I recently watched One Outs and when I tried to find FF's for it, there were too little. So I decided to give it a try and come up with a story for Toua ^^ (Keep in mind that I don't own One Outs!)


Melane Stewart averted her eyes from the batter and focused on the pitcher. That man had something really amusing on him, call it talent. He had scored three outs in a row of five, without giving up a run! "And all this just by throwing...fastballs..." she muttered and sighed deeply, something that made her friend, Rin, smile.

"Now now, Mel-chan, you like him so much?" Rin asked and gazed the pitcher. Sure, he was a quite handsome man, though somewhat lean and bony. Above all, he was blond. Rin "tsk"ed and shock her head. She never liked blond guys, she thought of them rather badly.

"I don't even know his name, silly!" Melane exclaimed. Truth be told, she had come to the baseball match just to see this 'rarely handsome guy' a friend of hers had spoke of. She had been told to look at him closely and -if possible- take an autograph. Silly it was the fact that her friend didn't know the name of that so called famous pitcher!

"Famous my ass..."she mumbled, but she kept on staring rather rudely at the man. He hadn't notice yet.

"Oh, he scored again!" Rin noticed and the pitcher smiled lightly. He was obviously trying to piss off the players, for they were giving him wary and angry glares. One of them spat on the ground, and the blond pitcher stared at him nonchalantly. He made a statement, noticeably aimed to annoy, and stepped away from the playground, living a small chaos behind him. "Well, he is good..."Rin announced and crossed her arms. "What do you think?" she asked and turned her head to face Melane. But she wasn't there. "Hu?What the-...man...!". She closed her eyes and fell back on her seat. That friend of hers...!

Tokuchi Toua was trying to relax, with his usual towel covering his face and his cigarette hanging from the corner of his lips, while his team mates were cheering for him, creating a lousy circle around him , commenting on the game.


"So" he heard a female voice somewhere next to him "you are the famous pitched of the Lycaons." Toua turned his head to the direction of the voice.

"And you are...?" he asked, and he heard the woman laugh lightly.

"Just a mere spectator."

'Such a straight-forward answer...' Toua thought and slowly uncovered his face, revealing a pair of devilish light caramel eyes and purple bruises underneath them.

'He seems so tired!' Rin thought and her own eyes grew wide in surprise. "And I still don't know your name." she demanded. Toua let his head fel back again and took a puff from his cigarette. The smoke formed spiral shapes while living his lips.

"Tokuchi Toua..." he breathed with the rest of his smoke and covered his eyes his a lean hand.

"Melane Stewart"

"Seems you don't like baseball, Stewart-San..." Toua teased "Or else you would know about me." Melane"Tsk"ed and turned his eyes to the playground.

"I don't need the media to know that you only throw fastballs, or that you are overconfident and too proud for your own good...Tokuchi-San." said Risa.

"Oi, Tokuchi!"

"Huh?" Satoshi was waving to him from the other side of the playground, the signal for him to play along. Toua, with a tired puff, he threw his sigarette on the ground, steped on it and stood up in a flow motion. "So, Stewart-San, I'd love to stay here and have you scold me, but I have a game to save...See you around." he calmly said and, with no second look, he paced away. Leaving a very angry Melane behind.

"That bastard!" she exclaimed when she sat back on her seat with Rin. "How dare he say I was scolding him! That- Ugh!" and she gave the angriest of the looks she kept for the ones she hated at said pitcher on the playground.

"So you weren't scolding him...?" Rin asked, slightly surprised.

"Uh..." Melane stuttered and kept her eyes on the ground stubbornly." Maybe...I little bit..."

"Hmm... typical you" her friend commented and gazed Toua. He had delivered another flawless fastball, and now the stadium was filled with cheers. Those made her frown as she remembered something quite annoying...

"So, you didn't take the autograph." Rin stated and crossed her long legs.

"...autograph...?" Melane muttered and instantly slapped her forehead with her palm. 'Damn it! How come I forgot?'

...Some hours later, somewhere on Tokyo...

It was raining, something quiterare in Japan. Melane was walking alone - for Rin wanted to stay at the Hotel room and have a nice hot bath - in the small, dirty streets in the middle of nowhere. The light rain couldn't cheer her up, and the moody weather matched perfectly with her gloomy - and so unusual - mood.

'I wish I hadn't forget that autograph' She sighed. 'Annette will kill me, that Toua is her number one idol!' She turned left and a bar's open door welcomed her to come in and dry. 'Come to think of it, there's nothing special about him...' she thought as she chose a table near the windows and waved to the waiter. Some sake would be nice and warm.

'Apart from his eyes...' She pictured in her mind his golden eyes, so soft like caramel and so shiny...'Wow! Wake up Mel!' she shock her head and droplets of water splattered all around. She smiled a moody smile'Maybe I'm too tired after all...'

"It's not a good idea to get your bath in the streets, Stewart-San..." she heard a light voice, and when she turned, a pair of golden eyes, so shiny and vivid, were fixed on hers.

