Miyuki: Hey guys. Sorry it's been so long.

Gajeel: "Sorry it's been so long", MY ASS!"

Gold: You've been gone forever, dammit!

Natsu: What happened to the fight? !

Wendy: Miyuki-san, weren't we in an explosion when you left off?

Sapphire: DID THEY DIE? !

Gold: Oh man, you better not have killed us off, Author, or else I'm gonna-

Miyuki: GUYS, CALM DOWN! Why in the name of heck would I even think of killing you guys off. Besides, the story isn't done yet, I need you guys to finish it.

Gold: Wait, so you're going to kill us after the story? !

Miyuki: NO! Please guys, could you get out for a sec? This is supposed to be MY note to the readers, and it's important.

Gajeel: As if you'd have somethin' important to say, ya crazy writer…

Natsu: OI! You're not…ending the story, are you?

Gajeel: *IGNORED!* 0o0

Miyuki: If you would leave me in peace to finish this note, then maybe you would know if I was ending the story or not, Natsu!

*The door slams*

Miyuki: *sigh* Finally. Now back to what I was going to say.

As you can see from the PokéTail crew, you're not the only ones upset that I haven't updated in about four months. I have the smallest, tiniest impression that maybe, just maybe, some of you may or may not be more or less upset and tired of waiting for the next chapter to come out. Unfortunately, today is not that fateful day.

Now before you start throwing tables at me (oww…that would hurt…), I just want you guys to know that I seem to have run into a wall. Yep. A wall. A giant indestructible wall that blocks us from getting to chapter 28.

Now, how exactly do we break this wall, you ask?

Well, there's only one way. And only I can do it. I must rethink about the story thus far and see what I can do to keep you all interested and entertained, more so than last time. In other words, FIND SOME DAMN GOOD IDEAS TO WRITE THE NEXT CHAPTER.

I can only hope that when I actually do get those damn good ideas, that they won't end up turning into crap when I write (type) them down.

If you all can give me some more time (I know, I know. I said I was sorry, didn't I?), I can try to get those ideas, and also make sure they don't turn into crap. I beg your forgiveness (again).

And as for this fic ending…

HELL NO! I will not, I repeat, WILL NOT cut this story short. I'll finish this story, no matter how long it takes! Even if there's not a single person left on this Earth who enjoys this story, I WILL FINISH IT. Especially, and mostly for you beautiful readers, but also for myself.

I promise you guys, one day PokéTail will be back up and running! So stay tuned!
