Heeywoooh~ Tanni here with another fic! Only it's a lil different! Yup…IT'S YAOI! EEp! This is my first fic of this kind and I'm kinda nervous…sigh…well this is NejixGaara my fave yaoi couple ever! Besides Sasunaru of course…BUT! Question: how did this couple get started? Was it the anime/manga? If anyone knows…leave it in the review or PM me…

Mizuki: Can you shut up and get on with the story?

Me: Maa~ Mizuki so mean!

Mizuki: Get writing you jackass!

Me: T.T…Haaii~

Mr. Floppywitz CX

Gaara POV

The delicate, small tinkle of a bell was the only thing that disturbed the quiet, still air in the huge room. A variety of toys from stuffed animals to action figures and building blocks to train sets were piled in corners and spaces in the room, each a hill of its own. I heard the tinkle echo from the toy I held in my hands. Mr. Floppywitz. His wide black button eyes stared blankly into mine. His black stitch smile was felt through my thumb as I swept the finger back and forth.

The door opened, interrupting the silence in my playroom. I looked up with bored blank eyes at the intruders and was somewhat amazed. None of my siblings, parents and relatives had those eyes. A middle-aged man smiled warmly down at me as he strode up with muffled footsteps on the dark blue carpet that I was currently sitting on. A miniature copy of the man walked beside him with a small smile of his own.

"Hello…I presume you're Gaara?" the man said.

I am a ten year old kid who has never seen the outside world nor has it ever seen me. Locked up in a fortress like a child of royalty (I know its princess in the fairytales the maids read to me but as you can see…I'm a boy), forbidden to have any contact with the world. So I was shocked that he knew my name, though I never showed it in my face. And a little happy…though I don't know why…why would he want to know my name? But I soon forgot that when I replied,

"Hey," I nodded with the same blank stare.

Again as I've said, I've never seen those kinds of eyes before. They were both almost blank white, as if blind, but had a unique tint. The older held a grey tint while the younger had an almost faded purple…lilac.

"My name is Hyuuga Hizashi," he introduced himself, "I shall be looking over you starting today,"

Don't beat around the bush old man. I may look small but I have a more than average IQ for a normal 10 year old boy. And I know that for a fact.

"Like a bodyguard?" I asked still keeping the innocent look on my face.

"Pretty sharp…but yes you can say that," he chuckled lightly.

I fought my eyes from rolling. It is that

"Well, this is my son, Neji, you two will be spending a lot of time together," he motioned to the boy.

He bowed his head in greeting which brought me to another observation. Their hair was long. Long tresses of silky hair were held back by a wide, light brown headband on the elder Hyuuga. Bandages on Neji's. I wondered about that but stopped at the sight of the strands flowing along with his movements. I fought the urge to reach over to touch it. I nodded in reply instead and turned back towards his father.

"Well I have a meeting to attend to so keep each other company," and with that the 'bodyguard' left the room.

The room returned to its former state, totally silent besides the almost frequent tinkle from the bell on Mr. Floppywitz's hat. It was painfully quiet and I wondered if maybe this guy was mute too. I'm not sociable because I've had anyone to speak to other than the relatives and servants in this house. Oh and Floppywitz. So there was no chance of me starting the conversation first.

I continued to fondle with Floppywitz's arms as I waited for him to say something. Anything. My heart was beating a little fast as my nerves took the best of me. I stole a look at Neji and found him staring. Even if I did catch in the act, his eyes continued not wavering; staring with such intensity. I found myself breaking my rule.

"What, something on my face?" I asked.

He blinked.

"Sorry…it's just that your hair is so weird…so red," he apologized, with a small grin, "Is it natural?"

"Mhm," I nodded, "yeah, I guess so,"

More awkward silence. I looked at the doll in my hands.

"What's his name?"

"Huh?" I asked looking up at the Hyuuga.

"His name?" he repeated and pointed.

I followed his finger to see he meant my doll.

"Oh…Floppywitz," I answered again.

"Floppywitz," he murmured before taking a seat on the carpet floor, continuing to scrutinize me. It's like he could see through me…and it felt…creepy.

