"You need to get out of bed" she whispered into the darkness.

Stefan didn't stir. He lay perfectly still, but she knew that he wasn't sleeping.

"I'm fine" he said.

She took one step inside and sat down on the foot of his bed. The room was stuffy, she longed for the sun.

"Stefan, I'm serious" she said.

He didn't answer. She shrugged, got up and turned the lights on. The room was suddenly full of light, Stefan twitched uncomfortably.

"It's two pm" Caroline said, opening the blinds.

"Go away" Stefan muttered, but he looked up at her.

"You need to get up" she said. "Come on, I'll buy you breakfast."

He shook his head. She sighed.

"Let's hunt then" she suggested. "You'll becoming weaker everyday you don't eat."

She pulled the comforter off him. He was only wearing a pair of boxers, she quickly looked away.

"Fine" he groaned.

Caroline beamed.

"Great. I'm in the mood for rabbit."

The forest was gorgeous. Caroline closed her eyes and felt the sun on her face. Stefan followed her, mumbling under his breath about being tired.

"You don't have to take care of me" he said when she handed him a bunny.

"Of course I do" she smiled.

"I'm being a baby."

"No, you're not. It's normal to feel like dying when your girlfriend decides to date your brother."

"Wow, Care, not into sugar-coding are you?"

She punched his shoulder.


This is the first time he had been outside for nearly two weeks. The first time since Elena told him that she loved him, but she loved Damon more. Or something like that. Caroline hadn't been there for that conversation.

"I should stay" she said. "And take care of you."

"No, Caroline. You're going to see your dad. Don't let me ruin your life."

She smiled.

"You're not ruining my life. You're my friend."

He shrugged as if those two things were the same.

"I'll be fine" he promised.

"Too bad I don't believe you."

She sat down on the grass. It was June and summer was upon them. Her father, who she hadn't spoken to in five years, had called and asked her to come to visit him. A part of her wanted her scream of happiness. But another part wanted to decline his offer, because you aren't supposed to ignore your only daughter for five years.

"You can come with me" she suggested, smiling.

He shook his head.


"Why not? It'll be fun! We can road trip down to Memphis."

"Care, you are going to visit your dad."

"My dad's gay, Stefan. He'll love you!"

"Do you even have a car?" he asked.

"No, but you do."

Stefan's car was nice and shiny. It had a big stereo and leather seats and AC. Caroline smiled.

"This is so much better than the bus" she sighed happily.

Stefan snorted and started the engine. A thrill went through Caroline. They were going. She and Stefan were driving down to Memphis together. To see her dad. There were so many things to be excited about.

"According to the GPS, it will take fifteen hours to drive" Stefan said.

"Turn that off" Caroline groaned. "It ruins it. You're not supposed to have GPS on road trips."

"Why not?"

"Because you don't. Jesus. Have you ever seen a road trip movie? I'll read a map and we'll follow signs."

Stefan shook his head but smiled. He turned the GPS off and put the radio on. He backed out of the driveway.

"We have to establish some rules" she said.

"Rules?" he echoed, his eyes on the road as they exited Mystic Falls.

"Yes. Rule number 1, when I talk too much and you get sick of it, tell me to shut up. It's okay. I know I can get annoying."

"Jesus, Care…"

"Rule number 2, we both have to agree on the music. I can't stand moody rock songs."

"Like this one?" Stefan asked.


Caroline switched stations. This one was playing some new pop hit.

"No" Stefan said.


She switched again and found a country station. Stefan didn't object.

"Rule number three" she continued. "We won't talk about exes. So you don't bring up Tyler or Matt. And I won't bring up that girl that we don't talk about."

Stefan's face contorted for half a second in pain, then he smiled.

"Are that all the rules or are there more?" he asked, pinching her arm.

"That's it for now" she said, pinching him back.

"Hey" he called out. "Don't distract the driver."

She scrunched up her face and leaned back against the seat. This was good. He needed to get out of that house. She was being a good friend.

"I have to warn you about my dad" Caroline said.

"Why?" Stefan asked.

"He's very gay."

"You told me."

She sighed deeply. He didn't get it.

"My dad was a repressed gay for thirty five years and he's trying to make up for that now."


"What I gathered from googling him is that he has five accounts on different dating sites stating that he 'loves sweaty bodies on soft sheets'."

She scrunched up her face in disgust. She had had a min or shock when she had seen a picture of her dad on one of dating sites. He had lost twenty pounds, grown an ugly beard and only seemed to wear clothes by Lacoste. It was a very different man from the one who had married her mother.

"Oh" Stefan said, looking unsure what else to say. "When was the last time you saw him?"

"When I was thirteen, gangly and pimply."

Stefan laughed. Caroline bit her lip. She could joke about it, but it was true. Her dad hadn't seen her since she had become, in lack of a better word, a woman.

"He used to have a boyfriend, the man he left my mom for, Stephen. But apparently, they broke up" Caroline continued.


She shook her head and exhaled. She was more nervous about meeting her dad than she dared to admit to herself.

"It'll be fine, Care" Stefan said softly.

"Yeah" she said. "I guess it will."

She cranked up the volume of a silly country song she recognized. It would be okay. Her dad loved her. He had too. It was in her blood. In their blood.

"Hey, Care" Stefan began.

She turned to look at him. He kept his eyes on the road.

"Thanks for dragging me along."

She smiled.


They passed the border just then. Virginia lay behind them, the road at their feet.