So, its been a while and I wouldn't blame you if you hated me.

But I feel I should explain, so... what happened?

Well for reasons unknown to me, the last episode of Chloe king had me so upset, I couldn't sit to write at all for weeks. This is strange as writing was/is at the/this time, my largest joy in life and then when I began to see light at the end of a dark tunnel I had no reason to be in, I went homeless/moved.

That was... an experience, not a terribly long one it was only a few hours and then I found someone to take me in. Im now living in a room all my own, paying rent, still trying to get a pair of shoes (boots proffered with winter on the way) and a coat if its not too much to own.

I've had to say goodbye to a lot of things I loved, my cats, my dog, family and siblings, still I feel I've moved forward. Well this is getting a little to personal for an apology/please-let-me-explain letter so I'll cut it here.

This was me, I now own, a box and four shopping bags, what an upgrade eh?

Chapter 10

Harry dodged behind the sofa closest to the door and shielded his head against a blast just inches from his head, or so it felt. Three more blasts decimated the sofa and showed just how determined Percy was to destroy him. Harry pulled out his wand and threw a curse over the sofa but to his surprise Percy had vanished, he let himself be unshielded to long and Percy used this to his advantage and blasted a curse at him, it hit Harry's shoulder causing him to yell out.

Percy leapt over what remained of the sofa and grabbed Harry, he picked Harry up with more strength then Harry had judged the scholar to ever have. His wand brought up and pointed at Harry's throat, time seemed to hold still. Percy looked him in the eyes but made no move to continue, not for several seconds at least.

And then the spell broke and time continued, he took a breath in to say the spell and all Harry could do was gape. None of this made sense, why?

There was a blast like nothing else Harry had ever heard and suddenly the door was sailing across the room and Percy was grabbed and thrown away from Harry, it was Snape. For an instant, Harry could have sworn he saw a golden aura around the man he had once hated, no longer though. Seeing Harry was alright he turned away and continued to break down Percy's defenses. Despite the surprise, Percy still had his wand and despite all others entering the room he intended to use it. He didn't try to run for cover, he began blasting at Severus who blacked them easily, then he turned and threw a blast at his own mother who came through the door just then, Remous pulled her out of the way just in time. Others began to pile into the room then, blocking his curses easily.

"Long live Lord Vol-" His shriek was cut off as several wands cast various spells on him. Mrs Weasly looked, shocked.

"Wait! Don't hurt him!" Harry said jumping forward with his hands up.

"Did you hear him?" Someone asked.

"Harry," Hermione said pushing to the front of the crowd.

"No, I mean yes I heard him, no this doesn't make sense." Harry stuttered looking at Percy, he had been bound to the floor, still despite a silencing charm being bound to him, he was spitting silent curses and fighting with all his might.

"He's been distant for years, it all makes sense now." Said someone from the back of the room somewhere.

"No, no it doesn't. I saw it in his eyes he didn't want to hurt anybody." Harry said.

"Harry you think he's being controlled?" Asked Hermione.

"Only one of us can tell." Harry turned to Snape. "He's innocent I know it, he was never attack his own mother, and he never much liked me but he'd never try to kill me either."

Snape looked at him and without saying anything, seemed to agree to testing him.

Percy faught the entire time, right up until Snape grabbed his head and seemed to somehow mind-meld, as harry called it in his head. Then Percy held still, several moments passed.

"Is it possible, he's been under control all this time?" Asked Ron. "Would explain why he turned into such an a-"

"Ronald!" Hermione said.

Several more moments passed both Severus and Percy remained still and then, they both broke apart quite suddenly. Percy was gasping for air like he'd never breathed it before.

"He's free," Answered Snape to Mrs Weasly's pleading eyes, she embraced her son as did the rest of the Weasly clan. All other by-standers began to feel like outsiders intruding so they departed. Harry followed Snape out, they were the last to leave the room, except the Weasly's still embracing each other, and talking excitedly.

Once out in the hall Harry went to his room. Somehow seeing Percy reunited with his family, all forgiving and understanding, had put a sadness in Harry's heart he could not quite understand. He felt lonely now. His family would never be like that, even if they had lived.

To cheer himself up he walked out into the hall and to Lupin's room, he knocked on the door and was surprised when Tonks answered the door.

"Im sorry I thought this was Lupin's room..." He mumbled, a hand appeared above her head and pulled the door open further, Lupin stood there looking back at him. As both had not been downstairs just moments before, he knew what they were doing in the room, despite both being completely dressed at the moment. "Oh," was all he could say, he turned away.