I nodded and continued to play with my 'friend'. It was extremely awkward again.

"Do you wear your mom's makeup?"

That was one big icebreaker. I looked at him to see if he was joking. He wasn't because he stared at me with the same soul-invading stare for the past 5 minutes. My eyes searched his pale orbs but found only curiosity. He was asking way too many questions for my comfort. No way was I telling him I had trouble sleeping ever since mom died. What did Dr. Haku call it again? Oh yeah….insomnia.

"Why do you wrap your head in bandages?" I questioned back with a challenge in my face.

He touched his bandaged forehead gingerly and turned away. The window became his new target as he stared at it, it's light on the floor a few feet from us.

There that should keep quiet. You don't just question someone's personal life as soon as you met them. I continued playing with Floppywitz, twisting his legs and arms around my fingers. The silence was overbearing once again. I looked over at the Hyuuga and saw he was still touching the bandages with a troubled face. He winced as he touched one particular area in the centre of his forehead. I kinda felt sympathy for the boy. Maybe it was something worse than my insomnia. Not that I would know.

"I'm sorry,"

My eyes widened simultaneously with Neji's as we both clamped out mouths shut. Did we just apologize at the same time? Did I just apologize to him? Something was definitely wrong…

I looked down at Floppywitz.


I looked up at him after glaring questioningly at Floppywitz.

"Let's start over okay? Hey, I'm Neji…Neji Hyuuga but you can call me Neji," he held out his hand and I stared at it.

After a few seconds I took the hand shaking slowly.

"Gaara…Gaara Sabaku ," I said hugging the doll to my chest.

"Nice name," he complimented smiling.

I blushed at the unexpected comment.

What? I've never been complimented before….especially for my name.

"Uh…thanks," I said turning away turning to hide the light blush on my cheeks. Why was I so warm all of a sudden? I suddenly felt annoyed with myself.

"Hey Gaara, you like Power Rangers too?"

I looked over to a corner of the room to see Neji crouching to get a better look at my huge collection. I had all the Power Rangers from the firsts to the current set. And was I proud of them.

"Yes," I replied, rising from my seat on the floor and walked holding my doll by the hand, causing him to dangle a good few inches from the floor, smiling all silly. I watched him observe the versions of the superhero team with an excitement in his eyes. All thoughts of annoyance left my mind as I watched.

"D-Do you want to play with them?" I felt suddenly nervous.

"Really?" he rose from his crouch to stand.

Another observation…he was little taller than me. Okay fine, a head taller than me. Happy? Hmph.

"What's your favourite colour?" I asked sitting down with a sigh.

I hated the fact that I was short. I'm really hoping that puberty really helped me out in this section of problems.

"Blue," Neji replied picking up the blue figure.

"Cool…mine's red," I said picking my red ranger.


In no time, the room was filled with laughter and sound effects only a couple of ten year olds could make. Neji's father pressed his ear to the door, smiling as he listened to the two boys play their hearts out.

"I trust you'll be efficient?" a voice said interrupting his eavesdropping.

He pulled away from the door and stood at attention towards the man.

"I will do my best sir," he bowed.

He heard the footsteps pass him as he waited for the person to pass. He stared at the exquisite, expertly designed carpet. A golden image of a raccoon and eagle was woven with delicate threads. The Sabaku crest. He straightened up and turned towards the door that leaked laughter and shouts. He knocked on the door causing the playful sounds to stop abruptly.

"Come in,"

Gaara's POV

I saw Neji's dad peek from behind the door with a warm smile on his face. My face went back to my blank expression. It happened with everyone whom I'm not familiar with. Practice makes perfect I guess.

"Looks like you guys are having fun here," he commented.

No doubt about that. I can't really remember having fun like this. I can't remember the last time I laughed as hard as I did awhile ago. I can't remember anything at all. The last thing I remember was when my stepmom left and gave Floppywitz to me. Every other memory was hazy and I had to concentrate hard to even get a second or two of it.

