Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, everything you recognise belongs to J.K Rowling.

Ron and Harry made their way up the Head's Dorm room but they caught Cormac scuttling down the stairs, looking fretfully behind his shoulder.

Harry raised an eyebrow. "Cormac?"

He turned around and let out a sigh of relief. "Thank god you've come Potter. Hermione has lost her mind."

"She's what?" Ron asked.

"She's in the Common Room shouting and throwing things, she's hexing everything in the room. She said, well yelled, something about a Store Room?"

Harry exchanged an anxious look with Ron. "Thanks for telling us McLaggen, we'll take it from here."

The two boys told the portrait the password and cautiously entered the room, as Harry stepped foot inside the Common Room a vase headed straight for his face. Ducking just in time, the vase flew past his head skimming his hair and then it crashed to the floor.

Ron gaped at how messy the room was and then gaped even more at the girl who had caused the mess, who was kicking and screaming like a banshee.

Hermione Granger…was having an emotional breakdown. Her cheeks were red with anger, her eyes were alight with an insanity the two guys have never seen before. Harry slowly edged closer to her.

"Are you okay 'mione?"

Hermione stopped screeching and glared at Harry.

"Do I look okay?"

Ron shrugged. "Well no, you look kind of dreadful-…"

Harry stamped hard on his best friend's left foot making Ron whimper. He hopped on his right leg and cursed Harry.

"You prat! What did you do that for?"

Harry closed his eyes and signalled with his head in Hermione's direction, Ron took a long moment to realise what he'd done. When he did, he let out an 'oh' and shuffled closer to Harry in case Hermione threw another object.

Hermione collapsed onto the couch. "I have a bloody detention! With Malfoy at that, god, kill me now. Please do it," she begged dramatically.

Now that she'd stopped hexing things and screaming, Harry and Ron began to laugh hard. They clutched their stomachs and rolled around on the floor, Hermione glared at the two of them. Her hands on her hips. Not finding anything comical in the situation.

"What is so funny? I'm in a middle of a crisis here!" she growled at them, though she had to admit, they did look quite amusing as they frolicked on the floor. A small grin lifted her lips but she quickly masked it when they looked back at her.

Ron stood up and wiped his fake tears. "I'm so sorry Hermione, it's the wrong time to say this, but when you were hexing things…I think it bounced back or something. Cast a hex that affects the brain by any chance?"

She stiffened. "What on earth do you mean Ronald?"

Harry sniggered uncontrollably. "He's just joking 'mione. What he meant was that you're acting very out of character," Harry explained carefully.

Hermione moaned and sat down on the couch as she buried her face into her hands, she stamped her feet like a 4 year old child having a tantrum. She was over reacting but she couldn't help it, she was just so…angry.

Harry noticing his friend's anguish sat down beside her and put a comforting arm around her shoulders. He pulled her to his side and gently rocked her back and forth.

"Detention with Slughorn shouldn't be so bad 'mione," Harry said.

Hermione frowned. "It's not Slughorn I'm annoyed about, it's Malfoy," she sneered his name as if it disgusted her. Hermione couldn't believe that she thought he was changing, obviously her encounter with him at the Lake was either a practical joke or Malfoy was high on potion fumes or something. It was clear that he wasn't changing.

Ron sat down on her other side, he found himself grinning and enjoying this. He knew he should be comforting Hermione but it was good to know that she still hated Draco Malfoy, Ron had been worrying that the two would miraculously become close since they were partnered together in Potion's.

Ron spent more time watching Hermione and Draco rather than his own cauldron!

"What happened today anyway?" Ron asked. "Last lesson, you looked pretty chummy," Ron said, with a steel edge to his voice.

Hermione gave him an exasperated look. "We were not!" Hermione's cheeks were tinted with a pink hue yet again but this time it was from embarrassment. They'd notice Draco was kind to her last Potion's lesson, if only he were like that today.

Harry threw Ron a look before facing Hermione. "I saw you two getting pretty angry at each other in lesson today, what was that about?."

Hermione gnawed on her bottom lip. God, how was she supposed to tell them that she'd spoken and laughed with Draco Malfoy at the Lake the other day? Which had spurred her thoughts on his changing personality. They'd skin her alive! Harry would shout at her and Ron would threaten to snap Draco's neck in half, though that idea was highly tempting at the moment.

"I-I was trying to put the past behind us last lesson, I'll admit that. Today he was just so rude and I just lost it," Hermione admitted. "I know I shouldn't have but he just infuriates me, he walks around Hogwarts like he owns the place. I can't believe he's the most wanted guy in the school!"

Ron pulled back to examine her entire face. "How'd you know that?"

"What?" Hermione wasn't in the mood for Ron's mind games, she wouldn't hesitate to hex him either.

"I didn't think you'd know something like that."

