Slumber Party : Chapter 1: Invitations

"I am svelte, not scrawny!" Odd screamed at the top of his lungs. "Scrawny," Ulrich coughed into his fist. Odd looked like he would explode.


Suddenly Aelita couldn't take it anymore. "QUIET, THE BOTH OF YOU! Sit down and stop acting like three year-olds, or I will give you something more painful than an energy field!" she snapped, hands on hips and glaring daggers at them. The two boys immediately shut their mouths, sitting down on opposite ends of Odd's bed. Jeremy looked at her in amazement.

"You really need to teach me that sometime," he said. Aelita sat down next to him on Ulrich's bed. "I just can't stand it when they act more mature than Kiwi," she sighed, folding her arms. Jeremy eyed the two boys.

Suddenly the door opened, a girl dressed in black from head to toe entering.

"Yumi. What took you so long?" Jeremy asked. "Sorry, I had to get a book from the library. I hope they weren't acting too bad...?" she asked, eyeing the boys, who looked like they were about to get into another scuffle. "Aelita has kept them in check," Jeremy said proudly. Suddenly a thud sounded, and the three flinched. Odd was laying on the floor, feet propped up against the bed. "Until now," Yumi grimaced. "HEY!" Odd yelled as he tried to right himself.

"SIT." Aelita commanded to both of them. "Yes ma'am," Odd replied meekly. They sat still. Yumi looked at Aelita in disbelief, while Jeremy attempted and failed to stifle his laughter.

"You have to know how to discipline them," she smiled.

"Is Jeremy the only mature boy here?" Yumi complained. "Yes," Jeremy answered. She looked at him.

"It was rhetorical."

"I know."

Yumi sighed. "Apparently not," she mumbled. Jeremy grinned. "Anyway, why did you want us here?" he asked.

Yumi settled in the chair by the desk.

"Before I start, I want to ask if-" Suddenly she was interrupted by an insistent barking. "WHAT NOW?" she demanded angrily. Kiwi barked again, and everyone turned to where he was sitting on Jeremy's lap, something in his mouth. "Ulrich, I think he has something of yours," Jeremy smiled. It was a pair of boxers, identified as Ulrich's by the soccer balls.

"AH!" he exclaimed, cheeks turning red as he raced to grab the underwear. A game of tug-a-war ensued. "Hey, this is just like the time Kiwi stole your underwear, Jeremy!" Odd snickered. Jeremy turned red as everyone looked at him curiously. "I thought I told you not to tell anyone," he hissed. Odd grinned and shrugged.

Jeremy buried his face in his hands.

Aelita giggled as she blushed lightly. "Chill out," she told him, putting a hand on shoulder. He didn't respond. "Okay, as much as I'm enjoying this," Yumi laughed, "I still want to ask my question." Ulrich stuffed the underwear in his drawer and resumed his place by Odd as Jeremy uncovered his face.

"Okay," Yumi huffed.

I was wondering if you guys have any plans for the three-day weekend? There are no classes, you know," she said. "Odd, do you have any plans?"

"Course' I do," he yawned lazily.

"First I have to sleep, then eat, then play video games," he counted the reasons on three fingers. Yumi rolled her eyes. "So, in other words, nothing important," she said. Odd's eyes widened. "Eating is EXTREMELY important, and you know it!" he exclaimed angrily. Yumi ignored him, going to Jeremy.

"Do you have any plans?" He shrugged. "I was going to work on my robots, but I don't have any real plans." "Great!" Yumi beamed. "Ulrich?" Ulrich looked at her. "Yeah, I'm going to be annoyed out of my head the whole weekend." Yumi rolled her eyes again. "Okay, so no plans. Aelita?"

She smiled. "I don't have anywhere to go to during the weekend anyway, so I don't have any plans," the pink haired girl said. "Great!" Yumi beamed. "I have something amazing to tell you guys!"

"Well, tell us before you explode in your excitement," Aelita laughed.

"I am having a sort of slumber party. My parents will be gone for their anniversary, and Hiroki is going on a trip with a friend. It took a lot of begging, promises, and asked, but my parents actually let me have a party, and you're all invited!" she blurted. "Awesome!" Odd exclaimed.

"It's also a sleepover. Bring an extra set of clothes, pajamas, and whatever else you might need. You'll all come; right?" she asked. "Of course," Aelita answered. "Wouldn't miss it for the world," Ulrich answered. "Yeah!" Odd yelled. "Yes," Jeremy nodded his head. "Great!" Yumi said.

"I've never had a sleepover before," Aelita said. "I can't wait!" Everyone except Jeremy looked at her in surprise. "You haven't?" Odd asked. "No," Aelita answered, shaking her head. "Remember guys, my dad's work was secret. I didn't get out much and was home schooled, so I didn't really have any friends my age..." she said, a tone of melancholy entering her voice.

They nodded with understanding. "Me neither," Jeremy said. Now everyone turned to him with surprise. "Why haven't you had a sleepover before?" Yumi asked. Jeremy tapped his glasses. "Nerd, remember? People like me don't have friends. No friends, no sleepover," he shrugged.

Odd looped an arm around his shoulders and Aelita took his hand. "That's only cause' they didn't get to know you Einstein!" he exclaimed. "Yeah Jeremy; you're a great friend," Aelita smiled at him. Jeremy found himself immediately smiling back. "Thanks guys. I have some great friends," he said, smiling widely at the four.

"That's why we're together. Great people meet great people," Yumi smiled. They all nodded, grinning.

"Packing time!" Odd suddenly exclaimed, jumping up. "Okay," laughed Aelita. The children dispersed, each heading to their respective dorms to pack for the upcoming weekend.

~I know it's sort of short, but I can make longer ones. Hope you like it! If you've read my past work, you know what's going to be down the road... :)~

By the way, I know truth or dare is like the oldest idea in the book, but who doesn't love kissing dares and truths revealing crushes? A crazy person! Come on, you know I can't do a proper sleepover fic without truth or dare... Don't deny that you love it! ~Gives impish smile~

