Okay, okay. Yell at me all you want because I'm REALLY sorry for my hiatus again.. fans of Getting to Know Each Other, this time I'm honestly sincere when I say that I PROMISE you a new chapter, and soon!

This is my new fic that will have a couple of chapters; not sure who Chrome will be paired with yet. IDEAS PLZ

Disclaimer: I do not own KHR, it is owned by Akira Amano. Enjoy!

"Wasn't the lead male so cute, Chrome-chan?"

Kyoko's casual inquiry shook Chrome Dokuro out of her absentminded thoughts. "Ne, his smile was so dreamy!" Chrome looked up from the pebble on the sidewalk that she was kicking to see Kyoko's happy, flushed face to her right. To her left, Haru was wiping her tears away with a strawberry-patterned handkerchief. It was a few days into summer break from school, and the three girls decided to get together and watch the latest love drama at the movie theater, Mine Forever After.

Personally, Chrome hadn't liked the drama. In the movie, the lead male character, Hideaki, was the lonely son of the alcoholic, short-tempered landlord of the apartment building where the lead female character, Eiko, lived. Hideaki fell in love with Eiko at first sight when he saw her move into the apartment temporarily so she could pursue a career as a fashion designer. The two have a blissful relationship throughout most of the movie, until Hideaki's father beats him to death in a drunken rage. While she is driving home from the funeral in the rain, Eiko almost dies in a car accident. At the end of the movie, Eiko is slipping between life and death; while in Heaven for a short time, Eiko has a tearful conversation with Hideaki. She agrees to fight to continue living, but the movie ends with a cliffhanger when a murderer enters the hospital, searching for Eiko.

First, Hideaki's father was portrayed by a famous comedian from Tokyo, so it was difficult to go along with his angry expressions and fury. Second, the actress portraying Eiko is one of the singers from a pop group, and she was promoting her group's tour the whole movie; Eiko was listening to their CDs, had posters of them on the wall, and was wearing a promotional t-shirt in one scene. Third, adding the murderer and the cliffhanger at the end of the movie was too much, and seemed to be just thrown in by the screenwriters to attempt to hold the audience's interest. However, Chrome agreed that the actor portraying Hideaki was indeed cute.

"Yes, ah… he has hair that makes him look like a singer from a K-Pop group," Chrome replied, choosing her words carefully to properly explain her opinion. Kyoko smiled widely and nodded, probably relieved that Chrome took the initiative, and she didn't have to prod for some effort. Haru blew her nose loudly (Chrome noted that the sound was like a trumpet) before speaking.

"Haru cried and cried when the neighbors found Hideaki's body!" Haru added, putting the handkerchief back into her purse. "It's wasn't fair! He was secretly making plans to take Eiko to America where she could debut her designs in New York City! Haru wishes that her prince will be as romantic."

Kyoko rolled her eyes and shot Chrome a glance. They both knew that Haru still liked Tsuna a bit, even though she claims that she likes somebody else now; the older brother of a classmate from Midori Middle School. Although, during a secret phone call, Kyoko had whispered to Chrome about her Gokudera theory...

Chrome loved times like these. It was so refreshing to discuss movie plots and dreamy smiles, fashion designs and new CDs, instead of arguing about attack strategies, training, and death. This is how a normal girl lives her life, ne? A 'normal' girl…like Kyoko-chan, Haru-chan… As Kyoko playfully teased Haru about "Akesaka's older brother's abs," Chrome watched and wondered why she never experienced friendship during her time as Nagi. She held on to these fun memories and kept them in her mind, so during a battle, or if she's bloody and wounded on the ground, she could still go back to the time where she watched a silly movie with her friends, and pretend that she was still there.

"Where should we go now?" Kyoko asked, eyeing the colorful stores on each side of the street. The sidewalks were bustling with giggling girls, groups of friends, and mothers pushing strollers and holding onto unruly toddlers. "Downtown Namimori has so many places to shop! I want to buy some new tank tops for the summer…"

Haru's stomach growled. She smoothed down her pigtail braided hair, different from her usual ponytail, and said, "Haru is a little hungry and she didn't eat any of the popcorn you got because it was too salty… Let's go to that new café that just opened last week!"

Hastily, so the girls wouldn't look at her with those sad, pitying eyes (Ah, what do you think...Chrome-chan..?), Chrome piped in before Kyoko said anything. "Yes, I would really like some tapiokadorinku (tapioca drink)."