"Was there something you needed Harry?" Called Lupin, he shook his hand behind him in answer but did not turn around. Lupin did not pursue him either. He went to Sirius next but was told he was busy in a rehabilitation circle, they met daily at about that time and he wouldn't be coming back for a few hours yet.

He learned that Hermione had left to care for Dumbledore, Ron had left with the Weasly's just moments before, they had all decided to go home. The emptiness grew like a sickness, he couldn't take being there anymore.

He went to his room once more, this time to pack, he didn't exactly have a plan, he wasn't stupid, he was aware he was a wanted man, but he could not stay there, he wanted to be with family. He couldn't go with the Weasly's, they would need to care for Percy, stuff like that took a while to get over. He couldn't go to Lupin, obviously he was starting his own family, and Sirius was dealing with his own problems just then and who could begrudge him that?

There was a knock at the door which surprised him enough to drop the empty birdcage it landed with a loud crash. The door swung open then to reveal Snape.

"Going somewhere?" He asked coldly.

"Away." Harry answered he picked the cage up and put it on top the trolley.

"You are not yet healthy enough to go anywhere." Snape said snidely.

"I feel fine, move aside." Harry said glaring at the man now in his way.

"You feel 'fine' only because of my potions, in a few hours you won't have any to take and then what will you do? Come crawling back?" Snape said. His sudden closeness did have one advantage and Harry took it, he barged passed the professor and went down the hall. The place was deserted now, with supper being pretty much canceled without Molly. He went out the door but was quickly grabbed and dragged, fighting all the way, back inside. Snape shut the door with a slam and turned exasperated at the boy,.

"Where do you think you can go? Hmmm?" Snape asked almost snottily.

"Where do you think I can stay?" Harry retorted back. "With Serious? The man is just getting his life back? I would never take that from anybody. Or Lupin which is both illegal and forbidden not to mention he's starting his own life as well." He couldn't stop himself from continueing if he'd have tried, which he didn't. "Lets not forget the Weasleys, with their many, many kids. Just let me go, Ill find my way." This time when he barged past Snape, he made no move to stop him, but only because they were no longer alone.

"Harry," Black said sadly, Harry stopped at the door, his eyes closed, he didn't regret Sirius hearing his conversation, if anything it was a ginormous relief. Snape continued, sounding as sad as he had ever heard him. "I would never refuse you into my home."

"I know that Godfather but you just got a new life, and all I would be living with you is baggage from your old life. I refuse to be baggage from a past life, you deserve better and I want better." Harry turned away from them both and left.

He walked down the street, aware that Snape had followed him, it was only when he stopped at a park bench and sat down, beginning to feel the effects of the potion wear off, that Snape approached him.

"Beginning to feel the pain?" Snape asked, Harry stayed quiet. Madam Pomfrey had always been able to heal him within days this injury was taking so long to heal, and he just didn't see why.

"Starting to hurt Potter?" Asked Snape standing in front of him now.

"I'm not about to start crawling back if thats what your referring to." Harry stated.

"Harry, we have to talk..." Snape sat down beside Harry and Harry listened to what Snape had to say, for once he didn't feel the need to interrupt or make excuses, he just listened.

That night Harry returned with Snape to his Godfather's household. He was greeted by both Sirius and Lupin as soon as he entered the room.

"Harry, you came back, we were both worried." Lupin said, it was clear he had been updated as to what Harry had said, Harry could tell by his greeting, rather then the usual pat on the back or even embrace, Lupin was standing back, but not dejectedly so, more like, he was giving Harry the space he needed.

"I came back to tell you both, I love you guys, you are both my family now, and Im not always going to treat you the best but Ill give you my best efforts to do so. I have to go now, Ill be living with Snape, but I will visit often and you can always depend on me to be your family whenever you need me. But not for a while, just some time, I need perhaps a month, or may be a year or two, I know its not any of your faults but I need time."

They nodded sadly, when he had said where he would be staying both had almost interrupted him but then he had continued on and they had remained silent. He looked at both now, gave them both embraces, went to his room, gathered his belongings and went back down to join Snape and his own family. They left silently and aparated away once outside in the deserted street.

Harry took in his new surroundings, the old fence, over grown yard, he dared not look at the house beyond.

"You did well tonight." Snape said.

"Thanks, so, this fresh start, where does it begin?" Harry asked.

So thats it, story finished, complete done, I think I covered it all...