"T-Tokuchi Toua!" she exclaimed, a little bit too loud for some customers turned their heads towards them.

"Now,now...You really are bold, aren't you?" the man teased and sat on her table. The waiter came and left a bottle of Sake on the table, and a glass of beer.

"I didn't gave my order!" Risa said, looking angrily at the bottle.

"My treat." Toua smiled and took a seep of his beer. The usual cigarette was hanging between his lips gracefully. "So, what is it that you want?" he calmly asked.

"What do you mean? I came here by chance!"

Toua grinned. He seemed amused as he took a puff of his sigarette and glared at her "In the morning, miss, what did you want?"

"Oh, that.." she blushed and took a gulp of sake "Well, an autograph...for a friend, not for me!" she hurried as she saw the tirumph in his eyes.

"Yeah, I thought it would be something like that..." he muttered and took a piece of paper from his pocket along with a pen. "The name is...?"

"Uh...Annette...her name is Annette." 'What, that is all?'

"Here you are." he handed her the paper and stood up. "Now, if you please..." and he turned his back.

"Wait!" she almost yelled and stood up herself. "Is that the way you treat your acquaintances? How rude of you!" 'What am I doing?'

"Oh? So there is something else you want?"

"Damn it..." she greeted her teeth and passed quickly between the tables. Now everyone's eyes were on her!'Oh great.'

"You bastard..." she whispered as she passed by him and rushed out of the bar. "That rude, arrogant bastard! At least I took the damn autograph for Annette. She owns me big time..."

"Oi! Oi, Stewart! Watch out!"

"Wha?" She only caught a glimpse of some car rushing to her. Then a light engulfed her and she collapsed.

Some hours later...

'Ouch...my head hurts...' Her eyelids were glued together and when she rose her arm to rub them it felt numb.' What did I drink in that bar...?' she thought and opened her eyes. She stared at a ceiling, surprisingly unknown, and a strange smell was all over the...unknown room she was in...'What the Hell...?'

She painfully sat back and she realised she was on a bed, covered with a blue blanket. She uncovered herself and gasped. "Where are my clothes?" she muttered. She didn't remember even possessing loose shirts and blue shorts! Dazzled, she looked around. She had never see that old wardrobe, or that white cotton mattress, or even that chair in the corner...

"Good morning..." she heared a calm voice and turned her head to the corner of the bedroom. Under the doorframe stood a lean man with spiky blond hair, golden eyes, with a towel over his shoulders.

And shirtless..

"Where are my clothes?" Melane angrily asked and pushed the blanket up. Toua's brows arched in surprised.

"I suppose that the'thank you for saving me', huh?" he mocked and turned his back to Melane, leaving her fumbling with the covers.

"Damn it, what day is it? What time is it?" she yelled as she remembered something.

"Monday 13nth, ten o'clock"

"I missed my flight! I missed my flight back to L.A!" she cried and got out of bed.

"Los Angeles...You live there?" Toua asked from the other room, and Melane sighed heavily.

"Yeah, I live there...But it doesn't matter now, does it? I won't be able to get back for a whole week! And Rin didn't call me!" With every word she became more and more angry, till she had to stop talking and take a couple of deep breaths. She crossed her arms and paced out of the bedroom, stepping in what seemed to be the living room.

"Broken" Toua said. He was lying on a dark blue couch facing a large window. A mug of coffee was smoking on his hand and a cigarette was resting on an ashtray.

"What?" asked Melane looking around.

"Your phone. It broke last night when you fell on the road. Thankfully the car stopped before it hit you, but you had already passed out..." he mused and tossed at her some broken pieces of metal. Melane gasped and sat on the couch next to him with the remnants of her phone resting on her palms.

"Bet she was calling me after all..." she sighed and glared at the relaxed Toua next to her. "Say something! I'm in your house, dressed with your clothes, with no phone and money, desperate and-"

"And you want me to tell you everything's going to be ok and somehow it'll turn well..." Toua stopped her and smirked. "Listen, Stewart-San...You are in my house, you have no money, so you will stay here for a week if you wish so. Just keep in mind that I never cook, so suit yourself anyway you can." He took a puff and let the smoke out slowly. "And your clothes are drying in my bathroom..."

She was listening, astonished and dazed. That guy she only new from rumours and had met the previous day was telling her she could stay in his house for a week...with no exchange?

"Ok...something just doesn't fit in here.» she stood up and glared at him suspiciously. "What do you want from me? Money? Drugs? Sex?"

Toua through his head back and let a light laugh escape from his throat. "Now you are the one overestimating yourself!" he said and stoop up himself. He showed her the suitcase, net to the couch. "I took your luggage from the Hotel; you had the address in your pocket. You can sleep in the bedroom, I rarely use it." he smirked and his golden eyes shined. "This shirt suits you..."

"You are unbelievable...!" Melane muttered and took her suitcase to the bedroom. She sat on the bed and gazed around her. "How on Earth am I going to stay here for a week?"

Chapter #1 is small, but I hope I'll get to right some more!

Till my next chapter...
