Hey everyone, so this is only my second fanfic so please don't judge, also it's my first Sons of Anarchy fanfiction. If I get any biker terminology wrong please don't chew me out, I'm not that huge into cars and/or motorcycles I'm just a writer and a huge fan of the show craving some serious fictional motorcycle gang action/romance. Thanks

Chapter One

Tricia Markowitz stood behind the counter of the bar, nodding her head along to the beat of the music pulsating through the bar. Her coworker, Nikki, the picture of professionalism for someone who worked in a bar, shook her head, rolling her eyes in annoyance and pouring some vodka into a glass of coke before pushing past Tricia into the back. Tricia ignored her bad attitude, completely absorbed in listening to the music pounding through the speakers. Her attention was diverted as a handsome, muscular guy sat down in front her with a cocky smile on his chiseled face. Resisting the urge to shake her head, Tricia turned to the guy with forced politeness. "You want something?" She asked, her voice polite while her words were anything but.

The man's eyes roved up and down her body, blatantly checking her out. "Yea, I definitely see something I want." He commented while Tricia raised her eyebrows.

"To drink," she clarified.

"Oh," the man said with a smile, nodding his head. "To drink." He said as if he had no idea what to order at a bar. "Right, I'll have a beer on tap. Thanks doll." The man said while Tricia's jaw tightened at his words. She hated guys like him, who thought that just because that had a drool worthy body and oozed charm that they were irresistible and could do, say, or get whatever they wanted, like the guy sitting in front of her, watching her like a predator watching its prey. "My name's Ryan, by the way. Ryan Jameson." He told her, the cocky smile not leaving his face while Tricia dropped the mug of beer down in front of him with a tense smile.

"I didn't ask." Tricia responded with disinterest, hoping that Ryan Jameson would take the hint and fuck off.

"What's your name?" Ryan asked, sipping the beer.

"Kiss my ass." Tricia said offhandedly, picking up a rag from under the bar to wipe down the what little of the busy counter she could, to help out the janitor so he wouldn't have a huge sticky mess to clean.

"Well, Kiss My Ass, would it be too forward of me to ask what time you get off work?" Ryan inquired with a charming smile.

"It was too forward of you to ask my name." Tricia responded curtly, glaring at him while three of what appeared to be his friends, whooped loudly and came over to the bar to sit beside him. Sighing at the sight of the three, obviously drunk frat boy looking guys, Tricia moved over towards them, waiting for an order. They had the same gorgeous golden boy looks and defined muscles as Ryan as well as the same carefree attitude and arrogance of someone who knows how good they look and are used to it getting them whatever they wanted. However, Tricia wasn't the kind of girl that they were used to. She wasn't a naïve sorority chick who'd put out for any pretty boy who asked simply because of his stunning looks and Daddy's money. Tricia had seen more in her short twenty-four years than these boys their future blonde bimbo society wives would in their whole lives. These boys and their looks did absolutely nothing for her.

"Hey, baby, three large buds." One of the guys said before turning back to Ryan. Rolling her eyes, Tricia grabbed the Buds and opened them before dropping them onto the bar in front of the three boys who obviously didn't need anymore alcohol in their systems. "Thanks sugar," the man said with a wink while she resisted the urge to gag.

"Fine piece of ass. You tryin' to tap that bitch, Ry?" Another guy asked as if Tricia wasn't standing right there at the bar.

"I don't try, Luke. I do." Ryan responded, making the other guys laugh.

"Not funny," Tricia murmured under her breathe.

"Yeah, we all know Ryan'll get lucky tonight. No pussy can resist him." The third guy said with a grin.

"Please, anyone can land a girl like her." Luke said to his friends while Tricia's hands curled into fists, but she didn't say anything, trying to hold her temper together.

"Nah, you couldn't Luke. Even a prostitute would refuse to have sex with you. Repulsive little pussy!" The first guy laughed while Luke just rolled his eyes and looked to Tricia.

"Yo! Honey! C'mere a second, baby." Luke called while the other guys laughed, shaking their heads. Tricia squared her shoulders and walked towards them, crossing her arms across her chest. "You feel like fuckin' a real man tonight?"

