He laughed and scooped me up.

"Happy Anniversary, angel." He kissed my forehead. "Go shower and put something dressy on. I'm taking you into D.C. for dinner and I wanted to visit a place that's special to both of us." I smiled. He was being so romantic. I kissed him softly, twisting my fingers into his hair, then, giggling, ran off to shower as he spanked me playfully. I hopped out of the shower and blow-dried my hair and curled it before slipping into a beautiful deep purple v-neck, spaghetti strap dress that skimmed just above my knee. I went back into the bathroom and applied my make-up, just a little light foundation, peachy-pink blush, mascara, eyeliner, and Zach's favorite sparkly pale pink cherry-flavored lip gloss. I washed my hands and then side-parted my hair and swept it into a low side ponytail that I fastened with a clear elastic and some bobby pins. I fastened on the silver locket Zach had given me on our first anniversary. I slipped on some black heeled pumps with silver accents and grabbed a little black sweater to put on over it and to complete the ensemble. I gave myself one last once-over in the mirror before I picked up my purse and headed into the living room. Zach turned to look when he heard the click of my heels coming down the hallway, and his mouth dropped open when I turned the corner.

"Wow, Cammie." He took my hands and pulled me close, leaning down to whisper in my ear, "You look stunning."

"Thank you," I eyed his perfectly tailored black suit and hunter green tie with a smile. "You clean up pretty well yourself." He grinned and wrapped an arm around me as we walked out to our silver Audi S4 – we're spies, we're allowed to splurge a little – and then opened the door for me. I thanked him and settled into the front passenger seat as he hopped in the driver's side.

We arrived in downtown D.C about twenty minutes later and Zach helped me out of the car. We were parked in front of a fancy Italian restaurant called Bella Italia. I looked up at Zach and smiled, linking my arm through his. We were seated at a table for two in the far corner, nestled away from the other patrons. Talking and laughing, we enjoyed dinner and I reveled in how easy it was to just be with Zach. Even four (almost five) years after we initially got together, we rarely fought and it seemed like our love grew stronger every day. I knew Zach worried about me when I was away on missions, and I worried about him, but when we were both home and had the opportunity to drop the baggage our careers forced us to carry, our focus was solely on spending time together and just enjoying each other's company. Zach and I shared a big cannoli for dessert, a sweet, crunchy pastry shell filled with creamy chocolate chip filling. When we'd paid for dinner and left the restaurant, Zach and I walked hand in hand down the streets of D.C. I honestly had no idea where he was taking me, though he said I know exactly where we were going once we got to a certain area of town. We turned a corner and I saw the National Mall sprawling out in front of us and looked up at Zach with a smile, pulling him down to give him a quick kiss.

"The place where we first met." He explained. I nodded and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You are amazing, you know that?" He chuckled.

"Come on, there's one more place I want to go to." We wound our way through the Mall, and I recognized the different places I'd snuck through trying to avoid Zach during our sophomore year at school. Zach turned to me and paused, and I looked at where we'd ended up. The sun was setting over the Red Slipper exhibit, where I'd been instructed to meet Mr. Solomon on the day of that fateful training op. The whole exhibit glowed pink, orange, and purple in the fading sunlight. My chest constricted at how romantic it was.

"Cam?" Zach asked, almost hesitantly.

"Zach?" I echoed, then gasped as Zach dropped to one knee in front of me, pulling a small black velvet box out of the pocket of his suit jacket. He took a deep breath and stared into my eyes.

"I've loved you since the day I first laid eyes on you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Cameron Ann Morgan, will you marry me?"

I had tears in my eyes. "Yes!" I exclaimed. "Oh, Zach…" Tears ran down my cheeks as he slipped a stunning diamond engagement ring onto my left ring finger. He stood up and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a kiss that made my knees buckle. I pulled back and smiled at him. "I love you so much, Blackthorne Boy."

He laughed. "I love you too, Gallagher Girl." I put my head on his shoulder as we walked to the car, unable to tear my eyes away from the diamond ring that now adorned my left hand.