"Well Neji…it's time to go now, getting kinda late,"

I kinda pouted at that. For some reason I didn't want him to leave. I was having fun.

"Papa…I don't want to leave…I wanna play some more," Neji begged.

He got the words right out of my mouth.

"We have to get our room lil buddy," Hizashi said.

Neji pouted as he rose up from the midst of Lego blocks and overturned action figures. I watched him take his father's hand as they begun to leave. Wait…


They stopped and turned towards me. Neji's eyes were filled with hope.

"I want him to sleepover," I said bluntly.


"Yes…I was going to ask Neji if he could sleepover,"

"Hmmm," he hummed contemplating.

Neji looked up to his father with wide begging eyes. He looked between Neji and I before he smiled the always warm smile.

"Fine with me…just make sure you go to bed early," he said patting Neji's head.

Go to bed early?

"Why?" I asked confused.

"You two have school to go to," he replied before leaving me and Neji alone.



"Neji will be sleeping with me tonight…draw a bath for two please, Sona," I told the maid.

"Yes Gaara-sama," she bowed before leaving for the bathroom.

"Wow," I heard Neji whispered.

"I looked behind me to see Neji gaping in my room. I followed his gaze around the room. Blood red curtains hung in front of the white French windows that revealed the black star-speckled night. A queen sized bed covered by a fluffy red comforter and different sized white and black pillows. The furniture was all black oak with an entertainments system in a corner. A white carpet cushioned our sock covered feet.

"Nice room, Gaara," Neji said still absorbing his surroundings.

"Thanks…wanna watch tv?" I offered.

"Sure," he shrugged.

We both sat down on the black loveseat, me sitting in my usual position with my knees together, my hands and chin resting on them. (A/N: Think of L in Death Note)I felt the couch shift a bit as Neji took his seat. He sat with his legs crossed, images flashed across his pale orbs. I turned my attention back to the screen. Ah, my favourite anime was one. Although I can't really remember the names of the characters, I really liked this guy. He reminded me of myself in more ways than one. If you think of it, it's kinda creepy. However the manipulation of the sand was pretty cool.

"Master, your bath is ready," the maid reported bowing her head.

"Thanks, Sana," I said rising from my seat. I walked towards the bathroom, knowing the Neji was behind from the muffled steps on the carpet.

I opened the door and entered in the swirls of steam. It's a bit hazy in there but it soon dissipated to reveal a huge square bath in the centre of the light fog. Water spray nozzles, bath soaps/shampoos, basins and stools lined the wall on the left and towels, rags, loofahs on the right. The wall was covered in small tiles, placed strategically to make a complicated mosaic version of the Sabaku crest. White tiles covered the floor. Now that I've satisfied you with the surroundings, how about we get to the real concern and problem? A single tub…in the whole room. Yes it can fit two people and probably more. The maid must have misunderstood…guess I should have said 'two single'.

"It'd be a waste not to mention bothersome so let's make the best of it," Neji said lifting a leg to take off the remaining sock of his feet.

He proceeded to remove his shirt revealing a built torso. Small ridges and indentations were seen from the side view, indicating that the body was being trained by the owner. I lifted mine to see my stomach, smooth and soft to the touch when I poked it. I looked over at Neji again as he bent over to pull his shorts down and straightened up again. I wondered what they felt like. I've seen my brother's own but never had the guts to ask to touch them. It'd be weird. I looked up again to see Neji had already stripped down and a towel wrapped around his waist. He even had toned arms. I looked at my flimsy arm appendages and frowned deeply.

"Gaara, what's wrong?"

I looked up to see Neji looking at me…well down at me.

"You have muscles and I don't," I grumbled.

I inwardly cringed at what I just said…that sounded so childish and stupid.

"I wouldn't call them that," he chuckled.

"How did you get your stomach like that?" I asked still comparing

"Well my dad and I train at the dojo often,"

"I see,"

It was quiet as I pulled my pants down and got a towel to wrap myself in. I heard a splash.

"I could train you if you want,"

I looked up from tucking in my towel to see Neji already easing in to the water, his back towards me. The contorts of his shoulder blades shifted as he relaxed in the water.

