
Will came into the infirmary and sat down next to Helen. He was still having a hard time adjusting to Helen's new look. With a sigh he began talking to her about the daily events that she was missing while she got her beauty rest. He told her Nikola's condition was improving, what her own condition was, and so on and so forth.

It had been a week since the return to Old City. Neither Helen nor Nikola showed any signs of waking. Everyone was still entranced by Helen's sudden change in hair color. It had apparently been quite a long time since Helen left her hair to its natural color. A few tests confirmed that both Helen and Nikola's DNA had been changed slightly, but they needed one of the two to wake up to make any sense of the results.

Two days later, all Will could do was groan. Much to his chagrin, Tesla woke up first. He insisted on seeing Helen and wouldn't shut up until he got his way. It wasn't until Tesla tried to get out of the bed on his own, falling and re-breaking his leg that Will moved his gurney into the same partition with Helen. Will only would admit to himself, and even then, only partially, a grudging respect for Tesla. He was obviously in a tremendous amount of pain having broken his leg again, but his determination at making sure that Helen was ok warmed his heart a little. Nikola was still painfully thin, pale, had ghastly circles under his eyes, but as soon as he saw Helen he let out a sigh of admiration, his gaze softened and Will could see the exhaustion written on his face.

Will mentioned that he needed to rest, but instead of arguing he merely rolled his eyes. They argued about painkillers. Nikola didn't want to take any, Will wanted him to rest. All Nikola wanted to do was watch Helen, pain or no. So, Will, did what he thought was best and while Tesla wasn't looking slipped a pain medication into his IV. It bought him the rest of the day's peace.

As much of a pain as Tesla is, Will couldn't help being concerned for him, two more days passed and he was barely eating and his fever spiked again. Thankfully, Declan came in from the London Sanctuary to oversee things in Old City, giving Will the opportunity to fret over Magnus and Tesla like a mother hen. Biggie would come in from time to time and Will would ask him a few questions about what he should try next. Biggie would grunt and give him an answer, then Will shooed him from the room. Will switched Tesla to a stronger antibiotic. He was helping Nikola sit up and drink some ice water when he heard a noise coming from Magnus. Tesla didn't notice the sound from Helen while he was drinking, as intent as he was to not spill any of the precious contents. When Nikola started to shake Will didn't know if it was from exertion or the fever. He helped him lay back down and Nikola used his good arm to pull the blankets back up on him as his teeth chattered. He was tired of being cold, Will couldn't blame him. Will placed his hand on Tesla's forehead and shook his head. Tesla still had one hell of a fever. He was still struggling with the blanket when Will took it from his hand and tucked it in under his chin. Tesla muttered thanks, and Will told him not to get used to it. All Tesla did was smile as he drifted to sleep again.

Will sat down in the chair that was next to the two beds and watched Magnus. She was tossing and turning in her sleep. She settled down a little, and then moments later she stretched and yawned and slowly opened her eyes. All Will could do was stare. Besides her hair having changed, her eyes had too. They bore a striking resemblance to the Ancient One that sacrificed itself for them. They were that brilliant light blue that screamed purity.

"Will," she said brightly.

"I'm glad you're finally awake."

Helen's smile faulted somewhat, "What's wrong?"

"Uh… hang on a minute," Will said as he headed to a nearby table. He came back with a mirror.

Helen tilted her head confused and took the mirror from him. She was literally at a loss for words as she stared at her reflection. She was unsure what had the most affect on her. Her eyes, or her hair.

She touched her cheek, then a few strands of hair.

"Well, this is definitely different. Any clue what it means?"

"None, but there are a few interesting things you should know."
They had tracked down a large portion of 'The Ire', as Wexford called them. They were holed up in a warehouse off the southernmost tip of the Yucatan. Almost all of the major funders had been captured. Will explained how the elder was absorbed by both her and Nikola that it turned into a shining blue light and entered both of their bodies. Shortly after is when Helen's appearance started to change. A few of the Amarok came with them, and one elder. It was conditional that they be returned to their home within 3 weeks of Helen waking. Helen smiled.

Will wanted to stop right there. He didn't want to tell her about Nikola's condition. He'd rather tell her about the change in DNA..

