
The night always had hidden wanderers. The night is an ancient occurrence that will forever be a mystery; a never ending fog of the black sky. Some may say that life only seems to breathe its first real breath until the setting of the sun as it was for a male child born into the world.

Though small, this child was an heir that was not meant to be; forever to be looked upon as a mistake. That is to assume the feelings of the woman that gave birth to him. But no, this child was loved dearly by his mother. The woman was hardly a woman in her lover's eyes. A goddess would be what only started to describe her as he looked at her. Oh the irony of it! The man fell for a woman who he could only describe as a divine being. His words more true than the false lies he would have to tell his son.

The woman with silver eyes bore into crystal blue orbs for one last longing and pain filled gaze. As she set her child down into a crib and bent over to kiss his forehead, the man gently put his arms around her to soothe and comfort his love.

"Hush my dear, please don't cry," He said ever so lovingly. "I can't stand to see you this way."

With a wipe of tears as a reaction to his comment she turned to him in his arms. Never did she think that she would love again, but this man had taken her heart and she swore not to ever take it back. For two years she had stayed with him and never did she think of the anxieties that would soon come end her bliss and pleasure.

"I wish I could stay,"—she sobbed into his chest—"I long and yearn to stay with you and our child."

"But you and I both know that it cannot be so." The man said sadly.

"I'll stay another year, I can keep my presence everywhere I need be," The denying goddess went on, "I know it won't be easy but—"

"Then how long will it be until you have lost the strength to carry on this way?" He had said holding her face up so to wipe tears and look into the eyes of the moon. "You will become vulnerable, and everyone will want to investigate why it is you are so weakened."

In her heart she knew he was right, it was one of the many reasons she chose him. The man knew her better than she knew herself, and for the first time in so long she broke down like a child and cried. Strong and steady, he supported her, and picked her up into his arms and sit on the nearby couch. Then he began to stroke her auburn hair.

In his lap she curled into a ball to try and shun away the world. Even with all her efforts it was to no avail. She had to return to her duties as Artemis, the goddess of child birth and the hunt. She knew she chose this night for a reason; it was to be the dark of the moon, and no one would know her emotions. Another reason was to keep away from sharing a bed with the man she loved for if she was to sleep one more night in his arms, she would never leave and would damn her lover to worst of punishments and her child without any parents.

"I love you," she said as she picked her head out of the ball she put herself in, "And I will never forget you."

As a final farewell to him, Artemis lifted her head to join in a kiss filled with only love. It lasted for almost a full minute, but to the two lovers it wasn't even a second. Getting up from her comfortable position she walked away from his warmth and protection to her beloved baby and gave him a ring on a chain with the moon imprinted on the silver band. Stated in Greek the words 'I am with you' were engraved in it.

"As long as he wears this, I will always be able to sense his distress by the time he turns fourteen." Artemis stated quietly. Taking one last look at her lover who was standing next to her by that time, she finally turned to the child sleeping peacefully in his crib and kissed him on the cheek goodbye as well. Her leaving was swift for she could not bear to look back, knowing that if she did she would not leave. The man understood completely and took his now wakened child into his arms as comfort.

"You sensed her leave too huh?" He said to his pride and joy. "Little Milo."