"Me too! You guys have enough money?" Kyoko said, everyone checking their wallets. "Then, let's go!"

"Please!" Haru begged, tugging on Chrome and Kyoko's arms. Chrome was surprised at her new-found strength, and added it to her mental list of Kyoko & Haru's Interesting Quirks. "It won't take long, Haru only wants to look around!"

"No! Also, I thought you said that you were hungry," Kyoko said.

"Please! Haru will only take a minute and then be right back here at the café!"

"What if you get lost?"

"It's only across the street! Look from where Chrome-chan is standing, she can see it out the window! Haru has her cell phone; Haru has your number and Chrome-chan's, too!"

"-sigh- Okay, but Chrome-chan and I get large drinks, and you get a small!"

"Fine, but please order cake for Haru. You know what Haru likes!"

"Ugh," Kyoko rolled her eyes as she and Chrome stood in line at the café. Haru dashed out the door and made a beeline for the bridal boutique across the street, Watashi no RABURIDEI (my LOVELY DAY). The beautiful, princess-like wedding dresses and tiara veils in the store display window had caught Haru's eye, and reminded her of something that Eiko's actress, the pop singer, would wear. Plus, some of the gowns looked fit for a queen, and Haru didn't have a queen costume for her cosplay collection yet.

"What will you be having today, miss?" The pimple-faced teen behind the counter asked too quickly, ogling Kyoko, who was oblivious. He didn't notice Chrome standing next to/behind Kyoko.

"Three dango, matcha manju, and hot green tea," Kyoko said, smiling as always. The cashier looked faint. "Three slices of American-style strawberry shortcake for my friend, please."

"Of course, miss," the cashier said too quickly, missing a beat and fumbling the sentence. He added up the totals. "And whaddya want?" he called over his shoulder in Chrome's direction, back turned.

"Um, just two taiyaki and a taro tapiokadorinku," Chrome said quietly. She inwardly groaned, hoping very much that the cashier would treat her with as much kindness as he did with Kyoko.

"Yeah, yeah," he replied, sounding bored. Drooling, he handed Kyoko her treats and nearly giggled when her hand touched his when she gave him the money. Kyoko patted Chrome's arm and showed her where she was going to sit – near the window, so they could see when Haru showed up. She went to get a napkin, and Chrome waited for her pastries.

"Here," the cashier shoved the small plate towards Chrome, but just about dropped it when he looked at her for the first time. "Wow…" he murmured, full on staring her in the face, jaw practically hitting the counter. Chrome blushed profusely, but did not exactly appreciate the new attention. "No, no, it's…on the house…" he refused the money when Chrome tried to pay. His narrow, dull eyes were trailing down her 'outfit' when Chrome finally dashed off towards Kyoko; she could hear him saying "wow" again, as the frustrated customer behind her tried to order.

"Some boys, huh?" Kyoko greeted halfheartedly as Chrome slid into the booth. She began nibbling the head of the fish-shaped cake first, as she usually ate animal-shaped treats - gummy bears, chocolate bunnies. With fork in hand and tea in the other, Kyoko attacked her manju with the enthusiasm of a greasy otaku on the newest volume of a shonen manga. Another quirk added to the list...

Minutes passed while Chrome slowly sipped her tapiokadorinku and Kyoko daintily dabbed her mouth with a napkin. Chrome glanced at Kyoko out of the corner of her eye, and could tell that she was busily thinking of chatter to fill the silence. You don't have to say anything, I'm content to just sit here and enjoy the company of friends, Chrome wanted to console her, but was too shy to be so forward. She smiled at her as an attempt to project her thoughts, but Kyoko read it as an o-k to speak.

"So, Haru did a really good job on your hair today," Kyoko said. It was true; Haru had demanded that Chrome come to her house early before the movie so she could do her hair. She French-braided Chrome's lavender locks into two pigtails, than did her own the same exact way ("Haru loves to be matching!") while Chrome experimented with pink and red lip glosses, at Haru's encouragement. Then, the two girls left Haru's house arm in arm, and met up with Kyoko outside the theater.

