This story, I was talking to my friend Nikki about my ideas for BTR. Knowing these ideas are FAR to dark to even happen on the show or even Teennick I figured why not make it into a fic. I own no one. Everyone is property of themselves and BTR.

Enjoy :] Just a warning if you are wary of drugs, death, random mental issues and things of the sort...this fic is not the fic for you.

"James how are you doing today?" The therapist asked as he fixed his glasses on his face. Today he was seeing his most frequent patient, James Diamond and apparently he hasn't been doing that good.

"Me and James are doing great today." James smiled at his reflection in the mirror as he answered the question.

"Are you really? I heard you had a meltdown."

"No that was James. I was fine. He had a hair out of place. Rooms were torn apart."

" know that he can't do that. He's in your mind."

"He's not in my mind! Stop telling me that. James doesn't like when you say he's not real he hurts me!" James said showing the therapist the cuts on both his arms. "The more people don't believe in him, the more he wants' to prove he exists."

"James...I'd hate to say it but I think you did that to yourself."

"No I didn't! James hurt me! He cut me. He picked up the knife to punish me for you not believing I exist." James said with tears in his eyes. He was honestly afraid of his other self and just couldn't understand how his therapist didn't believe him.

"James calm down." The therapist went over to give James a hug but he pulled away from him.

"Don't touch me. James doesn't like when people who don't believe in him try to touch me."

"James you need to break free from him."

"I can't. He owns me." James blinked up to stop the tears from falling. "Is this session over?" James said going in his pocket to give the therapist the money for his session. He was getting beyond nervous for some reason and he couldn't explain why. He started shaking and his therapist took a note down before returning to his seat to ask James more questions.

"Why are you shaking?"

"Because I'm scared."

"Of what? No one is going to hurt you"

"Yes you will...just like everyone else does. You are going to hurt me."

"No I won't. James I'm your friend."

"No you aren't! STOP LYING TO ME!" James said throwing himself on the floor and punching the ground. He was having one of his 'fits' and by now his therapist knew what to do. All he had to do was say one word.

"Lila." He said softly which stopped James mid fit. He went back to his chair and just started shaking again. Lila was the name of James dear grandmother that he lost. The one thing that kept him sane. Even though when he was way little he had his other self, his Grandma Lila kept it away but now that she has passed on, it's almost like his other self decided to break him in everyway for letting his Grandma repress his existence. Almost like a child who didn't get his grandmothers love, James other self seems to be torturing James out of jealousy of the love that Grandma Lila had for James and felt he was faded out of existence almost like he was a disgrace and not to be seen by other people. Like Quasimodo or Sloth from The Goonie's he felt he was locked away but now, oh now he was going to get back at James. "James you need to take your medication."

"James won't let me. He flushed it down the toilet."

"You can't keep doing this."

"Stop saying I'm doing it! James is doing this! Stop trying to make it seem like I'm making these decisions myself. Don't you think I want to get better? Don't you think I'd like to have my own mind? I can't because James doesn't want me to be happy. I can't control him. He controls me. He owns me. There is nothing I can do."

"James you need to just ...remember the exercise...recite Lila's name over and over till you calm down. "

"I can't... He will asphyxiate me. He makes my throat close up...he makes me stutter over words. He made me...he made me put Carlos in the hospital..."


"I said too much. I'm sorry James. I'm sorry I admitted it. Yes I'll go home right now. I'm sorry." James said to his reflection as he clumsily got up and tripped over his therapist desk but swiftly got up and ran out the office. He didn't even care about paying. James didn't care about paying. All he knew was he needed to get home and deal with consequences his other half was about to unleash unto him.