Tricia let a small smile play over her lips. "Sure, tell me when you find one."

His boys oohed at him while Luke just narrowed his eyes at Tricia. "You ain't ever had a real man until you've had me."

"Big talk. Overcompensating for something?" Tricia asked innocently.

"Listen here, bitch, don't insult me because you're a lousy lay. I'll show you the ropes if you want." Luke commented while his drunk buddies sniggered.

"Do you even know what I real orgasm sounds like? 'cause I can bet that the girls you fuck don't ever leave satisfied. How much you want to bet that your buddies satisfy them after your abysmal attempt at sex." Tricia snapped going to grab one of his friend's empty bottles.

Luke grasped her wrist just as Nikki and the new bouncer on shift, Julian, walked into the room. They froze, waiting and watching as Tricia looked at Luke with contempt. "Shut the fuck up, bitch. I think you need a man to show you your place."

"Oh yeah? And where would that be?" Tricia spat at him while his friend's faces began to sober up.

"Under a man." Luke spat at her, his hold on her wrist tightening.

Tricia narrowed her eyes at him until they were slits. "You sexist bastard. You're not even a real man." She hissed at him and his face became red while fury lit his eyes. Tricia could feel that something was about to go down. She steeled herself while Julian hollered at the man and Nikki even crossed her arms and glared.

"Hey man, tone it down. Don't want to do something that you're gonna regret." Ryan said, intercepting his friend and prying his hand off of Tricia's wrist. Taking it back, she rubbed the bruised wrist and watched impassively as Ryan pushed Luke to his other two friends who'd stood up and sobered up, obviously sensing the seriousness of the situation. She doubted this was the first time Luke had pulled something like this. "You're drunk. Go home and walk away." Ryan said while Luke gave one last glare to Tricia before stumbling out of the bar, his two friends supporting him. Luke looked back at me just as Julian and Nikki flanked me.

"You okay?" Julian asked worriedly. Julian Thomas was huge and burly with a buzz cut and a love of tight, fitted shirts. However, the boy was only nineteen, almost twenty, and had just returned home from the military. He was also like the little brother Tricia had always wanted, protective but also very perceptive, not interfering in anyone's business unless absolutely necessary.

"I'm fine Jules." Tricia said to him casually, barely shaken up by the meeting. It wasn't the first time a customer—let alone a person in general—had gotten rough with her, and it certainly wouldn't be the last. She'd had worse than what that drunk, sexist asshole had thrown at her. Just ask her parents.

"Give me his name and I'll put him on the list." Julian ordered Tricia who sighed. He was more than just protective of Tricia alone, but of everyone who worked in the club. After all, everyone there was like a giant family. They'd all grown up together and had family who'd grown up together since they'd all been born and raised in Charming, California. A small town where most people knew each other, or, at least, had heard of each other. Tricia was the outsider, a new resident from Los Angeles with a tough as nails attitude and sarcasm like you wouldn't believe.

"Luke Carmichael." Ryan told Julian. "Hey look," he addressed the three of them, Tricia in particular. "I'm sorry about Luke, he just gets a little rowdy when he gets drunk." Ryan informed them.

"Just keep him out of here." Julian responded sharply. "I don't want anyone getting hurt." He said before walking away.

"I agree with Julian. I don't want to see that no good frat boy around here again." Nikki hissed at Ryan before moving to the other side of the bar.

Tricia rolled her eyes. "Don't sweat it." She said to Ryan. "I've had worse that a drunk frat boy grabbing my wrist and telling me that I'm meant to be submissive. There've definitely been worse drunks come through here." She said to Ryan.

"Anyway, are you sure that you don't want to…talk to me after you get off?" Ryan asked with a charming smile.

Tricia glanced at the clock and grinned, pulling off her apron. "Sure." She said with a seductive smile. "Let's talk."

Sorry that Happy wasn't in the first chapter but I really just wanted to show you Trisha without Happy involved because she is kind of a different person with Happy than she will be with most guys. After all, I love Happy but he's pretty damn scary, right? Anyway, I swear he'll be in the next chapter. Anyway, thanks for reading.