A/N: Hey guys! This is just a holiday gift for all you readers out there! I just wanted to say I am so grateful for all of you, you cannot understand how happy it makes me to see a new review of favorite every day. You guys are really the best any writer could ask for. 3

DISCLAIMER: Only tht O.C. and plot are mine.

"He sounded tired in a way that had nothing to do with the hour." (Carter 196)

I rested my hands on the iced over wooden fence. The smell of fresh cut trees slowly faded away as the small pellets of hail gently cascaded down onto my body. With my body hunched over the rail a single tear fell from my eye, hidden behind a veil of long hair. Looking down across the long fields that tumbled over quaint hills stretched before me, a single thought raced across my mind.

I'm tired.

Long ago in a time where death was a pretense for others, Bex had promised to take me here, to see the natural beauty that she had always revered so much of this place. Instead, I stood alone in Yorkshire, England watching as shepherds raced against the unyielding weather to bring their animals to shelter.

Yet, as the hail turned to rain I didn't move. The simple thought had brought back a torrent of memories; ones of friendship, unquestionable loyalty, and of innocence. I couldn't help imagine the life I would have led if I had not been thrusted head first into this world. Would I have been tanning on a beach instead of running away from terrorists? Maybe learning how to drive a stick-shift?

I felt the tightness of my muscles, the lethargy that encased my soul so acutely right then. Hunching my shoulders I hoped that this would all end soon but I knew it wouldn't.


At last, the sound of running footsteps broke my trance. "Young miss?" a small man, no taller than 5'6'' stood behind me. His thick mustache dripped from the onslaught of close to freezing rain. "Are you lost?" He looked perturbed at the idea, "Miss, are you alone?"

I thought about my family waiting back in America for me to come home, Zach who had split from me back in Majorca and my dad who rested up in heaven. And I couldn't think of a truer statement that was ever uttered, "Yes, I-I'm alone."

Around us, the wind picked up in intensity and I shuddered involuntarily.

Seeing this, man seemed to come to a decision, "Very well then, it's done you no good staying out here in the cold for lord knows how long." He scrunched his graying eyebrows together in obvious concern, "My wife, Sheryl and I live just past that hillside and you are coming with me for the night. God forbid someone catching phenomena on my watch." As soon as the words left his mouth, he seemed to reconsider them. "Of courseā€¦ only if it takes your fancy, I wouldn't want to impose." He seemed slightly sheepish at his assertive words.

For the first time in as long as I could remember, human generosity surprised me. Naturally, I immediately thought about the risks. They could technically be Circle agents that wanted to kill me, but then again that chance was slim, actually 678 to 1 to be exact. Or they could just be an elderly couple not wanting to see a young lass catch an illness.

I looked at the old man, and thought about how wrong the world really was if one couldn't trust a helping hand.

And for once I didn't want to care about the 15 ways I could kill him with a toaster, so I threw caution to the wind and said hesitantly, "Yes, I'd like that." I knew I'd have to leave before light broke, leaving them to their quiet lives but I was just so tired, not only because of the darkening sky. "My car broke down a while back and I'd just about given up hope that I'd come across someone that could lend me a hand." My smile was small but genuine.

Sure, there was no car but they didn't need to know that particular detail.

"Then come along, these old bones can't stand the cold much longer."

And just like that we hurried around the hill to a small cottage. The squish of mud sounded as I strided in my boots, my stilettos that is. I could just imagine Macey's face if she ever found out, it would be a mix between dread and approval. Dread at the fact I'm destroying Italian leather; approval that I'm actually wearing something fashionable.

Well, it's not like I had much choice in the matter. You can't be picky when scrounging through someone else's closet looking for clothes to steal.

Walking into the small wooden cottage, I smelt the scent of fresh bread and reminded myself that I hadn't eaten in almost 3 days. The grumble of my stomach must have been audible because the old man hurried me over to the well-worn table.

Just then, a small pudgy woman hustled through the door. Her red apron was speckled with flower and she said to her husband, "Alistair! There you are! I was beginning to get worried." She clucked her tongue disapprovingly at his guiltless expression.

Even if she disapproved of his response, the relief was palpable in her features; her body seemed to visibly relax as she checked him over for injuries. Finally, she turned her eyes onto me. "Now, who may this be?" Her startling grey eyes bore into me.

Taking that as my que to answer I said, "The names Gillian, mam. My car broke down and your husband here was kind enough to offer me a place to sleep for the night." Then thinking of my Culture lessons I added, "If that's okay with you mam."

She seemed to morph into a Mrs.-Claus-look-a-like before my eyes. Hey entire demeanor as she replied, "Of course you can stay. Where else would you go, my dear? There's not another building in 20 kilometers!" She bustled around the kitchen, grabbing to plates and piling them high with food. "And you're too thin! Does your mother feed you at all? But no worries, we can fix that in a jiffy." She placed a meal of meat-pudding in front of me, and a slice of the wonderful smelling bread.

I don't think she could ever understand the gratitude I felt as I said, "Thank you." Picking up my fork, I began to eat the wonderful meal and breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, finally I felt an inkling of my soul-encompassing exhaustion perish, if only for a moment.

A/N: Please review! And if you have a quote from any of the books that you'd like me to write a one-shot on, please send them over!