"You mean it?" I asked slinging a leg into the tub.

"Yeah…though it may be hard," he warned.

"Hn…brings it on, Hyuuga," I smirked as I settled down.

"Sure," Neji smiled.

As you can see this is just a flashback of our two boys…and there will be more to come.

Gaara: -.-

Me: What?

Gaara: You let these people see me…in my-

Me: In your birthday suit? Yeah…*perverted giggle* plus with Neji which is a fangirl BONUS! xD

Gaara: This is so embarrassing…

Me: No it's not…I can't wait for the maid-

Gaara: Not another word *holds up knife*

Me: Eep! O.O…shit~ Well on with the flashback!

*time skip*

Gaara's POV

My eyes were trained on my Vans shoes. I could literally feel the road roll under the limp as we made our way home. 'Our', as in, Neji, his dad, me and surprisingly my dad. It's been two years since I started school. The first day was a little shaky but I got along with it. Konoha-Suna Boarding School. The most elite boarding school in Tokyo, a school where the rich and with great lineage kids would attend with the rare occasion of a merit scholarship being awarded to someone in the low class bracket.

Neji and I roomed together in a room smaller than and not as luxurious as the one at home. But it was enough, I guess. We also made some unusual friends. Well I call them unusual but Neji says, unique, but they're close.

Naruto I would say is the second closest with Neji first of course. His grandmother is the principal at the school and the students and teachers affectionately call her Hokage. Except for Naruto who call her Tsunade-baa-chan or Old Lady, despite her appearance, and is the only one to survive doing so. Though I think she pops a blood vessel every time he does. His grandfather is the VP, although you hardly see him in office. If he's out, there's always a sign that said "Out for Research". I think that's the reason the blonde calls him 'Pervy Sage'. The fool is the heir of Kyuubi and Uzumaki Corp tow which his father and uncle is the proud founder of. They owned everything there was to own.

Sasuke Uchiha, one of the heirs of the almighty Uchiha Corporation, who also own everything. I don't where to place him in the ranking but he is reasonably close. I've heard people dub him as the Emo King. I admit that I agree with them but that's not all the way true. Somehow whenever Naruto's around, his mouth is highly active from humiliating and arguing with the blonde. Not that Naruto needs help with his mouth. When the bright spark is not around, the raven talks enough to have a decent conversation, which I don't really mind.

Shikamaru is another friend who is as lazy as a log. You could not put it past him to not sleep during a lecture or cloud watching and napping on our dorm's roof. But no matter how many hours he sleeps during classes he always comes out first in the class. And what is his reaction for when he's being congratulated?


If he finds this so troublesome, why doesn't he just skip class, because that's what he's doing, technically. He just shrugs.

"My father doesn't want me to miss any classes," he grumbles.

"But you would still get straight A's,"

"That's what I said but my mother wants a clean record (and I don't have the strength to fight her)," he replies, " so I can apply and get into college with a full scholarship,"

Did I mention that he was one of the merit scholars? His father, Shikaru Nara, works for the Uchiha Corp as a manager for one of their many businesses. I think it's the bank.

And last but not least, Mizuki, daughter of a family of artists. Now she's the unusual one. Her style is way out. I think Naruto called it 'Emo/Punk Lolita'. And I agree. Everything about her screamed the theme. But that's not all. She had the uncanny habit of appearing in the weirdest places when you least expect it. And when you do see her and almost get a heart attack, she always say something weird, random or sarcastic and you'll always see without fail, a red lollipop in her mouth. But she's close and kinda grew on to me though that took a while.

Neji was quicker to befriend people than I did and soon I was surrounded by a circle of friends. I am pretty happy at this school and I felt Neji and I grew closer. I was a normal 12 year old boy as far as I could see.

But now I'm tense, my normal feeling was completely gone. Floppywitz was in my knapsack which really didn't help me calm down in the least. And I really needed comfort. Temari told me that mom made the doll while she was pregnant with me, intending to give it to me. So it felt like she was there. My thoughts of the doll was interrupted by a slight prod on my arm and looked to see it was Neji's thumb. I looked up to see him flash a grin before going back to his signature impassive face. I felt myself relax to the point where I can speak naturally at Neji's silent encouragement. With new confidence I turned my eyes to my dad's coal black. Minty emerald against cold obsidian.