Crap! Another slip up, Hermione couldn't tell them she was friends with Blaise Zabini either!

"I'd heard it from other girls," she lied. "But that's not the point, the point is I've been given a detention I don't deserve! Malfoy was the one who fell into me," she wailed.

Deep down however, Hermione knew that it wasn't the detention that made her angry but it was what Malfoy had said. The 'poker' joke really irked her and she was close to punching him square in the face again.

I don't have anything shoved my arse. Hermione thought with an angry blush. I'll show him, bloody idiot! Being rude to me and getting me into a detention because of his clumsiness, stupid Slytherin asshole.

"Ah, Miss. Granger," Slughorn said making Draco swivel his head to the door. Indeed, Hermione was there looking rather pissed off. She closed the door behind her.

She was wearing only her school skirt, shirt and jumper. Her sleeves had been rolled up carelessly to show the fair skin of her arms, she'd left her robe off. Draco eyed her subtly, noting that she wasn't as figureless as some people made her out to be. In fact, Hermione was quite a fairly curvy young Witch.

"I'm sorry I'm late, I had to talk to er…Head Boy," she said but sneered at Draco who disguised his laugh as a cough. He knew very well how much of a nuisance Cormac was to Hermione, it always entertained him to see Hermione Granger losing her patience with someone.

Slughorn bowed his head. "Not to worry Miss. Granger, you're here now. You may begin to clean up the mess you and Mr. Malfoy created today, and if you start now, you may leave earlier than I had originally planned to keep you."

"Yes sir," they both grumbled grumpily. Draco had never really cleaned in his life before.

How hard could it be? He pulled out his wand but before he could say the incantation, Slughorn cleared his throat.

"I apologise for not stressing earlier, but I wish you to clean the Store Room without magic."

Hermione simply nodded but Draco gaped at Slughorn. "P-Professor, surely we should be allowed to use magic. This would take ages to clean without it!"

Slughorn smirked at him. "Then you best get started, Mr. Malfoy."

Hermione gruffly picked up a broom and began to sweep up the shards of glass on the floor, when she heard the click of a door opening. She looked to see Slughorn leaving the room.

"S-Sir! Are you not staying here to supervise us?"

Slughorn shook his head. "No, Miss. Granger. I am going to go and get my dinner, but I can assure you that if you use magic I will know about it."

Hermione looked horrified. Alone in a classroom with…Malfoy! Who was going to stop her from strangling him to death!

Hermione sighed heavily and began to sweep again. She'd already checked inside the Store Room and Slughorn had already fixed the broken shelves and new glass jars were on the side ready for the ingredients to be put into them, 15 minutes into the detention she straightened up and glared at Draco who was sitting on the tables kicking his legs.

"Would you do something, you're as useless as the giant squid!" said Hermione as she hopped over some black goo, she assumed it was one of Slughorn's ready made Potion's he would use to show in the beginning of class.

Draco snorted. "Do I look dressed to clean?"

She rolled her eyes. "Anyone would think you were gay with the way you treat your freaking clothes. Worse than a bloody girl."

At that, Draco jumped off the table and stood directly in front of her. She gasped at how close he was, his closeness allowed her to inhale his cologne. She couldn't stop breathing in, he smelt so damn good. Whatever it was, it smelt expensive. Then again, she didn't expect anything less from him.

"You think I'm gay? Would you like me to prove to you that I'm not?"

Hermione was intoxicated with his scent and mesmerised by his blue eyes, they were so clear that she swear she could see right into his soul, even if it did sound cliché. Draco lifted his hand to stroke her arm in a manner that made her shiver.

"Would you like me to prove to you, Granger?" he whispered in her ear softly, repeating his question. Hermione blinked rapidly and gasped when she realised what they were doing, she shoved him away and stepped back from him.

Draco was taken aback by her reaction; he'd never had a girl reject him before! He rubbed his chest looking at Hermione, he was also trying to rub the stinging feeling of rejection away.

"That bloody hurt, would you stop hitting me for one second?" Draco snarled at her. Hermione took a step back but her foot landed into the black goo, causing her to slip. Draco's eyes widened and he grabbed her waist before she dropped onto the floor, clutching her petite body closer to his own.

Hermione instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck and shut her eyes tight, but she never hit the ground. Slowly opening her eyes she saw Draco's worried face inches away from hers, his gaze on her lips before they met her eyes.

"Are you okay?" he asked sincerely. She nodded in a daze and he helped her stand up, steadying her as she swayed unsteadily.

Draco's hands were still around her waist and he found himself not wanting to let go, he'd always thought Hermione Granger was unattractive. Now, he could feel the lustrous curves beneath her unflattering school robes. He was seeing her in a new light, a dangerous light. He shouldn't be feeling this way for Hermione Granger.

