A/N: Yay Charik once more! Short crap but I'm having a hard time stringing to together new chapters for my other stories so ta-da, oneshots for my readers.

Just to let you know the story just starts with dialogue, a line of the argument Erik and the Professor have gotten into. Mid-First Class.

Have a nice day~

"Humans would capture us, study us, and test us. They would push us to the edge of our limits, and for what? The sake of understanding, of scientific progress?" Charles shook his head.

"My friend, I do believe your conclusions hold some grains of truth, but I think your assessment of the matter is entirely biased! You base these judgements off the worst humanity has to offer!" Erik's gaze narrowed.

"A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link," he retorted, using a metaphor tht referred to one of things he considered straightforward; metal.

"The weak link only endangers the credibility of the chain if it is accepted by the whole. Do you think, methods such as those used by Shaw are considered acceptable? Of course not! That's why you can't judge humanity for men like him," argues Charles. Erik stands up throwing his arms out in frustration.

"You can not honestly believe that a person's good could reflect their true actions with any sort of- accuracy?" Erik says, raising his voice.

"Well it's a hell of a lot better than judging them on their bad!" He says, standing up as Erik was.

"How?" yells an exasperated Erik. "There is no situation that could possibly apply!" Charles crosses his arms stubbornly.

"Yes, there is." Those three words silence Erik. If Charles said so, then Erik was wrong, because he had never known Charles to lie to him.

"There is?" Yes, agrees an amused voice in the back of Charles's head (It sounds so smug saying this, and in doing so reminds Charles of Raven), What exactly are you planning on saying when he asks what you're talking about?

Shut up, responds the part of Charles that had made him say that, I know what I'm doing.

"You." Charles says his voice remarkably quieter. Where are you going with this, the snide voice in his head wonders, and now the other side of Charles is agreeing.

"M-me?" sputters a disbelieving Erik.

"That night when I dove into the water after you... When you wouldn't respond to my verbal pleas... For a minute, I wondered if your life was even worth saving. So I touched your mind. In a moment, I saw your entire life. And, despite your countlessly bad actions, and not to mention, intentions, I saved your life anyway. Because I saw a spark of hope in your mind, Erik- And let me tell you, it was beautiful, because part of you still couldn't quite make itself out to be the monster you believe yourself to be."

Charles walked over to the other man. Wordlessly, he slipped his arms around Erik's waist. Erik let out a sigh, and rested his forehead on the telepath's. In barely more than a whisper, Charles asked, "I like to believe that was the right decision. Was it?" Yes, Erik thought. He tiredly nuzzled the smaller mans neck. Ich lieb dich, he thought.

Standing on his tip toes, the telepath managed to plant a tender kiss on Erik's forehead. "And I, you." Erik smiled.

"Can't argue with that."

A/N: Yay fluffiness~ Ich lieb dich is supposedly German for I love you, but I wouldn't exactly trust google translate with my life XP

Hmmm I need to work on elongating my oneshots, but I liked it :D You people better review, or no more updates. FOR ANYTHING.