"How have you been, Dad?" I asked with a cool voice. I crossed my legs and my arms, leaning back in the leather seats. My voice was unusually deep for a pre-teen but I guess puberty came quickly and silently for me because within 5 month my voice deepened to a raspy also that I was satisfied with. It fitted my front image of a lone rebellious teen; silent and uncaring, which is for the public eye. The only person who has seen the true me was obviously Neji save for the little fraction I give to my friends. But he doesn't mind the 'split personality' I balance in my daily life.

"I've been well, Gaara, and you?" he replied politely, in a tone for business.

"I guess," I shrugged uncaring.

He cleared his throat and gave me look. I sighed.

"I've been well, Father," I drawled rolling my eyes.

"Seems like you've forgotten your manners from hanging out with those delinquents," he said, emphasizing the last word with disgust.

My mouth twitched. Yeah I had weird, unusual friends but that never meant I asked the old fart to start discriminating and give lectures of being with the right company. They were harmless as far as I know and they had their good points. But he had to butt in when they were at their worst. Like the time when I invited everyone to my home at spring break and we were playing truth or dare. Mizuki dared Naruto to pretend to be in an argument. The fool only grinned as he recited every 'Yo mama' insult with a perfect ghetto accent. We all ended up on the floor laughing and rolling as he continued his antics. That's when we heard the door open to reveal murderous eyes belonging to a fuming geezer of a dad, glaring into our souls. Apparently he heard Naruto's colourful language, eaves dropping at the door. From then, Naruto was top in his list and wouldn't mind to let it known what he thought of him and my friends, never sparing an insult. But I always had a limit.

"Can we leave my friends out of this?' I asked curtly, slightly growling.

"You mean bad influences, son," he replied.

"My friends," I repeated.

"They are trash to be thrown to swine,"

One more insult and I knew I wouldn't be able to hold back. Neji noticed this and pinched me warningly despite him being pissed also. I could feel his trembles as he practiced self control. I counted to ten before I opened my mouth.

"They are not trash; they came from respectable families,"

"Having money doesn't make you respectable,"

"Then why is a jackass like you respected," I snapped, eyes glaring daggers.

"I don't really appreciate that language, boy," he squinted as he glared at me.

"And you're thought of my friends aren't either, so roll off a cliff, will ya?"

"Your mother…would be as disappointed as I am right now if she knew how her son, who she gave her last breath to, turned out to be a delinquent,"

Oh that was such a low blow, which made me go in the deepest depths.

"Trust me, it's the wish to get away from you is why she left the way she did,"


My eyes widened in shock. Did he…did he just…slap…Neji? No, why did Neji take the hit for me. Neji had blocked my father from hitting me. Neji slowly turned to face my father who was just as puzzled as I was.

"Please refrain yourself from violence, Mr. Subaku," he said as he settled back into his seat.

I saw a droplet of a tear at the corner of his eye. Why did he take such a hard hit? Dad squinted at Neji.

"Know your place, boy," he growled as he straightened his jacket.

I knew Neji was about to retort but was stopped by his father.

"You need to train more discipline into your child, Hiazashi,"

"I am deeply sorry, sir, " he apologized bowing his head.

I was glaring death at my father and clenched my fist, my nail biting into my palm. But I ignored the sting. The annoyance I felt for my father numbed the pain as my nails drew blood.

*End of flashback for now*

Damn, that's a cliffie ain't it? I just had to cut it off there cuz the rest is just too much for one chappie to take.

Gaara: Bl

Me: *Shifts nervously* Gaara?

Gaara: Bl

Me: *Nervous chuckle* Are ya in there panda?

Gaara:… *holds up a knife*

Me: *speaks hurriedly* If you don't hear from me in two weeks, you know who did it.

*We apologize as we are experiencing technical difficulties and an author being amputated*