"I-I'm fine," Hermione stammered, she stepped away from him and picked up the broom. Using it to keep herself upright. "We s-should get back to cleaning," she said and turned her back to him.

Draco watched her figure longingly before sighing. "Yeah, I'll go get another broom."

What the hell was that? Hermione screamed to herself. She'd felt her heart racing, her cheeks heating up, her stomach knotted pleasantly. Why was she feeling like this? It was Draco bloody Malfoy, the arrogant school bully. The guy that allowed his aunt to torture her.

She couldn't however deny the feelings that pooled inside of her when Draco held her so close.

I've been single for way too long. She convinced herself, she kept sneaking sideway glances at Draco. Hermione swore he was looking at her too but she wasn't 100% sure. She didn't want to think about him anymore.

I have Cormac to deal with, he's annoying enough. I don't need Malfoy to complicate my life even more!

Sometime later, Slughorn returned just as Draco and Hermione had swept up the last of the ingredients and stored them in a jar.

"Ah, well done Mr. Malfoy, Miss. Granger. I trust you two will do better next lesson, you're dismissed."

They bowed and rushed out of the room, Hermione was heading to her dorm but she felt a presence beside her. She looked to see Draco walking beside her, their elbows brushing slightly.

She leaned away from him in surprise. "What are you doing?"

"I'm walking you back to your dorm."

"Why? I thought you didn't want to talk to me?" Hermione bitterly quoted him from their Potion's class earlier that day. Draco rolled his eyes; trust Hermione Granger to remember everything he said. Yes, he should ignore her but it didn't mean he had to stop acting like a gentleman. He could walk her back, there's no harm in that.

"A guy should never let a girl walk around by herself at night time, and we don't have to talk," Draco reminded her blankly. His words were similar to the ones he'd said when he'd walked Hermione to her dorm after spending time with him at the Lake.

Not completely comfortable after their argument this morning and their latest detention fiasco, but she would rather him with her than walking around Hogwarts corridors at night time. And she would definitely have Draco with her rather than Cormac! At least Hermione was certain the walk back to her dorm would be in silence.

She still had trouble with walking by herself at night in Hogwarts, after the War. She would still see the pale faces of those who'd died…Remus and Tonks and Fred. The school had kindly put up a large memorial at the entrance to the Great Hall, in memory of those who had bravely died. She just couldn't believe it was all last year, that Voldemort truly was gone.

When they reached Hermione's dorm, she wanted to say thank you but Draco was already walking away. Scowling to herself she entered her dorm and prepared herself for Cormac's unwanted attention.

"So detention with Malfoy was…okay?" Ginny double checked at breakfast the next few days.

Both Ginny and Hermione had been bombarded with so much homework since it was N.E.W.T's year that the two had barely time to talk, which was why Ginny was so behind on the latest gossip. Thankfully, it was a Saturday so it was a break for everyone.

Hermione took a long sip of her water before nodding. "Yes, Gin. It was fine."

Actually, it was so far from 'fine' but she didn't want to admit that. She didn't want to have the conversation with Ginny, Hermione was sure she would turn it into something much more serious than it actually was. Ginny inherited that trait from her mother.

Ginny narrowed her eyes. "Okay."

Ron and Harry entered the Great Hall, Ron – who looked rather tired – sat opposite Hermione and Harry sat in between Ginny and Hermione. He gave her a long kiss that made Hermione blush and look away, Ron being the nosy idiot that he was, pulled a face.

"Can you please not molest my sister near food? Come on!"

They laughed and pulled away from each other but Harry kept his arm around Ginny.

"So what time are Quidditch trials again?" Ginny asked Harry, who was still Gryffindor Quidditch Captain. Harry bit into his toast before answering.

"At 11 love."

Hermione giggle. "Uh, Harry, it's 10:45."

Harry choked on his drink and looked at the clock, he cursed under his breath. "Bugger! Uh okay, got to run then." He gave Ginny a hasty kiss. "Sorry love, I'll see you at tryouts. Come on Ron," Harry urged and dragged Ron away, who had a piece of bacon hanging out of his mouth.

"Ey! I ain't finished yet!"

People laughed at the scene the two guys caused, as they argued on the way out. Ginny looked at Hermione with a twinkle in her eye. "Let's go get ready for the tryouts."

When the two girls reached the Quidditch pitch an unexpected thing happened, Madame Hooch had split the field in half. One half was used by the Gryffindor's whilst the other by the Slytherin's.

Hermione looked at Ginny with a worried expression. "This is not going to end well."

