I'm not even going to pretend that I don't suck, because I know I do. It's been forever since I've updated, and I'm totes sorry about that. Due to recent FF events, I felt like a jerk for not updating, and I decided that I needed to end this somewhat properly and not leave people waiting forever for no reason.

In all honesty, I didn't really see this going much further, so this is really just a wrap-up. I hope you don't hate me more than you already do (if you even care). I'm fully prepared to mail out handwritten apologies for your forgiveness. However, I am known to take a very long time to get to the post office.

Anyway, I'm rambling for no reason.

"So that wasn't that bad, right?" Quinn asked as she flopped down onto her bed.

"No, I guess not. I mean it kind of feels like I just got you back, and now I'm not going to have you anymore."

Quinn turned to look at her girlfriend who was leaning against the door and staring at her with a sad smile.

"I'm sorry. It's my fault. All of this is, really. The reason we can't really hang out this week is because of me. I lied to my mom all summer, and now I'm grounded. It sucks, but I deserve it… It was worth it though."

Both girls smiled as they thought about the time that they spent together over the summer and how far away it felt now. So much has happened since the summer ended. So much has happened even in the last 24 hours.

Just yesterday Quinn and Santana made up, and today they're being separated. A few hours earlier, the girls headed over to Quinn's house to have dinner and a chat with Judy. Both Santana and Quinn were extremely nervous. Neither of them knew what Judy was going to say, but they were prepared to fight. Quinn lying all summer was one thing, but dating a girl was another. And if Judy's eerie response when she first found out the truth was any indication of what the final verdict would be, they weren't expecting it to go too well.

However, when they all sat down, Judy observed the two girls for a moment before letting out a soft chuckle and said, "I should have seen this coming." The girls were actually able to relax a little bit.

Dinner really wasn't bad. They talked about everything from the summer to the night before, but they left out some of the more explicit details. Quinn apologized, Judy apologized, Santana apologized because she figured she'd just keep the apologies rolling.

Judy explained to Quinn that it was only fair that she be grounded for her lying, so she'd have to deal with a week of only home (the Fabray home) and school.

It sucks, but at least her mom didn't try to break her and Santana up. She was actually really supportive, and even a little excited for the two girls and their relationship.

"I guess it was worth it, huh?" Santana finally said as she walked over to Quinn's bed and sat down.

Hazel eyes peeked through the veil of blonde to look for a tan hand. Quinn tugged on Santana's wrist and pulled her on top of her and smiled. "It was definitely worth it. I mean it sucks that I won't see you, but at least she didn't take my phone away."

"Oh, hells no. I would've gone all—"

"All Lima Heights? On my mother?" Quinn asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Okay, maybe not, but I would have been really pissed." Santana relented with a pout.

"Me too, babe." Quinn smiled only thinking of kissing the pout off of her girlfriend's face.

Just before things could intensify there was a knock on the door followed by a voice, "Girls? Are you decent? I don't want to implement an open-door policy, but I really don't want any surprises either."

Santana placed one more not-so-chaste kiss on Quinn's lips before she rolled off of her and sat up now leaving a pout on her face.


Quinn groaned and rolled onto her stomach and buried her face in her pillow.

"Judy, it's fine. Come in." Santana said through a laugh.

"Oh, Quinnie! Are you not feeling well?" Judy asked when she walked into the room.

"She's feeling fine. Just being a baby. Isn't that right, Q?" The brunette asked as she smacked her girlfriend's butt.

"Ow, San! What the fu-"

"Quinn! You won't finish that, or that will be the last word you say to Santana for the rest of the week."


"With that being said, Santana, I believe it's time you go home so that Quinn can start her punishment. However, I will say that it's not that much of a punishment seeing as how she's going to text you before you even get in your car."

Santana just laughed as she stood from the bed. "Bye, baby," she said as she planted a kiss to the back of the blonde head.

In response, she got a muffled, petulant-sounding, "Bye."

Santana rolled her eyes and said bye to her girlfriend's mom, "Thank you for having me for dinner, and for being cool about everything… And for being Quinn's mom. She's being lame right now, but she's the best. She's the best and you have a lot to do with it."

"That's very sweet of you, dear. Thank you."

