Chapter 1: Prologue
Enjoy this new piece from from me!
Independent Woman
Tonight, yes tonight, she stood looking out the window. The village was quiet as usual and so was her heart. She was glad for the latter, it has been fifteen long years since she's talked to him without trying to rip his head off with a kunai or sucker punch him, her heart wouldn't scream anymore and she was glad.
She had found sanctuary within herself, although at first it did not help one bit to stare at the many frames and writings he had left behind, she was glad. It was as if that heart of hers had become more numb than silent, the tight grip that squeezed the organ every time she thought of him had loosened and freed her. She will never be able to love again.
She hoped
Suddenly, she sensed an abnormal signature of chakra. It was powerful yet it seems like the owner was trying to hold it back. She knew who it belonged to and what really surprised her was the fact that the grip from long ago did not return.
"Sakura." He said quietly.
She tensed inwardly, feeling quite uneasy as he repeated her name, it has been so long since she's heard him say her name. Her face looked apathetic to her surroundings, or should she say to the intruder. A kunai firmly attached to her left thigh was the first weapon in her mind for defense, she had learned from him that her mouth couldn't be used as a weapon against him, she realized he meant her fists were better fighters than her mouth.
"It's me, Sakura."
"I know." She finally said with a hint of irritation.
"Then put it away." The deep voice said quietly.
"Get away, Sasuke. Stay away from here." She said with a strong face that was new to him. He wondered… What happened to the submissive Sakura?
Sasuke did not press her any further, he allowed the dark flames to teleport him away from her presence, and he vanished from her sight. What just happened was not new at all. It was a repeat of many and many nights. Countless she spent alone and cold. But-
"Kaa-san! I sensed something, are you alright? Are they after you again?" A young teen appeared beside her shaken form, his chakra agitated, he held her tight with strong arms and flashed blood red eyes as he glared passed the window.
"No, Kuroshi... I…" She avoided his crimson eyes, biting her lower lip as she tightened her hold on the kunai. Kuroshi immediately knew…
"It was him, wasn't it mother? It was real this time. I'm not going to miss him next time." The faint smirk on his face told her, not his words.
The next day wasn't as bad and the both of them lived alone, Sakura woke up early in the morning and prepare a light breakfast for two, her, and her son, Kuroshi.
"Good morning Mom!" He greeted with a large smile, kissing her on the cheek as he grabbed the tomato on the table. That action made something jump inside of her but she shook it away as soon as it came.
"Kuroshi-kun won't leave without his tomatoes, huh…" She said to herself.
"Be careful honey! Giant worms are out for taijutsu lovers today!" She yelled, hoping to catch his attention, unfortunately he had inherited an impossible speed and disappeared.
"Oh well, my team is waiting for me." She muttered before preparing her own leave.
Later that day, an injured Kuroshi was slammed against the many trees in the forest. He whimpered slightly before raising a green glowing hand and repairs his wounds.
"You're not improving Kuroshi; your father would've attacked me right after this blow instead of healing injuries!" The attacker violently smashed his foot on the boy's hand, cutting off the chakra flow immediately. "This move is weak! Get up!"
Kuroshi let out a cry of pain.
"You won't make it to Jonin this fall, see how you barely made chunin last year." The man grabbed Kuroshi by the collar of his black shirt, slowly he pulled out a kunai and slashed it across the boy's chest.
"S-sensei… G-gomen…" His red eyes faded into glassy dark green pools. Kuroshi struggled to keep his muscles from going involuntary, he wobbled on his knee to stay put and on-guard, the blood spurting from his mouth triggered his fall. As he fought to breathe and keep his eyes on his sensei for his next move, he blacked out.
Sensei growled slightly before he made a move a move to shake the boy awake. A quick blur passed before him and took away his prey.
"I think he's had enough training, Uzumaki-san." A young woman said quietly as she carried the boy in her arms, her pale lavender eyes slowly relaxed upon seeing his face… so angelic but she didn't smile for long.
"Hinata, why-"
"It's Hyuga-san to you, Captain." She cut him off quickly, her long dark hair caressing her soft cheeks.
"Whatever. Hyuga-san. If you're here to heal him, be quick with it, he has not finished training for today." Naruto fought to keep his tone stern and commanding. But he fucking knew he was breaking.
"No, I think he's quite done for the day. I'll be heading towards the Hokage and inform of the new patient. He will need immediate attention." She disappeared.
He slammed his fist on the tree, shattering it into numerous pieces.
He made her like this
"Kami! Not again, Damn!" The pink-haired woman cursed as she watched her son being pulled into the ER with many Anbu medics surrounding him.
"Is it that serious?" Sakura asked, worry lacing her every word.
"Haruno-san, chakra channels from his left arm have been damaged pretty bad and-"
"Let me see him!" Sakura quickly cut the medic off.
"B-but Haruno-san you're not…" The medic trailed off as he saw the pink-haired woman's serious gaze, her fiery green eyes and her quivering pink lips.
"Follow me then."
Due to certain circumstances, family members weren't allowed inside the surgery rooms, mostly because of their feelings-with something building up inside, they probably wouldn't be in their right mind and do something drastic.
But Sakura, She was something different.
She learned how to hide her emotions very well over the years and she learned to keep herself intact after what had happened to her.
People were staring of course, people will always stare because her situation wasn't completely normal, and it wasn't something easily predicted, it was rather…
Sick and terrifying
When Sakura saw her son, her only son, stiff and pale on the bed with wires and caked blood over his lithe form, she fought the huge lump in her throat. He looked so vulnerable and pale, bruises marred his body and the large gash.
What the hell had Naruto done this time, Kami-sama…
Immediately, without a thought, she rushed out of the room with large tears seeping from her eyes.
She hated it! She hated it! This action was something he would do.
Naruto sat alone in the forest, allowing the soft breeze to carry his blonde spikes over his tan forehead, he mused.
Thirty years old, he was single and recently divorced five years ago with one of the most beautiful and powerful kunoichis in the village. Of course, he had regretted what he has done to her and what he has put her through, nothing could change the past.
She had glared at him earlier today.
He and Kuroshi always had these types of training sessions, he would be the one initiating the most violence though, Naruto that is.
As he thought about the teenage boy, anger flared inside him, he felt like destroying the forest, even the boulder he was sitting on.
Just as fast as he stood to head home just as fast a strong fist collided with his jaw and sent him smashing unexpectedly towards the thick trees.
"What the-"
And his curse was interrupted as a chakra-filled kick shattered his ribs, he spat blood, this kick was a signature move of none other than his ex-teammate, Haruno Sakura.
She stood before him with such rage radiating off her, blue-green chakra blazing around her like an angry angel, her green eyes sent nothing but blood and fire. For his ass
"You," She pointed menacingly, "you will pay for what you've done to him!"
"W-wha-" Panic surged through the handsome blonde, thinking that the boy had died.
"Sakura, I…"
"No. Shut the fuck up, I'm done talking to you. My fist will do the talking this time."
I am currently separated from my laptop and cannot continue with my updates for BHTH, doesn't mean I will abandon it-even if it sucks, my obsession with FF caused me to write another story and it's a really sad one. As you can see, it's going to get worse and then it's going to be good. :)
I apologize for any grammar mistakes you find on this piece, if you like this little piece so far, you can.. um.. review and add. Throw in the questions and the constructive criticism. I'm ready. :)