Ginny mounted her broom and joined the others in the air, who were gathered in a circle. Hermione had taken to seating on the highest level of the stands to get a good view. She tried to see who the Slytherin Captain was but she couldn't quite make out who it was. Hermione was positive it was someone in her year and not in Ginny's; she'd heard it from Seamus Finnegan who's heard it from a Ravenclaw that it was an 8th year (Those re-taking their 7th year were referred to as the 8th year). She spotted Blaise though. He was lounging handsomely on his broom, some girls who had come to watch the tryouts were ogling him with dazzled eyes.

Blaise and Hermione had talked about Quidditch before. He was appalled that she'd never realised his position on the team in previous games, she didn't understand why guys got so angry when girls didn't pay attention to their sport. Blaise had practically drummed into her mind that he was Chaser, making sure she wouldn't forget.

Harry, Ginny and Ron flew over to Hermione. She felt a stab of envy towards the three of them, she'd always wanted to be able to fly a broom but she was deathly afraid of heights. She miserably failed Flying Lessons in their first year, Madame Hooch had said she was faint hearted when it came to heights and she didn't have a good enough argument to disagree. Harry and Ginny had tried to teach her during one of their many stays at The Burrow during the Summer Holidays, but it always ended with Hermione being on the verge of hexing both of them.

"Can you still hold the tryouts?" Hermione asked. "Or will you need to reschedule?"

Harry shook his head. "Can't, there's so many people who are trying out for the team since so many are re-doing their 7th year at Hogwarts that there isn't enough time for each house till the season starts."

Ron rolled his eyes. "Says Madame Hooch, honestly, the woman is a batty old cow. Who on earth would put Slytherin's and Gryffindor's on the same pitch during tryouts? That's like dangling a bloody fly in front of a spider."

"Do you even know who the Slytherin Captain is?" Hermione asked curiously. Just then a streak of blonde flashed across the pitch, all four of them sucked in sharp breaths. Draco had flown over to the four, his broom slick and expensive looking like most of his belongings. All four pairs of eyes zeroed in on the shiny 'Captain' badge that hung proudly on Draco's toned chest.

Ron looked positively furious. "Malfoy? You're the Slytherin Captain?"

Draco curled his lip into a menacing grin. "That's right; I'm Captain this year and I'm going to put a team together that can beat yours with their eyes shut, Weasley."

Harry glared at Draco. "Funny, coming from the bloke who bought his way in. How'd you get Captain? Threw in a few galleons to Hooch?"

Ginny gave Draco a hard stare but she was holding Harry back; she didn't want him to get into trouble. Harry has had enough trouble to last him several lifetimes.

Draco rolled his eyes. "I should be offended by your lack of belief in my Captain status. I was offered the position because I'm a worthy candidate, and no, I didn't buy my way in Potter."

Hermione swallowed, her throat becoming thick. If Draco was the new Slytherin Captain then it means that he's allowed to use the Prefect bathroom, great. Not only did she have to avoid Cormac but Draco now too! Would she ever get any peace?

Ron snorted rudely. "You, worthy? Last time I remember, you crushed your balls and lost to us, Malfoy," Ron recalled their second year when Draco was the new Slytherin Seeker. Harry unconsciously squeezed his legs in a protective manner as he too remembered the moment.

"That was a long time ago Weasel-bee, I have improved believe it or not. And all I have to say is, may the best team win," and Draco flew back to the Slytherin half. Ginny blinked dazedly.

"Did I see sportsmanship from Malfoy? My god, he didn't even insult anyone. Not even 'mione, what's gotten into him?" Ginny voiced out loud what everyone was thinking.

Hermione had thought the exact same thing some time ago at the Lake but he'd proved her wrong at their Potion's class, now she was all up for insulting Draco. Then again, he had said he was tired of arguing with Harry and Ron. Continuously fighting to be the best, maybe that statement was true.

She sniffed indignantly, who cares if he does want to stop arguing? He was still a dick who made it clear he didn't want to speak to her. She didn't need anyone like him in her life, Hermione had her friends, her family and her books. She didn't need a guy who has issues with her 'blood'.

The thing was, Hermione had trouble convincing herself that she didn't need someone like Draco. Why am I even thinking of this? He didn't want to talk to me in Potions, he's made it clear he wants nothing to do with me. He walked me to my dorm out of pure courtesy, not because he was any feelings for me.

"Who cares?" Hermione piped up. "He's still the same arrogant twat, who thinks he's better than everyone else because of his Pureblood status. Besides, he has a terrible habit of dragging people down with him in detentions."

Harry and Ron gave her strange looks, but they kept their opinions to themselves. Hermione continued with her speech, she looked at her friends dressed in their Quidditch robes.

"Go show those 'good for nothing Slytherin's' how a real Quidditch team plays," Hermione said with a loud clap of her hands. The three flew away casting odd looks back at Hermione; Ginny leaned in to her brother.

"Is she alright? She's acting a bit…different," Ginny asked. Ron shrugged.