Santana smiled as she walked out of the room. "Love you, Q! See you at school!"

Before Santana could get to the front door, she heard feet scuffling down the stairs. All she saw was blonde, and then she felt a pair of lips on hers. Knowing that the owner of these lips couldn't possibly Mrs. Fabray, she relaxed into the kiss and wrapped her arms around Quinn's waist.

Quinn released the plump lips and rested her forehead onto Santana's and sighed, "I love you too."

"Oh, you do?" Santana smirked.

"Of course I do. I just wanted to, you know…"

"Of course I know," Santana laughed, "but you act like we haven't been going at it practically nonstop since yesterday."

"I know we have, but so what? I love you, and I want you, and we still have some catching up to do, and we're going to have even more catching up to do after this week. I just wanted to get one last taste to hold me over."

"Okay! I really think we're going to need an open-door policy. I can't believe I just heard that. Santana, out you go, sweetheart. Quinnie, go get your bible or something." Judy stood flustered by the bottom of the stairs. Neither of the girls noticed her entrance into the foyer, and Judy hadn't realized the subject of the conversation until the last bit.


"Don't 'Mom' me. I may be accepting of your relationship and your sexual orientation, but I can't handle hearing you talk about sex things and tasting things!"


"Okay! I'm definitely leaving now. Sorry about that, Mrs. Fabray. Quinn, I love you. I'll talk to you later." Santana said as she blew a kiss to her girlfriend to try to keep things as PG as possible.

As soon as Santana pulled into her driveway, she sent Quinn a text letting her know that she arrived home safely and she was missing her already. Seeing her dad's car in the driveway, she ran inside to try to catch him before he had to rush out for work.


"In here, Santanita." She heard her second favourite voice come from the kitchen.

She greeted her dad with a kiss before she took his fork and began picking at his food.

"Didn't you eat? I thought that's where you went – to Quinn's to eat."

"I did, but this is good." Santana laughed as she watched her dad roll his eyes, knowing that's where she got it from.

"Well, you can finish it, mija. I have to get to work." He stood and kissed his daughter's forehead as he got all of his things together to leave. "I didn't ask initially because you seem okay, but I just want to make sure everything went okay."

"Yes, everything went really well, Papi. Q's grounded for a week, but Judy's cool with everything. It's pretty much perfect."

"That's great, Santana. I'm so happy for you guys. You know I'm behind you no matter what."

"I know."

"Good. Well, I'm off to save lives, and make money for you to spend on your girlfriend. Love you, sweetie. Be good."

"Hasta luego, Papi. Te quiero mucho."

After tidying up the kitchen, Santana went to her room, changed into her pajamas, and got in bed. She moved around to make herself comfortable, and heard a little rustling. She looked around the bed to find out where it was coming from and she found a piece of paper under Quinn's pillow. She smiled as she glanced at it, admiring Quinn's sloppy-but-neat handwriting.


I know it's only been a little while, but I hate us being in separate beds as much as you do. Although, I must admit, this makes me think of the day when we'll have one bed forever. I love you.

Quinn Fabray-Lopez

From Santana: Forever, huh?

Quinn smiled knowing exactly what her girlfriend was referring to. When she wrote the note, she had no idea what the outcome of dinner with her mom would be, but she didn't care. She wanted Santana to know when she came home that Quinn knows that what they have is for real.

From Quinn: Forever.

From Santana: U know, even though I miss u like crazy, the idea of forever kind of makes this not so bad

From Quinn: Definitely.

From Santana: U ok?

From Quinn: I am. Are you?

From Santana: Yea. I'm good. How's Judes?

From Quinn: Judes? Lol. She's fine. Scarred, I guess, but fine.

From Santana: I bet she's scarred, u hornboll.

From Quinn: I can't help that I wants to get my mack on.

From Santana: LMAO! Q ur not down. Stop.

From Quinn: Shut up.

From Santana: U love me.

From Quinn: I do. And you love me.

From Santana: I absolutely do, Quinn Fabray

From Quinn: Lopez

From Santana: Lopez

So, that's it.

Thank you for reading. Thank you for reviewing. Thank you for being awesome.

I love you. I swear, I do.
