'What is this feeling?' I wonder as I clutch my chest slightly, feeling my rapid heartbeat through my clothes, 'My chest feels like it's constricting in on itself, like there's some burning deep, down inside. I've never felt this feeling before.' My eyes slowly fluttered closed. 'Is it because of her?' I wonder, feeling my cheeks flush slightly just from thinking that. I open my eyes, "It couldn't be." Slips from my lips.

"Acchoo!" The sound of me sneezing interrupted the peaceful quiet around me as I walked to school one cold, December morning. Rubbing my nose, I thought to myself, 'I wonder who's talking about me.' I wrapped the fuzzy pink scarf tighter around my neck and tried to pull on my skirt slightly to try to cover more of my legs-with no success.

"Sayakaaa~!" I hear someone yell behind me.

I turn around, already knowing who that voice belonged to, "Kyouko, good morning." I replied to her enthusiastic greeting. "You know, it's nice that you came to greet me, but why are you here? You don't go to my school." I asked her, my eye-brow arched.

Kyouko cocked her head, looking over her shoulder, "There's a convience store over in that direction, and I thought I'd go get some breakfast." She explained, pointing to a store behind her.

I gave her a look, knowing that more-then-likely, Kyouko didn't have any money and was going to use her "five finger discount" to get her breakfast. "Have fun." I replied, dryly, putting on my fake smile.

Kyouko gave me one last, toothy grin, before turning around and running off. Strangely, for some reason, as I watched her figure running off, her green jacket fluttering behind her like a cape for a superhero, her thigh-hugging shorts foolishly uncovering her legs even though it was the dead of winter, I felt my cheeks flush hot.

Surprised and slightly embarrassed from these thoughts, I shook my head, trying to forget about it.

I looked back up just in time to see her trip and fall right on face. I almost wanted to run over there when- "Sayaka-chan~!" I hear coming towards me.

I look to my right and see Madoka Kaname running towards me, her cotton-candy pink pigtails whipping in the wind, her red ribbons, that tie up those pig-tails, bouncing up and down.

"What are you doing?" She asked me, smiling her cute, puppy-dog smile, "School's getting ready to start."

"Ah, sorry, I'll be right there." I replied, sheepishly.

As Madoka turned around, I sneaked one last peek back over to Kyouko to see her getting up and brushing herself off, looking around to make sure no one saw her. I couldn't help but smile and inwardly chuckle before running off to catch up to Madoka.

As we get in the classroom, I instantly spot Homura Akemi giving her usual cold stare my way. I smile nervously, "G-good morning, Akemi-san." I tell her.

Her expression never changes like it does every day, "Good morning to you, Miki-san." She replies, devoid of emotion.

I inwardly shuddered as I sit down in my seat, trying not to make any more eye-contact with her.

The teacher comes in, "Class is starting, students! Please get in your seats!" She instructs as she walks to the podium at the front of the room, and almost instantly starts off with complaining about some boy-friend who recently broke up with her.

Jeez, this is about the fourth man who's broken up with her.

Eventually, half-way through her crying I eventually fell asleep, because I was awoken when I heard a tapping sound at the window. I lifted my head off the desk to see Kyouko grinning like an idiot and furiously tapping at the window, seeing that it got my attention.

Remind you, my seat is spot in the middle of the room, so yes, many people saw her doing this, then looked at me after seeing that it was my attention she was trying to get.

Embarassed and confused, I quickly got up and ran out of the room, ignoring the teacher and Madoka's attempts to call me back. Running outside, I realized not wearing my coat or scarf was probably a bad idea as the wind decided to pick up at that moment.

"Ah! Finally found you! Man, this place is huge, it's like a maze!" I hear Kyouko yell as she runs up to me, her long candy-apple red hair, tied up in a messy pony-tail bobbing left-to-right.

"What are you doing here? Couldn't this have waited until after school?" I asked, ignoring her comments.

She shook her head, "No, because I wanted to give you this before I forgot." She replied.

She reached into the plastic bag and pulled out a red-delicious apple. She grabbed my hand and gently put the apple on my palm.

I looked confused, "What's this for?" I asked her, looking confused.

Kyouko smiled, " When we met earlier, I noticed you weren't carrying your usual bento that you always carry and I thought you'd want at least a little something to eat later." She explained.


"R-really?" I looked down at the apple, blushing slightly, "You didn't have to do that, though."

"Well that's what friends do for other friends, right?" Kyouko replied, grinning.

I chuckled, sheepishly, "Yeah, real good friends." I said, my voice deflating at the end.

Kyouko turned to leave, "Oh yeah! I almost forgot, come by my hide-out later, I have something I want to give you." She told me, running towards the school entrance.

"E-eh? G-give me something?" I stuttered out, 'What could she have to give me?' I thought.

This is getting interesting, my heart just might give out from beating like this all the time.