There was more silence, and Chrome started to say "yes, I-" just as Kyoko rushed in with "And your -". Chrome took an unceremoniously large bite of her taiyaki then, and Kyoko awkwardly blew her bangs out of her eyes. She was glad, at least, that Kyoko was still putting up with her shyness, even though Kyoko had plenty of other friends to hang out with.

"Your t-shirt!" Kyoko exclaimed with a big grin. "I bought you that for your birthday, right?" It was a fitted graphic tee, and on it a cute pineapple and a few English words scripted prettily. Chrome had worn it specifically for the occasion.

"Yes." They ate a little bit more, this time in a more comfortable silence.

Haru burst through the cafe doors just as Chrome asked why she was taking so long. Her eyes were wild with excitement, and she clutched magazines to her chest. Spotting her friends, she ran straight at them and dove into the booth, squishing Chrome in the middle.

"Look what Haru got!" Haru sang, pushing the plates to the other end of the table and spreading out three magazines. "This is the newest issue of RABURIDEI magazine, the number one bridal magazine in all of Namimori! There's one for each of us to look at."

"Hahi? Where's Haru's mugicha drink? Ohh, you forgot, didn't you!" Haru sprang from the seat and jumped into line. "Don't read them yet!" she yelled across the cafe, earning irritated looks from seated customers.

RABURIDEI was printed largely on the side of the cover in traditional kanji, and across the top in smaller lettering said LOVELY DAY. The cover model was a beautiful, blushing bride in a Western-style gown. Even though she was Japanese, her hair was big, bright, and blonde. Her groom had a lopsided grin, brown hair, and olive skin - Chrome guessed that he was Italian, like the Cavallone boss and the Kyuudaime.

"Okay, now look through it!" Haru said as she returned to the booth. Mouth full of strawberry cake, she began saying why she took a long time. "Haru only wanted to look at the best gowns, and the saleslady approached Haru! She said, 'Young lady, you have the potential to become the new face of Watashi no RABURIDEI!' Can you imagine? Atashi, a model, dropping out of school! Haru said no way, but thank you anyway. Then, the saleslady gave Haru three copies of the latest issue of their magazine, and said that if Haru ever considered the offer again, then come back to the boutique!"

"Mhm," Chrome said, eyes scanning the pages, barely listening to a word Haru said. Kyoko only murmured "oh, really" because she was so absorbed in the accessories on page 16. Haru huffed, but nonetheless began flipping through the pages as well.

The three girls continued admiring the dress designs and modern twists. Occasionally, they would point out to each other specific shoes that they liked, or grooms that were especially cute.

"I love this neckline," Kyoko said at one point. "But I don't think I have enough chest to hold it up!" She said deviously, and the girls laughed.

"I bet Tsuna-san would love this one," Haru's eyes glowed as she turned the page. Kyoko giggled when she turned the next page.

"Haha, this bridesmaid kinda looks like Tsuna-kun!" Even Chrome couldn't help but laugh, especially when Haru's face turned bright red.

"Ooh, look at the girl on page 12, red bouquet," Haru gasped. "She looks like you, Chrome-chan!"

The model had dark black, almost violet hair, and it hung loosely down her back. There was no groom in the picture, but the bride had such a confident smirk, that she was almost saying that she didn't need one. Probably, if any man looked at her, they would fall in love at first sight. She may look a little bit like me, but I'd never be as confident as her, Chrome grimaced.

"Hm, I gotta get home," Kyoko said, checking her cellphone for the time. "Onii-san has a match at 7 and I promised him I'll be there."

"Okay," Haru shrugged her shoulders and stood up. "Chrome-chan, ready to leave?"

She nodded and they left the cafe and started on their way home.

"Haru thinks that some of those girls didn't deserve to be in the magazine," Haru complained. "They didn't look like they loved their man at all, only like they were posing!"

"Yeah, some of them are way too young to be married," Kyoko said. "Hey," she stopped suddenly. "When it's my turn to be married, I want you girls to be my maid-of-honor and a bridesmaid."

"Ha-hi!" Haru cried. "You're making Haru tear up!"

"And since there's three of us, we can each take turns being the bridesmaid and the maid-of-honor! Ne, Chrome-chan?"

"Mhm," Chrome agreed, falling into step. Secretly, she couldn't wait for her turn to be on "page 12," with a red bouquet of her own.

Whatcha think? Please Review, they make me smile :) If you have any ideas, feel free to include them; new chapter soon!