Daddy's Smile

Author: FuuMegami

Email: [email protected]

Rated: PG

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Rayearth characters, and the made up ones are just made up.

Thanks to: those who have been reviewing, the more reviews I get, the more likely it is that I'll finish the story. So thanks again everyone.

Chapter Six

In the morning Kiwako slept past the time she should have been up, dressed, and in the library. She and Tomi had stayed up until five in the morning talking and joking.

"Kiwako," said a voice as the owner of the voice shook her.

"What?" Kiwako grumbled.

"Your teacher is waiting in the library for you, and you're not even dressed!" Miako said as she put her hands on her hips.

Kiwako pulled the blanket from off her head. "I hear you."

"There are going to be a lot of royalty at the ball. Maybe you'll beet a prince." Miako said dreamily.

Kiwako grabbed a dark purple dress that had been laid out for her te night before and she went into the bathroom to change.

"Don't tell me you're boy crazy. Because if you flirt with all the boys, no one will think you're serious." Kiwako said.

"Oh..." Miako said as she stuck out her bottom lip and nodded in thoughtful agreement. "I do want them to think I am serious."

Kiwako washed her face and quick brushed her hair. "Well then pick someone and spend the evening hang out with them."

"Hanging out?" Miako replied, sounding very puzzled.

"Talk, dance, ya know." Kiwako replied as she walked past her sister and out the door.

Miako followed her out into the hall. "Do you think if I help you and your boyfriend with your thing putting our dad with your mom.... Will you convince dad to let me stay in the castle?"

"One, he isn't my boyfriend..." She said as she blushed.

Miako snorted.

"And two, why would you be leaving?"

"School. The finishing school my mother attended has an opening and father wants me to attend. But I'd much rather stay here. And I'd like to learn how to cook. All the things princesses need to know, well, they don't accomplish anything." Miako replied.

"Ok fine, I'll talk to him about it. But first you need to tell him today that you heard my mother talking about how upset she was about their fight last night. And that she wishes he would say sorry and that maybe then she could move on and maybe they could get together." Kiwako replied.

Miako nodded, "alright. I'll do that now, have fun with your lessons."

Kiwako nodded and joined Lady Lang in the library.

"You're late." Lady Lang said as she frowned.

"Yup. You're so observant." Kiwako replied with a bright smile.

"I can already tell this is going to be one very long day." Lady Lang said as she sighed.

"These dresses aren't as nice as my black shorts and white tank tops." Kiwako said as she held out her arms, which were draped in dark purple silk. "Still I guess they're nice."

"We'll start with proper posture." Lady Lang said as she placed a book on Kiwako's head.

"I've already done this before." Kiwako replied as she hopped around the room on one foot with the book on her head. "How are you at ballroom dancing?" Lady Lang asked.

Kiwako grabbed Lady Lang and began dancing with her, much to the woman's surprise. She moved gracefully and soon picked up speed.

"That's enough! I get the picture."

Kiwako laughed. "See I'm a natural."

Lady Lang rolled her eyes. "You are as bad as your father was."

"Cool," Kiwako replied. "One more likeness to my father."

Lady Lang seemed even more annoyed. "Don't talk like that," she snapped.

"Why?" Kiwako countered.

"Never mind."

Kiwako shrugged it off. It made her sad though that people weren't just happy that she was here. She was a part of Ferio's life, his family. And he seemed to enjoy having her around too.

"Are the lessons done yet?" Kiwako asked.

Lady Lang waved her off, "yes, fine. Just go and stay out of the way."

Kiwako grinned and left to find Tomi. He was in the music room dusting the piano, while Miako watched as she sat on the bench. Kiwako was surprised, and a little annoyed to see her there, which made her blush. Kiwako quickly tried to shake the blush.

"Hi Tomi," she said as she tapped him on the back.

"Hi Ki-chan," he replied.

She blushed very very red.

"I mean Kiwako," he said quickly.

Miako raised an eye brow and gave Kiwako a slight grin.

"I, um... I finished my, uh, lessons. Seems I'm, a, I mean, I'm closer to a princess than I, think, oh gosh thought." Kiwako said as she grew even redder.

"You ok?" Tomi asked as he looked a bit worried.

"Oh sure. Yeah." Kiwako replied as she gulped.

Tomi patted her on the back, "that's my girl."

