A/N Hi, everyone! I've been itching to write something, but JAD will NOT cooperate with me, so I decided on a simple one-shot. While trying to find out about a Tangled 2, I stumbled upon this amazing interview with Nathan and Byron(the directors)and loved it. I love this scene because number one, it's adorable. Two, you start to see their chemistry, which I always love to play with. Before I ramble, let's read! -Liz
And He Falls Hard: A Tangled One-Shot
"Was he a thief, too?" Rapunzel asks gently, the light from the campfire shining in her eyes. The question catches me a bit off-guard.
"Uh…well, no. Actually, he could do anything he wanted to do, go anywhere he wanted to go. And for a kid, with nothing…" I stumble a little bit. Rapunzel's green eyes gently press me to go on.
"I guess…I guess it just seemed like the better option." why was I a thief? It seemed so amazing, in the life of Flynnigan Rider. All the money he could ever want, all the clothes he could wear, girls begging him for his love…
Except there's one problem.
I'm not Flynnigan.I suddenly realize what I've just said, and put on the charm quickly.
"You can't tell anyone, okay? This could ruin my whole reputation." I lean towards Rapunzel, and she leans back a bit, slightly smiling.
"Ah. We wouldn't want that," she says with a grin. I smile, too.
"Well, a fake reputation's all a man's got!" I remark charmingly, and Rapunzel laughs lightly. I let myself chuckle, too. Rapunzel laughs once more and looks up at me, her bright green eyes and childlike face making her seem…like a kid. I smile a little bit, my eyes soft. Then I remember:
Flynn Rider does not fall. In. Love.
But Eugene Fitzherbert certainly does.
And he falls hard.
A/N Awww! I honestly love this scene. The interview that inspired it is below!
Yes, I KNOW that this is short. But that's my thing!