"Don't really know what's happening to her. You think she needs to go to the Hospital Wing?" Ron answered in a worried tone, Ginny shook her head.

"Oh, I'm not saying it's a bad thing. It's just, this year she seems…occupied. And not with her studies for a change. Like she's avoiding something but she's not telling me what she is avoiding."

Blaise saw Hermione sitting on the stands and he grinned when she waved at him discreetly, he gave her a wave back. Draco flew beside him and raised his brows.

"Who you waving to?"

Blaise moved his arm back down to his side. "No one, just stretching my arm that's all. Why'd you go to the Gryffindor's?" he asked, making sure to put enough venom in his voice.

"Just making sure they know what's coming for them. Potter and Weasley have no idea how much I've improved since Second Year, being a Death Eater allowed me to improve certain skills."

Blaise arched a brow at how Draco openly admitted he was a former Death Eater. "What about Granger? Did she have anything…confusing to say?"

Draco felt disgruntled at Blaise's question for some reason, a feeling bubbled at the pit of his stomach. He didn't know why but he didn't like how Blaise inquired after Hermione. Draco shouldn't even care but he did, he was starting to think the whole 'ignore Hermione Granger' plan was a little on the dumb side. It was obvious that he couldn't ignore her, the two managed to stray into the other's life even if they hadn't mean to!

However, he was going to try his best to.

"Nothing, she stayed quiet actually," Draco replied after a long moment of thinking. He was quite disappointed, he'd expected her to at least congratulate him. Then again, he was the reason she'd received a detention from Slughorn the other night. The thought made him smile to himself.

Blaise sighed sadly. He was hoping she'd said something to Draco so he could use it against her during their rounds to tease her.

Draco stared at him for a few seconds before calling his team to attention; he was going to put a good team together this year. He was going to make sure that Slytherin would take the Quidditch Cup and not the Gryffindor's this year, he was sick of Gryffindor getting the cup every year.

"Right, everyone get into a line!" Draco bellowed, and he was pleased to see that they followed him immediately. "First of all, thank you for coming to tryout. I'd like to say that even if you were on the team last year it doesn't mean you'll get an immediate position this year, everyone has a fair tryout and the decisions made will be based on everyone's performance today."

People were whispering amongst themselves at Draco's words.

"Is he really the son of a former Death Eater?"

"He's changed since the War has ended, not so much of the twat that he was."

"Do you think he's faking this whole 'nice' act?"

Draco felt a large lump build in his throat at that last statement. Was he being nice? He didn't think he'd changed that much since the end of the War, yes; he didn't insult people all the time. Yes, he'd stopped putting people down if they were poor or Muggle-born and rarely thought about people's family background anymore. Yes, he was trying to put his past behind him. Never once though did it cross his mind that he was being nice, no one had ever told him he was nice. Apart from Pansy of course and she meant it in a completely different context.

It kind of hurt though, to think that some thought he was faking it. He didn't know he was being 'nice' in the first place!

People were seeing him in a new light, and he didn't know whether to be pleased or angry. Did he want people to perceive him in a different way? His gaze wavered off to the Gryffindor half of the pitch, to the stands where a girl sat with a book in her lap. He had to grin at that, only Hermione Granger would think to come to a Quidditch tryout and bring a book!

"Urm, Draco?" Blaise called, nudging him lightly. Draco was pulled out of his thoughts and cleared his throat.

"Oh right, sorry. First, I'd like those trying out for Chasers to line up over here. The others, you can sit and rest for a moment. Or warm up if you wish."

Ron on the other half of the pitch was watching Draco with hate filled eyes.

"Look at him prance around like he owns the place. It's pathetic," Ron said to Harry, who rolled his eyes.

"He is Slytherin's Quidditch Captain Ron; he kind of does own the team."

"Can't think what convinced Hooch to give Malfoy Captain, can't she see he's a slimey git with rubbish hair?"

"That was a desperate blow, Ron. Even for you," Ginny commented. "Look, let's stop hating Malfoy and get on with our tryouts. God, you two are worse than a pair of gossiping fourth year girls. Besides, almost all the girls at this school think Malfoy has nice hair."

Harry crossly crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Oh really? Are you one of those girls?"

"No, I only have eye for your hair," Ginny said with a small role of her eyes. Nonetheless, it satisfied Harry and their own tryout's began.

Hermione clapped her hands eagerly as Ginny dived and stole the Quaffle from a guy twice her size, she swivelled in an elegant circle and aimed to shoot at a hoop. She let her arm swing forcefully and the Quaffle whizzed towards Ron who saved it just in time. Ginny stuck her tongue out at him.

Hermione honestly didn't know if she was cheering for Ron or Ginny. Let's just say her friends, which was the safest thing to say since it didn't show any favouritism. She couldn't help but notice how good a Quidditch Captain Harry was, half of the people who tried out were only there to get a glimpse of the famous Harry Potter but he just gave them all a polite and kind smile, patient with all their questions that never seemed to end. Some even asked for his autograph!

