A/N: Hey guys! So basically this will be a series of one-shots that I create from quotes from the actual books. I'll take a quote and then write a one relevant shot about it! If you guys have a quote you want me to use, just pm it to me!


"'No.' He shook his head. 'I couldn't, I couldn't lose the one person who didn't see her when they looked at me. I couldn't lose that.'" (Carter 260).

His eyes were guarded as he stared down at mine; his shoulders tense in this small little alcove. Outside, the sounds of his new school drifted around us, reminding us, that this moment wouldn't last forever.

"Hey, why are you looking at me like that?" I asked him. Immediately, a mask flew up onto his features. I felt the hand that had been holding mine, let go.

"Don't Gallagher Girl. Don't stand there like you don't know." He began to pace in the small area; three steps to the right, three steps to the left.

I leaned against the opposite wall, feeling the cold wood paneling rub against my back. Absentmindedly, I ran my fingers across the little ridges between each plank of wood as I tried to think of what would make him this... this distant. Nope, nothing popped into my head.

"Zach?" I took a step towards him, aware that if I moved to fast he might completely retreat into a shell. "I honestly have no idea what you're talking about."

With lightening speed, he was up against me; his heart beat thudded against my chest as his body towered over mine. "Really?" An unforgiving smirk stretched across his lips, "Take a wild guess."

So I did, "Is it because I broke into your new school? 'Cause that is completely hypocritical, seeing as you've broken into Gallagher many times."

A ghost of a genuine smile flashed on his face but as quickly as it appeared; it disappeared. He shook his head, "Nope that's not it. I'm impressed you got in, though, this place has got some nice security."

This time I smiled cockily, and while raising my eyebrows incredulously I stated, "But I got Lizzie."

He considered it then said, "Touche, Gallagher Girl, touche."

As he said this, in the back of his eyes hesitance flashed, so I grabbed his hand. Putting it against my face I urged him on, "Zach, tell me."

Once again, he rushed to put space in between us, opting to sit on the top of a small table then to be near me. I know a hurt look passed across my face because I saw the way his face softened in the light streaming through the back window. Yet, he didn't move back.

He stared at my face, which I tried to make emotionless. "You've looked at me differently, since, you know..."

What? I thought to myself.

Suddenly, I knew and this time it was my turn to be angry. "Excuse me?" I got up from where I had sat down. "You have no right to, to, say that!" I poked him in the chest, feeling like I was hitting a brick wall. "I don't see her when I look at you!"

His whisper carried farther then I expected it to, "Yes, you do! Even out there, you looked at me like I was doing something suspicious! And you were feigning to be a girl scout."

I shook my head back and forth, "No you got it all wrong."

He grabbed my hand in a vice grip, trapping me against him. Standing up, he looked down at me, with a scoff he stated, "Then, why exactly were you looking at me like that? Well?"

The hurt from his accusation made venom coat my words, "I was wondering when the Zach I know will come back. My Zach!"

He dropped my hand in shock, not that I noticed it then. "Your Zach?"

I threw my hands up in the air, and started to pace back in forth. "Yes!" I stopped in front of him; my breath came out in short, angry huffs. "You know? The confident, funny guy I used to know?"

I glared at him, knowing that if I was wearing Liz's prototype contacts he'd be dead thrice over, "I'm sick of this..." I gestured to him with my hand, "this Zach, which doubts both himself and others! This guy that's all mopy and timid is not my Zach." By the end of my statement my voice had gone to a tired whisper.

Abruptly, my back slammed into the wall. Zach's lips pressed against mine with such ferocity and hunger that I couldn't stop myself from returning the gesture. My hands wrapped themselves into his hair, his wove themselves around my back; crushing me into him.

He murmured into my mouth, "I'm sorry."

Swiftly, I reattached his lips to mine in answer. Sure I was going to be angry for a while, but I finally got back the Zach I wanted. Who was I too complain?

I felt, more then saw, the smile on his lips and with one last chaste kiss, we broke apart.

"Say it again." He ordered me.

I just smiled playfully and shook my head with silent mirth, "My Zach."

He pushed the hair back from my eyes and said, "Can't say I don't like the sound of that."

I hugged him closer, closing my eyes I filled my nose with his sent. Lightly, I murmured.,"Yeah well, not all of us like the sound of our name, so don't go wearing mine out. Okay?"

He smiled and I felt a rumble of laughter go through his chest, "Not a chance... Gallagher Girl... Not a chance."