"There are two important things you need to know." He took a deep breath and explained. "Both yours and Tesla's DNA have been altered by this…. convergence. I can't make any sense of it, so I thought I'd leave you to it when you woke. Second, Tesla's gotten worse."

Helen looked over at Nikola and got out of the bed.

"He was ok for a while, but then yesterday his fever spiked again, and he won't eat. He'll barely even drink."

"What have you tried?" she asked walking over to Tesla's bed.

"I had him on some antibiotics, electrolytes, and vitamins. I tried him on a stronger antibiotic a few hours ago. About a half hour ago I managed to get him to drink some water, then he passed out."

Will looked over at Helen to see that she had just stopped inches from the bed and was starring out in space. Will was about to call out her name when she took a deep breath, shook her head, and fell towards Nikola's bed, catching herself on the railing.

Helen let out a tired laugh.

"Are you alright Magnus? Do you need to lie back down? What happened?"

"I believe I just got the instruction manual." She said as she reached out to Nikola's head. She placed her hands on his temples and closed her eyes. Will was astonished to see that familiar blue light fill the infirmary.

"Nikola, can you hear me?"

Helen felt the same as she had when they'd been trying to save him back in the cave. Nikola was lying in the infirmary bed, eyes closed. The only thing different was a heart monitor slowly beeping his rhythm. He looked thinner than he had the last time she'd seen him. He didn't have any weight to lose. Every breath sounded like a death rattle coming from his chest, his skin pale, and his face sunken.

"Oh, Nikola." Helen said as she cupped his face in her hand. She watched as his eyes fluttered and he took in a shaky breath. Opening his eyes he smiled when he saw Helen.

"Come see me…off? Be …seeing Dane …again …soon." He smiled sadly.

"Are you so ready to leave me, after I've admitted my feelings for you, no less?"

"I…. I don't …know what's …real anymore."

Nikola tried to reach up to touch her face, but his hand only lifted a couple inches before it fell back to the bed. He whimpered slightly. Helen took that as her cue and climbed into the bed next to him. She rolled him to his side so that his head rested at her shoulder and his body heavily leaned on her. He let out a shaky contented sigh.

"Things have changed a great deal, Niko.." Helen started. Nikola looked up at her confused. "The Amarok gave me a gift. I now have the same healing touch as the elders. I had to trade my longevity for it."

Nikola looked up at her confused, "You mean…"

"I'll live my life out as I would've before the source blood." She smiled at him and placed her hand to his cheek again. "We can live out the rest of our lives together, Nikola. I'm healing you right now. In a few days time you should have your strength back, or at least have some back. In case you don't remember me telling you before, I love you."

He closed his eyes, smiling, "Say it again, please."

Helen smiled and placed a tender kiss on his forehead, "I love you, Nikola Tesla."

Nikola nuzzled closer to her and Helen smiled.

"Now, are you ready to wake up love?" Helen asked.

"Mmmmm… 5 more minutes." He whispered.

Helen laughed as she broke the connection.

Helen opened her eyes, and Nikola did the same almost immediately. Already he was showing signs of gaining strength as he reached up and touched her hair.

"I've always loved this color on you." he said tiredly. "Oh, and your eyes, I could look into them forever."

Helen smiled. She was able to banish the rest of the infection Nikola had and finish mending his broken bones. He would need help walking for a little while, but that was due to muscle atrophy. Helen explained to Will that the changes in their DNA most likely affected Kate, Henry and himself as well. The gift that came with the healing being telepathy. She was unconcerned about it.

Helen decided that she would spend the rest of the day with Nikola, then, she would visit with the Amarok. She had the rest of her life to spend with her Serbian, and he didn't seem to mind either.

Oooooo- Fin -oooooO

Author notes:

It has been a spectacular ride!

Keep an eye out for more stories! I have on already in the works.. think I'll call it 'Kaharaug' name still in progress…

I can't promise that all my stories will have such a happy ending.. as they seem to write themselves anyway.. just a forewarning! :D

Thank you all sooooo much! This was my first ever fanfic..and I am absolutely thrilled that it was so well received. I mean really.. I'm almost blushing writing this!

I hope everyone had a fantasic Christmas and will have a wonderful New Year!