Hermione giggled when she saw Ginny pull Harry away from a girl who had hugged him. Harry was a true leader, people listened to him and people obeyed him. He respected everyone and what they had to say. It was quite amazing to watch.

She couldn't help but sneak a peek at the Slytherin half of the pitch, she saw that for once, the Slytherin's were conducted in an orderly fashion rather than the chaotic mess their tryout's or practices usually were. All thanks to…Draco Malfoy. Hermione watched as he flew over to a girl who had been accidentally hit by a Beater's bat on the arm, Draco rubbed her arm before escorting her down to the ground and asked if someone could take her to Madame Pomfrey.

Draco then calmly ordered those who were trying out to be beater's to be more careful, and they all chorused a loud 'yes Captain' back. Hermione couldn't believe what she was seeing, though Draco was unbelievably rich and of Pureblood descent, people always found him to be a bastard. No one had liked him in the previous years and had only been friends with him because it saved them from being the target of his insulting jibes, now; they all seemed to follow him like people followed Harry. Though not as reverently as some of Harry's newfound followers but it was more or less on the same track.

"Didn't your parents ever tell you that it was rude to stare?" a voice said from…above?

Hermione looked up and saw Blaise hovering over her head, she gasped and glared at him before shutting her book.

"Are you trying to get me killed Zabini? Ron will hex us into oblivion if he finds out you're here!"

Blaise snorted. "Weasel-bee is busy, as are the rest of the 'oh so charming Gryffindor's'. By the way, I can whoop Weasley's ass in a duel with a eyes shut and hands tied around my back."

Hermione punched his leg, hurting herself more than him but she had to admit that he was right. The Gryffindor's were flying with fierce concentration, she wasn't so sure about the duel comment though. They were perhaps on the same skill level when it came to a duel. Hermione smiled.

"At least they take the game seriously and win us the Cup."

"I do take Quidditch seriously!" Blaise yelped in protest. "And if you must know, I've been a consistent member of the Slytherin Quidditch team. What does that say, Granger?"

Hermione laughed. "Don't you mean a consistent reserved member of the Slytherin Quidditch team?"

Blaise glared at her. "You really know how to knock a guy's ego, Granger."

Hermione rolled her eyes and flicked her hair over her shoulders. "I only learn from the best, Zabini."

"And by the best do you mean me?" questioned Blaise, flashing he his signature smirk. Hermione couldn't help but notice that Blaise's smirks were different from Draco's, Blaise looked charming and handsome whereas Draco's were sexy and alluring.


Hermione gasped and jumped violently in her seat, Blaise geared his broom off to the Slytherin half of the pitch, and luckily he was well out of sight when Ginny Weasley made her way over.


"I made the team again!" Ginny announced excitedly after a long pause, Hermione clapped and hugged her friend tightly. She let out a sigh of relief.

Thank god Ginny didn't see Blaise!

"Oh my gosh, Gin! That's amazing; I knew you would get into the team. You're one of the best Chasers we have!"

Ginny blushed but kept her calm demeanour. "Thanks but there are some pretty good newcomers this year too. See those two guys over there?"

Ginny pointed to a guy with dark sandy blonde hair. "That's Christopher Middleton, he's in my year. And if I wasn't dating Harry, I'd seriously jump the guy's bones."

Hermione swatted her arm. "Gin! Don't you have any shame?"

"I'm a Weasley, of course I don't," Ginny said as a matter-of fact, as if her surname explained her behaviour. "And the guy with the really blonde hair is Connor Darvil. Kind of like Malfoy's hair, though not that blonde."

Hermione did recognise Connor, he was in her History of Magic class and he was known as the 'class clown'. In a way, Connor reminded her of George Weasley but Connor never played pranks. He was more of a smart arse talker, pranks were too 'time consuming' in his mind.

"Yeah I know him; I didn't know Darvil played Quidditch."

"Me neither, he'd never come to a single tryout in the past. Apparently, he only came today because he was dared to. Pissed Ron right off but Darvil's a pretty good Chaser, so Harry put him on the team. You should have seen Ron's face when Darvil made the team."

Hermione watched as Ron grumpily tossed the Quaffle to Connor's waiting arms, she had to snigger. All Weasley's had a terrible temper.

"Well, at least McLaggen didn't try out this year," Hermione reasoned. "He said something about focusing on his studies?"

Ginny grinned. "You know he's only saying that to impress you."

"Well it isn't working, he's got the brains of a chicken! Last night, he kept going on about he knew all these spells…they were from 'Standard Book of Spells – First Years'," Hermione exclaimed. She'd read the book before she even began her first year at Hogwarts.