"Well I talked to our father." Miako said finally. "I told him what you told me to say that your mother said. And I truly think he bought it."

Kiwako clapped, "yes!"

"Now all you need to do is go to your mother, and tell her that our father didn't sleep at all last night. And that he feels just terrible and would like to try and work things out, for your sake at least." Miako instructed.

"Sounds good," Kiwako replied as her face was going back to it usual color.

"You know, you have told us much about Earth yet." Miako said. "Is there a lot of difference?"

Kiwako thought for a moment. "Well, yes, and then, no." She thought for a moment. "But really the important stuff seems to be the same. It's just stuff like music, games, that sort of stuff that's different."

Tomi looked at his watch, "I need to go help out with preparing lunch."

"I'll come with you," both girls said at the same time.

Tomi was silent, but he blushed slightly.

"I like watching them prepare the food." Miako said.

"I just like spending time around Tomi." Kiwako replied.

"Well then I guess you both should fallow me." Tomi replied with a shrug.

They both followed, but Kiwako wondered if Miako had other plans in mind. Which shouldn't bother Kiwako, as Tomi wasn't her boyfriend, but it bothered her anyway.

"After lunch I plan on talking to my mother, hopefully she will have had some time and maybe decided to unlock her bedroom door." Kiwako said with a sigh.

"It's going to be ok," Tomi assured her as they walked in to the kitchen.

Miako hung around while Tomi and the cook were talking about what was going to be served.

"Oh, Ki, what do you usually eat for lunch?" Tomi asked.

"Uh... Peanut butter and Jelly Sandwiches." She replied.

Tomi blinked. "Um, ok. We can make that."

"You wanna help?" Kiwako suggested as she looked at Miako.

"Sure, what do I do Tomi?" Miako asked.

"I haven't a clue," he said as he laughed. "I'm just here to serve."

Miako looked disappointed.

"Hey, Ki, you wanna help me get the jelly from the storage room?" Tomi asked.

"You need help with that?" She asked slowly.

He nodded, "a lot of help, please?"

She smiled. "Sure."

They went into the slightly dark storage room where he pointed to a high shelf. "If you could climb this ladder, I'll hold on, and you can pick whatever jelly you like."

She nodded, "ok."

She climbed up and decided on a strawberry jelly. She took it off the shelf and then began to climb down slowly, as she reached the second to the last step on the ladder, she was now eye level with Tomi. Her heart skipped a beat, as their face were so close together. Tomi kissed her softly and Kiwako gladly returned the kiss. Soon the kiss became more passionate and all of the sudden Kiwako dropped the jelly jar. As the jar shattered they broke the kiss.

"Oh no, I'm sorry!" Kiwako yelped as she got off the ladder.

"Don't be, I would have you break every jar in this room to be kissed like that again," he replied.

She laughed and motioned for him to bend down a bit. She kissed him again with her arms around his neck.

"Is everything ok?" Miako called from the kitchen.

"Just fine!" Kiwako called back and giggled.

"Come on, we better clean this up." Tomi replied.

So the got another jar of jelly and then managed to get it to the kitchen unbroken, as well as clean up the broken jar. Afterwards Fuu sat down to lunch with her mother outside in the garden.

"So, how was your day so far?" Fuu asked.

Kiwako smiled, "oh sort of boring. First I had lessons, but they're finished now. Because she can't stand me anyway."

Fuu laughed.

"And then I, chilled with Miako and Tomi." Kiwako replied.

"You and your sister getting along now?" Fuu asked with a half smile.

"Well, I guess. She's really worried about our dad. Because he didn't sleep at all last night. And all he talks about is how sorry he is for hurting you. And he really wants to work things out, for my sake at least." Kiwako said casually.

"Oh really?" Fuu asked, she didn't sound convinced.

"Yes, really. Miako said she thinks it's not really just for my sake though. She says it's because he loves you still. You were always number one in his heart." Kiwako replied.

Fuu sighed and stood up. "I have some things to attend to. Stay out of trouble please."

Kiwako nodded and crossed her fingers behind her back. Maybe her mother was off to find her father, and the two of them would make up finally. She quickly got up and fallowed close behind her mother. Sure enough her mother went to Ferio's usual meeting room, and as she peaked into the key hole she saw Ferio and her mother talking. Soon though they moved out of view, and out ear shot. She could only hope now that they wouldn't explode into a fight or anything.