"Not all of us are geniuses 'mione," Ginny said teasingly. "We should be done soon, Ron's the Keeper. Darvil, Middleton and I are the Chasers. Harry's the seeker so we only need to find two beaters, mind waiting for another 30 minutes?"

"Yeah, I don't mind. I have my book if I get bored," Hermione assured her as she raised her large, bulky Library book.

"Don't let Ron see you have that out here, he'd go mental," Ginny warned before she flew away.

"Where did you go?" Draco asked Blaise as he flew to his side.

"Just around, so are we done today? Got the team sorted?"

Draco shook his head. "Almost, I just need to see these last two 4th years trying out for the Keeper positions. Then it's a wrap for today."

A solid 30 minutes had gone by and Draco had chosen his team for this year, and he was glad with his choices.

Blaise, a girl named Melina West and a guy named George Porter were the three chasers. Blaise was fast and agile, Melina had a good right arm and George's aim was impeccable.

The two beaters were Blake Lockyer and Kurt Goot, both had good aim and neither had fouled during tryouts. A quality that impressed Draco, since Slytherin beaters were famously known for fouling.

Keeker was a dainty but unbelievably quick Evie Northwood, Evie had saved all the Quaffle's thrown her way with a graceful ease that assured her a position in the new Slytherin team.

Draco sighed contently and turned his head to see that the Gryffindor's were all heading back towards the castle, some to the Changing Rooms. Draco cleared his throat, gathering everyone's attention.

"Congratulations to those who made the team. To those who didn't…"

Everyone seemed to hold their breath, waiting for him to come out with a snide comment.

"I'm sorry, everyone was brilliant. I wish I could have everyone on the team, but there is always next year. I encourage everyone to try out again; don't let this be the end of your Quidditch dream. Please support us at our next game, against Ravenclaw."

People whispered in shock at his words but all bustled in to the Changing Rooms.

"What?" Draco asked pointedly as Blaise gave him a look that said 'wtf'. "Why does everyone look like I've got a wart on my face or something?"

"Nothing mate, just…weird seeing you all soppy, is all."

Draco grinned. "Shut it and get change, not too late to revoke the Chaser title."

Hermione was walking to the Changing Room's with Ginny, who stopped suddenly.

"Shit, I left my cloak at the Quidditch hoops. I'll go get it."

Hermione however, blocked her way. "No, I can go get it for you. You still need to shower and change."

Ginny stared at her. "Are you sure? I can go-…"

"I'm sure, Gin," Hermione said with a role of her eyes. "Go and get yourself a warm shower and changed. Where was your cloak again?"

"At the Quidditch hoops."

Ginny watched Hermione walk back towards the pitch with curious eyes.

"You coming love?" Harry asked, taking her hand into his. Ginny blinked and gave him a loving smile.

"Yeah, I am."

Hermione was met by a cold breeze as she spotted the bright red cloak hanging on the highest Quidditch hoop. Hermione grumbled.

"Trust bloody Ginny Weasley to leave it on the highest one."

She crossed the pitch and took out her wand, summoning the cloak to her but it didn't move.

"Accio Cloak," Hermione tried again but the result was the same. "For goodness sake," Hermione hissed. She wasn't used to failing, in any situation.

Suddenly she heard a 'woosh' sound behind her; she turned around quickly to see Draco Malfoy circle the pitch with an admirable speed. He looked good on his broom, his blonde hair whipped back handsomely. A look of concentration masked his handsome face, his blue eyes were focused.

That was when Hermione saw the speck of gold flitting wildly in the air, it was then that Hermione realised it was the snitch.

"Of course you idiot, Malfoy's the Slytherin Seeker," said Hermione quietly to herself. She even slapped her forehead lightly for being forgetful. She turned her attention back to the unmoving cloak and she frowned.

Hermione chewed her bottom lip, only thinking of one solution to her problem. Clearing her throat, she began waving her arms in the air like a lunatic on crack. Draco smirked as he saw the bushy haired girl trying to get his attention; he pretended to ignore her and flew past her. He was deliberately slowing down to irk her.

Hermione growled low in her throat. "For fuck sake! DRACO MALFOY!"

Draco laughed at her loud shriek, oddly liking how his name sounded when it was being screamed by her. An unintended image of entered his mind. Him and Hermione in an abandoned classroom, heavy breathing and her shouting his name in a breathy exclamation of pleasure…


Draco swallowed before composing himself to be more relaxed and cold, as he flew over to her side. "What do you want Granger?"

"Can you get that cloak for me?"

Draco snorted at her sharp voice. "What's the magic word Granger?"

"I've tried a Summoning Charm but the cloak probably has an-..."

"No, not that magic word. The one that begins with a 'P' and ends with an 'E'."

She really didn't want to say it but she knew better, she was polite regardless who the person was. Damn her Muggle parents for teaching her to be so polite!

"Fine," she said haughtily, refusing to meet his gaze. "Will you get the cloak for me… please?"

Draco didn't move an inch. "Say it nicely Granger, you're hurting my feelings here."

Hermione let out a frustrated scream. "JUST GET THE EFFING CLOAK MALFOY!"

If Draco had been on the ground he would have jumped back in surprise, he'd never seen Hermione so irritated before or shout so loud. It amused him that he was the reason for her distress; he got to see a different side to her.

"Alright, calm down. Keep your hair on, no need to shout," said Draco. He flew to the Quidditch hoops and fetched the cloak and when he handed it to Hermione she snatched it out of his hands.

"I'll be off then," Hermione said indifferently and began to walk away but Draco cleared his throat for a good 5 seconds and hovered next to her.

Violence is bad, violence is bad. Hermione chanted in her thoughts before turning around to face him again.


"Don't I get a thank you?" Draco asked incredulously. "I went through all that trouble and I don't even get a 'thank you Draco, you are the best'."

"It was hardly any trouble at all, I would have done it myself but I don't have a broom and the summoning charm didn't work. And you are not the best," Hermione said heatedly. She prayed she wasn't blushing…too much; Draco Malfoy certainly was the best in terms of looks and how many girls were dying to do him.

Draco should have been insulted but he was enjoying this far more than he should have, he loved seeing the fire in Hermione's eyes when she was angry and as sick as this sounds, he found her insanely hot when she was pissed off.

He shrugged calmly. "Okay, I'm just going to go to the Gryffindor Common Room later then."

"Why?" Hermione questioned, her lips pressed into a thin line.

"Going to talk to the female Weasley of course." Draco said it as if it was the most obvious thing on the planet. "You know, to tell her that I was the one who got her cloak back so she'd thank me. I guess I might see you later Granger."

Hermione breathed in sharply, if Ron found out his sister's cloak was touched by Draco Malfoy, Ron would rip Draco's throat out and burn the cloak. It would be an overreaction of course but given the two's history, it was understandable. Plus, Harry and Ron would give her stick for asking for Draco's help in the first place.

"Fine! Thank you, are you happy? Thank you!"

Draco lowered himself so he was level with her eyes, he leaned in slightly so he could stare deep into those chocolate brown eyes that were slightly dazed but still beautiful and full of intelligence.

"Say it like you mean it."

It was like she had been Imperiused, she was doing exactly what he wanted. Hermione swallowed. Her mouth suddenly dry.

"T-Thank you," she managed to stutter finally. Draco pulled back and gave her a small smile.

"Anytime Granger."

And then he flew away. Hermione's breathing was laboured as she stumbled her way towards the Gryffindor's changing rooms, wondering what the hell was happening to her heart. It was beating way too fast for its own good.


She looked up to see Harry looking at her curiously; he took a seat next to her.

"Oh, hi Harry."

"Are you okay? You just seem slightly dazed ever since you came back from the Quidditch pitch." Harry's dark hair was damp from his shower so it fell into his eyes, making him flick it out of the way constantly. It was distracting but it was oddly handsome, Harry was turning into quite a good looking guy now that he'd stopped stressing all night about Voldemort. Also, since Harry had got his own flat, he was able to eat properly rather than the measly portions he had gotten when living with the Dursley's. He'd gained weight but all the Quidditch training had turned it into toned muscles, Hermione knew Harry had a faint six pack…she'd seen it herself and had heard countless accounts from Ginny.

"I-I'm fine, just a bit exhausted you know?" Hermione could have slapped herself. Here she was sitting next to the Quidditch Captain who'd flown for hours whilst she sat on the stands reading her book, yeah…she was knackered.

"Hey," Ginny greeted them both as she towel dried her hair. Harry decided to leave the two girls alone to talk, he gave Ginny a quick kiss before heading out to find Ron. Ginny took Harry's seat.

"Here's your cloak." Hermione handed it to her but she pulled it away at the last second. "You know, you could have told me you'd put an anti-summoning charm on the damn thing!"

"Sorry, it's just when Quidditch robes are summoned, you never know if you get your own one or someone else's. I don't know why they don't put a distinction charm on the robes. Anyway, I put an anti-summoning charm on it so no one else gets my Robes, but you got it didn't you?"

"Yeah, with bloody great difficulty," Hermione mumbled like a 5 year old child in a strop. Ginny smirked.

"And was the 'great difficulty' asking some hot Slytherin to help you?"

This is a VERY long chapter, to make up for not updating in a while! The chapters to get progressively longer, let me know if you prefer longer or shorter chapters! Because then I can change it :)

I am sorry for not updating, I've been busy but I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Please, please, please let me know what you think by giving me a review!

Love strawberrys13 x